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NeoGAF's "Let's Watch Anime" OT#7: The Future Diary a.k.a Mirai Nikki (11/31-12/26)

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Episode 2:
What is this, the start of a Diary Holder of the week arc? The confrontation was weird with the way students helped Nainsu to save their asses, but then decided to distract her to help the mc even though she could've killed them all with her explosives (and many students had already died after Sekando ran around school to help her crush).

Nainsu's escape plan was random as hell, though. I would've liked seeing her actually dodge traps that were about to be sprung on her as he got to her bike and escaped, rather than the ridiculously random "missiles under my skirt... oh, and a motorcycle too" getaway plan.

Also, little girls that are thousand-year-old beings and speak like old people aren't cool
unless it's Shinobu.


Episode 2

Only episode 2 and already so much senseless death. And did she just pull out both rockets and a motorbike out of her skirt?! Take that, Sento Isuzu. So, up to this point we have:

- Yuki's Future Diary
- Gasai's Yuki Diary
- Saado's Murder Diary
- Minene's Escape Diary
- Cop dude's Case Diary

And they're all flip phones (actually the Escape Diary was a candybar). 2011 wasn't that long ago but I suppose smartphones wasn't that popular yet.


Episode 2

Only episode 2 and already so much senseless death. And did she just pull out both rockets and a motorbike out of her skirt?! Take that, Sento Isuzu. So, up to this point we have:

- Yuki's Future Diary
- Gasai's Yuki Diary
- Saado's Murder Diary
- Minene's Escape Diary
- Cop dude's Case Diary

And they're all flip phones (actually the Escape Diary was a candybar). 2011 wasn't that long ago but I suppose smartphones wasn't that popular yet.

I've actually watched a bit ahead because reasons (up to ep5), and so far the show has added:
-6th's "write what others see" Japanese Scroll Diary
-12th's Heroic Deeds Voice Recorder Diary

Also, anything and everything concerning
6th and 12th
is weird as fuck. Heck, everyone in the show except for Yuki's weird as fuck.


Episode 2
Well, that was pretty crazy. I didn't expect Yuki to use Yuno like that, kinda of a dick move(even if she's crazy).
The two new characters were ok, but I guess we'll see more of them later.
I have to say, the OP for this is pretty cool.


Oh man, such a good series. I'm happy to see a bunch of new viewers for this one, it's a wild ride and one of my favorites in recent memory.
Episode 2
Dude, woman wearing a weird outfit! Get out of there! The sheer number of bombs is absurd. For now, I won't question how they got placed. And of course, all the classmates immediately betray Yuki, because that's how these edgy anime always go. Yuno killing the classmates is also right in line with this sort of series, so I wasn't too surprised. So that inspector is out to prevent crimes, yet he still allowed the bombings to occur. And Yuno stopped setting off bombs despite intentionally trying to run through the school and set off motion-sensor bombs? And how are there still enough classmates alive to help, and moreover, willing to help? Where did that motorcycle come from?

This is a silly series.


Episode 3:
So the psycho stalker girl might not be that bad after all and was only looking towards becoming one with her beloved Yukki... too bad he rewrote the future where he'd become one with Yuno by spotting a room in her house that happened to have several corpses in it. It was a bit weird how everybody's diaries showed a change given that some of them are specialized in things that are completely unrelated to whatever Yukiteru's doing, though.

The way diaries react to other diary holders changing causality sounds like a pretty big plot hole. Like, if Yuno sees her Yukki's going to die at place X and is already on the move to prevent that, wouldn't the entry in her stalker diary get rewritten immediately? Also, wouldn't that update other people's diaries since somebody's already working to change the future? It's kind of weird that future diaries are such an important thing in the show, and yet the story doesn't appear to actually focus on the characters' trains of thought and the actions they take to further their goals nearly as much as it could.


