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NEOGAF's Official Music Production Thread: calling all producers


Well gaf,looks like i now have the perfect voice recording equipment for winning the "absolute beginner contest":)
That's the guitar hero world tour mic



Well gaf,looks like i now have the perfect voice recording equipment for winning the "absolute beginner contest":)

ahah i love you for doing this; i've thought about making that exact same thing like 30 times this year. i don't know what the dudes who set the prices for portable isolation/commercial little insulated boxes like the one you made are smokin but i want some.


ahah i love you for doing this; i've thought about making that exact same thing like 30 times this year. i don't know what the dudes who set the prices for portable isolation/commercial little insulated boxes like the one you made are smokin but i want some.
Well, i looked for some pyramid foam insulating panels but couldn't fine one on the stores i went to, soi opted for a glass foam panel, so 6€ and an hour of DIY time is all i've spent :)
My god...all that is missing is a rigged up coffee filter in front of the mic---fantastic.
I partially got you covered, the black thing over the printed papers is an anti-pop filter made with a bended metal hanger and some pantyhose.
If you have long enough cable or a laptop and a closet, just hang up a ton of clothes in the closet and record in there. You can add reverb to taste later.
I've never done anything with audio production in my life, or music for that matter, but I'm finding it difficult to learn as there's so much between the hardware and software (I have a trial version of Ableton and a trial of Massive) that I have no clue where to start. Are there any good sources where I can learn the basics?


I've never done anything with audio production in my life, or music for that matter, but I'm finding it difficult to learn as there's so much between the hardware and software (I have a trial version of Ableton and a trial of Massive) that I have no clue where to start. Are there any good sources where I can learn the basics?
Start off making some stuff with Abletons default drums/synths and go from there. Look up stuff on youtube, all the basics can be found on there... https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=ableton+how+to&page=&utm_source=opensearch


I am in need of batch processing some equalization to hundreds of different files at the moment. There's an Apply Chain feature in Audacity which I could make an EQ preset in, but then I found out that Audacity only seems to support choosing multiple files and not folders. The files I have are divided into a bunch of subfolders and it's critical that I keep this structure. Is there something I can do to make Audacity recognize folder paths, or is there some other free (or at the very least quite cheap) software I can use?


that puzzling face
1) grab a programmer friend, bribe him dinner
2) Get him to write a quickie C++ program that renames/moves everything in a folder tree into a single folder with the name 00000.wav to 99999.wav while maintaining a table in some txt file of the original filename/paths and the reverse.
3) batch process the temporary folder

idk seems the most painless way to do this.


so iLok has been cracked apparently. I can't help but feel a bit vindicated. I have an intense dislike for that product and how much it inconveniences the paying customer, and I refuse to buy any product that relies on it. Hopefully this will convince more software developers that it's hopeless to insulate yourself against piracy and not worth alienating your actual customers over.
so iLok has been cracked apparently. I can't help but feel a bit vindicated. I have an intense dislike for that product and how much it inconveniences the paying customer, and I refuse to buy any product that relies on it. Hopefully this will convince more software developers that it's hopeless to insulate yourself against piracy and not worth alienating your actual customers over.

I hope this means I can start using autotune without a dongle at some point in the future. My vocals need it and I'm lazy and cba to install the ilok license manager. It'll probably mean I'll need to use autotune with a dongle and a fingerprint scanner at the ready in the future instead though.


I am in need of batch processing some equalization to hundreds of different files at the moment. There's an Apply Chain feature in Audacity which I could make an EQ preset in, but then I found out that Audacity only seems to support choosing multiple files and not folders. The files I have are divided into a bunch of subfolders and it's critical that I keep this structure. Is there something I can do to make Audacity recognize folder paths, or is there some other free (or at the very least quite cheap) software I can use?

1) grab a programmer friend, bribe him dinner
2) Get him to write a quickie C++ program that renames/moves everything in a folder tree into a single folder with the name 00000.wav to 99999.wav while maintaining a table in some txt file of the original filename/paths and the reverse.
3) batch process the temporary folder

idk seems the most painless way to do this.

