Oveja Negra
FYI, this design is not owned by Stowa, it's the "flieger watch' (pilot watch in German) design derived from the WWII. A lot of manufactures were tasked by the Nazi gouvernment to create these during WWII (Stowa, but also Laco, IWC and A Lange and Sohne), and the design has really become universal since then.
Hehe, it seems my mediocre english caused a bit of confusion
I didn't mean Stowa owned that style, but personally, until now Stowa was the only brand that I've seen using blue hands. I'm glad to know they aren't the only one, since I think blue hands look extremely gorgeous.
Anyways, this year I'm decided to own these two beauties:

Cheers and thanks for that bit of historical facts
Do any of you guys know if there is a term to call those watches whose seconds hand movement is continuous, in opposite to the traditional ones that "jump" from one second to another?