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NeoGAF Slot Cloggers (NHL 12 EASHL)

just saw all the bickering posted above, cmon dudes no need for animosity

the way I see it Super, you played OK last night overall, you had some nice plays here and there, and 1 or 2 moments of brilliance, but on the same hand there were a lot of missed opportunities which I think Milly was getting at. If you did have 7 or 8 assists, that's good shit but you weren't the one creating plays for others for the most part.

A lot of it is really a chemistry thing, anytime we integrate a "newer" player there needs to be some adjustments made on both sides. The more you play, you will start to see some of the opportunities we are talking about and how important they are that we execute, as missing even 1 or 2 usually will cost us the game. On our end we also need to find out how you play and adjust our "strategy" if you want to call it that to fit you into the team.

Milly and Marvie, I think you guys need to come down off your pedestals, all this talk over the past 2 days that I've heard and read from you both about people not playing to your liking and subtle hints about certain players lacking skill is nonsense. Maybe others don't measure up to you 2 as far as skills, but there's room and roles for everybody on this team. No one that I've played this year with has hampered the team like you guys have made it out to be.

I play because I like the game, and to chill and socialize with some good dudes, which all of you have proven to be. If we have become a super serious exclusive Elite club in the past week or so, let me know so I can go elsewhere...


Was no animosity. Dude took offense to some advice. Did Legit complain when I told him to change his camera? Nope. I wasn't a dick about it.

Oh well. I'll be on all night.


Was no animosity. Dude took offense to some advice. Did Legit complain when I told him to change his camera? Nope. I wasn't a dick about it.

Oh well. I'll be on all night.

just saw all the bickering posted above, cmon dudes no need for animosity

I play because I like the game, and to chill and socialize with some good dudes, which all of you have proven to be. If we have become a super serious exclusive Elite club in the past week or so, let me know so I can go elsewhere...

Saying "learn to pass more" isn't helpful.

Actually it is. When you're missing a ton of open guys and taking a bunch of bad shots instead, "pass more" is pretty helpful advice.

I'll be on tonight. Might be playing BF3 but I'll hop over to NHL if we can get enough people on.

Mediating Puppies inbound!


I'd play after I get back from work at 3:30 AM EST


Fucking sloppy shit at times tonight. Defensively, we HAVE to stop giving up so many odd man rushes. It fucking kills us when we give up such easy goals.


Sorry if it seemed like I ignored your message Milly, ended up leaving my box on while doing some errands and came back home to my copy of Saints Row 3. :x
Moop, my man you were frustrating me tonight

You gotta start playing TEAM hockey in the offensive zone, its not the stand around and watch Moop show, if you aint got nothing you gotta move the puck. This aint your old 2 man team where you gotta do everything on offense. I can count on my fingers how many times you have ever passed the puck back to me at the point since you joined the team.

You are playing some damn good D, and are deadly on the rush, but you are beyond useless whenever someone plays halfway decent D and stops your rush. No need to force it, I know you must think you can beat every single player one on one everytime, but the truth is you cant. Pick your spots and trust in others a little more my dude.

A lot of your "forcing it" is the cause for the turnovers that lead to the odd man rushes Marvie mentioned above that you are so quick to point out in a condescending tone to me everytime "How does that happen!". It happens because you are trying to play 1 on 5 and are putting your defensemen in a tough spot.



I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
So I played another couple hours of drop in games after our club games to work on some stuff, cause there were a couple problems with myself I was noticing mostly this stuff :

- I not trying to hit as much it leaves me out of position too much, and im trying to use my stick more
- taking an extra half second / second to make a pass instead of rushing them and not getting them on the tape
- on the powerplay im moving around before shooting now cause too many times i was getting shots off that bounced off players and out of the zone
- when the other d is pinching im sticking closer to the center of the ice and being more careful
- trying to protect the puck more, ive been getting stripped of it a bit lately, and I just get lazy and never use the a button, but im trying to focus on that more

My games in drop ins gave me better marks, and the games went well so hopefully my play is tightened up for the next club games.


