source tags and codes is one of my favorite albums too....
i knew they were always HIGHLY regarded for their live performances but every time i checked out their live stuff on youtube i never really got the rave; i'd even say most of their live stuff on youtube sounds like crap (and not just because of the recording devices).
their sets two drummers were the only times i thought they gave a genuinely good live performance.
only basing this off of youtube.
I am talking personally. I know their albums are well regarded and they are supposed to be very good indeed, but from what I have listen to from Codes, It didn't grab me as much as I though it would. Maybe that was coming off their live performance few years back and ended up trying their albums subsequently (Why can't some bands sound like their live performances

I just thought they felt raw and genuine. Like they enjoyed what they were doing, the quality wasn't the best (to be frank, the venue they played in didn't had the best equipment) but they created atmosphere and the drummers were all awesome.
Maybe, I'll listen to their recordings a bit more in the future, but I dropped it as soon as I got new albums (Liars' WIXIW was the hotness at the time)
EDIT: I have to add that, I am not that into Post-Hardcore, so maybe that is why. I was lucky to see them live because the tickets was actually not too bad pricewise considering what I have heard of the drummers before.
Any impressions on La Gargola? I'm REALLY digging it after a few listens. At first I was a little let down but it really grows on you. Also listening to Wolfmothers New Crown. That album came out of nowhere. As a fan of Wolfmother I LOVED cosmic egg. This is pretty different from that, but there's some great tracks. Anything along these lines I should check out?
I had to google it to find out that its an album, not a band...
Never listened to Chevelle before. Sounds like I should check them out!