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NeoGAF Mafia |OT6| The Conversation is to Die for (Signups are now OPEN)


Hmm, back me out coach.

This is gonna overlap with EGX and I don't really want to play mafia during that period.

RIP pokebot 12.09.2016 - 13.09.2016

Gone and forgotten
Since cabot left and fep didn't want to the game, Blarg got that spot.

General question: Is there interest in further "Of Gods and Men" iterations? I may or may not be currently exploring new design space for God abilities and variations on the core mechanic. Wouldn't be anytime soon since I first want to finish Battlestar Galactica but I like having multiple projects at once.
General question: Is there interest in further "Of Gods and Men" iterations? I may or may not be currently exploring new design space for God abilities and variations on the core mechanic. Wouldn't be anytime soon since I first want to finish Battlestar Galactica but I like having multiple projects at once.

yes pls


General question: Is there interest in further "Of Gods and Men" iterations? I may or may not be currently exploring new design space for God abilities and variations on the core mechanic. Wouldn't be anytime soon since I first want to finish Battlestar Galactica but I like having multiple projects at once.

Make sure to put a lot of effort in crazy God powers only for that role to get killed day 1!


That was relatively quick. Is there going to be another game running as well...?

Put me on subs if there isn't. I'll be a bit salty as well and complain that a several month period of single games with short sign up periods is less than ideal. Would be nice if we could distribute players like main season or run more games.

Strongly agree with you here. We had a whole 6 hour period of sign-ups ...

We should find another way to manage this process. The argument for "Doctor" sign-ups was that is was only a mini-game, yet we experience the same here. Someone brought up, that we should look for the same ranking process we use during main season.

Have a longer phase of sign-up, prioritize people who played the fewest of all.
Strongly agree with you here. We had a whole 6 hour period of sign-ups ...

We should find another way to manage this process. The argument for "Doctor" sign-ups was that is was only a mini-game, yet we experience the same here. Someone brought up, that we should look for the same ranking process we use during main season.

Have a longer phase of sign-up, prioritize people who played the fewest of all.

Didn't we do this for 4.5 and/or 5.5 anyway?


Sign me u-


Oh :(

I'll be a replacement.

General question: Is there interest in further "Of Gods and Men" iterations? I may or may not be currently exploring new design space for God abilities and variations on the core mechanic. Wouldn't be anytime soon since I first want to finish Battlestar Galactica but I like having multiple projects at once.


Didn't we do this for 4.5 and/or 5.5 anyway?
Yeah we solved this several seasons ago. Minimum sign up period, assign by priority as we do for main seasons.

I don't mind missing this one as I've probably played my fair share lately anyway, but for everyone's sake we should go back to doing this in future.


General question: Is there interest in further "Of Gods and Men" iterations? I may or may not be currently exploring new design space for God abilities and variations on the core mechanic. Wouldn't be anytime soon since I first want to finish Battlestar Galactica but I like having multiple projects at once.

omg can I review your BSG game?


Strongly agree with you here. We had a whole 6 hour period of sign-ups ...

We should find another way to manage this process. The argument for "Doctor" sign-ups was that is was only a mini-game, yet we experience the same here. Someone brought up, that we should look for the same ranking process we use during main season.

Have a longer phase of sign-up, prioritize people who played the fewest of all.

This is a good point, and I'll start looking into it and discuss it.

General question: Is there interest in further "Of Gods and Men" iterations? I may or may not be currently exploring new design space for God abilities and variations on the core mechanic. Wouldn't be anytime soon since I first want to finish Battlestar Galactica but I like having multiple projects at once.



Sorry to double post, but I want to bring this to everyone's attention:

After the discussion in the season 6 review thread, I spent some time working with a bunch of other members of the community, and we worked up a series of rules for player behavior. I would like to get general feedback on these now.