A lot of your "forcing it" is the cause for the turnovers that lead to the odd man rushes Marvie mentioned above

To be fair, all the forwards are guilty of this. Cutting down on opposing scoring chances is a full team effort though. We have to be better about not turning the puck over so much. We have a tendency to hold the puck longer than we should and end up losing it. Its especially bad when it happens in our defensive zone.

I mentioned earlier that the odd man rushes are really hurting us as of late. We really need to do a better job of paying attention to where all 5 opposing skaters are and not letting them slip by for an easy chance. We lost a game 4-1 tonight and 3 of their goals were on breakaways/odd man rushes. Its impossible to prevent every rush but it doesn't take much effort to keep them to a minimum. We did a great job of it all last year and earlier this year, but we've been slacking lately. .


Why do these replies always come up after we lose a few games in bad fashion? Have you ever seen us play any differently although you guys do bring up points to help? I haven't. Sorry if I'm a little bit negative, but Viz, we can't roll with the big boys. I don't see how you think we're some team that can stand up to them, but truth is we can't. That orange team we played that cycled well and I believe won 6-3, pushed our shit in all game. We started out well last night, but clearly ran into teams that were ranked higher than us and it showed.

I'm getting tired of trying to play D and defend the point. Half the time the Center or other Winger will be covering my guy and leaving the opposite wide open. Pretty annoying.

With that being said, yeah Moop you were pissing me off too. I never thought anyone could complain more than Marive, but that shit was getting out of hand. There is some randomness to hockey, you know? Just suck it up and roll with it. It's a game. And moop, I enjoy playing with you. Please don't take this the wrong way.

Viz, I'm getting sick of you calling me a coward or whatever is your flavor of the day. Until this team plays to the leave of beating Elite teams in good fashion, I'll continue to duck and avoid the frustration. And that's why I obviously kept leaving last night, but I got tired of listening to moop complain about leaving. Also, I'm not on any pedestal. If you think I'm all high and mighty I'm pretty sure I would be more than an average player which I know I'm not.

I enjoy playing with the majority of you guys, but let's be honest: we are an average team at best and that's what makes it fun for me. On my old club we would just roll guys the majority of the time and it would get boring. I like a challenge, albeit not one with top teams.
So I played another couple hours of drop in games after our club games to work on some stuff, cause there were a couple problems with myself I was noticing mostly this stuff :

- I not trying to hit as much it leaves me out of position too much, and im trying to use my stick more
- taking an extra half second / second to make a pass instead of rushing them and not getting them on the tape
- on the powerplay im moving around before shooting now cause too many times i was getting shots off that bounced off players and out of the zone
- when the other d is pinching im sticking closer to the center of the ice and being more careful
- trying to protect the puck more, ive been getting stripped of it a bit lately, and I just get lazy and never use the a button, but im trying to focus on that more

My games in drop ins gave me better marks, and the games went well so hopefully my play is tightened up for the next club games.

its good that you pretty much realize all key areas that a D-man needs to focus on. I still get caught a lot on some of this stuff too. The passing one is really key, as a d-man hitting the right person and with the right touch on the breakout is pretty much the best way for a d-man to impact the outcome of the game offensively. Any goals you get are just icing on the cake.

One thing I've learned that has helped me is that when you are passing up the wall, especially long passes if there is a slight gap between the receiver and the wall, you should try to use a slight bank off the wall really close to them and the game will kick in some serious auto aim and get the pass the them perfectly, whereas trying to aim directly at them just doesn't work all the time. Try that out.

Me and you in particular need to work on a better chemistry with moving the puck back and forth at the point in the offensive zone. We need to try to set each other up more for one-timers from far out. Two things to try. Off the faceoff if you are the guy towards center ice, start drifting out a bit towards the opposite boards. You seem to pinch in towards me a lot to grab the puck when its coming closer to me which leaves me with no pass option across. Read the centerman's grip before he takes the faceoff, on the draw you can only really win the puck back in one general direction depending on which handedness he uses, so as a d-man you can tell if its gonna come to you or not if he wins it by the center's stance.

Other thing, especially off faceoff wins. If I move the puck across to you really quickly, sometimes read the D and move it back to me, because the D that rushes out to the point will usually rush hard at the guy receiving the first pass and will leave the passer open.

