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NeoGAF Games of the Generation Awards

Really it seems like FFX just hit at the right time where it defined what an RPG is for a lot of people. Probably the last time Final Fantasy name meant something.


GAF likes FFX more then XII?


Well Final Fantasy X has received more love over the years than Final Fantasy XII. XII has been more accepted in most circles in recent years but X has pretty much always been considered the best Final fantasy of the PS2 era.


everyone thank cheesemeister for being rad and putting this together

parser results are here!http://api.viglink.com/api/click?fo...xt=check out user affinity ratings and more l

enjoy, everyone.

note: the overall results won't match what i counted. this is partially because i did it by hand and was able to count more in the overall results than parser does. however, this is a sort of alternate universe take based on the results had it been done only for those who 'followed the rules.'


recommended games:

1. [NGC] Metroid Prime (Action-Adventure) = 17 points



Thanks for putting in the extra work despite the seeming lack of interest :p.

Wind Waker is my most recommended game, which is a game I liked but just not enough for it to even make my honorable mentions. The most recommended game that I haven't played is Vice City.....maybe I should give the PS2-era GTAs a try :x? Also shout outs to Pappasman for apparently having awesome tastes in games.

For reference my buds:
1. Pappasman (48) http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=149758043&postcount=510
2. nacimento (37) http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=152050112&postcount=824
3. backflip10019 (25) http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=149661917&postcount=502
3. Devil (25) http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=149657225&postcount=501
3. Gonzo The Great (25) http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=149326829&postcount=28
3. Jedi Link (25) http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=149331176&postcount=88
3. Lucumo (25) http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=152047613&postcount=822
3. Wask (25) http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=149603105&postcount=484
9. DownGrader (24) http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=149330480&postcount=75
9. flatearthpandas (24) http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=149583848&postcount=471


1. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker: Played it, it's been a while but it's one of the mid-tier Zelda games at best. Phenomenal soundtrack, I love the atmosphere, art design, etc. but the dungeons themselves are some of the weaker ones in the series, and the dungeons are typically the most important part of a Zelda game to me. It's been a while but I remember the dungeons here feeling more like a bunch of interconnected rooms with puzzles to solve and enemies to fight than actual cohesive labyrinths, and the puzzles weren't particularly interesting or challenging. It's still a damn good game though, probably one of the best games from the gen that I've played and didn't give an honorable mention to.

2. F-Zero GX: I wish I liked this game more, I really respect what it does and how fast it is but it's hard as balls and that really hurts the experience for me. I ended up beating all of the cups on normal eventually IIRC but I could never get far in the story mode. Still played the hell out of it by replaying the cups over and over again and playing it in multiplayer though. But overall I honestly had more fun with Double Dash and Kirby Air Ride, though this is still solid.

3. Resident Evil 4: I liked this game quite a bit, it's polished and mechanically pretty fun but I don't see all of the hubub, I played it in 2007 and it never really wowed me like I expected it to. It's a good game but certainly not GotG.

4. Metroid Prime: Haven't played this in over a decade, bought the trilogy on the Wii recently thanks to it now being on the Wii U but I haven't played that yet. I'm willing to give this one another shot but I really, really, really didn't like it when I played it. I'm not a big fan of Metroidvania/nonlinear game design in general so right off the bat that hurts this game for me. I really disliked the controls, this was one of the first games I ever played in first-person IIRC (I think I played a little bit of Nightfire before it), and I had difficult getting used to it. Was also not fond of the scanning system. There also wasn't anything I particularly liked about this game, that stood out to me. Even the OST that people praise so much was nothing special to me. Again I need to give it another shot though.

5. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City: First game on here I haven't played. My experience with GTA as a series boils down to playing a couple hours of GTA4 and like 10 minutes of 3 and 5 respectively. I really disliked what I played (similar to Metroid Prime, found the controls to be funky and dislike nonlinear game design), but after seeing this game on here and thinking about it I think I should maybe give the series another go with this game. After all I do like what I've played of Saint's Row 3 so far (played a few hours of it and then let it rot in my backlog admittedly), and that game is apparently similar to PS2-era GTA. Plus it has the GOAT pop song Billie Jean!

6. Half-Life 2: HL2 is one of the first games that comes to mind when I think of "overrated". It has its moments (Ravenholm), but it can also be slow and I really dislike the physics puzzles. Plus I'm not a big fan of FPS games so they're kind of mediocre by default to me if they don't do anything to stand out.

7. Warcraft 3: This was the game that convinced me RTS games weren't for me. I had trouble getting past the tutorial. I originally bought it because I wanted to play Dota with my friend but then I found out that I didn't like that either. RTS games just have too much going on for me. Also, games with an interface designed with PCs in mind feel like work to me. I dunno why, they just do. For a while I thought this was just me being silly when I was a kid but I recently tried to play FTL and nope, that same feeling came rushing back to me again.

