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NeoGAF Slot Cloggers (NHL 12 EASHL)


Look, if you're going to bitch and criticize my play like a dick, I'm going to do the same to you, plain and simple. I'm not going to take shit from you after playing what I felt was a pretty good pair of games despite the losses. You don't want me to intercept passes? Then either stop trying to pass through me or use your speaking voice like a big boy and tell me to move out of the fucking way, because otherwise I don't have a fucking clue about what you're trying to do.

Done looking at this thread for tonight, I'll be on tomorrow night after the Canes game for anyone that wants to play.

damn son, you ethered him with that one... bravo



LOL. Okay, time to break down your post bit by bit. 1. You do realize my job as a center is to be in the slot when we're in the offensive zone, yeah? 2. When you're on the sideboards and I'm already in the slot it's pretty fucking impossible to get out of the damn battle in front of the net animations that always happen, 3. It's completely improbable that you would toss it back to the point, yeah? No, wait, it's not, and 4. Why the fuck are you passing through the fucking slot when you know I'm already there from the sideboards and then bitching about me picking off the pass? You know where I fucking am, either tell me to fucking move or don't try to pass through me, it's not that fucking difficult to understand. Not only that, but tonight, when you were on the sideboards going into the corners, guess what, I moved over to the sideboards DIRECTLY BEHIND YOU to 1. open up the slot and 2. give you a passing option, which you promptly fucking ignored, dicked around with the puck and turned it over god knows how many times.
1. You do realize the slot extends out farther than just the front of the net right?

2. You don't intercept passes and get shots off when you're in the net battle. If someone is tied up, I don't pass to them. As Milly pointed out, you were skating into the path of the puck. It's a little late for me to yell at you when the puck is already on its way.

3. As I said before, Legit was covered well all game. Milly was open which is why I passed to him numerous times.

4. Those passes were open before you moved into the way like a dumbass. It's not my fault you drive straight to the front of the fucking net every time.

And as far as moving directly behind me, why the fuck would you be there? You go from crowding the right wing to crowding the left side of the ice. Either go behind the net(which you never do), or go out to the right boards.

Please, list them off, I want every detail about them: where you were, where I was, where the intended recipient was, where the whole other fucking team was and if that pass would've even gone through regardless. Their whole team that last game was playing 5 man wall in the slot, which is why there's a thing called points, you know, up along the sideboards there, but once again, you decided it would be better to collapse to the corner know full well that I was most likely in the slot alongside their entire fucking team being in the slot and trying to force a cross crease instead of giving it back to the point.
That's fucking cute. I'll list them all off when you list the two times you actually played your fucking position properly. Considering there was nobody between you and sox, those passes would have easily gotten to him but you picked them off and shot from a much worse spot.

Then they weren't clear if I was in the way, see my points listed above.
They were clear before you got in the fucking way.

Holy shit, you actually make a valid point, yes, I did let that slip from me during those two games, but once again, USE YOUR FUCKING MIC AND MENTION IT.
How many fucking times do things need to be harped on? Unless you have a learning disability, there's no excuse for not figuring this shit out by now.

You mean when I moved up to the high slot and Milly was trying to creep down? Yeah, I only remember catching one of those, and the only reason I was up there in the first place was because nothing was getting through to the slot and I decided to open up another passing opportunity.
You mean the one you caught and shot from right in front of the blue line? There was no fucking reason for you to be out that high and all you did was take away a better passing opportunity and take a terrible shot.

So, you're bitching about me doing what I should be doing, and now you're bitching about me doing what I'm not suppose to be doing, okay.
Because you're doing it backwards.

Right, which is what I was doing, except you fail to realize that when you're hurp a durpin in the corner, I'm not screening anymore, I'm trying to position myself for a quick pass from you, which is why I either dip below the net or move off to the side a bit or, like I started tonight, move to the sideboards, but that doesn't seem to matter because you either turn the puck over, or try to do some half-retarded close range collapsing roof wrist shot from the goal line which never works. Not only that but you've played enough games with me to know where the fuck I'm going to be, and common sense dictates that you should probably adjust, mostly by, oh, I dunno, either cycling the puck back to the point or going up the sideboards to pass through the slot, which would probably work a fucking lot better just based upon how many goals we've had scored on us from the faceoff circles.
A. I didn't see you behind the net once.

