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NeoGAF Slot Cloggers (NHL 12 EASHL)

Here's marvie



Just jacked my internet speed way up so hopefully that will help with any lag issues in NHL and other games. :D

How did you manage that without changing plans/ISPs?


My 360 runs it and I don't have to worry about fucking with Origin or my drivers being up to date or lag due to shitty internet speeds.

Enjoy your late patches, sub par graphics, low FOV, assisted aiming and 12 on 12 'battles'.
And I always find 30 ping servers ;)


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
My 360 runs it and I don't have to worry about fucking with Origin or my drivers being up to date or lag due to shitty internet speeds.

:lol jesus christ... anyone playing tonight? I'm going to grab my 3rd copy of the game and going to hang my head in shame the entire way. I'm going for dinner with a friend at 6 but I should be home around 7:30-8 and I'll hop on then.


:lol jesus christ... anyone playing tonight? I'm going to grab my 3rd copy of the game and going to hang my head in shame the entire way. I'm going for dinner with a friend at 6 but I should be home around 7:30-8 and I'll hop on then.

I might be on.


Well, please explain what went wrong... If people need improvement, speak up.

We didn't deserve to lose either of them, but I'm not sure what else you want. Sure, I could've played RW and Sox could've went back to D, but I have more experience there and I don't think the D did that bad of a job.

That last goal was total luck on their part with the clear, especially since we were on a PP. I seriously thought I had the angle to hit the puck, but would you rather him have a breakaway goal or a PS goal? He got the PS shot, but they're far harder to come by and the guy clearly wasn't a cheeser as he only had 20 career goals. Our goalie flat out sucked the last game with the PS goal and the 2nd goal where he was way out. Legit and I did a good job of covering each others sides, so idk what else to do man. I wouldn't blame the D at all.
I'll be on after the GOP debate, so in 20ish minutes.


I think every time I've tied a game in the second going into the third, we've lost in the last minute. Like... 3-4 times, counting both tonight.

Maybe I should just let others score the tying goals. Fuck.

I hate this damn game.

We didn't deserve to lose either of them, but I'm not sure what else you want. Sure, I could've played RW and Sox could've went back to D, but I have more experience there and I don't think the D did that bad of a job.

I didn't think any of the forwards really did a bad job either. Wish I could have picked up more than four(?) goals, but whatever. Marvie had a bunch of good opportunities that the goalies robbed him on and Blind was winning faceoffs.


Well, please explain what went wrong... If people need improvement, speak up.

We didn't deserve to lose either of them, but I'm not sure what else you want. Sure, I could've played RW and Sox could've went back to D, but I have more experience there and I don't think the D did that bad of a job.

That last goal was total luck on their part with the clear, especially since we were on a PP. I seriously thought I had the angle to hit the puck, but would you rather him have a breakaway goal or a PS goal? He got the PS shot, but they're far harder to come by and the guy clearly wasn't a cheeser as he only had 20 career goals. Our goalie flat out sucked the last game with the PS goal and the 2nd goal where he was way out. Legit and I did a good job of covering each others sides, so idk what else to do man. I wouldn't blame the D at all.
Defense wasn't the problem that game. Positioning is flat out terrible on offense and it killed a ton of good opportunities.


Positioning is flat out terrible on offense and it killed a ton of good opportunities.

No, I don't think our issue offensively was positioning, rather the fact that they were collapsing to the slot and we weren't adjusting by utilizing the points more. That's why I started going to the boards to open up a passing option, and I remember several times where your blatantly ignored that only to get hit and turn the puck over.


Another thing I noticed is no one beside Vis and I use the touch passing. It helps a bunch, trust me.

Also, be more patient with shit. I remember a few times where Blind would carry it in and throw it east/west and we'd go back the other way. Seriously guys, look for the openings. Stop forcing shit. The D is almost always open.


Also, be more patient with shit. I remember a few times where Blind would carry it in and throw it east/west and we'd go back the other way. Seriously guys, look for the openings. Stop forcing shit. The D is almost always open.

That wasn't because of a lack of openings, that was because for some fucking reason that whole game none of my passes were going where I was telling them too, fuck I can remember Marv being on the left side boards on our blue line skating up and I tried hitting him with a pass and it went down dead center of the ice for no reason.


That wasn't because of a lack of openings, that was because for some fucking reason that whole game none of my passes were going where I was telling them too, fuck I can remember Marv being on the left side boards on our blue line skating up and I tried hitting him with a pass and it went down dead center of the ice for no reason.

