NeoGAF MARCH 2017 Pick-Up Post! Show Us Your Gaming Goods + MORE (REAL PICS ONLY)!


Got Zelda on Wii U and my PC engine DUO R




°Temp. member
I don't think I've ever actually posted my purchases in this thread, even though I've been following it for years and even complemented MarkMan on it in person, lol.

I spent a bunch already this month on Switch stuff for myself and for work. Here's *some* of it:

However, my wife and I made a slightly more expensive purchase this month as well...


Our first house! Feels like an appropriate first pickup post, lol!

Congrats on the house, it looks great!


awwww yay! finally got dat Yakuza!


but frikken Amazon packed it in a bubble mailer and the outside box is all eff'd up :(
I have the DSi.

Is it really much? I did a quick search on Ebay before buying the game and the price + shipping fee would be around 50-60 US dollars.

Well, to me it is. Anything above its original price is "much" to me :D

Fire Emblem games are the type of games you can almost always safely buy at launch without having to fear serious price drops.

Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon does seem to have shot up in price pretty badly. I knew the GC and GBA games had become pricey, but hadn't expected this, lol.


This month I went a little overboard on stuff, I needed to move my PC into a better case with improved cooling so I decided to just go all out and hopefully set myself up for years.

And of course the Switch came out! I'm playing Horizon first, managing to resist hopping ship part way through. But Zelda will be devoured when I'm done!

Congratulations to everyone on their purchases. This is my first contribution to a Pick-Up thread. I've finally got Nier: Automata in today but I'm still playing Horizon: Zero Dawn at the moment. I am excited to play it though. And this is all off the heels of Nioh. My wallet weeps.



house pic

Congrats man, I don't know if you care or not, but you just revealed a ton of personal info in that one pic on the internet to strangers all over the world. I would at least block out the house number and realtor information...


but frikken Amazon packed it in a bubble mailer and the outside box is all eff'd up :(
Same thing happened to me, smashed up on the way to New Zealand. I filed for a replacement and sent it back, and then they sent me the regular version (despite promising the launch edition). I complained again (it came in a bubble bag, still), and ended up getting the game for free as they had no more launch editions. Not the outcome I was looking for but I can't complain :)


Stuff that came in today/last night:
I don't even really like this game. I just want it so I can have it if someone I know wants to play it whenever. Lots of people seem to like it. At least it came with a little manual sized comic book. I mean, I'm not that interested in it, but I'll just pretend it came with a manual in my simple little mind.

Got this because I'm all nostalgic in my NES kick now (If you couldn't tell from my previous post).

Exibit B (God, I should've at least turned the light on...)-

Infinite NES Lives "Kazzo" Rom dumper. I kinda wish I spent the extra 5 dollars to get one with a Famicom port on it too. I have the adapter I pulled out of an old Hogan's Alley game, but I'll have to disassemble my Famicom games to use it (it won't fit in the bottom of the Fami carts).

edit: Oh yeah, these came in too.
I don't think I ever watched the entirety of Dragon Ball GT. Only what I rented from the comic book store back in high school some... 17-18ish years ago. The only thing I really remember is Super 17, and the opening theme Dan Dan which is one of my favorite themes from Dragon Ball. There's a real feeling of adventure in the video playing in the background. I dunno, I just really like it. Reminds me of being a kid and poking around the jungle/woods in Okinawa (unfortunately I didn't have a spaceship). Nothing beats ChaLa though (Yoka Yoka Dance comes close... even as an ending. Impossible for me to watch and not smile).
I almost never purchase shoes for myself. I think it's been a year since I bought a pair, so I purchased these yesterday. Nike Lunar Fingertrap. Now I need clothes to wear them with.



Some new PC hardware


Replacing a H110i that I got last week, and I've been interested in the ML fans since they were announced.


Kraken buddies :D

I'm tempted to get some NZXT RGB Aer fans. What are those that you've picked up?

Corsair ML 140 Pro. I'm running 2x in the front of my case, 2x on the kraken radiator, and I wanted to run 1x on the rear, but any Corsair 140mm that's not the stock, won't fit. Going to have to send it back and get the 120mm version.

How are those Corsair ML fans treating you so far?

Still configuring and messing around with fan software. I've only used a fan controller to this point, so I'm trying to find my way. They are pretty quiet though, even when I crank them up a bit.


I was in a Rival Schools mood a coupe weeks ago, but I didn't have my PSX copy handy. So I hit up eBay and find this thing:


Chances were pretty good it was bootleg as hell, but I couldn't find any concrete info of how bootleg it was. Disc one is the ZiNc emulator and arcade ROMs, which runs at stupid fast speed for some reason on my quad core W10 machine. I'll probably need to edit an ini file or some shit.

Disc two is that "Nekketsu Seishun Nikki 2" game for PSX. I guess that it's a sequel to the second disc (Evolution or whatever it was called) of the Rival Schools 1 port. That one is a PSX emu, not sure which one, but it contains a bunch of plug-ins so maybe ePSXe.

The discs are pressed, not cheep CD-R's, and the package has a nice thick sleeve with embossed graphics on it. Pretty slick looking. $5 well spent.

edit: Oh yeah, these came in too.

I don't think I ever watched the entirety of Dragon Ball GT. Only what I rented from the comic book store back in high school some... 17-18ish years ago. The only thing I really remember is Super 17, and the opening theme Dan Dan which is one of my favorite themes from Dragon Ball. There's a real feeling of adventure in the video playing in the background. I dunno, I just really like it. Reminds me of being a kid and poking around the jungle/woods in Okinawa (unfortunately I didn't have a spaceship). Nothing beats ChaLa though (Yoka Yoka Dance comes close... even as an ending. Impossible for me to watch and not smile).

Dragon Ball GT is better than Super. Yeah, I said it.


Dragon Ball GT is better than Super. Yeah, I said it.
I haven't even got to the "Baby" part, and it might go south from there, but so far I think I agree.

I've always thought SSJ4 was dumb as hell, but SSJG or SSJB or SSJGSS (whatever...) is even dumber in my opinion.


I don't think I've ever actually posted my purchases in this thread, even though I've been following it for years and even complemented MarkMan on it in person, lol.

I spent a bunch already this month on Switch stuff for myself and for work. Here's *some* of it:


However, my wife and I made a slightly more expensive purchase this month as well...


Our first house! Feels like an appropriate first pickup post, lol!

Congrats on the house!

I gotta ask, why are some of you getting multiple editions of Zelda?
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