8. Halo 2: Solid game, I'm not a fan of FPS games as you can probably tell by now but this is one of my more liked ones. Halo really stands apart from other FPS games to me with its art direction, lore, music, and just really tight feeling gameplay. I think 3 and Reach were ultimately better games with better maps and better campaigns (especially 3), but this was still solid. A definite improvement over CE which I actually found difficult to play at times with its excessive backtracking (and I've never cared for CE's MP, sorry CE fans :\). Unfortunatly I never played this online since I never actually owned it, just played it at my friend's place a bunch, so I never got to experience its true glory days. Perhaps it would be up there as an honorable mention if I did. Regardless I still had fun with this game in local MP. The campaign I remember being alright but I also don't remember much about it.

9. Neverwinter Nights: This is basically my best friend's favorite game ever (or at least it's up there with TF2 and Smash 4 for him). I tried playing it at his house once and I didn't like it, though it felt like something I could potentially like, but the PC-driven interface (again!) was offputting to me and the combat didn't really interest me.

10. Kingdom Hearts 2: Haven't played this, I'm waiting for a potential PS4 version of the HD collection I guess. This one I'm actually interested to see how much I like, my experience of the series is playing BBS which I felt was great and KH1 which I felt was pretty bad. It probably doesn't help that I played BBS first but KH1 had some of the worst level design I had ever seen in a critically acclaimed game, with just disgusting amounts of backtracking and traversing the same small areas over and over. The combat was also sort of mashy in comparison to BBS. BBS' level design was fine and it had some truly great combat. KH2 is apparently a big step up from 1 in both departments but at the same time everything I've heard about the story int his game just makes this sound so terrible that I kind of just want to dislike it.

Guess I might check out Vice City sometime soon. Also want to play SotC and SH2 despite not placing on here. There are lots of games from this gen that I still need to play but these ones I want to get to relatively soon.
Oh snap, I'm on your list? I'm flattered. What do the numbers beside the names mean?

You're on 11 lists actually! Okami brahs gotta stick together.

The numbers have to do with the affinity data. I'm not sure how they're necessarily scored and calculated but the number shows how similar your list is compared to another. Higher numbers means your list is more similar.
recommended games:
I laughed at this turn of events until I looked at my own recommendations...

[B]1. Half-Life 2 [/B]
ehhhhh, I really felt like I was forcing myself through this one when I played it, I mean it's a decent game but I felt like damn near every section felt twice as long as it needed to be thus ending up as a slog for myself. I tend to find that I respect Valve's games but never enjoy them nearly as much as most seem to.

Well while I'm here lets keep going through the recommendations until I hit a game I haven't played...

2. Ico
Played it with the HD version, love the atmosphere but don't care much for the actual game, having played SotC first did not help matters as I felt that gave me what this offered and then some with more engaging gameplay.

3. F-Zero GX
One day I'll unlock those AX cups and the funky alien Taxi driver...okay no I wont because this game is nails, I hit a wall around master difficulty with the cup that had Cosmo Terminal.
Really enjoy the game but part of me actually prefers how F-Zero X plays ever so slightly more.

4. Silent Hill 2
Last year myself and two friends decided to tackle this game and thus begun a great adventure, is what I would like to say happened but I'll be honest, we got bored rooting through those samey apartments around the first hour and never returned.
I don't like to judge the game based on that alone so I'll just chalk it up as not my scene which is a bit of a shame because I am still intrigued by the buzz behind its story elements.
And what's up with those squelchy running sound effects?

5. Metal Gear Solid 2
Played, enjoyed, wondered when I'd get to play as Snake again only to realise that my dreams of a Pliskin Big Shell side story did not exist, I'm forever left wondering what happens when he dives after Liquid's Metal Gear Ray.
Oh well anyway it's a fun slice of the MGS formula, pretty sure its overall message went way over my head at the time, should probably revisit at some point.

6. Persona 3
I have the PSP version, just couldn't get into it despite my best efforts, JRPGs tend to be hit or miss with me.

7. Okami
On paper this should be right up my street, in actual execution I've only been able to play through it all once despite two attempts at replaying, beautiful yet occasionally boorish, a good game that with some editing could have been a great one for me. Alas for all its charm and explorable world it lacks a little something when it comes to the actual gameplay alongside never ending dialogue that hinders the pacing further(PS: up yours Issun you annoying turd)
But it does have posh robo owls which is just the best.

8. Rez
My memories of Rez begin and end with a PS2 demo disc I had come with the console, they consist of me just wondering what the hell I was playing, I'm still not sure, I'm not sure I comprehend this crazy game at all.
Okay so I basically haven't played this one properly but I'm moving onwards.

9. Persona 4
I have the PSVita version, unlike P3P I could get into it and so went 80 hours of my life, still not really sure exactly why it was so compelling especially where P3 fell short but there we go.

10. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
And it would've been in my top 10 to if it weren't for that meddling Wii version, it's the next gen for me.
The dungeon dynamo of the series filled with a host of absolutely ghastly NPC designs almost balanced out by an awesome pair of Yetis.

11. Final Fantasy X
The first FF game I tried and failed to play through, still I've played a fair amount and witnessed much more as a backseat gamer to this title in particular leading me to have mildly fond memories of a game I never actually got on with, what an oddity.

12. Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
The definitive Paper Mario, it lost out to fellow Mario RPG Superstar Saga in my own list as I find this one a bit slow to get going and a touch too familiar to its predecessor, otherwise it's still top stuff building upon the solid foundations of the N64 original with some great scenarios.

13. Mother 3
Much like Earthbound which I recently tackled this is a game I recall enjoying in spite of its battle system that while stronger than that of Earthbound with its rhythm mechanics still leaves something to be desired.
Love pretty much everything else about it mind you, it brings "the feels" as the kids say.

14. Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike
Didn't try this until after SF4 dragged me into the world of fighters full force.
A cast of crazy oddballs, as such it reminds me somewhat of Pokemon's fith gen of "love it or hate it" designs, I'm actually surprised that some of the newcomers stand out as too weird even for me, I'll just stick with Makoto thanks.

15. Skies of Arcadia
Aha! now this one I haven't even played a single second of (please Anihawk don't hurt me) , thus it is the true recommendation of this list, the system eventually works.
Despite Sega having a penchant for re-releasing most of their back catalogue this is never actually among them.
Well okay they only stick to Mega Drive re-releases really.

And on the affinity side of things good old Entrement is apparently my best match, hooray!


yes, skies is totally worth it. especially if you're a sega fan and enjoy good rpgs that handle cliche with love and care.
Im relatively new to gaf so Im not sure what exactly goes into making these lists, but I will say that I agree with this top 20 except that snake eater should be #1
yes, skies is totally worth it. especially if you're a sega fan and enjoy good rpgs that handle cliche with love and care.
Sounds interesting.
*checks skies of arcadia prices*
Well... so goes that plan for the time being, guess I'll just have to make do with a quick race around Rogue's Landing on Sonic Transformed and shoot some folks with Vyse in Valkyria Chronicles instead.

As a compromise AniHawk maybe I'll look into Beyond Good and Evil soon which i've somehow managed to miss out on despite it going beyond mere price drops and into the realm of cereal box freebies, can't be using a price excuse this time.


3. F-Zero GX
One day I'll unlock those AX cups and the funky alien Taxi driver...okay no I wont because this game is nails, I hit a wall around master difficulty with the cup that had Cosmo Terminal.
Really enjoy the game but part of me actually prefers how F-Zero X plays ever so slightly more.

If i remember correctly, for unlocking Groovi Taxi, you had to beat chapter 9 of story mode in very difficult. That's legitimately difficult to do and you need very precise racing, so i'm not going to tell you that you can do that without much effort :p

On the other hand, i'm confident that you can beat Diamond Cup on master. Of course, you may not be interested in playing the game again. I don't know.

I'm going to assume that your problem (or, at least, one of the main ones) with that cup was Phantom Road (the last circuit of the cup). That circuit is infamous for the cheating AI. Watch this two videos posted by a gaf user where you can see the CPUs driving in this circuit:



Therefore, because the CPUs can, in that circuit, get faster times than the f*cking staff ghost... is easy to end up far behind.

Also i have two questions: do you now what quick turning is? what ship did you use when you tried to beat that cup?

Im relatively new to gaf so Im not sure what exactly goes into making these lists, but I will say that I agree with this top 20 except that snake eater should be #1

?? http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=980264


Sounds interesting.
*checks skies of arcadia prices*
Well... so goes that plan for the time being, guess I'll just have to make do with a quick race around Rogue's Landing on Sonic Transformed and shoot some folks with Vyse in Valkyria Chronicles instead.

As a compromise AniHawk maybe I'll look into Beyond Good and Evil soon which i've somehow managed to miss out on despite it going beyond mere price drops and into the realm of cereal box freebies, can't be using a price excuse this time.

what the shit? even the dc version goes for more than $50? damn.
everyone thank cheesemeister for being rad and putting this together

parser results are here!http://api.viglink.com/api/click?fo...xt=check out user affinity ratings and more l

enjoy, everyone.

note: the overall results won't match what i counted. this is partially because i did it by hand and was able to count more in the overall results than parser does. however, this is a sort of alternate universe take based on the results had it been done only for those who 'followed the rules.'

Thanks yet again this year, Master of Cheese!

1) Holy bejebus that's ALOT of PS2 games!

2) I was one of two people to remember Makai Kingdom, and the only one to give points to it. :OOOOOOOOOOOOOO

3) quick correction: Shadowbane is an MMO, not a RPG.

1. Benzychenz (47) http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=153598184&postcount=924
2. flatearthpandas (41) http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=149583848&postcount=471
3. Kurtofan (40) http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=149347316&postcount=128
4. JudgmentJay (38) http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=149396255&postcount=246
4. koshunter (38) http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=153998357&postcount=991
4. Marceles (38) http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=149600054&postcount=479
7. Puflwiz (37) http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=149428499&postcount=315
8. megalowho (36) http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=149612654&postcount=487
9. Ostinatto (35) http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=149945297&postcount=566
10. Fee (34) http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=149776463&postcount=518

Yup. That's my usual low levels of affinity scores, but then again, with an entire and varied a generation as 6, that's not too bad. Hi guys!


