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Neogafs Official NHL 09 GUILD (Xbox360 Sign Up Thread)


slept with Malkin
sefskillz said:
Damn, just got on... that record is rough :lol

For some reason purg and I lost all of our stats and our character name info on the leaderboard. Did all that reset when we switched jerseys/logos or somethin?

I'm not sure what the deal is with the stats because I played all last night after making the jersey switch. And a few people remained unaffected by the swtich, so I'm not sure what's going on with that.


nm figured it out, basically just need to play a bunch of games and get new cards for more stat points

sefskillz said:
Damn, just got on... that record is rough :lol

For some reason purg and I lost all of our stats and our character name info on the leaderboard. Did all that reset when we switched jerseys/logos or somethin?

No mine was still there even after the change, and now it too is gone. I'm hoping it's just a hiccup and everybody's stats will show up like they should soon enough.


slept with Malkin
X26 said:
nm figured it out, basically just need to play a bunch of games and get new cards for more stat points

No mine was still there even after the change, and now it too is gone. I'm hoping it's just a hiccup and everybody's stats will show up like they should soon enough.

Yeah, I went to the stats section on my player card and everything was there.
Last night was spectacular. I don't think I've seen a better feel-good story in a Disney movie. Those assholes always win in the end, but we don't. We play for the love of the game and that trumps "success" and "feeling good" any day of the week.

I think, in terms of team make-up, we need to win faceoffs. Maybe put a grinder up there and then have a power-forward on D to make up. Sniper and playmaker at wings? Base grinder gets 85% faceoff rating, so that's going to control the puck.

We also need to bury the puck. Who's our sniper?


Yeah, I lost my stats, too. I should have something like 2 goals and 8 or 9 assists, but the game only tells me I have 4 assists. Kind of lame.

I like the idea of having a grinder at center to win faceoffs. It kills me every time we have an offensive zone faceoff and I'm sitting there open at the point and the other team wins it.

Also don' so don't forget: when you're driving the net, use the A button to protect the puck!


I'm a dangler. so if breaking into the zone is a problem, I can try it out. The thing is, I need some online games under my belt to see how people play D online. If they're just attempting to line me up for a hit, the best thing to do is to dump it into the corner and have our other offensive guys get in there and battle, whereas the guy taking it in takes a hit, and then heads to the net hoping for a pass. With a dangler, instead of dumping I could try a deke where I seperate myself from the puck. If he hits me, then at least he's left the puck trickling past him for one of our other guys to pick it up. If he missed then I'm storming down the wing.

One thing the Wings did great last year was to get it right over the blue line and make a short pass to someone else at that moment, so you avoided offsides, didn't have to dump it into the corner and rely on a forecheck, and avoid having them stand you up at the blue line. So that's another option.


FightyF said:
One thing the Wings did great last year was to get it right over the blue line and make a short pass to someone else at that moment, so you avoided offsides, didn't have to dump it into the corner and rely on a forecheck, and avoid having them stand you up at the blue line. So that's another option.

This would be something to try, I think. Most of the time there's no support for the puck carrier into the zone and it allows the other team to double and triple team and get the puck back right away.


slept with Malkin
Phthisis said:
This would be something to try, I think. Most of the time there's no support for the puck carrier into the zone and it allows the other team to double and triple team and get the puck back right away.

Definitely, that was happening all night. And I think I'll move my guy to a wing position because my face off stat is very low.
FightyF said:
List of those where it says, "Player not found"
Jazzy Jeff v2K (your GT was verified as I saw you on the NeoGAF NHL 09 Friends list)
blackMamba187 (tried "blackmamba187" and "blackMamba 187" they didn't work either)
yodathesoda (I need your GT, I tried your GAF handle hoping maybe it was the same, I've sent a PM)

I've sent friends requests to all of you, as there is another way to invite people to the team via the friend's list.

I accepted your friend request and then located the guild in your friends list and sent an invite to it. Hopefully this works out.


blackMamba1187 said:
I accepted your friend request and then located the guild in your friends list and sent an invite to it. Hopefully this works out.

the NeoGaf NHL 09 Gamertag isn't the guild.

You have to go to the "Player Hub" within one of the NHL 09 Live menus. You should see an invite in your NHL 09 inbox


shitting in the alley outside your window
dollartaco said:
Base grinder gets 85% faceoff rating, so that's going to control the puck.
Yea, my boy is a grinder and I'm bumping up his faceoff. I've played center twice so far for us and went something like 17/23 in one and 18/21 in the other... the funny part was after both those games one of my minuses was that i needed to win more faceoffs :lol

I think I just need to work on my passing stats some, but faceoffs are pretty solid

anyone playing now? i'm about to hop on


I'll be in the dressing room for a little bit, if no one shows I'll just play randoms for a bit and check again later


So lets talk strategy!