Keep shooting though, you've had pretty good success, more than any other d-man scoring from the point. Off the faceoff win is usually not a good idea though, unless you make some kind of move to get free first.

To be fair, all the forwards are guilty of this. Cutting down on opposing scoring chances is a full team effort though. We have to be better about not turning the puck over so much. We have a tendency to hold the puck longer than we should and end up losing it. Its especially bad when it happens in our defensive zone.

I mentioned earlier that the odd man rushes are really hurting us as of late. We really need to do a better job of paying attention to where all 5 opposing skaters are and not letting them slip by for an easy chance. We lost a game 4-1 tonight and 3 of their goals were on breakaways/odd man rushes. Its impossible to prevent every rush but it doesn't take much effort to keep them to a minimum. We did a great job of it all last year and earlier this year, but we've been slacking lately. .

As far as the turnovers in the defensive zone go, I think we all need to be more aware of when our puck carrier looks like he is in trouble. A lot of times we don't provide good support options. Our wingers usually streak up the ice as far as possible to try to get behind the D. When I play Center I like to come back below the blue line and give a pass option to the puck carrier in the event the wingers are covered well, and at the very least be in a good enough position to help out defensively in case there's a turnover. The opposite D-man is usually further up the ice than the puck carrier so

Why do these replies always come up after we lose a few games in bad fashion? Have you ever seen us play any differently although you guys do bring up points to help? I haven't. Sorry if I'm a little bit negative, but Viz, we can't roll with the big boys. I don't see how you think we're some team that can stand up to them, but truth is we can't. That orange team we played that cycled well and I believe won 6-3, pushed our shit in all game. We started out well last night, but clearly ran into teams that were ranked higher than us and it showed.

I'm getting tired of trying to play D and defend the point. Half the time the Center or other Winger will be covering my guy and leaving the opposite wide open. Pretty annoying.

With that being said, yeah Moop you were pissing me off too. I never thought anyone could complain more than Marive, but that shit was getting out of hand. There is some randomness to hockey, you know? Just suck it up and roll with it. It's a game. And moop, I enjoy playing with you. Please don't take this the wrong way.

Viz, I'm getting sick of you calling me a coward or whatever is your flavor of the day. Until this team plays to the leave of beating Elite teams in good fashion, I'll continue to duck and avoid the frustration. And that's why I obviously kept leaving last night, but I got tired of listening to moop complain about leaving. Also, I'm not on any pedestal. If you think I'm all high and mighty I'm pretty sure I would be more than an average player which I know I'm not.

I enjoy playing with the majority of you guys, but let's be honest: we are an average team at best and that's what makes it fun for me. On my old club we would just roll guys the majority of the time and it would get boring. I like a challenge, albeit not one with top teams.

Milly were gonna have to agree to disagree, you are a coward.

Your definition of top teams is too broad. There is a difference between a 300-3-10 and a 900-300-100 team. You and Marvie see that big number of wins and get scared away for the 900 win team. If a team has lost a fucking 100 times before, WE CAN BEAT THEM! Same thing with points, a guy comes up with 1000 points on the player spotlight screen the shit must just run right down your pant leg. Most of the time its just because they play a lot or play bums that cant defend for shit.

We've beaten these kind of teams plenty of times before. Teams like that orange team from last night and that black & purple Monarchs team. It's as simple as playing better defense and sharing the puck better on our end. Like Marvie said, our defense has slipped this year. Point blank you are just never up to the challenge, despite what you said above. I think we are clearly better than an average team and if we have mostly experienced players in the lineup I don't really see this large gap in skill you see in most cases.

I agree its generally not a good idea to play teams with 30%+ shooting percentages as that's the best indicator of whether or not they have mastered the exploits. But we're better than an average team on most days. All your Elite teams that you are scared of do is play aggressive D and move well without the puck setting up multiple options for the cross crease pass. They scored 99% of their goals on one-time slapshots from the side or easily defendable cross-crease plays. That shit can be defended by us if everyone gets on the same page. A little communication on the mics on defense at least wouldn't hurt.

