Is that a shot fire?
anyway, discord link for mazre:
hmm allright, is there a gafia server?
Is that a shot fire?
anyway, discord link for mazre:
yeshmm allright, is there a gafia server?
Don't worry! I found it highly amusing and still had a great time. I expected somebody to kill me in the first night anyways for the exact same reason. Besides, it's only an hour long game and not a month long one. And it's not like I'll hold a grudge or anythingYeah, dying N0 is the worst. Sorry!!!
if you use your eyes
it's on the past few pages
kyan, zipped, join discord? ????
sign up is instant and freeeeee
Fuck it, I'll play.
I think this should still be valid.
Great live mafia game. Can't believe town won after several screw ups (specially since some were mine). Not used to having to logic my way out of things in real time thanks to Kawl for walking me through it haha
omg omg omg dragiiiiiiiiiiiiii <333333
and ffffffffff yeah i gots seathchan aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa *______*
You're running the game, d'awww!!
Best mod ever!!! <3
seath!!! join us at discord?
sign up is instant and super easy <3
Thanks for the invitation! <3
Sadly, I'm about to sleep. I have to work tomorrow... grrrr... it sucks having to wake up at 6:30 am on a fine Saturday morning. It's the worst!! ;_;
Have fun and best of luck to you all at Discord~ :3
May I have the link to the Batman spectator thread?
Thanks for the invitation! <3
Sadly, I'm about to sleep. I have to work tomorrow... grrrr... it sucks having to wake up at 6:30 am on a fine Saturday morning. It's the worst!! ;_;
Have fun and best of luck to you all at Discord~ :3
^ hey Yeeny, how come Gorlak is on there twice?
Vote: Gorlak
loads of #GAFIAGIRLS in Gods :>
and a pretty sausage party in batman i see kekekekeke
...why do so many of the GAFia girls have names beginning with s? I've just noticed
Swamped, StarSketch, Scrafty, Sawneeks, Sophia
Because they are Soft.
Because they are Soft.
Why do those invites keep expiring? There is a "never expire" option when making those invite links.
The link Splinter gave out was mine, it should never expire. I actually just mentioned it in chat.
I just want to say that the Broken Mic Gambit is the worst gambit of all time.
Darryl, Fireblend, and Gorlak won.
Done for now. Thanks for patience while I fumbled through that. Willing to play more later on or tomorrow!