By registering for a mafia game in the NeoGAF Mafia ("Gafia") Community, you agree to follow these rules of player conduct:

1. Players are expected to treat each other respectfully. While agressive play is sometimes useful, overtly trash-talking players (telling them they suck, calling them idiots, being overtly condescending, etc.) is not necessary to play the game, and you're brushing up against NeoGAF's own TOS by acting like this. If you are intent on being hostile, and if Mafia is 'supposed to have insults', this honestly might be the wrong community for you. This rule will be enforced in every Mafia thread, including spectator discussion threads, scum chats, and gossip threads. (While some aggression is a normal reaction in the spectator's thread and will be permitted, overtly trash-talking players will not be permitted.)

2. The preferred pronoun for each player will be listed at the beginning of each game. Knowingly and willfully using the incorrect pronoun in an effort to annoy, fluster, or anger another player is not permitted. Likewise, knowingly and willfully calling a player by a name that causes offense is also not permitted. Accidents happen and will be accounted for, but purposeful offense will not be allowed.

3a. Personal, real-life details are not up for debate, and are not relevant to the game. If a player says that they need to step away from the thread for a personal reason, this is to be accepted. If you can't afford a fellow player the benefit of trusting and respecting their real-life identity, their real-life schedule and priorities, then you're denying them the necessary baseline of honesty they need to play this pretend game about lying. In other words, you are making it impossible for them to play.

3b. However, this rule is based on the confidence that players are telling the full truth about these personal circumstances. If a moderator becomes aware that a player is lying about personal circumstances to avoid playing or "coast" through a game, the moderator will take action against that player. Likewise, if personal circumstances are preventing a player from participating in the game for a longer period of time than is reasonable, the moderator may seek a replacement.
In short: We know you have real lives, and we respect that, but don't tell us you're on a train if you aren't.

4. You may not put any active players in this game on your ignore list. If you have an active player on your ignore list, they must be removed before the game begins. Obviously this is on the honor system, but please don't do it, or joke about doing it.

5. Players are expected to attempt to achieve their victory condition. Knowingly "throwing" the game for your team is poor sportsmanship and will lead to consequences. Additionally, a moderator may call a ban on self-voting if they deem it necessary to preserve the game.

6. The game's moderators may alter these guidelines as needed, and will be the ultimate authority in their specific game. If a rule change occurs, the moderator will announce it, and will then expect the rule to be followed.


I should also add that we have also written guidelines for how moderators are going to be expected to handle situations where these rules are broken. These guidelines are designed to account for accidents and emotional situations, and only target recurring behavior. If you get angry and call another player a dumbass in the heat of the moment, we understand that. If you do it to everyone during every day phase, we have a problem. We're not going to become a crazed dictatorship, but we want to make sure that everyone is aware of where the lines are, and what will happen if they are crossed. Ignorance is no longer an excuse.
Sorry to double post, but I want to bring this to everyone's attention:

After the discussion in the season 6 review thread, I spent some time working with a bunch of other members of the community, and we worked up a series of rules for player behavior. I would like to get general feedback on these now.

These seem reasonable for things that have happened in the past. Perhaps one more indicating that moderators may redirect behavior during a game, and all players will be expected to have paid attention?


These seem reasonable for things that have happened in the past. Perhaps one more indicating that moderators may redirect behavior during a game, and all players will be expected to have paid attention?

Mods always have final authority in a game and can, of course, intervene on any issue we see fit and Retro has/is finishing the guidelines that we're expected to follow as well when running games.


These seem reasonable for things that have happened in the past. Perhaps one more indicating that moderators may redirect behavior during a game, and all players will be expected to have paid attention?

Mods always have final authority in a game and can, of course, intervene on any issue we see fit and Retro has/is finishing the guidelines that we're expected to follow as well when running games.

While Sorian is correct that Mods always have the ultimate authority in their games, I agree that this should be stated in the guidelines. I will add it.


