I’d like to open up a discussion with all those participating in this thread and receive some input on this decision and some other things since I am still fairly new to this site and am not sure of all the rules. I was given a warning total of three points (how many until I am banned btw? I’m trying my best to avoid but I have 6 warning points total) for this thread
There’s a Tyrant waiting for Rebecca. The fucking baboons are guarding the shotgun that holds 7 rounds in the Mansion. I had left it there long ago before I had rescued Rebecca and decided to just survive with the shotgun that holds only 2 rounds. Unfortunately, I left that out by the Church...
And the moderation notice is here
The thing is, I wasn’t trolling at all. Those were my genuine thoughts and emotions and me having fun with others discussing probably my second or third favorite series in Resident Evil, first is definitely The Legend of Zelda series. You can look at my posts in those threads and you can see that I openly frustrated with the game and pointing out its flaws and glitches and such. But I was also asking and listening to others about info on the game. Tips, strategies, hints, and listening to their experiences on the game and talking about the other Resident Evil games too
I saw that three posters curtly assumed I was trolling and called me out because of my making multiple threads for the same game, but I didn’t feel like it would be a good idea to make one thread about it since this is my first playthrough and I am super careful to try my best not to spoil things for myself and others and I know a lot would probably go against me had I made just one thread for Resident Evil: Zero. As well as the fact that I didn’t think my run is important because I am obviously much worse at this game than even the average gamer who will play it. I have a reason for too, but I don’t want to bore everyone in here with the details. But I think it’s wrong in this situation that posters were ridiculing me and assuming I was trolling because I have been playing for so long and touching base with other gamers every so often in a new thread
Saying, (loosely paraphrasing)
“a game that takes 4-5 hrs”
“this game has 12 hrs of gameplay”
“so we can expect another 5 months of RE0 threads then”
“you have to stop with these threads. it’s bordering on trolling at this point”
I can understand the last one. At least that poster didn’t outright assume but the other three are essentially saying, “you couldn’t beat this game in 4 hrs like the pro speedrunners wtf man. You didn’t beat it in 12 hrs like a veteran who has already played this before come on man, why are you still talking about the game” basically is what they expect
There are several factors as to why I didn’t beat the game in the average amount of time it would usually take but again I digress unless somebody wants to hear them. But that’s another thing, how do I go about posting? What should I have done in this entire situation? I thought I was doing pretty good and behaving well but those few posters sort of all came at me at once and myst have reported me for trolling or something. But that was never the case, those were threads where we discussed and covered a decent bit for anyone who is struggling during their first playthrough as I have been. It was all for fun but those posters pressed an issue that was never even there. The only thing I think I might’ve done wrong, is to have made too many threads on one game for one user? I can see how that might overload a website if every viewer were to do that
And here’s a pic of the untamable belly of the beast unleashed by Capcom