If this post gets me banned, so be it. But I have to say it. It is getting tiring.
So do I. Especially where he stated that they had trouble maintaining 2GHz on the GPU with the traditional way of doing power delivery. Timestamped;
Sony implemented SmartShift because they wanted higher clocks for the same power. And they did the shifting and boosting based on workload rather than temperature because they wanted performance to be reliable and not vary based on the environment your PS5 finds itself in. All reasonable decisions. It is not warning- nor ban-worthy to say that they had trouble keeping the high frequencies due to thermal issues. It's technically power delivery, so it's not
exactly the same thing but the two are directly correlated.
Part of the issue here is that whenever something other than a purely positive outlook is posted about the PS5, it is instantly assumed that the user is doing so out of malice. In other words, no one is allowed to be 'wrong' on any slight detail, and trolling is instantly the label that gets slapped on you to justify the warnings and the ban threats. You better be a flawless expert if you want to say anything that's not in praise of the PS5, otherwise you're just a troll, trying to derail blah blah blah. This happens especially in the next gen speculation thread. And even IF you are a flawless expert, you still better watch out.
However, whenever something other than a purely positive outlook is posted about the XSX, either ignorance or neutrality is assumed. In other words, they are allowed to be wrong. In fact, they are allowed to be wrong after being corrected multiple times and they keep repeating the same things over and over.
And while the former group immediately gets warnings and ban threats, the latter group gets e-mails and general replies in threads when reported, if the matter is handled at all. The latter group seems to get off a lot easier, which is particularly weird, because the latter group is a lot larger. Or maybe that is exactly the reason...
Things have improved a bit over the last month or so, but they still are not what they need to be.
In any case... Just some piece of advice
... Just stay away of the next gen speculation thread. It is a PS5 praising thread, and anything else gets mass reported and will get you labeled a troll. To me, I still got falsely accused and thread-banned unfairly, and got a bunch of unfair warnings on top of that. But it is too much of a shitfest in that thread for me to bother appealing anything anymore.