Well then, on to Design...

omg can I review your BSG game?
Sure. Design (nailing down core principles and mechanics as well as some of the roles that directly serve those) is basically done, but it's still in an early stage of Development (filling the game with other roles, looking for game-breaking interactions and balancing)

No, why, I didn't read too many "Making Magic" articles or something, not at all.


Oh so NX isn't a joke suggestion? I'll check it out then.

Midway through Animal Crossing, so I'll get around to it in a while

NX is definitely a joke suggestion. Make it one of your last.

AC is a good start, Star Wars or Archer I'd go for next.


Oh so NX isn't a joke suggestion? I'll check it out then.

Midway through Animal Crossing, so I'll get around to it in a while

Despite what anyone says, it is not a joke suggestion from me. It is the most entertaining game. It is pretty long for the low amount of players and you'll see a lot of crazy stuff, but it is soooo much fun. Go for it :)


Spoilers but the people who are telling you NX is a joke suggestion are still just upset that they got stomped on, don't mind them.


Spoilers but the people who are telling you NX is a joke suggestion are still just upset that they got stomped on, don't mind them.

NX is a prime example of what not to do in a Mafia game. Unless you're Ouro and you nobly sacrifice yourself to catch scum.


Spoilers but the people who are telling you NX is a joke suggestion are still just upset that they got stomped on, don't mind them.

The worst, most upsetting, boot-to-the-face part of NX was pre-determined by the setup. Everything else is , well....they put us in the jungle, and we lost our civilized manner.


Spoilers but the people who are telling you NX is a joke suggestion are still just upset that they got stomped on, don't mind them.

NX is a prime example of what not to do in a Mafia game. Unless you're Ouro and you nobly sacrifice yourself to catch scum.

Yeah sorry-an. It was bad play from most players. That's why you read it last.

Second part of Ouro's point is subjective....


Since I've heard little to no argument on the proposed rules, I want to take a moment to talk about moderating. Going forward into season 7, moderators are going to be expected to watch their games closely and proactively stepping into situations where the above guidelines are broken. They will, of course, use their own judgement on this, and will also be aided by the overseers. (The mods of the previous season.)

If you believe that someone is behaving offensively and a moderator is not stepping in, you are encouraged to message your game's moderator. The moderator will then privately make a decision on how to deal with the issue. It may be a warning, it may be replacing the player, or it may be nothing at all. This decision will be final.

If there are multiple instances of offensive behavior from the same person, at least two mods will look into the situation and decide how to handle it. (Based on previous experience, the discussion will likely occur in modchat on Discord.) Again, the decision made by these mods will be final.

We have also set down guidelines for dealing with a player who behaves offensively over the course of multiple games, which could involve asking that player to no longer be part of the Gafia community. We've never had to ask someone to leave Gafia before, and I earnestly hope that we never will. Batsnacks told me once that we're the first Mafia community that he's seen that doesn't have a ban list, and I'm very proud of that fact. This is a great group of people, and I don't want anyone to leave.

That's kind of a high level overview of how conflict resolution is going to work from a moderator's point of view going forward.

The key is, though, that this will involve your buy-in as players. It means that you're going to have to trust the moderators to be impartial, and to have the game's and the community's best interests at heart. It also means respecting the decisions that are made even when you don't agree with them.

So far we've all been pretty good about it, and I hope that will continue. Thoughts?

PS: One more thing. We're not looking at setting up a dictatorship, and we're not going to try and make everyone sing kumbaya. This is Mafia. It's a game about killing one another. What we're looking at is making sure that this game about lying and murder doesn't seriously hurt anyone, if that makes sense. If you like to play aggressively, we're not going to make you stop, we're just going to make sure you don't cross the line into hurtful.


To answer a question that was asked in Discord, no, we're not starting Season 7 now. Pokemon Mafia just started, and we will be taking submissions for S7 games until Pokemon ends. Once Pokemon ends, Overwatch Mafia will run. During that time, we will refine the S7 setups and conduct signups and voting for Season 7.
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