Episode 3

This episode 'OH SHIT' moments features eyeball scooping with bare hands and Yuno peering out of a mail door slot. So whom are those corpses in her house anyway? Parents? The Postman? Also I assume Yuki seeing dead bodies there sets off a major chain of future events since every single diary holder gets an update (for better or worse)

Episode 3:
The way diaries react to other diary holders changing causality sounds like a pretty big plot hole. Like, if Yuno sees her Yukki's going to die at place X and is already on the move to prevent that, wouldn't the entry in her stalker diary get rewritten immediately? Also, wouldn't that update other people's diaries since somebody's already working to change the future? It's kind of weird that future diaries are such an important thing in the show, and yet the story doesn't appear to actually focus on the characters' trains of thought and the actions they take to further their goals nearly as much as it could.

Probably only a certain sets of moves can directly interfere with/or prevent Yuki's Bad End. The actions Yuno took, for example will cause a direct effect since she's trying to save Yuki.


Probably only a certain sets of moves can directly interfere with/or prevent Yuki's Bad End. The actions Yuno took, for example will cause a direct effect since she's trying to save Yuki.

But if Yuno sees the future where Yukiteru's about to die, then the future should be rewritten as soon as she decides to take an action, not once she actually goes and helps him... I think.

The dramatic "The future's changing! Deus is amused!" scene was weird for me since Yukiteru's actions affecting every single other diary holder was really weird, especially the escape diary since the only thing I could think of is that it'd cover things enough time in advance to alter some later confrontation they might have where she'd have to escape, and even that would be stretching it.


Awwe, what a cute trip to the amusment park and he even got a topless hug from her as well as a kiss on the forehead, see how pure she is? Wait, she wants him to come inside and stay with her and nobody's home. Hell yeah Yuki! Wait, no, don't go in the room!

That was jsut a weird episode all the way around with the eyeball guy abducting the 9th, and Yuuki finding the bodies, then getting locked in the room by Yuno. It was weird how all of the Future Diary holders were notified when he opened the door. How did Dues Ex set that up? I mean, did everyone get updated when Yuuki killed the 3rd?
Episode 2

Oh wow, what a fun episode. Pretty sure the show kinda became selfaware and embraced the sillyness. I mean, that random motorcycle escape is just ridiculous
ly good
. Hopefully we'll see more of that in future episodes.

I guess the premise of this kinda opens up a lot of plotholes but I feel like I shouldn't think about it too much and just enjoy the ride.

As for the rest, the MC is kind of a wuss IMO. Hopefully he steps up later in the show. Him running through the minefield was pretty cool I guess.

Or he's already a huge badass just because he decided to keep running away from those explosions instead of you know, hunkering down at a place where a bomb already exploded because there's absolutely no way that another bomb is there.



Inb4 this becomes the ending of the show.


This is a silly series.

Yeah, I'm starting to feel the same about this show. It feels way too hard like it's trying to be edgy.

Anyway I rewatched 1 and 2, and finally moved on to 3 (and 4 by accident, since I didn't realize we were still on 3). And I have to say, this is really boring so far (though episode 1 was really good). Aside from the shocking/edgy moments that are coming every episode, it's not particularly entertaining to watch (and considering they didn't even look at the repercussions of half the school and its students getting blown the hell up, it's starting to feel like it's all for shock value anyway).

From what I'm up to, I really wish they'd stop giving so much attention to Yuno and focus more on Future Diary shenanigans/fights. They're a lot more entertaining than all of these predictable yandere twists (the room bit was the most predictable shit ever).


Damn, Yuno is the Black Widow that already has her mate and #6 just called her out on it. I guess we already know the ending from that we'll placed foreshadowing. Well, it's not like we didn't already know they were going to have to kill each other in the end anyway, lol. Yuuki calling Yuno out by saying there is no way he could trust her was hilarious, "There is no way Yuuki would say something terrible like that to me, it's her, she's brainwashing him" Hello #6, meet your death flag, lol. Either way, that was one big bloody mess of a temple by the time they were done slashing everything up, but wait, there's more coming....

Meanwhile, this guy is a freak:


From what I've seen so far this show appears to be OwTheEdge.jpg personified... It still remains somewhat watchable, but like I said the nebulous rules surrounding diaries makes it look like there's going to be plenty of ass-pulls for the sake of showing us cool and edgy stuff.


Episode 3
So this is what they call "edgy"...

