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NeoGAF Slot Cloggers (NHL 12 EASHL)


Jordan Swance

Jordan Swance

poor guy...dont know whats worse that you are a friend of Milly's or a Leafs fan...

j/k, welcome aboard

I'll be tonight

post in the thread when yall wanna play, I'll check it every hour or so

im gonna hop on Skyrim when I get done eating, but I am not accepting that patch that's out there since it breaks the game so it knocks me offline everytime I play now
got the new dash and now my modem keeps dropping signal every 5 mins

go on without me tonight

I'll check it in an hour or so and get at yall if you are still playing


Yeahhhhhhh, new dashboard is causing a fuckton of issues, and considering how long it took them to just push the damn thing out today I'm assuming it's going to continue like this for a while.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Sorry bout the connection again tonight from 10-1 I always lag hard cause we have 6 people here streaming / downloading shit I might just not play until after 1 I'm tired of lagging in games and getting kicked out.
gg's tonight,

what a difference a day or 2 makes for turnout, we could barely scrape together 3 people to play for the past couple weeks and we had 8 on tonight

SuperSonic had a pretty good night in his return from his hiatus, had a real nice snipe and some solid play

Marvie got a major misconduct and got thrown out of a club game and then ended up bailing out of our GAF vs GAF game, never change Marv...

Swance made quite a 1st impression showing off his impressive faceoff skills that he surely learned from Milly

and I scored this impressive goal
:lol sogood.gif

I was playing versus online tonight, and was on the PK and was 2-3 feet away from the other teams blueline, shot the puck towards the goalie and it bounced off him, and over him into the goal :lol furthest I've ever scored a non empty netter.

Ya, I've seen that happen a couple times in the drop in games I've played. So dumb.


I may be on tonight, but I have decided to take it easy this weekend, so I'll be on Fri/Sat/Sun most likely.

Damn... looking at the records/stats... I could have sworn I had 5 assists one game.

Also, I might be able to hit Legend this weekend. I think I am around 135 games. I need those extra attribute points.


Fucking Canes and their Western Canada trip causing games to come on late. >> I should be on tonight since there won't be a game, not sure about Friday or this weekend though.


I don't know, honestly. I was on around 10-ish est? I think and there was already 5 or so on. There ended up being 8 overall. SuperSonic and Tackle returned last night and Dokk has been playing more regularly. I haven't gotten a spot the past 2 nights because it's been so full, but I also had to jet after the GAF vs. GAF game last night.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
I've got 3 papers / assingments and a final monday so I won't be on tonight or the rest of the weekend so there will be a spot open


Man, that was some good stuff tonight. I know we didn't play the best of teams, but we were firing on all cylinders. Seemed like we all gelled pretty well and things were going in our favor. I think we only lost 1? Maybe 2 all night.

Supersonic, if you're gonna play more often you need to learn to pass more and pass better. You're not holding down the pass trigger long enough when you DO pass and there were a metric fuckton of cross crease goals we could've had if you would've passed.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Good games, I'll try and finish my poutine before I play my next game...wait I don't even like poutine...gotta work on my passes, gonna try and get some drop in games going once im done with school to help.
Good games, I'll try and finish my poutine before I play my next game...wait I don't even like poutine...gotta work on my passes, gonna try and get some drop in games going once im done with school to help.

make sure you are dumping a good amount of points into your passing attribute as a defensemen, i think its the most important offensive stat for a d-man


Good games, I'll try and finish my poutine before I play my next game...wait I don't even like poutine...gotta work on my passes, gonna try and get some drop in games going once im done with school to help.

Isn't it illegal for Canadians to not like poutine?

On a related note, you're crazy. Poutine is awesome. :D
Supersonic, if you're gonna play more often you need to learn to pass more and pass better. You're not holding down the pass trigger long enough when you DO pass and there were a metric fuckton of cross crease goals we could've had if you would've passed.

I'm sorry that my 7 or 8 assists last night wasn't enough.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
make sure you are dumping a good amount of points into your passing attribute as a defensemen, i think its the most important offensive stat for a d-man
Yea I'm gonna look at my build tonight and try and revamp it a bit.
Isn't it illegal for Canadians to not like poutine?

On a related note, you're crazy. Poutine is awesome. :D
It probably is illegal in fine print somewhere in canadian law, but it's too disgusting for me, ill stick to my polar bear meat and syrup.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Anyone gonna be on tonight? I should be on once I finish my paper, if no ones on I'll just practice in some drop in games.


Saying "learn to pass more" isn't helpful.
Actually it is. When you're missing a ton of open guys and taking a bunch of bad shots instead, "pass more" is pretty helpful advice.

Yea I'm gonna look at my build tonight and try and revamp it a bit.

It probably is illegal in fine print somewhere in canadian law, but it's too disgusting for me, ill stick to my polar bear meat and syrup.


How could you eat this little guy? :mad:

I'll be on tonight. Might be playing BF3 but I'll hop over to NHL if we can get enough people on.
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