B. It's kind of hard to know where you're going to be because you don't even know where the fuck you're going to be.

I like that you keep harping on passing to the point. I don't have any problems working the puck back and forth along the point WHEN ITS OPEN. Legit wasn't open much if at all tonight.

LMFAO. No, you didn't say a fucking word about positioning, and I certainly didn't respond to it, I know that for a fucking fact. I only recall hearing you twice, once was off that breakaway where I went "Go Marvie Go!" or whatever and I couldn't even make out what the fuck you said because I literally have to turn my game volume all the way down and my mic volume all the way up to hear you, and the other time was when you pulled your dick move of the night by going "way to fucking go" before quitting out.
Check your facts then. The last two nights when it's been you, me, and sox on forward, I've mentioned positioning. I know this because you sat there and made smartass remarks about it both nights. Maybe if you'd shut the fuck up for 2 minutes instead of trying to be a comedian all game, you'd play better.

Look, if you're going to bitch and criticize my play like a dick, I'm going to do the same to you, plain and simple. I'm not going to take shit from you after playing what I felt was a pretty good pair of games despite the losses. You don't want me to intercept passes? Then either stop trying to pass through me or use your speaking voice like a big boy and tell me to move out of the fucking way, because otherwise I don't have a fucking clue about what you're trying to do.
Those weren't a pair of good games and I'm not the only one who thinks that. If all you're going to do is be a smartass, then I'm not going to bother talking to you. If you weren't in the way, I wouldn't have to even consider telling you to move or worry about my passes getting through you.

Anyways, I'm done for awhile.
damn son, that's a shocking statement

I did not know we had 2 comedians on the team now

Blinding, do you and Sox alternate sets each period or is a two man act?

Herp derp I don't really do that much anymore. Really only when others are now. Not that you'd be able to tell.

Let's make this worse than it is already by pulling others into it randomly.
Herp derp I don't really do that much anymore. Really only when others are now. Not that you'd be able to tell.

Let's make this worse than it is already by pulling others into it randomly.

I'm sorry, a little back and forth between people is too much drama for your sensitive ass. How could I have forgotten??? I forgot we are all supposed to behave and get along all the time so we provide a peaceful outlet for you so you can get away from the troubles of your life. Because you "need" this game so much.

that about cover everything?
Missed the point. The point was that I really don't do that anymore, so there's no reason to come in and act like I do. Frankly, I think the back-and-forth about play is fine. Arguing usually helps improve. That had nothing to do with play at all though, and was unfounded from the start.
Missed the point. The point was that I really don't do that anymore, so there's no reason to come in and act like I do. Frankly, I think the back-and-forth about play is fine. Arguing usually helps improve. That had nothing to do with play at all though, and was unfounded from the start.

UPDATE: There's been a change in the standings


1) Moop
2) Moop
3) Moop
4) Sox ^
5) Swim v (I never hear him laugh at anyone's jokes during games)

Sox, you've jumped into the Top 5 right over Swim, at this pace you might be able to match or overtake Moop within the week...
UPDATE: There's been a change in the standings


1) Moop
2) Moop
3) Moop
4) Sox ^
5) Swim v (I never hear him laugh at anyone's jokes during games)

Sox, you've jumped into the Top 5 right over Swim, at this pace you might be able to match or overtake Moop within the week...

Excuse me for not detecting sarcasm via text. But lol @ swim.

Milly was theorizing the only word he can say is bro the other day. That'd make for a weird laugh.




Absolutely love board notifications, weeeeeeee.

1. You do realize the slot extends out farther than just the front of the net right?

You do realize I'm not always in front of the net, right?

2. You don't intercept passes and get shots off when you're in the net battle.

Uh, yeah, you kinda do, I've had it happened multiple times. Maybe you should actually venture out from alongside the boards and find out for your fucking self.

If someone is tied up, I don't pass to them.

Right, you just try to pass through me, I already went over this.

As Milly pointed out, you were skating into the path of the puck.

While I'm supposedly in front of the net all game? Hmm, that doesn't make much sense Marvie, come on, I thought you understood how you use logic. The one pass I stole that I skated into was the one that was aparantly going towards Milly, where I was dead center in the high slot and Milly was more off to my side rather then behind me. The others, nope, I either didn't skate into them (which means you have really shit passes, which is mostly true,) or it wasn't my intention to skate into them, either way, not sucking cock all game and actually speaking and saying something that would make it obvious who the fuck your passes are meant for would help so much to solving this apparent issue of me stealing passes, which before tonight I've heard jack shit about.