That seems like the best plan... I'd offer to help, but um, really don't have the spare time, flat out at the moment.


that puzzling face
I hope this means I can start using autotune without a dongle at some point in the future. My vocals need it and I'm lazy and cba to install the ilok license manager. It'll probably mean I'll need to use autotune with a dongle and a fingerprint scanner at the ready in the future instead though.

Tried out Melodyne? Aside from no dongle (license exists on the machine) ARA integration is ridiculously efficient.
Tried out Melodyne? Aside from no dongle (license exists on the machine) ARA integration is ridiculously efficient.

I have, it's what I'm currently using (no dongle being one of the primary reasons). That being said, I find it far more transparent in nature which usually isn't exactly what I'm going for. I also find the artifacts it introduces when you're not trying to use it transparently less pleasant, or atleast less commercially viable than the ones autotune introduces.

I don't do a lot of my own vocal recordings though because I can't sing and can't convince anyone to sing for me - so take all of the above with a grain of salt.


Hey guys, merry christmas!

I received a launchpad mk2 for xmas and I'm have some struggles with the included software, mainly Melodics.

It keeps crashing when I try to start one of the games/lessons. I'm on a Dell laptop, i5 with 6gb ram and windows 10.

I'd like to give the software a go as it seems really beginner friendly. Pretty excited to learn :)


dunno if any of you have been on this, but SoundToys have been giving away their 'little' plugin line. They're on their last one this month, and it's a distortion and compression plugin seemingly designed for drums, but is very usable on other things.

Other ones that has been given away this month was 'Little Radiator' which is just a tube mic pre-amp, 'Little Alter Boy' which is a voice manipulator (and creates some really awesome sounds, plus doubles as a real nice pitch shifter if your DAW doesn't have that capability), and 'Little Primaltap', which is just a 'unique retro delay' that makes some nice delay sounds when shifting the time of the feedback.
Sup fellow producers homeboys! Happy holidays and stuff. If any of you have time to check out a wip thing and let me know what you think that'd be cool. I'll totally check out any stuff you want me to check out too. (this is not a like for like thing though, so you don't just have to tell me you like it unless you actually do.)


It's supposed to be a synthwave/synthpop, melancholic euphoria, 80's sounding song, and I think I got pretty close to the sound I wanted. The vocals/arrangement/lyrics aren't done because I want a girl to sing it and the only one I found willing to do it was my girlfriend, who is not a singer at all and has some real vocal limitations to work around. This is basically a demo to convince her. That being said it's also an experiment to see if I could record and mix vocals and not have it sound like absolute garbage even when it's just an untrained singer reluctantly being pressured into singing. I personally think I'm getting closer to figuring out vocal bus compression and I also went through all of the manual/help videos on the melodyne website so I'm a lot more capable in terms of accurately correcting pitch and timing. So that's better than it usually is but..

I'm really struggling with de-essing things though. I have none of the just throw it on a track and watch it de-ess plugins, I ended up fucking around with it a lot(sidechained compression, eq's, volume automation etc) and now they all sound obnoxiously shit to me. I'm also really unsure about the stereo spreading on the vocals, again I don't have any of the good stuff like waves doubler so I ended up putzing around a lot and ended up with a mix of a semi-broken freeware plugin(adt), izotope imager, and duplicating tracks+panning/detune to get the width I wanted but it's hard as hell to accurately monitor on headphones and I don't use monitors usually.
Sup fellow producers homeboys! Happy holidays and stuff. If any of you have time to check out a wip thing and let me know what you think that'd be cool. I'll totally check out any stuff you want me to check out too. (this is not a like for like thing though, so you don't just have to tell me you like it unless you actually do.)


It's supposed to be a synthwave/synthpop, melancholic euphoria, 80's sounding song, and I think I got pretty close to the sound I wanted. The vocals/arrangement/lyrics aren't done because I want a girl to sing it and the only one I found willing to do it was my girlfriend, who is not a singer at all and has some real vocal limitations to work around. This is basically a demo to convince her. That being said it's also an experiment to see if I could record and mix vocals and not have it sound like absolute garbage even when it's just an untrained singer reluctantly being pressured into singing. I personally think I'm getting closer to figuring out vocal bus compression and I also went through all of the manual/help videos on the melodyne website so I'm a lot more capable in terms of accurately correcting pitch and timing. So that's better than it usually is but..