I'm glad the the "pedestal comment" caught your eye, as that was the intention. It was directly specifically at you, always moaning and groaning and mentioned how bad certain players are whenever someone new or doesnt play often wants to play. Give these dudes a chance and help them along if they need some pointers. You play 1 or 2 games with a person you aren't familiar with then just seem to dismiss them if they aren't up to your standards.


I have almost double the assists than I have goals... how am I not playing a team game? I am looking to pass almost every time I get it. I can beat 90% of the people out there 1 on 1, and a lot of the time I am creating scoring chances when I get the puck in the offensive zone. I can't be the only one turning over the puck can I? Sometimes I get a little carried away with it and trying to do to much, which I understand. Say something in game next time if you are not liking what I am doing and I'll try to correct it. It sucks being singled out on the forums after a bad night because I don't see how it was just me.

If you are thinking I am complaining too much, just say something, and stop calling it out on the forums. It's not like I am going to get pissed or anything. I can always turn my mic off.

Also, why wasn't any of this said when we were winning? I am obviously not used to playing with a 5 man team, but when I was doing my thing in the offensive zone and we had all those winning nights, no one said anything to me about these "issues."


Milly were gonna have to agree to disagree, you are a coward.

Your definition of top teams is too broad. There is a difference between a 300-3-10 and a 900-300-100 team. You and Marvie see that big number of wins and get scared away for the 900 win team. If a team has lost a fucking 100 times before, WE CAN BEAT THEM! Same thing with points, a guy comes up with 1000 points on the player spotlight screen the shit must just run right down your pant leg. Most of the time its just because they play a lot or play bums that cant defend for shit.

We've beaten these kind of teams plenty of times before. Teams like that orange team from last night and that black & purple Monarchs team. It's as simple as playing better defense and sharing the puck better on our end. Like Marvie said, our defense has slipped this year. Point blank you are just never up to the challenge, despite what you said above. I think we are clearly better than an average team and if we have mostly experienced players in the lineup I don't really see this large gap in skill you see in most cases.

I agree its generally not a good idea to play teams with 30%+ shooting percentages as that's the best indicator of whether or not they have mastered the exploits. But we're better than an average team on most days. All your Elite teams that you are scared of do is play aggressive D and move well without the puck setting up multiple options for the cross crease pass. They scored 99% of their goals on one-time slapshots from the side or easily defendable cross-crease plays. That shit can be defended by us if everyone gets on the same page. A little communication on the mics on defense at least wouldn't hurt.

I'm glad the the "pedestal comment" caught your eye, as that was the intention. It was directly specifically at you, always moaning and groaning and mentioned how bad certain players are whenever someone new or doesnt play often wants to play. Give these dudes a chance and help them along if they need some pointers. You play 1 or 2 games with a person you aren't familiar with then just seem to dismiss them if they aren't up to your standards.

Well, I guess we are gonna agree to disagree.

First off, coward or not, I'm pretty sure I have a general idea on who's good and who's not. I've played OTP since '08 and I've seen good and I've seen terrible. We're fucking average and I love how you think we're better than that, but we aren't. More often than not how are we scoring? Cross-crease. That's average amateur bullshit. You see guys sniping against us (although most of it is "cheese"), but how many of those do we get? I'm lucky to snipe maybe 1-2 a night and so is Marv. Every other fucking goal comes from in the slot. We also get scored on quite often from the point. Why isn't that shit working for you guys if we're so "good"? Please, PLEASE explain to me how we're better than an average team. We've got nothing aside from the cross crease. How often do you see us cycling around in the zone? Not too often. We're in the zone and out within 10 seconds on average, guaranteed. I try and work it down low behind the net, but generally there is no one there. If we're gonna do better, we need to cycle better. Plain and simple.

You know what, if you're so worried about it just being for fun then let's just scrap the whole looking up the other team. Funny how Marv isn't a coward yet he is the one relaying the information to bail when he's there. And yeah, never up the challenge. That's why I'm 2nd most in GP on the team. Not once have I fucking said "I'm leaving the team" like you've done quite a few times for various reasons. When you guys are generally pissed at goals going in, I'm laughing in my head and sometimes aloud at how funny it is. The game is fun for me, regardless of what the fuck you think.

