So a pretty dutch colleague told me a few weeks ago that she liked "big watches" on men wrist...
Time to bring out the BR01-94 more
On the other hand, really happy how the Explorer II is turning as stealth luxury.
I don't know for you, but if a pretty girl I work with find the way to tell me something as strange as 'I like big watches on men wrist', whatever the context (except if she's totally drunk) I would probably freak out. I mean, who in their right mind tell 'I am attracted to men with ostentatious status signs' to a colleague? And really, what is the hidden message?
That said, to have worked with Dutch people a lot in the past, I remember them being the most brutally honest persons ever, so I could very well be wrong, she just like big watches, and there is no hidden agenda
On Bell and Ross, personal story nobody cares about which happened to me around 10 years ago:
I was in the TGV (a French fast train) from Paris to Lyon. The seats are quite close from each other, not much space, and the BIG guy on my right is sporting a Bell and Ross. The watch is clearly not a fake (well you never know, but that was my take at that time...) and the guy is making sure everyone in our square of seats sees it (not that hard with such a big watch).
I was a bit mesmerized seeing a cool timepiece in the wild so I focus on the guy wrist. He was actually typing a SMS on his phone. Because I am a bad person, and I like to mingle in other's people life, I think to myself, 'this guy has a BR, he must be cool, let's have a look at his SMS conversation just for fun'. I was expecting some kind of super kewl conversation (like super confidential information, or telling his friends about his crazy adventures) I don't know why, I just did expect that (I know it sounds and is stupid).
Surprise (plot twist as they say on reddit

), the guy was actually discussing with (what I supposed was) his mistress, and he was sending super-uber vulgar sext messages and she was responding with the same tone. Of course, because my curiosity was much stronger than my disgust, I kept on looking for a few minutes. It got worse (no I won't go into details

) to the point where I basically was feeling super uneasy sitting next to this guy, so I took my stuff and went to the bar coach to take a beer and forget everything I just saw (it actually took much more than a beer to forget).
Since that day, I promised to myself NEVER to wear a BR as it was reminding me of that (horrible) moment.
(before you jump at me, my point is REALLY NOT to judge BR and people wearing BR, it's just another example of 'taste and choices are subjective and linked to personal experience, not a proper rational'. In other words, this is just my story