1. [XBX][PC] Half-Life 2 (FPS) = 15 points, 1 honorable mention "I should pick this up some time."
2. [NGC] Metroid Prime (Action-Adventure) = 11 points, 1 honorable mention "SatelliteOfLove's Confession Time: this is sitting by a boxed up GCN in the next room where it's sat for 10 years."
3. [NGC] The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (Action-Adventure) = 10 points, 2 honorable mentions "Played it, found it deeply crippled by the tuning, end boss, and number of dungeons."
4. [PS2] Shadow of the Colossus (Action-Adventure) = 8 points "Forgot to put this as an HM, like alot I've noticed after reading others' posts"
5. [PS2][NGC] Resident Evil 4 (Horror) = 7 points "I need to pick this up some time."
6. [PS2][XBX] Grand Theft Auto III (Action-Adventure) = 6 points "Never got around to this one due to playing VC."
7. [PS2] Metal Gear Solid 3 (Stealth) = 6 points "Does watching Drew play it count?"
8. [PS2][XBX][PC] Silent Hill 2 (Horror) = 5 points, 1 honorable mention "Another blind spot in my gaming career that I should really fix."
9. [PC] Civilization IV (Strategy) = 5 points "I deeply, deeply respect Sid Meier."
10. [PC] Diablo 2 (RPG) = 5 points "Blizzard pre-rot was really fucking good; I should try this one day."


Shout-out to those posters having good taste:

For my recommendation list, played every game already apart from:
35. [XBX] Rallisport Challenge 2 (Racing) = 1 point
38. [BWS] Engacho! (Puzzle) = 0 points, 1 honorable mention
38. [WSC] Flash Koibito-Kun (Puzzle) = 0 points, 1 honorable mention

Sounds interesting!
If i remember correctly, for unlocking Groovi Taxi, you had to beat chapter 9 of story mode in very difficult. That's legitimately difficult to do and you need very precise racing, so i'm not going to tell you that you can do that without much effort :p
Tell me about it, the only new character I ever unlocked was Princia, I probably just slammed Goroh into the wall at the beginning of the chapter to pull that one off.

Unlocking Spade must be like a badge of honour, such a great design trapped behind a nigh insurmountable difficulty wall.

On the other hand, i'm confident that you can beat Diamond Cup on master. Of course, you may not be interested in playing the game again. I don't know.

I'm going to assume that your problem (or, at least, one of the main ones) with that cup was Phantom Road (the last circuit of the cup). That circuit is infamous for the cheating AI. Watch this two videos posted by a gaf user where you can see the CPUs driving in this circuit:



Therefore, because the CPUs can, in that circuit, get faster times than the f*cking staff ghost... is easy to end up far behind.
If I ever went for this again I'd have to shake off the race rust, one day I'd like to finish off the main cups at least but I'm not sure if I'm up for it.
Doesn't surprise me at all that the CPU are up to some sneaky tricks on this mode, I distinctly remember the rapid return of the CPU on lap 3 of Cosmo Terminal being some straight up shenanigans, let alone Phantom Road.

Also i have two questions: do you now what quick turning is? what ship did you use when you tried to beat that cup?
No idea about any advanced techniques, as for the ship I'd wager I was using Octoman/Deep Claw or Mighty Gazelle, since I find the Red Gazelle to have stats that don't actually work well for me I'm thinking Octoman was my man.

what the shit? even the dc version goes for more than $50? damn.
I was actually surprised that the GC version was the slightly pricier of the two, I was expecting that one to be a bit more common.

i still remember the day, not much ago, when i saw fire emblem path of radiance prices... what's wrong with this world and why are old games so expensive!? ;_;
I've actually had to lend out my copy of PoR and a memory card recently so a friend of mine could finally play it without paying an arm and a leg, its a shame when prices soar so high.


No idea about any advanced techniques, as for the ship I'd wager I was using Octoman/Deep Claw or Mighty Gazelle, since I find the Red Gazelle to have stats that don't actually work well for me I'm thinking Octoman was my man.

With "Mighty Gazelle" i think that you are refering to Mighty Typhoon or Mighty Hurricane. Any of those two are good, same for Deep Claw. Red Gazelle is bad. You were using good ships, but there's a big difference if you try with a great ship :p

Now, i understand that for you, like for most people, F-Zero GX is in the past and you probably don't feel the need to go back to it. It was a frustating experience for most people (including myself).

I'd never recommend anyone to learn advanced techniques in order to beat the game. It's not neccesary and "quick turning" is not really an "advanced technique". There's nothing "advanced" about it. Furthermore, you don't really need to learn anything new to do it, as you only need to know how to slide turn and drift turn (both are explained in the game manual).

I just wanted you to know that the game can get a lot easier rather quickly. but it's up to you to decide if you want to give the game a second chance or not.

And this is not a F-Zero thread. I'll stop xD

Really enjoy the game but part of me actually prefers how F-Zero X plays ever so slightly more.!

Maybe your stance on this changes if you learn how to quick turn (although there's a chance that you may had been using it without calling it like that). It sure changed my view of the game. If you are interested, i'd solve that fo you :p

F-Zero GX: I wish I liked this game more, I really respect what it does and how fast it is but it's hard as balls and that really hurts the experience for me...