And I do agree, our defense is horrendous. It's not that easy to play man on man in this game. People get moving and it throws you off. I generally TRY and stick with one guy, but I can't account for the other forwards coming over to cover him or whatever else can possibly happen.

And yep, you're right once again. Sorry if I do have some standards, but I'm not gonna play with players that can't make simple passes or dump the puck in before losing it. Also, continue to say I'm on a pedestal and a coward. I really don't care what you think... I know what I'm capable of when I play and I'm satisfied with that.

Funny, it's all for fun, right Viz? How many times do you get a stern tone with us while playing? "GOTTA MOVE THAT SHIT" "OH MAN, COME ON" blah blah yadda yadda. I could hear it in your voice last night and you can deny it all you want, but you were getting pissed the last game. You also took your mic off before the game ended it seems. You really can't call anyone out on this shit, cause you've threatened to quit multiple times. Just give up the act man, if it were all for fun you wouldn't be getting mad so often.

There are times when I get frustrated, but not once have I ever thought of leaving the team. All it takes is one bad night for you and it's over.


I enjoy playing with the majority of you guys, but let's be honest: we are an average team at best and that's what makes it fun for me. On my old club we would just roll guys the majority of the time and it would get boring. I like a challenge, albeit not one with top teams.

Pretty much how I feel, plus this game just outright pisses me off, and having all this post-game drama or whatever doesn't exactly make playing appealing. Suggesting things for improvement is fine, but going off and stirring shit up and all of that isn't really necessary, though I completely understand it's just purely out of frustration (most of the time.)

Can't we all just be friends?


First off, everyone needs to chill the fuck out. I mean, come on.

I was going to post this until I saw you did it first. :lol

Ok, now to the actual meat of my post:

As far as the turnovers in the defensive zone go, I think we all need to be more aware of when our puck carrier looks like he is in trouble. A lot of times we don't provide good support options. Our wingers usually streak up the ice as far as possible to try to get behind the D. When I play Center I like to come back below the blue line and give a pass option to the puck carrier in the event the wingers are covered well, and at the very least be in a good enough position to help out defensively in case there's a turnover.
You can blame me for this one. I still have playing wing implanted in my brain so there are a lot of times I go up the ice without thinking. However, there are times I have been back providing an option and I don't get the pass despite not having anyone near me. I(or whoever else is playing center) need to make sure they're hanging back and the defensemen need to do a better job anticipating pressure and looking for shorter outlet passes. We turn it over a LOT trying to make these long stretch passes when they aren't there. Forwards need to make sure they're providing better outlet options and defensemen need to make sure they're moving the puck carefully when exiting the zone.
You guys should play earlier so I can join in on the losing. :D
You're Milhouse
I have almost double the assists than I have goals... how am I not playing a team game? I am looking to pass almost every time I get it. I can beat 90% of the people out there 1 on 1, and a lot of the time I am creating scoring chances when I get the puck in the offensive zone. I can't be the only one turning over the puck can I? Sometimes I get a little carried away with it and trying to do to much, which I understand. Say something in game next time if you are not liking what I am doing and I'll try to correct it. It sucks being singled out on the forums after a bad night because I don't see how it was just me.

If you are thinking I am complaining too much, just say something, and stop calling it out on the forums. It's not like I am going to get pissed or anything. I can always turn my mic off.

Also, why wasn't any of this said when we were winning? I am obviously not used to playing with a 5 man team, but when I was doing my thing in the offensive zone and we had all those winning nights, no one said anything to me about these "issues."
Like you said, if we're winning, nobody cares. Losing magnifies fuckups. Plain and simple.

Trying to get too fancy when its unnecessary results in a lot of pointless turnovers/offsides all over the ice. As a whole, we need to simplify our game as a team. Smarter defense, smarter passes, smarter positioning, smarter shots. We aren't doing any of those right now.


I'll try to limit my "fanciness" but being creative with the puck is part of what allows me to make my own/create scoring chances for others. I certainly don't want people to think I am selfish by deking a lot and trying new shit, because I prefer to set up a teammate for a good goal over scoring one of my own, which you can see by my stat line.