It's a little late for me to yell at you when the puck is already on its way.

Really, because you should know how the game works enough to realize that "oh hey he's skating to that spot maybe that pass won't go to who I want to go to," and either try a different fucking pass or speak up.

3. As I said before, Legit was covered well all game. Milly was open which is why I passed to him numerous times.

Yet you'll nitpick about the one that I stole, which wasn't even on purpose, alright.

4. Those passes were open before you moved into the way like a dumbass. It's not my fault you drive straight to the front of the fucking net every time.

LOL. So wait, you know that I tend to go to the front of the net and yet you'll pass right through where you know I'll be and then turn around and bitch about how I caught it? Beautiful, bravo Marvo, you are quite obviously the smartest fucking person alive. There's this thing called adjusting, maybe you should do it. Not only that, but since I'm assuming you're referring to us on the rush with this, when I know it's for sure a two on one, I move off to the side to not only where I feel I can score, but to where I know I'll actually get the fucking puck. I don't know if you haven't noticed but this club has a tendency to have horrible fucking passes on the rush from just about everybody some nights, so if you want me to move over to the side more then you best be able to actually feed me the fucking puck while I'm over there. When it's a 3 on 1 or three on two, outside of the last game we played tonight, I try to hang back and stay out of the way, most of the time I don't even join in on the rush because I'm hanging back trying to get the d-men another passing opportunity out of our zone while you fucks on wing dash for the red line.

And as far as moving directly behind me, why the fuck would you be there? You go from crowding the right wing to crowding the left side of the ice. Either go behind the net(which you never do), or go out to the right boards.

I fucking explained to you why I was there, and lol, I'm never behind the net? Sorry, wasn't I end here bitching about our lack of behind the net play a couple/few weeks ago, you're really going to sit there and say I'm never behind the fucking net? Fuck, you've pointed out my wrap around attempts god knows how many fucking times, yeah, I'm totally never behind the net. Please, pull your head out of your fucking ass or grow some brain cells or something, for the love of god.

That's fucking cute. I'll list them all off when you list the two times you actually played your fucking position properly.

This mean you can't list them off because you're pulling shit out of your ass. Pretty sure I play my position properly every session, am I perfect at it? No. But if I wasn't then I'm pretty sure it would've been mentioned a shitload of times beforehand, which it wasn't, so why are you now saying I'm not playing my position properly? Aww, is wittle Marvie mad, are you all in a tizzy?

Considering there was nobody between you and sox, those passes would have easily gotten to him but you picked them off and shot from a much worse spot.

Yup, more on the rush talk, which again, I've admitted that in that last game (yes, changed it from those two games to that last game, because, while watching the recording of those games that I did with my capture card while we were playing since I was testing some new cables I got, I saw that during that first game I did hang back on our 3-on-1 or 3-on-2 rushes,) I let staying back slip away from me. But it's okay, I'll keep bringing up your shitty play in the corner, you know, where you constantly give up the puck. You knew that, right, that you constantly give up the puck in the corner?

How many fucking times do things need to be harped on? Unless you have a learning disability, there's no excuse for not figuring this shit out by now.

Oh, that's so funny, a learning disability, how did you ever come up with that one? You're such a comedian.

You mean the one you caught and shot from right in front of the blue line? There was no fucking reason for you to be out that high and all you did was take away a better passing opportunity and take a terrible shot.

Still going on about that one? I mean, I figured that if I do this all the time you'd have other examples just from that one game alone, but the fact that you keep chirping on about this one is just becoming, well, sad. Disappointing.

Because you're doing it backwards.


A. I didn't see you behind the net once.

I was behind the net multiple times, just like how I was behind you on the sideboards multiple times, but I guess you forgot about that in your drunken rage.

B. It's kind of hard to know where you're going to be because you don't even know where the fuck you're going to be.

LOL. You say I rush to the net every fucking game then say you don't know where I'm going to be, can you flip flop more please? You know the general areas that I'm most likely going to be, I'm sure Viz, Milly, Swim, and just about damn near everyone else on the team outside of Jerry do as well, but please, keep pretending that you don't.