I'm really struggling with de-essing things though. I have none of the just throw it on a track and watch it de-ess plugins, I ended up fucking around with it a lot(sidechained compression, eq's, volume automation etc) and now they all sound obnoxiously shit to me. I'm also really unsure about the stereo spreading on the vocals, again I don't have any of the good stuff like waves doubler so I ended up putzing around a lot and ended up with a mix of a semi-broken freeware plugin(adt), izotope imager, and duplicating tracks+panning/detune to get the width I wanted but it's hard as hell to accurately monitor on headphones and I don't use monitors usually.

Sounds really nice. The only thing that stood out to me was the snare felt a bit limp. I know it's a mellow track so you don't want it to overpower anything, but it feels like it's missing something. Maybe expand the frequencies by layering some more snares and chopping the transients/tails to make it feel a bit fuller? De-essing I can't help you with as I haven't dealt with vocals much myself.
Sounds really nice. The only thing that stood out to me was the snare felt a bit limp. I know it's a mellow track so you don't want it to overpower anything, but it feels like it's missing something. Maybe expand the frequencies by layering some more snares and chopping the transients/tails to make it feel a bit fuller? De-essing I can't help you with as I haven't dealt with vocals much myself.

Thanks for listening! I'm glad you though it sounded nice(I hope you really did and aren't just being nice :D).

You're 100% right on the snare. It does feel kind of weak and lacking in punch. I have some ideas on how to fix that and it's definitely on the to do list. It's funny, because that was how I originally felt, and I figured I'd come back to it after I finished arranging the core of the song but then I ended up too close to the entire thing to make the call on replacing it. Your tip definitely helped cement my decision.

I also checked out your dofflin song sleeves, a while ago I thought it was dope, I especially liked the dolfin echolocation fill, I enjoyed that a lot. I remember being sort of meh on the bridge section near the end but I thought the song was dope overall. Your saws sounded nice did you make them with sylenth?

That being said I'ma be honest with you though, I posted a dofflin song right before that and nobody responded with any feedback and you came in with your song and it was kind of the hotness so I felt all sad about my shit especially because you've only been producing for 4 - 5 months so that's why I'm like way late with my feedback on that track :D. I'm a bigger man right now though atleast temporarily before I get all sulky about still sucking ass at producing music again.
Thanks for listening! I'm glad you though it sounded nice(I hope you really did and aren't just being nice :D).

You're 100% right on the snare. It does feel kind of weak and lacking in punch. I have some ideas on how to fix that and it's definitely on the to do list. It's funny, because that was how I originally felt, and I figured I'd come back to it after I finished arranging the core of the song but then I ended up too close to the entire thing to make the call on replacing it. Your tip definitely helped cement my decision.

I also checked out your dofflin song sleeves, a while ago I thought it was dope, I especially liked the dolfin echolocation fill, I enjoyed that a lot. I remember being sort of meh on the bridge section near the end but I thought the song was dope overall. Your saws sounded nice did you make them with sylenth?

That being said I'ma be honest with you though, I posted a dofflin song right before that and nobody responded with any feedback and you came in with your song and it was kind of the hotness so I felt all sad about my shit especially because you've only been producing for 4 - 5 months so that's why I'm like way late with my feedback on that track :D. I'm a bigger man right now though atleast temporarily before I get all sulky about still sucking ass at producing music again.

I'm not just being nice, if I disliked it I wouldn't have bothered replying. I'm the exact same by the way, I often make the beat with sounds I'm dissatisfied with, with the intention of fixing it at the end and I'm almost never happy with the snare in particular. Thanks for your kind words on Sleeves! The supersaw is layered, one Sylenth and one Serum. Sorry you felt I stole your thunder though getting all the feedback, that wasn't my intention haha. I actually followed you on soundcloud after you posted your track -- I think your mixing/mastering is cleaner than mine. Don't worry about it, I get sulky thinking my music sucks all the time.


Well mainly I just want something to record fancy footage with for YouTube videos. Loading them as VST effects I would need to line them up for display with the DAW wrapper windows and all. Not really an ideal aesthetic.


that puzzling face
Oh, derp. If you want something snazzy like what a lot of EDM labels are doing your best bet would actually be to throw some dosh at an After Effects person to whip something up for you.

