Will that affect my pivoting though? I have pretty high agility as well.
I haven't noticed any difference.
Will that affect my pivoting though? I have pretty high agility as well.
I haven't noticed any difference.
I'll post my build in a little bit.What is your player rating in endurance and balance?
And did you bother putting anything in shit like awareness? Sometimes I'm not sure if putting all my points in one thing is better than having shot blocking and stick checking both be like in the high 60s
Why do you have awareness maxed, what does it do?My LW build:
Deking - 85
Hand-eye - 76
Off. Awareness - 99
Passing - 93
Puck Control - 95
SS Accuracy - 60
SS Power - 61
WS Accuracy - 80
WS Power - 85
Aggressiveness - 60
Checking - 90
Def. Awareness - 90
Discipline - 96
Faceoffs - 65
Fighting - 50
Shot Blocking - 80
Stick Checking - 91
Acceleration - 65
Agility - 93
Balance - 79
Durability - 60
Endurance - 95
Speed - 90
Strength - 90
My RW build is slightly different to allow for higher faceoff stats but it's pretty similar. I use a two-way forward build for both LW & RW.
Why do you have awareness maxed, what does it do?
.For me, neither of them seem to do anything but I still put points in them. Offensive awareness supposedly helps you score goals and receive passes easier while defensive awareness supposedly makes your player better at intercepting passes and picking up loose pucks. There is an in-game guide to what the attributes are supposed to do.
Offensive awareness supposedly helps you score goals and receive passes easier while defensive awareness supposedly makes your player better at intercepting passes and picking up loose pucks
About time you get rid of that piece of string you were using for an ethernet cable.ANYBODY WANNA MAKE FUN OF MY COUNTRY ASS INTERNET NOW
I always backed out of OTP games when a human goalie was on my team.I'm fucking done with pick up games. Either you get an incompetent goalie or all people do is pause, and then let their player stand there for the rest of the game.
Why I get punished for it I will never know.
Some people get on to play
Games tonight?
Well I was gonna make an erection joke but I guess that's been handled
Does someone mind exlaining to me what exactly "boost pack attribute levels cannot be combined with attribute adjustments" means? E.g. The effects of a +3 strength boost? Or does it only apply to the "full package" boosts?
means you can only do one or the other
use a boost pack
use XP + equipment boosts
if you buy and equip a boost pack it freezes your attribute ratings at whatever the boost pack gave you, no matter how much XP or what level you gain, they stay the same. Boost packs are only good for when you start out as gaining XP and getting to the Superstar and Legend levels give you more points to use in the long run.
if you unequip the boost pack and decide to use your XP to determine your ratings, you can't "stack" the boost pack on top of that afterwards.
hope that helps
Boost packs give you a set rating. You can still earn attribute points while using a boost pack but they have zero effect. Once you catch up to your boost pack you can remove it and use your attribute points.But you still gain XP and can allote them, even with a boost pack active, right? It just won't have an effect... But you'll catch up to the boost pack stats faster since you're a "better" player, and then once caught up you can deactivate the boost pack and start using attributes from then on?
Also what do you mean by freeze... What if you bought the boost pack when already 90+? Or does it give you a set attribute rating, not a bonus?
Boost packs give you a set rating. You can still earn attribute points while using a boost pack but they have zero effect. Once you catch up to your boost pack you can remove it and use your attribute points.
If you're already a 90 and you use a boost pack, your player will be at whatever the boost pack's attributes are. It's not a bonus.
Sup fellas. The dude I always play(ed) with is a cop and he got transferred so now he really doesn't have time to play. I'd like to join back up on the team if that's cool.
That's basically a no, Vis doesn't have good days, only less shitty ones.
Wanna get on Old man vis need another D
Hows that healthcare treating your hip replacement?
D man aren't allowed to dangle.
Someone with the lowest social standing, such that commoners may pee on them with impunity. One social level below serfs, untouchables, and freshmen.