Gold Member
Truly historical result, looking at all previous GAF GOTY Lists, 2012 is either a huge paradigm shift of the game industry or a huge anomaly year before the next generation. Time will tell.
Which are already addicting as fuck? Blasted through them again the past two days, when I actually just wanted to check a detail in the game for a second. Meanwhile, NSMBU doesn't get really good until World 5.
I wonder what Dark Souls and Xenoblade would look like if you added up both years.
Truly historical result, looking at all previous GAF GOTY Lists, 2012 is either a huge paradigm shift of the game industry or a huge anomaly year before the next generation. Time will tell.
It was earlier than that for me. Even so, I don't know if you can really bring up that up as a counterpoint if we are doing a flat 3D Land vs NSMBU lol. If we were to equate the Challenges (or Boost Rush) as the "second half" it isn't even close.
1. Empty (82)
2. Fare Godmace (77)
3. ULTROS! (75)
4. OmegaZero (70)
5. Jamix012 (68)
5. To Far Away Times (68)
7. olimpia84 (66)
7. Sadist (66)
9. Neiteio (65)
10. Kenturoxx (63)
24. [360] Fez (Platform) = 173 points, 8 honorable mentions
22. [NWU] New Super Mario Bros. U (Platform) = 208 points, 4 honorable mentions
23. [PC] Diablo III (RPG) = 181 points, 15 honorable mentions
25. [360][PS3][NWU][PC] Assassin's Creed III (Action) = 168 points, 16 honorable mentions
27. [3DS][IOS] Theatrhythm Final Fantasy (Rhythm) = 156 points, 9 honorable mentions
50. [360][PS3] Resident Evil 6 (Horror) = 78 points, 5 honorable mentions
58. [360][PS3][NWU][PC] Darksiders II (Adventure) = 63 points, 8 honorable mentions
62. [360][PS3][PC] The Darkness II (FPS) = 59 points, 3 honorable mentions
65. [360][PS3][PC] Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning (RPG) = 51 points, 6 honorable mentions
67. [360][PS3][PC] Hitman: Absolution (Action) = 50 points, 6 honorable mentions
69. [360][PS3][PSV][PC][IOS][AND] Need for Speed: Most Wanted (Racing) = 49 points, 3 honorable mentions
Man, Sony, what are you doing?250. [PS3][PSV] Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault (Platform) = 3 points
338. [PS3] LittleBigPlanet Karting (Racing) = 1 point
I am positive this would have made top 20 easily if its release was closer to voting time. Its popularity really faded away pretty damn fast.
1. Tagg9 (109)
2. Deadly Cyclone (92)
3. Moofers (85)
4. benny_a (82)
5. sleeprockss (81)
6. REV 09 (80)
7. HocusPocus (77)
7. Ros8105 (77)
7. therealminime (77)
10. Blue Ninja (76)
Man, Sony, what are you doing?
Man, Sony, what are you doing?
They really need to do better with their marketing. It was basically nonexistent for those games.
Let's make out.Only two people I know from the list
It's really funny to me how much better Resident Evil 6 did than all those other big budget titles.
Man, Sony, what are you doing?
Ooooooooor they really did like it.I think it's because Resident Evil has the biggest established fanbase at this point, and so there are a lot more longtime fans that are going to buy it and still like it (or convince themselves they liked it).
I am positive this would have made top 20 easily if its release was closer to voting time. Its popularity really faded away pretty damn fast.
Solid looking list.
I think I finally need to give FTL and Spec Ops a try.
I think possibly, but as Stump said the lack of a multiplatform release hurt it, and you have a very large contingent that would never have played or liked the game to begin with. A shame, because it'll be one of the small handful of games from this year people will still be talking about a few years down the road.
1. volpone (69)
2. Gartooth (65)
2. Goldmund (65)
4. NFreak (64)
5. dancrane212 (60)
6. Empty (49)
7. CerebralTiger (48)
7. Iksenpets (48)
7. James Sawyer Ford (48)
7. MuddyDonut (48)
1. Interfectum (79)
2. Sojgat (78)
3. theDeeDubs (73)
4. duckroll (72)
5. JerkShep (69)
6. Meatvillain (68)
8. Funchameleon (64)
8. reddwarf42 (64)
10. Santiako (63)
1. Goldmund (102)
2. ThanksVision (98)
3. anon_mastermind (94)
3. IrishNinja (94)
5. eXistor (93)
6. timetokill (88)
7. CrisKre (85)
7. Tunic (85)
9. hatchx (84)
10. Zeer0id (83)
Sleeping Dogs at #4 still surprises me. What people find so special about it besides the setting I don't know. Maybe I just need to play more of it. Seemed fairly average to me.
Sleeping Dogs at #4 still surprises me. What people find so special about it besides the setting I don't know. Maybe I just need to play more of it. Seemed fairly average to me.
Ooooooooor they really did like it.
Not everyone has bias blinders and/or an agenda!
Oh! OK, sorry for the confusion, I understand now.Oh don't get me wrong, I'm sure everyone that listed it genuinely enjoyed the game.
I'm just saying that odds are more people played RE6, a new sequel in a franchise that's spanned over a decade and has tons of spinoffs, which means it's more likely people will actually rank it. As opposed to games like Darksiders II, Darkness II, which were sequels to games that did okay so the fanbases are smaller, and Kingdoms of Amalur, which is a brand new IP and had to create its own fanbase from scratch.
Not all AAA games are gonna be played/sold equally.
Sleeping Dogs at #4 still surprises me. What people find so special about it besides the setting I don't know. Maybe I just need to play more of it. Seemed fairly average to me.
Well that's a surprise for being so high. I have to go back and read the whys in the other topic again, because I have no idea how so many people like that game.
Not all AAA games are gonna be played/sold equally.
It was a good game if you stuck to the missions. But the open world stuff, as is becoming the norm with open world games, was mostly pointless busy work that wasn't very fun to do. Maybe with a more stable dev schedule they can make a truly great sequel.
Honestly, what really pushed Sleeping Dogs into "truly special" territory was the ability to get food from street vendors. I kept Wei Shen well-fed, and the local economy strong!
"Roast duck! Roast duck! Duck so fresh other duck don't know he dead yet!"
SSX is one of my favorite franchises of all time and I was more than pleased with the reboot. I did have problems with, like you said, the track design and a few other little things, but overall it was a great game and a worthy holder of the SSX name. The implementation of RiderNET was genius.There was questionable decisions in terms of track design and some of the deadly descents but I disagree; it's a fun game. Probably put more than 100 hours into its online modes.
And the post release support was amazing. Fun game.
Sleeping Dogs at #4 still surprises me. What people find so special about it besides the setting I don't know. Maybe I just need to play more of it. Seemed fairly average to me.
Welp, the top two games aren't really games, so that kind of sucks. The rest of the list is pretty solid though. I'm glad Hotline Miami made the top ten.
Spiritual experiences of courseWhat are they? This is the type of attitude that holds games back as a medium.
No, I haven't tried Yakuza. Don't tell me you can eat food in that game, too. I don't know if I can find time to squeeze yet another series into my gaming habit! :OHave you ever played Yakuza?