I'm a little biased because I'm a D-man, but our D is being sorely under utilized on offense. Especially when we're playing a team with 5 human players. They tend to just collapse down-low on the puck holder, while the D sits at the point with a clear shot at the net, or an opportunity to create a difflection or rebound, or even just move the puck.

That's the single biggest reasons we're not getting goals. We're just spamming the goalie with pucks straight-on, not forcing him to move.

Maybe this is because with the default camera the forwards can't really see the D-men at the point?

I don't know, but we should think of some offensive strategies to start getting some goals.


shitting in the alley outside your window
Yusaku said:
Maybe this is because with the default camera the forwards can't really see the D-men at the point?
yup, i love the default camera, but for this reason im considering the switch. i think communication is key too, something like 'open on the point', 'pass it back', to make it clear to whoever has the puck that there's a clear lane to you in the back. d-men should be able to move between each other at that point, but the appropriate winger should drop back to the near boards of the d-man who gets the puck and the center should be finding the high slot area in case that line opens up


I'm STILL looking for my first goal. Have had a sniper setup this entire time, and actually aim for certain corners, but I cna never get one by the goalie. Played 2 games today, around 10 shots in each, and nothing. Might just change my player type to something like playmaker


Oh and the thing I hate most is how if you don't have the puck, the right stick is checking no matter who has possesion. so many times I'll be going for a lose puck near the net jsut to end up decking a guy instead


shitting in the alley outside your window
X26 said:
Oh and the thing I hate most is how if you don't have the puck, the right stick is checking no matter who has possesion. so many times I'll be going for a lose puck near the net jsut to end up decking a guy instead
on a related note, in BAP mode when i dish off a pass in tight and want the CPU to shoot it, i can't tell you how many times i've ended up throwing my stick out, tripping a guy and getting sent to the box. sigh


sefskillz said:
yup, i love the default camera, but for this reason im considering the switch. i think communication is key too, something like 'open on the point', 'pass it back', to make it clear to whoever has the puck that there's a clear lane to you in the back. d-men should be able to move between each other at that point, but the appropriate winger should drop back to the near boards of the d-man who gets the puck and the center should be finding the high slot area in case that line opens up

I was trying to do this last night, but when I said I was open at the point, people were saying they didn't know what the point was. Basically, the defensemen are sitting at the top of the offensive zone near the blue line wide open for shots and passes and only a couple people are realizing we're there for passes.


Finally got my first goal. Was playing ranked OTP as defence and got a pass (gasp!) at the point on a PP and rifled it. MORE TO COME BITCHES. Just now though tried to play another one and got one of those freezes I've seen mentioned :/


Doytch said:
Can you play pub OTP as your own player, or only as NHL dudes?

you can do both.

NHL dudes- quick online team play

own player - go to online team play community

As for strategy, one of the problems is that rebounds are really tough in BAP. Like the player will just keep checking instead of actually shooting the puck off a rebound.

Also, how do you get more EXP to increase your guys stats?


slept with Malkin
Marvie_3 said:
anyone up for playing tonight?

Yeah I'll be on tonight, just playing some BAP right now.

Also, definitely having more success after switching the camera from the BAP standard camera.
woodchuck said:
As for strategy, one of the problems is that rebounds are really tough in BAP. Like the player will just keep checking instead of actually shooting the puck off a rebound.

god damn I hate this. It doesn't help that with rebounds you need split second reactions, but you need to time it just right so you actually have the puck before you try to shoot.


Phthisis said:
This would be something to try, I think. Most of the time there's no support for the puck carrier into the zone and it allows the other team to double and triple team and get the puck back right away.

If they are double/triple teaming you at the line, then dumping it in with a faster winger beating that group to the puck is a good option.

If you're along the boards, you can slap it hard into the corner so that it ricochets off around the boards behind the net and around to the other wing, try it when you're playing offline.

When you do that, the rest of the forwards can read the play and head to that opposite end with no one there (if they are double teaming you there).

I'll be on in 5 minutes here. I really need to see how people play like.

For example, when you do have it deep in their zone, does everyone on their team (including their forwards) collapse to the net? If that's the case, using our D-men as Yusaku says would be the best plan.

sefskillz said:
yup, i love the default camera, but for this reason im considering the switch. i think communication is key too, something like 'open on the point', 'pass it back', to make it clear to whoever has the puck that there's a clear lane to you in the back. d-men should be able to move between each other at that point, but the appropriate winger should drop back to the near boards of the d-man who gets the puck and the center should be finding the high slot area in case that line opens up

I agree about communication...it's just like real hockey when you're in that view, if you're battling in the corner you have to rely on people telling you where they are.

This will all come in time...