Same as above for you. If any of you want to give the game a second chance, just ask me what you need to do. You'll see that you only need a short period of time to improve a lot. In the past, i had the same experience as you with GX (although i beat most of the game anyway :p). Not much ago, instead of playing and losing over and over, i learned to understand the game better. After that, i beat master mode like it was nothing xD


my recommended list:

1. [NGC] Metroid Prime (Action-Adventure) = 17 points

2. [NGC] The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (Action-Adventure) = 9 points, 1 honorable mention
good game on the wii u. not going back to this version.

3. [GBA] Mother 3 (RPG) = 7 points
really ought to give this a shot. everyone says it's great. everyone.

4. [NGC] The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Action-Adventure) = 5 points
my favorite zelda!

5. [PS2][XBX] Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (Action-Adventure) = 4 points, 1 honorable mention
my favorite gta!

6. [PS2] Sakura Taisen 3 (RPG) = 4 points
...huh. i have sakura wars 5 so maybe that would count.

7. [PC] RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 (Simulation) = 4 points
i actually never played this and might give it a shot.

8. [PS2][XBX] Metal Gear Solid 2 (Stealth) = 3 points, 2 honorable mentions
have it, liked it.

9. [NGC] Resident Evil (Horror) = 3 points, 2 honorable mentions
have it, liked it.

10. [PS2] Ar Tonelico II: Melody of Metafalica (RPG) = 3 points
tested it. i am sorry.

11. [PC] Diablo 2 (RPG) = 3 points
never played it... but people in high school were all about it. never even looked up videos on it since it was a pc game.

12. [PS2] Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne (RPG) = 3 points
have it. it hurts me because it loves me.

13. [PS2] Final Fantasy X (RPG) = 2 points, 1 honorable mention
beat this years ago. my opinion of it has waned considerably since then.

14. [GBA] Metroid: Zero Mission (Action-Adventure) = 2 points, 1 honorable mention
have it. liked it.

15. [PS2][XBX] Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (Action-Adventure) = 2 points
worst gta i had played before gta iv.

16. [NGC] Animal Crossing (Simulation) = 2 points
have it and loved it.

17. [PC] Civilization IV (Strategy) = 2 points
have it. it's a lot of fun.

18. [XBX] Project Gotham Racing (Racing) = 2 points
had it. don't like racing games.

19. [PS2] Kingdom Hearts 2 (RPG) = 2 points
a guilty pleasure.

20. [NGC] Super Mario Strikers (Sports) = 2 points
never played it, but people seem to swear by it.

21. [PS2] Okami (Action-Adventure) = 2 points
hey everyone hideki kamiya can't make an action-adventure game.

22. [XBX] Halo 2 (FPS) = 2 points
good for multiplayer, i guess (never played single player campaign)

23. [GBA] Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (Action-Adventure) = 2 points
have it and haven't played it.

24. [PS2] Ico (Action-Adventure) = 1 point, 2 honorable mentions
have it and liked it, but there were better action-adventure games this gen.

25. [NGC] Baten Kaitos (RPG) = 1 point, 1 honorable mention
had the chance to play it and never did.

26. [PS2] Disgaea: Hour of Darkness (RPG) = 1 point, 1 honorable mention
got me into strategy rpgs.

27. [GBA] Wario Ware Inc. (Puzzle) = 1 point, 1 honorable mention
did not like it.

28. [PS2] Devil May Cry (Action) = 1 point
hey everyone hideki kamiya can create fucking great action games.

29. [XBX][NGC][PC] Phantasy Star Online Episodes I & II (MMO) = 1 point
never played it.

30. [PS2] Devil May Cry 3 (Action) = 1 point
i feel like i should play this.

31. [NGC] Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (Action-Adventure) = 1 point
sanctuary fortress is worth it, but only once.

32. [XBX] Ninja Gaiden (Action) = 1 point
i bought an xbox for this game and this game on the same day in spring of 2004. 11 years later and i have never played it.

33. [PS2] Persona 3 (RPG) = 1 point
heard a lot of good things about it, but i'm afraid it's less like persona 4 and more like nocturne.

34. [PS2][XBX][NGC] Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 (Sports) = 1 point
had a lot of fun with it, but view it as inferior to thps2.

35. [NGC] Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem (Horror) = 1 point
had it. it's fine.

36. [PS2][XBX][NGC][PC] Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory (Stealth) = 1 point
never played it.

37. [SDC] Phantasy Star Online (MMO) = 1 point
fucking loved this game, and i first played in it in 2002 when it required a shitload of workarounds.

38. [PS2][SDC] Resident Evil: Code Veronica (Horror) = 1 point
never played it. never really wanted to.

39. [GBA] Pokémon LeafGreen/FireRed (RPG) = 1 point
played the gb/c originals. i'm good.

40. [NGC] Luigi's Mansion (Action-Adventure) = 1 point
it's a fine launch game.

41. [NGC] F-Zero GX (Racing) = 0 points, 2 honorable mentions
not for me. just don't like racing games. bought it twice to confirm that.