Episode 4
Yeah, this is indeed OwTheEdge.jpg........but I still find it kinda entertaining.
But what the fuck was up with the weird superhero guy.


Episode 4

New Diary: Clairvoyant. Minene got locked up half naked in a dungeon (why am I not surprised). So this guy with the super sentai fetish, how can he induce mass hypnotism, I wonder. Yuno started to crack after some choice words from Yuki. And where is Kurusu during all this? Turning on the sprinklers?

Also, that omake at the end was pretty funny.

Episode 5

New Diary: Justice. Fuck, that turned really grimdark all of a sudden. Why is Tsubaki getting gangraped by cult members though, that's some twisted logic. And of course everything was a ruse in the end. And what of Kurusu's play in letting Minene go, I suppose by this stage, pretty much every single diary holder are using the others for their own ends. 3 diary holders down, 9 to go.
Episode 03



It's nice that the other participants aren't disposable. Now they'll be able to do more stuff. I guess that's to be expected though since there's like 24 episodes so killing of a bunch of characters wouldn't really work.

Was kinda expecting shit to go down when they were in the ferris wheel. If there's anything this year taught me it is that anime couples and ferris wheels never end well.

I guess the most important lesson we've learned this episode is to not eat mysterious pills offered by an even more mysterious person. Not the wisest move by my girl number nine, if she's keep this up she'll be done in no time.

Yuuno is life though, Mike was right.


Episode 03

It's nice that the other participants aren't disposable. Now they'll be able to do more stuff. I guess that's to be expected though since there's like 24 episodes so killing of a bunch of characters wouldn't really work.

Was kinda expecting shit to go down when they were in the ferris wheel. If there's anything this year taught me it is that anime couples and ferris wheels never end well.

I guess the most important lesson we've learned this episode is to not eat mysterious pills offered by an even more mysterious person. Not the wisest move by my girl number nine, if she's keep this up she'll be done in no time.

Yuuno is life though, Mike was right.

OMG, that Plastic Memories pic.. I'm suddenly sad.
Episode 3
The first half of this episode was alright, just stale date comedy stuff. Minene was a complete idiot going with that guy. The reveal of Yuno killing her parents (or whatever) was weakened by the super generic dramatic reveal music. I refuse to believe that Yuki is remarkable just because he opened an obviously suspicious door. Still, this is an enjoyable (though very expected) plot twist.

Episode 4
And now we have a random cult. Tsubaki seems nice enough, so of course she'll turn out to be crazy too. I'm guessing there's someone with a diary that can control everyone without a diary, which is super broken. Of course, since this series is edgy, Minene is being imprisoned nude. If people are just wandering around in a trance, how are there reports of intruders in the diary? The Engrish transformation was good.

Episode 5
Uh, so how was Yuno able to pass through all the other Twelfths without being hit? And of course, Tsubaki turns evil... with a random edgy rape backstory. And now Yuno is going to be raped? Seriously? Jeez, those followers are absolutely worthless at stopping people. Why would piercing the scroll with a dart destroy the diary? It's still perfectly readable. The post-credits scene of 12th's backstory being done in stop motion is unexpected. But how did the hypnosis work?

I wasn't a big fan of that cult arc.


Episode 5

The suddenly edgy backstory was dumb. I'm not a fan of "Yuno was right all along" either. It's really starting to feel like the story was created to justify having a yandere character be the good guy. And it was really dumb that the cop and the terrorist somehow couldn't do anything.

The Tokusatsu bit was hilarious I guess. Also Hypno Guy isn't dead is he? I thought they needed to destroy their diary to kill them (and we didn't really see him ripple away either). I kinda hope he's not dead now, because I think the voice recorder diary was an interesting idea (but barely ended up being used).
Episode 05

You'd think the dairy of the sect girl would've broken sooner already if it only took a small hole by a dart was enough to destroy it.

Also Hypno Guy isn't dead is he? I thought they needed to destroy their diary to kill them (and we didn't really see him ripple away either).

I kinda figured he died because his own diary said so. Destroying the dairy is probably some alternative way to kill someone.