Barring that, those VSTs with some clever editing could also go a long way, but that'd take quite a lot of effort and not be automated.

edit: A lot of the more interesting visualizations are based off frequency domain rather than time domain

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xivDUvIvWTc for example.

i dunno just tossing ideas around.


Not really what I'm looking for though. I just want all of my separate audio tracks lined up so you can see their individual meters playing next to eachother as opposed to just the master channel.

Using WaveCandy in FL Studio I can sort of get what I want. That stupid plugin text gets in the way though. Ideally I would want a custom name displayed on each window like "Ch.1, Ch.2," etc, but there doesn't seem to be any options for that.



So why doesn't AKAI make MPCs that don't require computers anymore? Like the MPC 1000 ect.

The MPC Renaissance seems pointless if I need my PC nearby, or to a much lesser extent a laptop.

Best alternatives if any?
"Best alternatives if any?"

The countless used MPCs out there. Or grooveboxes/standalone sequencers like Electribes, Octatrack, iPad apps, etc.


I was looking for something new and somewhat up to date.
Researching for hours and found nothing useful.

Didn't want to spend cash on Akai MPCs that are used plus overpriced just because they are discontinued.
I don't think their price has really raised much, but an mpc 1000 with JJOS (replacement firmware, extra cost) is still a solid sequencer. Nothing wrong with old music equipment if it still does the job.

Otherwise like I said, Electribes, Electron Octatrack, iPad apps, all of that stuff is recent.


Not really what I'm looking for though. I just want all of my separate audio tracks lined up so you can see their individual meters playing next to eachother as opposed to just the master channel.

Using WaveCandy in FL Studio I can sort of get what I want. That stupid plugin text gets in the way though. Ideally I would want a custom name displayed on each window like "Ch.1, Ch.2," etc, but there doesn't seem to be any options for that.


I know it's not what you're looking for, but I too think your best bet would be After Effects. Output your song in multiple stems, load them in After Effects, make how many Audio Spectrum generators you need, stack them up on the screen (don't forget to apply 'Composite On Original' for each of them), link them to your audio through the audio layers, you'd end up with this

there could be better ways to visualize this and record it off the bat, maybe even FL Studio's ZGameEditor Visualizer which actually allows you to export a project's video. Outside of that, I'd go with After Effects.

Also a bit late since I've released this, but I released a bootleg earlier during December! It's been one of my favorite things that I've ever worked on but it's also a point where I tried something pretty new to what I usually do. I'm always open to opinions and thoughts!


Hello. I'm quite a newbie into the music scene, but I would like to try to learn how to make some basic melodies as well as sound effects (mainly for games).

I know I have to study things like chords and whatnot, basics of music, etc... but I was wondering, when it comes to actual creation, would a tool like FL Studio work? I see there are multiple versions of the software but because I'm still new I was thinking of just going with the cheapest version:



I don't need vocals for my stuff as all I want to learn to make is, as I said, sound effects as well as basic music that plays in the background of a game or anything similar. This version seems to be missing some plugins, but I don't know if I would also be missing a lot of very basic and important tools?


Producer edition is the best value I think. The other tiers just gets you a bunch of extra plugins which I don't think are that important, since you're undoubtedly going to end up running a plethora of third party plugins instead (and a lot of those are free). FL is one of the best deals you can get in the industry. Especially since updates to the latest versions are completely free which cannot be said for most other popular DAWs that incur an upgrade fee for that. The only thing you won't get (usually) are registered versions of any new plugins they bundle with the newer versions, but again that isn't all that important. Sometimes they make some of their older plugins free, like Maximus recently.

I have used FL for 15 years. It's mostly out of habit at this point, though the MIDI piano roll is still leagues ahead of the other which is one of the most important things for my workflow.
Hmm...maybe SunVox can handle enough on the visualization front? I know it can do some things, though that in particular I'm not sure as of the latest beta release...

Same for Defile_Mask's giant "better UI" overhaul pre-release that is nearly there as it has that tracker aesthetic going stronger than ever.