42. [PS2] Ar Tonelico: Melody of Elemia (RPG) = 0 points, 1 honorable mention
never played it and still don't feel the urge to do so.

42. [PS2] Atelier Iris (RPG) = 0 points, 1 honorable mention
same deal.

42. [XBX] Conker Live & Reloaded (Platform) = 0 points, 1 honorable mention
played the n64 original. i'm good.

42. [GBA] Mario Golf: Advance Tour (Sports) = 0 points, 1 honorable mention
if it's like the gbc game, then great. i doubt it is though.

42. [PS2] Sakura Taisen: Atsuki Chishio Ni (Strategy) = 0 points, 1 honorable mention
never heard of it before this thread and doubt i could actually play it...

42. [PS2] Sakura Wars: So Long My Love (RPG) = 0 points, 1 honorable mention
i actually have this so it's not great that i haven't started it.

42. [PS2] Wild Arms 5 (RPG) = 0 points, 1 honorable mention
heard good things about this too, but never played it (i think i have wild arms 2)

49. [XBX] Jet Set Radio Future (Action) = 0 points, 1 honorable mention
have it. never got far into it. seems harder to 'get' than jet grind radio.

50. [PS2][XBX][PC] Silent Hill 2 (Horror) = 0 points, 1 honorable mention
i am definitely intrigued by it, but horror is a hard sell.

51. [PS2][NGC] Tales of Symphonia (RPG) = 0 points, 1 honorable mention
had it and really liked it at the time.

52. [PS2][ARC] Virtua Fighter 4 (Fighting) = 0 points, 1 honorable mention
bought this due to hype in early 2002 when i first got a ps2. played it for a good few hours and traded it in for enough credit to buy klonoa 2. now that was a great decision.

53. [GBA] Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga (RPG) = 0 points, 1 honorable mention
just cannot understand the love for this.

54. [GBA] Metroid Fusion (Action-Adventure) = 0 points, 1 honorable mention
had it. liked it... until i replayed it. it's fine, i guess.

55. [PS2][XBX][NGC] Soul Calibur 2 (Fighting) = 0 points, 1 honorable mention
have it and actually like it more than i thought i would.

56. [PS2] God of War 2 (Action) = 0 points, 1 honorable mention
just say no, kids.

57. [NGC] Super Mario Sunshine (Platform) = 0 points, 1 honorable mention
worst 3d mario until 3d land came along.

58. [PS2] Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner (Action) = 0 points, 1 honorable mention
i have it and put time into it... i didn't dislike it, just never beat it once i got stuck on a boss fight.

59. [NGC] Mario Kart: Double Dash (Racing) = 0 points, 1 honorable mention
might be my least favorite mario kart aside from super circuit. or smk.

60. [PS2][XBX][PC] Psychonauts (Platform) = 0 points, 1 honorable mention
great game.

61. [PS2] Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec (Racing) = 0 points, 1 honorable mention
just don't do racers.

62. [PS2] Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War (Shooter) = 0 points, 1 honorable mention
i might actually check this out, maybe. heard a lot of good things about the series and apparently this game is on the 3ds somehow.

63. [PS2][XBX][NGC] NBA Street Volume 2 (Sports) = 0 points, 1 honorable mention
had it and loved it.

gen 6 to-do list:
1. mother 3
2. rollercoaster tycoon 2
3. aria of sorrow
4. baten kaitos
5. devil may cry 3
6. ninja gaiden
7. persona 3
8. sakura wars: so long, my love
9. zone of the enders: the 2nd runner
10. ace combat zero
Thanks for the parser results, Cheese!

my recommended list (only those with 2 points or more, not counting HMs):

1. [PS2] Metal Gear Solid 3 (Stealth) = 13 points, 2 honorable mentions
Good game, easily the best MGS, though honestly that's not saying much

2. [XBX][PC] Half-Life 2 (FPS) = 11 points, 1 honorable mention
I think these games are boring. I didn't get to play them at release though, so maybe they just aged poorly.

3. [PS2][XBX] Metal Gear Solid 2 (Stealth) = 8 points
Eh. Masterful trolling from Kojima aside, it's not that fun to play.

4. [NGC] The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (Action-Adventure) = 4 points, 1 honorable mention
Played it. Way overrated. especially the original.

5. [PC] World of Warcraft (MMO) = 4 points
I've definitely sunk more hours into this than I'd like to admit.

6. [SDC] Skies of Arcadia (RPG) = 4 points
Would've been on my list if not for the infernal encounter rate. Played it on Dreamcast, mind you. I heard the GameCube version was a little better about it.

7. [NGC] The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Action-Adventure) = 4 points
Great game, was originally on my list but removed because the Wii version is superior.

8. [XBX] Ninja Gaiden (Action) = 4 points
Great game.

9. [XBX][PC] Halo (FPS) = 3 points, 2 honorable mentions
Not as good as Halo 2, but okay. The campaign is overrated.

10. [PS2] Persona 4 (RPG) = 3 points, 1 honorable mention
They released this game too late on PS2 to care, and they never released it since on platforms I care about. One of my wife's favorite games though. Seems to have a good soundtrack from what I've overheard.