Edit: Oh hey, that ball from the priest girl is actually in the OP. Neat foreshadowing.


Episode 06

A lot of Slice of Life shenanigans that's pretty entertaining. The new kid was obviously evil the moment he came on the screen but he redeemed himself when he tried to kill someone by running with scissors.

The skits after the credits are probably the best thing about this show.


Episode 5
Sad to see the sentai guy killed off, I wanted to see more of him.
The edgy rape backstory was awful.

Episode 6
This was fun, a more "Slice of Life" episode.That kid is really creepy tho.


I kinda figured he died because his own diary said so. Destroying the dairy is probably some alternative way to kill someone.

Huh I forgot about that bit where it said he died.

Such a damn shame. The voice recorder diary would have been interesting to see play out in a fight (since other people would be able to hear it too).

Episode 6
Kid was so blatantly evil the moment he took out the puppets. I've never seen a character with puppets not end up being creepy or evil lol

I guess this was an okay episode. I did like that they actually mentioned the cult (unlike the school) and that the two new characters are both actually semi-related to it. Couldn't stand Yuki's whining though (come on man, she's got a Yuki diary, of course everything is playing out this way).

Deus ex Machina needing to find a successor because he's gonna die soon is a very interesting development.


Holy crap at the 12th entrance on the roof. Anyone else have serious Sam Flamenco flashbacks there, lol.. saw the famous Yuno gif with the ax too. Well, here is a quick image of it at least, lol.

Episode 6
It's weird how Yuki's reaction to Yuno through this episode is more, "Oh no, I'm the bizarrely chaste lead of an anime, I can't sleep with her," than, "This girl is a psycho killer!" Yuki's mother is cute. And of course, because edge, we have to have a killer child that our heroes have to kill. The post-credits comedy scene was longer than usual, but it wasn't good.


Lol, awwwe, how cute, she broke in and played housewife for Yuki's mommy. Looks like killing his mom was averted, for now, but... Oh wait, we have a killer loli boy now. This should be fun.
Episode 07

This is a rather odd reimagining of Home Alone.


I guess we can add both Child abuse and Child murder to the list of edgy stuff this show does, we should've made bingo cards before we started watching this.

Wonder what's up with the video that Deus was watching at the end, did we see that already?

Edit: Also an unexpected Street Fighter reference, rather odd as Osumatsu-san also mentioned it. Guilty Gear anime references when??


Awwe, lil' loli boy got sliced. Those two crazy kids are so in love, lol. Weird seeing 9th show up to save Yuki at the end. The question remains, how are they going to explain everything to mommy? Pretty entertaining episode and funny too.
Episode 7
Suddenly, this is Home Alone. Wait, Minene knows the appearance of diary holders from the vision? Then why don't Yuki and Yuno? Haha, that accidental mom hammering. Yuno is suddenly Sherlock Holmes? Wait, where did the deliveryman go? And how did he get a poison gas trap to be mailed? And how was he able to set up all of these traps?

I like how heroic music is playing as they overcome a little kid who had a weak diary. And of course the insane bomber is an ally now.


This is one of the first anime I have seen where (sort of like Steven Universe) you can look back at old episodes with a bit more context when you learn more.

Also I have yet to find an anime character that can out-yandere Yuno. She pretty much single handily desensitized me to the trope.

Subbed for the reactions at the end.


Episode 7
Suddenly, this is Home Alone. Wait, Minene knows the appearance of diary holders from the vision? Then why don't Yuki and Yuno? Haha, that accidental mom hammering. Yuno is suddenly Sherlock Holmes? Wait, where did the deliveryman go? And how did he get a poison gas trap to be mailed? And how was he able to set up all of these traps?

I like how heroic music is playing as they overcome a little kid who had a weak diary. And of course the insane bomber is an ally now.

"Mom, I know you want me to bang her and you alteady love her, but sorry she hit you first. Oh, and the lil' boy ran away"

Explanation time, lol.


Episode 7
Man I don't even want to watch this anymore, this is sooo boring.

