Some interesting results, definitely in line with what was expected. Regarding the results, points of interest for me were:
- Kid Icarus did damn well, and based on its place on the "High Quality Award" list people who played it usually loved it. I'm so pleased with this!
- Binary Domain did bloody well considering it was a pretty under-the-radar game. I have only played a little of my copy, so its ranking will definitely push me to finish it.
- Great job Theatrhythm for charting so high! I loved the game and I really hope to see Square-Enix take the formula and apply it to another IP in the future. Chrono Trigger, I'm looking at you.
- Interesting to see Fez so low. Not personally - I've put the game down since buying it as the game world and map are frustratingly obtuse, making navigation hell - but just based on huge media positivity of the title.
As expected, my affinity data wasn't too powerfully aligned. My username was not featured on anyone else's list, either. The range was very small, too - what a tight-knit group of barely like-voters:
What do I take from this? My tastes really were not aligned to many this year. Typically, I usually actively dislike many of the games from the Top 20, and this year is the first year since 2009 where I really didn't like the number one voted title - how's that for misalignment :/ Overall, 2012 was quite a weak year. Yes, there were some fantastic titles, but very little, if anything, that was unique, mindblowing, or potentially unable to be overtaken by a sequel, that I will go on the value and treasure in the decades to come. Still, it will be interesting to see if any new game recommendations can come from this data.
Thanks for running these awards timetokill and Cheesemeister! I always enjoy them.
- Kid Icarus did damn well, and based on its place on the "High Quality Award" list people who played it usually loved it. I'm so pleased with this!
- Binary Domain did bloody well considering it was a pretty under-the-radar game. I have only played a little of my copy, so its ranking will definitely push me to finish it.
- Great job Theatrhythm for charting so high! I loved the game and I really hope to see Square-Enix take the formula and apply it to another IP in the future. Chrono Trigger, I'm looking at you.
- Interesting to see Fez so low. Not personally - I've put the game down since buying it as the game world and map are frustratingly obtuse, making navigation hell - but just based on huge media positivity of the title.
As expected, my affinity data wasn't too powerfully aligned. My username was not featured on anyone else's list, either. The range was very small, too - what a tight-knit group of barely like-voters:
1. Gooster (62)
1. Prinny (62)
3. Dr.Palutena (59)
4. Baleoce (58)
4. laika09 (58)
4. nckillthegrimace (58)
7. Apdiddy (56)
7. Kesagiri (56)
7. Mauricio_Magus (56)
10. Dragonzord (55)
What do I take from this? My tastes really were not aligned to many this year. Typically, I usually actively dislike many of the games from the Top 20, and this year is the first year since 2009 where I really didn't like the number one voted title - how's that for misalignment :/ Overall, 2012 was quite a weak year. Yes, there were some fantastic titles, but very little, if anything, that was unique, mindblowing, or potentially unable to be overtaken by a sequel, that I will go on the value and treasure in the decades to come. Still, it will be interesting to see if any new game recommendations can come from this data.
Thanks for running these awards timetokill and Cheesemeister! I always enjoy them.