11. [PS2] Final Fantasy XII (RPG) = 3 points, 1 honorable mention
Best Final Fantasy since 6, and the last good one. But there are better RPGs from that generation.

12. [PC] The Sims (Simulation) = 3 points
It's a well-made game but not for me.

13. [PS2][XBX] Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (Action-Adventure) = 3 points

14. [PS2] Final Fantasy X (RPG) = 3 points
Terrible game, GAF! Fuck off! ;)

15. [PS2][XBX] Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (Action-Adventure) = 3 points
Best GTA game.

16. [PS2] Ico (Action-Adventure) = 2 points, 3 honorable mentions
Honestly, it's boring. There, I said it. I like a lot of peripheral things about it but I don't like to play it.

17. [PS2] Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy (Platform) = 2 points, 1 honorable mention
:jnc Go home GAF, you're drunk

18. [PS2][XBX] Star Wars Battlefront 2 (Shooter) = 2 points
Haven't played it... to be honestly I probably won't get around to it.

19. [PS2][XBX][NGC][PC] Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory (Stealth) = 2 points
Played this too late to enjoy the multiplayer, which I've heard was excellent. I do feel like missed out on that one.

20. [NGC] Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (RPG) = 2 points
Love this game.

21. [PS2] Persona 3 (RPG) = 2 points
Another Persona that I haven't played.


gen 6 to-do list:
1. mother 3
2. rollercoaster tycoon 2
3. aria of sorrow
4. baten kaitos
5. devil may cry 3
6. ninja gaiden
7. persona 3
8. sakura wars: so long, my love
9. zone of the enders: the 2nd runner
10. ace combat zero

Wow Anihawk, you really need to play those games! So many you already have or can easily get too!
Don't worry for P3, it's really like P4, just with a story a bit less "happy time", and without the ability to control your party if you don't play the PSP version.
And lol at some of your comments for some games above :p


Wow Anihawk, you really need to play those games! So many you already have or can easily get too!
Don't worry for P3, it's really like P4, just with a story a bit less "happy time", and without the ability to control your party if you don't play the PSP version.
And lol at some of your comments for some games above :p

yeah i've stopped myself from pulling the trigger on p3 fes a couple times. i did buy digital devil saga about half a year ago though and never played it. gotta stop doing that.

my computer won't run rollercoaster tycoon 2, so i got rollercoaster tycoon 3 instead. my first coaster was ultra-extreme but ran me out of business.


Same as above for you. If any of you want to give the game a second chance, just ask me what you need to do. You'll see that you only need a short period of time to improve a lot. In the past, i had the same experience as you with GX (although i beat most of the game anyway :p). Not much ago, instead of playing and losing over and over, i learned to understand the game better. After that, i beat master mode like it was nothing xD

Yeah I probably should go back to it. My copy broke sometime in like 2006 or so, but in 2010 I rebought the game because I found a cheap copy and it was even harder than I remembered. I remember having a discussion with someone about the game a few years ago and he was mentioning sorts of things like quick turning that I didn't remember so I probably was missing something. I do want to reiterate, though, that I actually quite liked GX. Rereading my post I was kind of overly negative with WW/GX/RE4, those were all games that I liked but I wanted to focus on the negatives to get across why they didn't actually make my list. I still had a ton of fun playing with it due to the crazy sense of speed.


I remember having a discussion with someone about the game a few years ago and he was mentioning sorts of things like quick turning that I didn't remember so I probably was missing something (like most when we played this game lol). I do want to reiterate, though, that I actually quite liked GX. I still had a ton of fun playing with it due to the crazy sense of speed (but wouldn't it be cool to be able to actually control it? :p).

The important thing here is not how much you liked the game, is that your experience with the game can change drastically (i.e. improve) if you learn and understand "quick turning". After that, you'll probably like the game more.

This should be a rule for anyone attempting to play GX: DON'T play without asking first!! Personally, i learned that the hard way. I'm very patient, and i played the game again and again over the years without stopping a moment to understand the game's physics in more detail... ;_;

It's simple. If you ever try to play the game again, ask first. But keep in mind that google is probably not going to help that much because the information that can be found is catered to people that want to learn "advanced techniques" (which, if you're the typical player, you shouldn't care about). Therefore, because "quick turning" is something very basic, you'll only find the typical short text explaining the input and that's it. I mean, to the advanced player, quick turning is something so basic and obvious (compared with the other "advanced techniques") that there's no need to talk about it in detail. But that's not necessarily true for the general player. So, to get an in deep explanation, you can ask GAF. Personally, i have played both "sides" of the game (without knowing about quick turning and, latelly, being used to it) extensively. So i'm confident that i'd be able to give you an explanation, if you ever wanted one, that would be usefull for you as i'm aware of your problems with the game.

gen 6 to-do list:
1. mother 3
2. rollercoaster tycoon 2
3. aria of sorrow
4. baten kaitos
5. devil may cry 3
6. ninja gaiden
7. persona 3
8. sakura wars: so long, my love
9. zone of the enders: the 2nd runner
10. ace combat zero

that's a dangerous one. The best thing about the game is the battle system and everything that has to do with it. The worst thing about the game is how time consuming it gets to take advantage of that battle system as you advance through the game and the f*cking "turn of defense" (which at the beginning of the game, when enemies only attacked you a couple of times per turn, seemed like a good idea) that over complicated the battle system, could f*ck up your "turn of attack", and ruins the pace of the game and the battles.