Poisonous mail is the dumbest shit ever. How would he even get the stuff, or how would he even buy the stuff to make it ugh

I thought it'd be an interesting episode because he was targetting Yuno (and Yuno's diary doesn't protect her) but the kid failed pretty hard at that and they figured out after like one attempt. Kid himself was soo boring. "I'm mature, I can live by myself! That's why I'm going to kill Yuki and Yuno, who I coincidentally ended up with" like was that seriously his plan? What if he ended up with somebody else? And how did he know that the two were working together anyway? So dumb

And how did he even elude Yuno at all? Yeah I got his was a visual diary but I thought it only updated three times a day.

If the next episode isn't some amazing junk I'm not gonna bother finishing this off


Man I'm way behind :-\

Episode 6

Slice of life in my edgy anime :-/ Nothing important really happened except for the sudden okaasan appearance. And of course embarassing childhood photos.

Omake in this was funny though.

Episode 7

Yuno is winning parental approval and cracking skull at the same time. That damn kid is quite crafty. Can you order poison gas online in Japan? And suddenly Minene was a friend now, I guess missing an eye is the cost of playing a survival game, no hard feelings. I'm more interested with Kurusu's play, since he has been feeding Minene info about Yuno and Yuki.

Also the omake was alright, not as funny as #6.


Bad doggie, bad, bad, bad.. That dinner scene was funny. Soo much deception and now Yuuki's in another pickle. He should just listen to Yuno once in awhile and stay safe.


Episode 8

This was a surprisingly tolerable episode. It was mostly set up but nothing stuck out to me too much (aside from that stupid fanservice bit) and the fact that, y'know, Yuno was right to be suspicious again (nope, we can't have Yuno be suspicious of females and turn out to be just jealous, even though it'd make perfect sense for her character; they gotta be Diary users too)

The diary swap was a strange development. I wonder how Deus was convinced (though it makes me wonder why Yuki doesn't just do the same). The Breeder Diary sounds... interesting. I guess Dog Butler was using it for the Dogs. Though I'm already rolling my eyes, thinking about how it could be used by Hinata. Akise seems cool so far. I'm wondering if the cop's aware or met him before, given his ambition to be a detective.

I'm gonna see how this arc plays out. If it turns out to have as dumb an ending as the Omekata arc, I'm still gonna drop this


Akise reminds me a fair bit of Kaworu for some strange reason, except this show only wishes it were Eva.

I agree that it feels like the writers are forcing the show to revolve around the yandere love interest at the expense of everything else, and there've been way too many scenes where stupid things happened simply because they were supposed to be edgy.

The MC's also way too wishy-washy with the way he manages his relationships. One scene he's all about frienship and thinks Yuno wants to drive his new friends away, and the next he apologizes to Yuno and plays along with her, repeating this cycle without fail every couple episodes. Just how many times does Yukiteru have to go through that before he realizes just how dangerous humoring a crazy yandere stalker is? Or is he so hung up about being sad and friendless that he's sticking with Yuno despite knowing full well how deranged she is? It'd be a bit more palateable if he was playing along because he wanted to use her skills for his own gain, but whenever he does something that comes across as that we immediately get an internal monologue where he corrects himself and says that he's taking advantage of her, but how that feels bad for him.
Episode 8
I suppose a mysterious transfer student had to appear at some point, though I suppose Yuki and Yuno are the transfers in this case. Two characters with unique designs, they are definitely going to be diary users and/or red herrings that are going to die soon. What kind of dress code would allow that girl to wear a shirt like that? What the hell was even that pants-pulling? Why are they having the guy that sold out Yuki come along?

And indeed, one of the new girls was killed. This guy not only looks like Kaoru (from Evangelion), but he even acts like him a bit. I didn't expect the butler guy to be dog obsessed. Did he lend his diary to a dog?

OK, I guess every single new character in this episode turned out to be a diary owner or involved, which I didn't expect.


Episode 8

New school year, new class and new friends(?) for Yuki. Butler dude eating cup ramen and the dogs got steaks was kinda sad. By the way, that was young Hinata in the photo with the butler, right? It's also funny to think Yuno was always right, there is danger waiting for Yuki on every corner.
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