Typical Blinding - blame the game. :p ;)



No, I don't think our issue offensively was positioning, rather the fact that they were collapsing to the slot and we weren't adjusting by utilizing the points more. That's why I started going to the boards to open up a passing option, and I remember several times where your blatantly ignored that only to get hit and turn the puck over.
Actually, yeah, that's a big part of it. I can't count how many passes you cut off that were either going to sox who was positioned well most of the time or Milly when he pinched in a bit. If you're going to play center, then know where the fuck to go. If all you're going to do is get in the way of pucks, then try playing goalie.

Another thing I noticed is no one beside Vis and I use the touch passing. It helps a bunch, trust me.

Also, be more patient with shit. I remember a few times where Blind would carry it in and throw it east/west and we'd go back the other way. Seriously guys, look for the openings. Stop forcing shit. The D is almost always open.

I tried to use you whenever I could. They were pretty good at being in the way between Legit and I but I could usually get the puck to you.


Actually, yeah, that's a big part of it. I can't count how many passes you cut off that were either going to sox who was positioned well most of the time or Milly when he pinched in a bit. If you're going to play center, then know where the fuck to go. If all you're going to do is get in the way of pucks, then try playing goalie.

Are you fucking kidding me? I can't remember any of your passes going to anyone else that I intercepted and I can only count three tops of Sox's that were headed your way that were because I was where I was fucking suppose to be: in the slot screening the fucking goalie. Not only that, but if you felt that was the case, why not pull your head out of your ass and unmute your mic and fucking say something other then "way to fucking go?" Good lord.

I know it seems that way Milly but I'm not actually blaming the game, rather my controller, both the thumbsticks on it have the rubber chipped and falling apart and both have slowturn (which is horrible deadzone recognition in case you didn't know,) which is why I hate taking forehand faceoffs because it adds more inconsistency to the already established inconsistency. But alas, I don't have enough money to justify getting a replacement just yet, so oh well.
Are you fucking kidding me? I can't remember any of your passes going to anyone else that I intercepted and I can only count three tops of Sox's that were headed your way that were because I was where I was fucking suppose to be: in the slot screening the fucking goalie. Not only that, but if you felt that was the case, why not pull your head out of your ass and unmute your mic and fucking say something other then "way to fucking go?" Good lord.

I know it seems that way Milly but I'm not actually blaming the game, rather my controller, both the thumbsticks on it have the rubber chipped and falling apart and both have slowturn (which is horrible deadzone recognition in case you didn't know,) which is why I hate taking forehand faceoffs because it adds more inconsistency to the already established inconsistency. But alas, I don't have enough money to justify getting a replacement just yet, so oh well.


They're better anyways, and cheaper. Not to mention they're better than traditional thumbsticks for FPSes like Halo.


Are you fucking kidding me? I can't remember any of your passes going to anyone else that I intercepted and I can only count three tops of Sox's that were headed your way that were because I was where I was fucking suppose to be: in the slot screening the fucking goalie. Not only that, but if you felt that was the case, why not pull your head out of your ass and unmute your mic and fucking say something other then "way to fucking go?" Good lord.

You do realize that a screen doesn't work and is completely unnecessary when the puck is on the sideboards right? And those "three" passes had pretty fucking good chances of being goals. There were clear gaps for me to get the puck to sox and it would have gotten there if you hadn't been in the way. If the puck is on the sideboards, drift up in the slot so the wing has another option, similar to the position of the trailer on the break. Teams score on us from the high slot all the time.

And just for the record, you cut off passes I was trying to get to Milly as well. I moved back to get a better angle to pass to him and you did the opposite of what you should be doing. If the puck is moving back towards our blue line, that's when you start setting screens.

As far as the mic thing goes, I mentioned positioning for you ans sox a couple times in the first period and all I got were some fucking smartass remarks from you.


Positioning is being brought up a shit ton. Most of our shit comes off of a rush, but if it isn't...

RW and LW need to be aware and adjust accordingly. I know a lot of people drift to my side (right - usually) and I flip with them. It's not a huge deal, you just need to play smart.

Also, just be in position to be open. If the C has the puck and he's on the right wall for whatever reason, I will be behind the net.

Really, it's all common sense. Go to the open areas and adjust accordingly.

I do get what you're saying Marv. It can quickly transform into a clusterfuck, especially when one of the backdoor guys is open, having a puck passed to him and the open forward skates to the exact same spot (that's just one example).



You do realize that a screen doesn't work and is completely unnecessary when the puck is on the sideboards right?

