RE: Readability/Instapaper. I don't use either,
but I think anyone trying to discuss a "moral highground" is crazy. I think the time-shifting use of this software is significantly less important than the presentation use. And less important all the time, especially given always-online platforms.
The presentation use of both of these pieces of software (and Safari Reader and ReadItLater and...) is that the design and advertising crimes that pollute content are so bad that it is moral to extract the content and read it as you wish. If a site facilitates reading, sharing, and a clean visual design, it will be less likely to have its content "stolen" because readers will not see a problem that needs solving. If I want to extract the content for my own use, I would want my friends to see the cleaned up content as well. I don't think there are many people who use Ad Blockers and would not recommend them to their friends; by definition if you think it's a problem that needs solving, it's a problem that needs solving for others. Now you can debate whether or not the original premise that the ads are so bad that they merit this response is justified, but you can't debate that it's justified by the standards of the people who use it. That's definitional.
You can mitigate the losses through revenue sequesteration stuff like what Readbility does, but it's all a post-hoc thing. The software's raison d'être is to undermine the status quo; trying to rationalize a world where it's okay for users to undermine the economic model, but bad if their friends do is really weird. I can't understand it.
Any more opinions on this please? More than happy to update the OP if necessary.
I've never used Video Stream but Air Video is great and I've used it for a long time. I was also surprised to see something else recommended in the OP. But again I've never used Video Stream so I have no input on the direct comparison