And that's just talking about the most distintic aspects of the game... there's a lot more to mention. Baten kaitos has some "magic" to it, but it also has a great amount of "flaws". I still play it sometimes xD

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Neatoooooo. Thanks for putting in the extra effort, AniHawk~

My vote for reference: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=154004228&postcount=997

Dark Schala's Affinity Results said:
Wow, probably because I don't post much anymore, but I think I only know maybe half of the people on my list. It used to be that I knew everyone, but times change, I guess. Sorry! I took a look at the lists of the folks on my list that I didn't know, and they seem neat.

As usual, though, my percentages didn't match up with a lot of people. It's been a while that I've had match rates over 50.

Careful glance at my recommended list, which I'd love to go through in-depth right now but I just don't have the time to do it, and it tells me that 1) I've played probably 80% of my list, and 2) lots of FPSes recommended but I just can't handle them these days because motion sickness. Actually, the game selection is a bit curious because they aren't genres I'd typically gravitate to since I generally stick to the occasional survival horror, RPGs, and platformers. I shall assume that stuff like Silent Hill 2, Ninja Gaiden Black, all the PC RPGs, etc. triggered both the affinity list and the recommended list.

My distribution of 10% Microsoft, 40% Multi, 10% Nintendo, 20% PC, 20% Sony is not a surprise, really. Didn't have a Gamecube that gen and only caught up with it on the Wii. Played more imported GBA games on occasion, and played with a Wonderswan. Didn't have an Xbox and played other people's Xboxes instead. Stuck to PC more than normal. Played Arcade games. Tried to limit the amount of PS2 games on my list. I think it worked out pretty well in terms of diversity so I'm happy with the distribution.
Ten awesome people:

Number one's list is kinda weird when I compare it to mine though =P

Recommendations I got:

1. [PS2] Metal Gear Solid 3 (Stealth) = 18 points, 2 honorable mentions Played it already!
2. [PS2][NGC] Resident Evil 4 (Horror) = 14 points, 2 honorable mentions Played it already!!!
3. [NGC] Metroid Prime (Action-Adventure) = 10 points, 1 honorable mention Own it
4. [PS2] Persona 4 (RPG) = 6 points, 2 honorable mentions Played it already!!!
5. [PS2] Devil May Cry 3 (Action) = 6 points, 2 honorable mentions Played it already!
6. [NGC] Super Smash Bros. Melee (Fighting) = 6 points, 1 honorable mention Played it Already!!
7. [PS2] Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne (RPG) = 5 points Own it
8. [XBX][PC] Half-Life 2 (FPS) = 4 points, 1 honorable mention Played it already!
9. [XBX][PC] The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher's Bay (Action-Adventure) = 4 points
10. [PS2][XBX][PC] Silent Hill 2 (Horror) = 4 points
11. [PS2] Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War (Shooter) = 3 points, 1 honorable mention
12. [PS2] Guitar Hero II (Rhythm) = 3 points, 1 honorable mention
13. [SDC] Tech Romancer (Fighting) = 3 points
14. [PS2] Devil May Cry (Action) = 3 points Played it already!
15. [PS2][NGC] Tales of Symphonia (RPG) = 3 points Own it
16. [PS2] Final Fantasy XII (RPG) = 3 points Own it
17. [GBA] Fire Emblem (RPG) = 3 points
18. [NGC] The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Action-Adventure) = 3 points
19. [PS2][XBX][NGC][PC] TimeSplitters 2 (FPS) = 3 points
20. [PS2] Silent Hill 3 (Horror) = 2 points, 1 honorable mention
21. [PC] Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn (RPG) = 2 points
22. [XBX] Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball (Sports) = 2 points
23. [PS2][XBX] Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (Action-Adventure) = 2 points
24. [PS2] Super Robot Wars Z (Action) = 2 points
25. [PS2] Kingdom Hearts 2 (RPG) = 2 points
26. [PS2] Yakuza 2 (Action) = 2 points
27. [PS2] Ico (Action-Adventure) = 2 points Played it already
28. [NGC] Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat (Platform) = 2 points
29. [NGC][SDC] Ikaruga (Shooter) = 2 points Played it already!!
30. [PS2] Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy (Platform) = 2 points

I suppose I should play Silent Hill 2 and Twilight Princess D:


The only thing I vehemently disagree with and feel GAF dropped the ball on is final fantasy X. XII is the superior game in all aspects and if we are including games like shenmue, morrowwind and deus ex, ffx does not deserve the crown. Heck dragon quest VIII was also superior.


The only thing I vehemently disagree with on those lists is final fantasy X. XII is the superior game in all aspects and if we are including games like shenmue, morrowwind and deus ex, ffx does not deserve the crown. Heck dragon quest VII was also superior.

I have no idea how FFX is in the Top 10 either, a ton of better JRPG's and WRPG's as well.
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