In the end, I'm probably gonna limit my posting in here. Gets too heated sometimes and I don't like arguing with people.

Just realize, it's a game. It's intended to be fun. If it's not providing fun, take a break. No need to get worked up so much. I'll be on tonight. Around 10:30 est, maybe earlier if I see people are on.



I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Me and you in particular need to work on a better chemistry with moving the puck back and forth at the point in the offensive zone. We need to try to set each other up more for one-timers from far out. Two things to try. Off the faceoff if you are the guy towards center ice, start drifting out a bit towards the opposite boards. You seem to pinch in towards me a lot to grab the puck when its coming closer to me which leaves me with no pass option across. Read the centerman's grip before he takes the faceoff, on the draw you can only really win the puck back in one general direction depending on which handedness he uses, so as a d-man you can tell if its gonna come to you or not if he wins it by the center's stance.

Other thing, especially off faceoff wins. If I move the puck across to you really quickly, sometimes read the D and move it back to me, because the D that rushes out to the point will usually rush hard at the guy receiving the first pass and will leave the passer open.
Yea for sure, this is something I noticed a lot last night, and I want to work on, if you guys have any tips during the game just let me know it doesn't bother me, this year is the first time I've ever played defense so I'm still learning and will take any pointers, like you guys I'm really competitive and just want to keep getting better. Like Milly said there's going to be time's were we lose, and go on losing streaks, but I don't mind as long as we identify our weaknesses and work on it. Losses will happen, you can't win them all.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Legit I hope you realize when I'm giving you shit it's all in good fun.
Yea of course, I don't talk much because I'm either trying to be quiet, or lots of times I have roommates / friends in the room with me who are talking to me and such. I'll try and communicate more, but yea its all good fun, I didn't take the poutine jokes seriously :lol


Yea of course, I don't talk much because I'm either trying to be quiet, or lots of times I have roommates / friends in the room with me who are talking to me and such. I'll try and communicate more, but yea its all good fun, I didn't take the poutine jokes seriously :lol

Or I am talking. :p


Yea of course, I don't talk much because I'm either trying to be quiet, or lots of times I have roommates / friends in the room with me who are talking to me and such. I'll try and communicate more, but yea its all good fun, I didn't take the poutine jokes seriously :lol

I hope you wouldn't take offense to the poutine of all the shit I give you. :lol

Or I am talking. :p

And same goes to you. We all love to give you shit, but it seems like sometimes you take it seriously (although I think you're joking).


Nahh man! Just meant I've had nothing else to do and was reading the GAF '11 thread when I first joined and Noz was in love with me. We had some good chemistry too! Miss those daysssss.

Also, we were pretty happy back then. Let's bring it back and cut the bickering. Sound good? K.



I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
I hope you wouldn't take offense to the poutine of all the shit I give you. :lol
Haha nah thats weak shit compared to the stuff that my roommates throw around the house, I would be permabanned for saying 98% of the insults we toss at each other.


If there was an Official MGO Community Leader, I'd be it
Our key last year was none of us tried to hog the puck. Our puck movement has never been the best (lol sorry D-men), but is was more free and we all had a better general understanding of what we were all trying to do. Maybe it helps there were fewer of us, but we had a pretty solid loose strategy figured out. You were mostly focused on setting people up, but you'd also go all the way up the ice and score, both of which were great. Marv would float around in one timer land, Viz would be fucking awesome, and I spent entire games parked in the crease.

Just seems like we haven't figured stuff out yet for this season. At least I certainly haven't


Our key last year was none of us tried to hog the puck. Our puck movement has never been the best (lol sorry D-men), but is was more free and we all had a better general understanding of what we were all trying to do. Maybe it helps there were fewer of us, but we had a pretty solid loose strategy figured out. You were mostly focused on setting people up, but you'd also go all the way up the ice and score, both of which were great. Marv would float around in one timer land, Viz would be fucking awesome, and I spent entire games parked in the crease.

Just seems like we haven't figured stuff out yet for this season. At least I certainly haven't

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