LOL. Okay, time to break down your post bit by bit. 1. You do realize my job as a center is to be in the slot when we're in the offensive zone, yeah? 2. When you're on the sideboards and I'm already in the slot it's pretty fucking impossible to get out of the damn battle in front of the net animations that always happen, 3. It's completely improbable that you would toss it back to the point, yeah? No, wait, it's not, and 4. Why the fuck are you passing through the fucking slot when you know I'm already there from the sideboards and then bitching about me picking off the pass? You know where I fucking am, either tell me to fucking move or don't try to pass through me, it's not that fucking difficult to understand. Not only that, but tonight, when you were on the sideboards going into the corners, guess what, I moved over to the sideboards DIRECTLY BEHIND YOU to 1. open up the slot and 2. give you a passing option, which you promptly fucking ignored, dicked around with the puck and turned it over god knows how many times.

And those "three" passes had pretty fucking good chances of being goals.

Please, list them off, I want every detail about them: where you were, where I was, where the intended recipient was, where the whole other fucking team was and if that pass would've even gone through regardless. Their whole team that last game was playing 5 man wall in the slot, which is why there's a thing called points, you know, up along the sideboards there, but once again, you decided it would be better to collapse to the corner know full well that I was most likely in the slot alongside their entire fucking team being in the slot and trying to force a cross crease instead of giving it back to the point.

There were clear gaps for me to get the puck to sox and it would have gotten there if you hadn't been in the way.

Then they weren't clear if I was in the way, see my points listed above.

If the puck is on the sideboards, drift up in the slot so the wing has another option, similar to the position of the trailer on the break. Teams score on us from the high slot all the time.

Holy shit, you actually make a valid point, yes, I did let that slip from me during those two games, but once again, USE YOUR FUCKING MIC AND MENTION IT.

And just for the record, you cut off passes I was trying to get to Milly as well.

You mean when I moved up to the high slot and Milly was trying to creep down? Yeah, I only remember catching one of those, and the only reason I was up there in the first place was because nothing was getting through to the slot and I decided to open up another passing opportunity.

I moved back to get a better angle to pass to him and you did the opposite of what you should be doing.

So, you're bitching about me doing what I should be doing, and now you're bitching about me doing what I'm not suppose to be doing, okay.

If the puck is moving back towards our blue line, that's when you start setting screens.

Right, which is what I was doing, except you fail to realize that when you're hurp a durpin in the corner, I'm not screening anymore, I'm trying to position myself for a quick pass from you, which is why I either dip below the net or move off to the side a bit or, like I started tonight, move to the sideboards, but that doesn't seem to matter because you either turn the puck over, or try to do some half-retarded close range collapsing roof wrist shot from the goal line which never works. Not only that but you've played enough games with me to know where the fuck I'm going to be, and common sense dictates that you should probably adjust, mostly by, oh, I dunno, either cycling the puck back to the point or going up the sideboards to pass through the slot, which would probably work a fucking lot better just based upon how many goals we've had scored on us from the faceoff circles.

As far as the mic thing goes, I mentioned positioning for you ans sox a couple times in the first period and all I got were some fucking smartass remarks from you.

LMFAO. No, you didn't say a fucking word about positioning, and I certainly didn't respond to it, I know that for a fucking fact. I only recall hearing you twice, once was off that breakaway where I went "Go Marvie Go!" or whatever and I couldn't even make out what the fuck you said because I literally have to turn my game volume all the way down and my mic volume all the way up to hear you, and the other time was when you pulled your dick move of the night by going "way to fucking go" before quitting out.

Look, if you're going to bitch and criticize my play like a dick, I'm going to do the same to you, plain and simple. I'm not going to take shit from you after playing what I felt was a pretty good pair of games despite the losses. You don't want me to intercept passes? Then either stop trying to pass through me or use your speaking voice like a big boy and tell me to move out of the fucking way, because otherwise I don't have a fucking clue about what you're trying to do.

Done looking at this thread for tonight, I'll be on tomorrow night after the Canes game for anyone that wants to play.
Haha holy shit that's awesome
wow I look rapey

I've managed to resist getting Syndicate so far, but in ADD-time SSX is a long ways off still :(

Syndicate isnt worth the 60 bucks, eventually it will go bomba at $30 and at that price its worth picking up if they fix the apparent freezing in the coop mode. SP is short but damn good, the gunwork is really satisfying, feels like a hybrid of Fear, Killzone 3 and BF3

ggs tonight in the 2 or 3 games I played, gritty comeback in that 5-4 OT game, Marv got a crazy OT winner.

oh yeah... fight nice, boys
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