Hello. I'm quite a newbie into the music scene, but I would like to try to learn how to make some basic melodies as well as sound effects (mainly for games).

I know I have to study things like chords and whatnot, basics of music, etc... but I was wondering, when it comes to actual creation, would a tool like FL Studio work? I see there are multiple versions of the software but because I'm still new I was thinking of just going with the cheapest version:



I don't need vocals for my stuff as all I want to learn to make is, as I said, sound effects as well as basic music that plays in the background of a game or anything similar. This version seems to be missing some plugins, but I don't know if I would also be missing a lot of very basic and important tools?

Producer edition is the best value I think. The other tiers just gets you a bunch of extra plugins which I don't think are that important, since you're undoubtedly going to end up running a plethora of third party plugins instead (and a lot of those are free). FL is one of the best deals you can get in the industry. Especially since updates to the latest versions are completely free which cannot be said for most other popular DAWs that incur an upgrade fee for that. The only thing you won't get (usually) are registered versions of any new plugins they bundle with the newer versions, but again that isn't all that important. Sometimes they make some of their older plugins free, like Maximus recently.

I have used FL for 15 years. It's mostly out of habit at this point, though the MIDI piano roll is still leagues ahead of the other which is one of the most important things for my workflow.

Although I've moved to Bitwig because I prefer how it's mixing and composition works over FL, FL is definitely strong in it's piano roll when it comes down to not only recording, but also annotation. Fruity Edition is a decent usage for small stuff, but I'm gonna assume and say that you won't be okay with the Fruity Edition once you get into production some more if you ever do choose to. IMO, you really should want a DAW that can process what you want to do with your input without being held back to certain things as a DAW shouldn't have too much (or no) say over what can be done and what can't which is why I kind of dislike Fruity Edition being an option.

As lazygecko has said, Producer Edition is definitely the best value you can get out of FL Studio (and probably this industry in general when it comes to production). What you can always do is just buy Fruity Edition, stick with it and if you feel you've reached any limitation with Fruity Edition in general like when it comes to Audio Clips or recording audio, you can always just upgrade your edition.


Actually WaveCandy in FL was more versatile than I thought... Turns out you can change the display text. They just did a poor job of communicating this in the UI settings.

Now I can have some interesting multi-channel visualization for my chiptune work where the amount of channels is more limited.

Rösti;190957682 said:
For New Year's I did a simple transcription and arrangement of Auld Lang Syne. Transcription done in Sibelius, and arrangement in FL Studio using Addictive Keys and Steinberg's HALion Symphonic Orchestra (which ended up nearly destroying my computer).


I checked this out and it's all Auld Lang Syne alright, apart from that decidedly unchristmasy turn at the end there. Is that in the sheet music or were you just having fun? I do have to comment as a regular one earcup headphone user the mix was decidedly unbalanced but I don't know if that's a thing in mixing classical music. I also checked out the rest of your soundcloud and dude...WTF? I went from christmas to insomnia inducing batshit insane noise compilations that last for half an hour or something, good shit in an odd kind of way. Don't know if I'd buy the album but if you ever put a sample pack together of ambient drones, random noise, and atmospherics I'm sure people would buy it.


Unconfirmed Member
I checked this out and it's all Auld Lang Syne alright, apart from that decidedly unchristmasy turn at the end there. Is that in the sheet music or were you just having fun? I do have to comment as a regular one earcup headphone user the mix was decidedly unbalanced but I don't know if that's a thing in mixing classical music. I also checked out the rest of your soundcloud and dude...WTF? I went from christmas to insomnia inducing batshit insane noise compilations that last for half an hour or something, good shit in an odd kind of way. Don't know if I'd buy the album but if you ever put a sample pack together of ambient drones, random noise, and atmospherics I'm sure people would buy it.
I included in the transcription some parts in Aeolian mode, as a little way of telling that one shouldn't just celebrate the new year and have a good time, but also remember the less happy times in the gone year, and to work for a better experience in times to come.

As for my discography, it's filled with a lot of random stuff, mostly noise and avant garde.
Holy crap I forgot about this thread. I posted here previously in a time where I never subscribed to threads. Guess I should sub here before I forget about it for over half a year again lol.
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