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Neogafs Official NHL 09 GUILD (Xbox360 Sign Up Thread)


hahah nice!

I felt alright with the default BAP cam...in fact I'd like it zoomed in a whole lot more, it was far less responsive when playing online.

Actually it got pretty laggy for me sometimes. I'd press the hit stick and he'd throw a check a good second later.

But I hope to get some more practice via Quickmatch, to shake off the cobwebs and get used to this. I thought Justegarde and purg3 played really well, making some good plays. After the first we not only played much better defense but sorta figured where everyone liked to go, and spread out more (in the first period I literally skated the same path you guys did).

Good post Yusaku. There's an even easier more basic play to getting it out of the zone...I just typed it out and then noticed that the site linked to has a gif of it, explains it better than the paragraph I had :lol : http://www.lifetimehockey.com/play_breakout1.htm

But I'd change it so the D passes it up sooner, and the center goes to the same side but near center, and so the winger chips it out of the zone to the centerman. The other winger should be near center ice for support though.

Anyways, over time these plays will become second nature. Hopefully it doesn't seem too complicated at first. But maybe we should just focus on things like zone defense first, and then worry about breakouts a bit later. The thing is, a lot of the common breakout patterns are in the game, so you're already familiar with them when you play single player. We just have to coordinate and recognize these opportunities for the different breakouts, and then get into our positions as this time we can't depend on the CPU to do it for us as it does in SP.

That's another thing I should include for the new official thread, team strategies and stuff. Putting that stuff in the OP will get everyone on the same page.

Good to hear about turning around the losing streak. Fact is, I have a feeling that the competition is able to play it pretty religiously among a small group of friends...I'm not too worried about The Mighty Dyacks.

If anything, this string of losses is just gonna make us a better team as we're gonna buckle down and yearn to improve every game. When wins and losses really count, in the form of tournaments, we will be ready then, AND WE WILL PREVAIL!


After you guys left tonight (purg3 and Dollar Taco) QVT, Marvie and myself racked up 3 or 4 wins in a row in dominant fashion. While we didn't win a lot earlier tonight, I really do think our little 2-3 hour training session helped us a lot. I mean, we had CPU help on D and center, but we were commanding the game. Every time I got the puck, I knew Marvie would be cutting across the red line at high speed and I could almost pass without looking at him. In fact, in one of the most spectacular things I saw all day on the game, I pinholed a pass to Marvie through all five guys right down the center of the ice as he broke for the net and he came in on a breakaway, deked off to the left, then when it looked like he ran out of room, did a spinning shot towards the net and scored. It was incredible.

The whole 5 vs. 5 thing is still a bit tricky, but we should get better. We're already better than we were this morning.

Anyway, my favorite moment tonight: us 5 were in a game where we were outshot 36-4 and the other team had a huge lead in attack zone time on us. Despite that, we were tied 0-0 after OT and were headed to a shootout (incidentally, we played some really great defense in this game). After 3 shooters, nobody had scored. The Mighty Dyacks were up with shooter #4. Enter this.

We were all really happy. I'm sure the other team must have been pulling their hair out.


Well if I had to say what we're doing wrong in games with more of us in them (mainly 4, 5, 6)

- Too much movement

It just makes things cluttered and confusing, dimishes the passing lanes, and makes it harder to react. What I'm trying to do is skate into a position, stop, and repeat. The way we do things i nlargerteam games, it's harder to pass and pretty much impossible to get a cycle going

- Not enough passing

Too much trying to do it alone once the puck gets into the offensive zone, which is I think mainly due to the point above. Passing it once you get into the offensive zone, and trying to set up a cycle, would probably get more consistent results
what time have you guys been playing these games? unfortunately I have to be in bed by about 11pm EST every night because I have to get up at 7 in the morning.



Still looking to see how I can get in on the action :) Handle is: AJ The HeD
Willing to start a guy to fill any holes you guys have. Lemme know.
We need a to pull a Hossa and grab the PS3 squad's best scorer.

Things have been getting much better. We took advantage of our opportunities and QVT had a HUGE goal. I still say that Drago needs to shed about 40 pounds and do some speed drills, but his tank-like presence certainly netted that HULK SMASH goal he had.

