Thank you. It does sound okay.
Okay, I've lifted that. Away you may voyage fair sailor.
Thank you. It does sound okay.
Reported means we see it.
We still have a TOS, even though we are lax with it more often than not. No action was taken against his account, just a post nuked.
I have when he posted a graphic video not spoliered or marked NSFW. It was ignored.Has anyone ever reported you?
Reported for extreme reporterryI have when he posted a graphic video not spoliered or marked NSFW. It was ignored.
I guess my problem is that I barely use the report button. I did for a while on the Xbot thing, because you said that’s what we should do, since then I have rarely used it.Maybe people shouldn’t be so sensitive over inanimate objects all the damned time.
The more serious derails and trolling we do take care of, and I will also action or drop notes in threads when I see fit outside of reports.
You’re over thinking all of this. Be adults, talk it out, and have introspection in the process. All things considered, I can comfortably say the majority of console war reports are done out of personal and / or hypocritical biases.
Xbox fans report only Sony fans, Sony fans only report Xbox fans, etc.. When all their post histories are on display. We also take into context what led up to said report, and there is a lot of baiting that goes on when the conversations are back tracked. On all sides.
Fix your XboxGAF community first before complaining..I guess my problem is that I barely use the report button. I did for a while on the Xbot thing, because you said that’s what we should do, since then I have rarely used it.
If we discount the xbot thing, I think I have used it less then 20 times. Only for the most egregious of posts, or for a quick derail. The messages I got from “edits” prevent me from even trying to have a discussion with you guys, as you seemed to lay a stake in the ground in your edit messages.
Moderating by report leads to abuse.
I know I was personally banned by copy pasting another users post and replacing the words Xbox with PS4. Evilore fixed it quick, but it shows just how open moderating by reports isn’t totally effective.
That was almost 2 years ago and under this new staff.
I'm dead serious though, we can still support our teams but not like the way things are, at the moment.
I'm dead serious though, we can still support our teams but not like the way things are, at the moment.
Imagine having 8 alt accounts to root for your team? That shit is borderline insane and we need to do better by pre-ordering the PS5.
In all seriousness though, a temporary truce or a long term memorandum of understanding would be great for the Gaming Discussion section, and I have no problem being the ambassador representing SonyGAF if that opportunity ever arises.
"There's dozens of us! DOZENS!!!" - NintendoGAFWe all know Nintendo GAF is supreme ruler anyway.
I think there needs to be a memorandum of understanding between XboxGAF and SonyGAF sooner than later or else all hell will break loose.
I guess the tribe has spoken, am I right,Nintendo Gaf will watch, as they’re accustomed to.
You can't be part of Nintendo Gaf if you only play Mario Kart.Nintendo Gaf will watch, as they’re accustomed to.
Not sure if this a shitpost or just tism.Fix your XboxGAF community first before complaining..
None of your community members acknowledged the fact that there were 8 alt accounts console warring for your team for the past 3-6 months, and personally attacking members like myself.
Also, you and your community showed the most hypocritical side of yourselves I've ever seen during the last 7 days regarding Sony releasing HZD on PC despite the fact that your platform of choice does the exact same thing.
Instead of your community saying "hey, welcome to the club!", you guys started bashing out and pushing the rhetoric that Sony failed so hard for releasing their games on PC. You yourself couldn't help yourself and went on NioH 2's review thread and said "Can't wait to play this on PC".
I think the whole "eye to eye" thing is getting out of hand because even I got sucked into that mentality yesterday with what I said on the minecraft thread, which I did deliberately to show how childish it is to take something positive and turn into a console warring opportunity.
I think there needs to be a memorandum of understanding between XboxGAF and SonyGAF sooner than later or else all hell will break loose.
That's the only kind there is!You guys need to have angry man sex
This is unreal, did you just photoshop GamerNYC78's hair on Trump.....This is hilarious....It fits him quite well tbh......He looks even more Draconian and No-Nonsense....
LMAO, my boyThis is unreal, did you just photoshop GamerNYC78's hair on Trump.....This is hilarious....It fits him quite well tbh......He looks even more Draconian and No-Nonsense....
Ah fuck, he’s following me now. I thought I got away with it.
It’s alright. He wrote his magnum opus before he was booted.Soulunion banned?![]()
To some extent, I have patience for console warriors. It’s not much, but it’s there.
That goes out the window when they, in service of their almighty console, attack someone who does nothing but work hard to give gamers educative and interesting content, who’s also a genuinely nice person, and with respect, not really cut out to deal with ignorant scum like that.
I don’t even want bans for them. I want Evilore and the mod team to personally go to their houses, kick their asses, and put the footage on Worldstar.
This is hilarious coming from you. You wishing someone to get attacked in real life over a fucking forum? Get help. Also ifEviLore or
Mod of War want to come at me in real life, ya'll know where I live. I believe Evilore lives in Austin which is about 2 hours from Arlington. Since you want it to be personal, come here Arcadia since you want to act like internet tough guy.
But seriously come say hi to me Evilore if you ever swing by. P.S. don't ban me for this post, thank you![]()
This is hilarious coming from you. You wishing someone to get attacked in real life over a fucking forum? Get help. Also ifEviLore or
Mod of War want to come at me in real life, ya'll know where I live. I believe Evilore lives in Austin which is about 2 hours from Arlington. Since you want it to be personal, come here Arcadia since you want to act like internet tough guy.
But seriously come say hi to me Evilore if you ever swing by. P.S. don't ban me for this post, thank you![]()
Do you want a couple of dick pics to verify my gender?Everyone on the forums is a dude to me unless proven otherwise. My PM is open for any photo verifications btw.
would rather not have any pedo porn on my comp, thx.Do you want a couple of dick pics to verify my gender?![]()
Since you want it to be personal, come here Arcadia since you want to act like internet tough guy.
Why did thatSoulUnison guy get banned? There's no post link.
Edit: looks like he was going buck in that Somerset thread.
Edit 2: the poor bastard got cyber bullied into oblivion then permed. You almost feel sorry for the weirdo.
The main action was here:
White House doctor says Donald Trump tested negative for Covid-19
President Donald Trump has tested negative for the coronavirus, according to the White House physician. Trump opted to take the test after the press secretary for Brazil's president tested positive for the virus. Trump dined with Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro and his press secretary
Lmao ANOTHER deranged Xbox fanboy alt account got banned? How many of these are there?
Its the same stupid guy over and over againLmao ANOTHER deranged Xbox fanboy alt account got banned? How many of these are there?
Lmao ANOTHER deranged Xbox fanboy alt account got banned? How many of these are there?
Lmao ANOTHER deranged Xbox fanboy alt account got banned? How many of these are there?