I like that you keep harping on passing to the point. I don't have any problems working the puck back and forth along the point WHEN ITS OPEN. Legit wasn't open much if at all tonight.

Bullshit he wasn't, I can't even count on both hands how many times he was open in both of those games, you just blatantly ignored it.

Check your facts then. The last two nights when it's been you, me, and sox on forward, I've mentioned positioning.

I don't remember you mentioning it tonight (though going off of you bitching about the rush above I'm assuming it was done in that last game, which, once again, I've already acknowledge as being my screw up,) but before tonight I can only think that you mentioning it would be "other side of the net," which I'm pretty sure I addressed above.

I know this because you sat there and made smartass remarks about it both nights. Maybe if you'd shut the fuck up for 2 minutes instead of trying to be a comedian all game, you'd play better.

How about this, you actually start communicating in-game and I'll stop talking with Sox about pointless shit because nobody else is talking. If not, then too bad, that's not my fucking problem and you can deal with it.

Those weren't a pair of good games and I'm not the only one who thinks that.

I said that I felt I had a pair of good games, not that those were a pair of good games (and they really weren't that bad, just a couple bad breaks that have now caused this overreaction because you decided to be the inner 5 year old you are and make a dickish comment while quitting midgame.)

If all you're going to do is be a smartass, then I'm not going to bother talking to you.

If you're not going to offer proper constructive criticism that is meant to help improve things rather then vent out anger about a fucking video game, then I'm going to continue right on being a smartass.

If you weren't in the way, I wouldn't have to even consider telling you to move or worry about my passes getting through you.

You don't even fucking consider it in the first place, and pretty sure that since I'm in the way all the time you've adjusted to it before so I'm not quite sure why your oh so amazing abilities to do so weren't working tonight, but regardless, either fucking adjust and speak the fuck up, I can't read your fucking mind and see where or who you're planning to send the puck to, I just focus on trying to either do my job or if it's already being done making my self open, not my fault you apparently can't fucking recognize where I am.

Anyways, I'm done for awhile.

Good fucking riddens, maybe we'll win some games now.
that last one was just a joke, i swear.


Not even going to waste anymore time responding to that bullshit. I'm done with club this year. Sick of wasting time with certain people and all the other bullshit that goes along with this game. Team is all yours, Viz.



I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016

What the fuck is going on in here? Jesus.... I left because I felt I was playing like shit and was drinking and just got frustrated.


If there was an Official MGO Community Leader, I'd be it
Syndicate isnt worth the 60 bucks, eventually it will go bomba at $30 and at that price its worth picking up if they fix the apparent freezing in the coop mode. SP is short but damn good, the gunwork is really satisfying, feels like a hybrid of Fear, Killzone 3 and BF3
Arr that's what I was thinking. I liked some of the stuff in the demo, I guess the concept more than it's execution, but all the hiding behind cover and getting rushed by dumb ai didn't really do anything for me. Gameplay videos I've seen since look more promising though. I did like the shooting itself. It's late so I can't come up with any clever digs about Killzone

Also way to be my hero, you're winning this thread by a lot. So funny.
In all seriousness though, Marv, if I'm part of the reason, let me know. I'd rather leave and let you continue to play than see someone who's been with the club as long as you have leave until '13.


anyone wanna give me a recap of what I've missed here? and why is milly not in the middle of it! and how did you draw my wang so accurately MILLY!


anyone wanna give me a recap of what I've missed here?

We played two games last night that we both lost in the last minute due to some minor fuck ups, the last game of which Marvie quits out with 20 seconds to go after saying "way to fucking go," which I took as a dick move but chalked it up to him being himself. Then I look in the thread, see he posted that he flet our positioning was terrible, and I chimed in in my normal manner and said that I disagreed and explained why I felt that way with absolutely no intentions of starting shit, and get this little gem in return:

If you're going to play center, then know where the fuck to go. If all you're going to do is get in the way of pucks, then try playing goalie.

So I decided to respond and that's where we are now.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
I wish I could trade my 3 nhl 12 discs in for those dogs and I would name the black one Subban /thatsracistgif


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016


Unconfirmed Member
New picture of wsox found


Yes the jersey is backwards


Also, newsflash, PK is 22 years old. PK has never given the crowd the finger, played Doctor, spit at a player, bit a player, swung his stick in a goalies face, etc. All these incidents were from Vets that should know better.
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