If we just get a breakout play and then get be patient on O and set up for great shots, I think we'll turn this around 180*.


slept with Malkin
Glad to see you guys got some more wins after we left. It sucks that playing with more people already puts you at a pretty big disadvantage if you are playing against a team of 2 or 3 because of the AI.


X26 said:
Well if I had to say what we're doing wrong in games with more of us in them (mainly 4, 5, 6)

- Too much movement

It just makes things cluttered and confusing, dimishes the passing lanes, and makes it harder to react. What I'm trying to do is skate into a position, stop, and repeat. The way we do things i nlargerteam games, it's harder to pass and pretty much impossible to get a cycle going

- Not enough passing

Too much trying to do it alone once the puck gets into the offensive zone, which is I think mainly due to the point above. Passing it once you get into the offensive zone, and trying to set up a cycle, would probably get more consistent results

I would argue that you should keep your feet moving. That's certainly how it works in real hockey.


Yusaku said:
I would argue that you should keep your feet moving. That's certainly how it works in real hockey.

you're right, but this game is a bit faster paced than real life, and not only that but you can't effectively lead passes in the game either.

But I've got to play more of the mode to really make a call on this topic, just wanted to throw that in there. I'll check the roster now, see if more invites were accepted, then I'll make the official thread where we can update the OP.

Mark D

hobart said:

Still looking to see how I can get in on the action :) Handle is: AJ The HeD
Willing to start a guy to fill any holes you guys have. Lemme know.

I'm in the same position as this dude. Lemme know if I can still get on the team. My gamertag: plastic handgun.


QVT: Since eznark dropped out of the team (I found out by checking the PS3 thread and seeing him there now hehe), you are officially off the wait list and in.

hobart: You are now the one person on the waiting list.

Mark D said:
I'm in the same position as this dude. Lemme know if I can still get on the team. My gamertag: plastic handgun.

I've been trying to add you for a while now.

Check this post and follow my suggestion:


There should be room for a new player. I had to leave to join a different club to play with some IRL friends. It was fun GAF, maybe I'll meet you guys as an opponent! :D


I just realized that the game does keep track of your stats, even though the team page doesn't reflect it. If you go to Performance Tracker from the main menu of the game, you can see how well you're doing.

Right now I've played 30 games and scored 14 points (4 goals, 10 assists) and am a -31. Game is giving me an overall grade at my position (D) of A-. I could afford to bring that +/- up, but so far so good :D


Yusaku said:
There should be room for a new player. I had to leave to join a different club to play with some IRL friends. It was fun GAF, maybe I'll meet you guys as an opponent! :D

YOU TRAITOROUS BAST-have fun! GAF salutes you for your services thus far.

I noticed purg3 added someone, so that spot is filled already I guess.

MarkD: I noticed that it was able to send the invite to you now, what did you do differently since now and last night? Also, did you try what I suggested? Was that it? I'm trying to find out the answer so that we can get everyone else on board and EA is also interested in the answer, TIA.

daw840 said:
If I could get added to the waiting list that would be cool.

GT: DarkQberto


I'm working on the official thread now should be posted soon. It seems that everyone missing that one post I made in regards to getting onto the team and the issues I'm facing. A new thread with the proposed remedy should help.


Fair-weather, with pride!
I tried last night taking Drago down to a lower weight but it didn't make him any faster. I then took him down to 5'7" and jesus christ it's like I've added rockets to his boots. I'll play with him at the height for a while and we'll see. RB2 today but fuck that game you can't check people in the battle of the bands


slept with Malkin
FightyF said:
I noticed purg3 added someone, so that spot is filled already I guess.

Yeah, also to the people that sent me a msg on xbl asking to be on the team, just post in this thread instead so you can be added to the queue.


Please add me to be able to join the club online... I'm ready to be a bullet sponge for you guys (not a goalie)

Probably a defenseman.


Holy shit there is a lot of quality hockey videogames to be played this year.


Good to hear that our club is winning now, friday night...not so much. Who was that goalie we had? He did really good. that one blocker save was the shat. I should be online tonight for some games.
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