You lucky sunnuva....
That is absolutely beautiful, really jealous XD
Thanks it's a piece of art
You lucky sunnuva....
That is absolutely beautiful, really jealous XD
Just a few more of my recent PS2 purchases are showing up now. Still got a bit more in the mail but got everything for dirt cheap, Mana Khemia was the most expensive at $18.
And this one... This was bought by my friends for my birthday, that's tomorrow.
I got the original Dragon Dagger a Christmas 20years ago. I loved it, but I lost it when we moved... And now, my friend banded together and bought me this one. I didn't think it was possible to get so emotional and happy over such a thing.
Yeah, no kidding! I was so shocked when I saw what they had gotten me. I'm still a bit teary. :')^ awesome friends you got there! Great pick up
I had the Saba sword years ago. I loved it!
-Lime Green PS Vita 2000
-32 GB Memory Card
-Persona 4 Golden
-Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon (corner of the first photo)
-Chrono Trigger DS
-Metroid Zero Mission
-MGS HD Collection, SotN, Suikoden, RE3 (Digital)
Love these two handhelds.
Picked up new quad exhaust tips for the car. Also had to pick up a new socket wrench, broke the one I had previously trying to install the tips, lol.
Picked up a new camera. Still trying to figure out all the bells and whistles...
Picked this up today
Used a coupon for 10% OFF and will get the $50 off adjusted on sunday 11/2.
Had 3 gift cards so grand total = $180.46
after adjustment = $130.46
Alien Isolation Dig. Delxu Edition for 46.- NOK ...thats only 7 US dollars
wait...what ?
how to go to the korian store ?
i added ?cc=kr and game is unavailable in koria region
FPE of Bayonetta 2 and I imported Senran Kagura for PSVita because no physical release on the Old Continent.
Also Endless Ocean 2 because someone talked me into it, and Tenchu Shadow Assassins.
Expecting some more games (including Bayonetta 2 Special Edition) this week.
Managed to score a copy of the asian Freedom Wars CE today (Japanese box, but English game). The figure has a stand and is actually quite nice, but isn't poseable.
And my office staff chipped in their lunch money to buy me a copy of DW4 as a belated birthday present.
Two white xboxs and no pics. I'm gonna cry
And this one... This was bought by my friends for my birthday, that's tomorrow.
I got the original Dragon Dagger a Christmas 20years ago. I loved it, but I lost it when we moved... And now, my friend banded together and bought me this one. I didn't think it was possible to get so emotional and happy over such a thing.
Two white xboxs and no pics. I'm gonna cry
I missed your previous post, so here you go!
The box art is beautiful. I'm not certain about taking the entire box back but I will be taking that picture.
I will also be removing that black sticker ASAP.