X26 said:
Oh and the thing I hate most is how if you don't have the puck, the right stick is checking no matter who has possesion. so many times I'll be going for a lose puck near the net jsut to end up decking a guy instead

For better or worse my habit since 07 was to hit R bumper to poke it. In the 2K series when you swing your stick you can grab loose pucks. It doesn't work that way in EA's series, but at least I touch it so that the pass doesn't reach its target, or it bounces towards the net if it's a loose puck near the crease. I totally understand what you're saying and that's why I've never switched to attempting to one time the loose puck, because it never works for me.

I'll be on in a few minutes, I got an hour or so to play. If no one is on, I'll try playing a random team game to get a feel.

I'll also go through the list, hopefully people were able to try my suggestion so I won't get those error messages. And later tonight (after midnight), I'll post the official thread.

Oh yeah, and don't mind me acting like mr. pro coach when I'm posting here...I'm just posting suggestions, feel free to put me back in my place!


how do i join? :)

Handle: AJ The HeD

Furthermore.... what do you need? I've got no problem starting someone new to fill a need.

Mark D

Just picked up the game tonight. I posted my gamertag earlier in the thread, is it too late to get a spot on the team?


I just got disconnected from XBL...

I'm now a defense D-man, since you guys never get me the puck to take any shots from the point.


slept with Malkin
Phthisis said:
I'm glad someone is winning. I for one am sick as fuck of losing games. I'm not having fun anymore with this mode.

I'm at a lose for words right now, I just don't get this...I don't get how other teams appear to score with such little effort and then it seems as if we're facing a fucking brick wall at the other end of the ice.

I'll be back on in a little bit after I eat--I need a break. :\


Since people are still having a really hard time following some basic advice I thought this post from Something Awful would be helpful:

Narwhale said:
Hockey 101

Part 1: Forwards

On defense

Just because forwards are known mostly for scoring does not mean they don't need to worry about defense as well. The basic defense setup reflects a basic offense setup. That is, the offense will have defense at each of the points (the area where the blue line meets the boards) and their forwards down low (closer to the net). Therefore, our LW and RW should generally be covering the defense, while the center should hang out around the slot (the area between the 2 faceoff circles right in front of the net) and cover anyone who may get open in that area. This link shows the basic zone defense Use your stick to get in the passing lanes and take away options for the other team. The other job for forwards on defense is to get open and give the defensemen passing options when they do recover the puck. If you see the other team's defense pinching (that is, cheating towards our net) you may be able to sneak behind them and receive a long breakout pass for a breakaway. Generally, though, "cherrypicking" isn't the best plan unless we're behind toward the end of the game, and not playing defense might upset your teammates.

Breaking out
Once we have recovered the puck and are moving out of our zone, there are a few options. The first is to move onto offense by passing and skating into the zone. This is fairly straightforward and involves forwards getting open and not going offsides (as long as one of your feet is behind the line you're ok). If you're looking for a pass and trying to get open, keep moving. Maintaining your momentum will make you harder to cover and when you do get a pass it's easier to turn and go than to start from a standstill. Here is a standard breakout.

The other option for transitioning is playing dump and chase. You can use this if the other team's defense is playing aggressively. All you have to do is flip the puck into an offensive corner (wait until you're over the redline or it will be icing). Then chase after the puck and the defenseman who is also going after it. Since he's probably closer he may beat you to it, so you can get the puck back by either playing his stick (lift or poke check) or his body (check the crap out of him). If one of your teammates decides to dump and chase, you can help him out by either covering the other defenseman (who is the most likely passing option if D1 recovers the puck) or by also going after the puck and backing up your teammate. Here is a standard dump and chase.

Cycling is good. Cycling is where the three forwards form a triangle and pass the puck amongst themselves. Cycling is good because the puck-carrier has at least 2 passing options (more if a defenseman is open) and can also shoot. I have a feeling that other teams will try to doubleteam (at least) the puck-carrier. If you are being doubleteamed, that means that someone else is wide open. If you have have the puck, try to find that person. If you don't, try to be that person. Here is the cycle. You should look for the following qualities when you want to shoot: 1) In front of the net. 2) Closer is generally better. 3) You don't want anyone in front of you. One exception to #3 is deflections (you don't want to be RIGHT in front of the shot. The general area is fine). If you don't have the puck and your teammate has a good shooting chance, GET TO THE NET. This will allow you to attempt to deflect the puck (your player will do this automatically), and will also allow you to pickup a rebound and shoot on the out of position goalie. The other team's defense does not want you to be in front of their net. They will check you. You can check them back. Battle for position.

Eventually we will lose the puck. This is where forechecking comes in. Forechecking is where one or more forwards harass the other team and try to get them to lose the puck. Much like defensive zone play, this can be done with your stick or body. Forechecking is important, but so is getting back on defense. Generally one or two of the forwards will forecheck, while the rest of the team falls back. If you are a forward and see two of your teammates forechecking, you probably want to get back so the other team doesn't get an odd-man rush. Here is a two player forecheck. Notice the other winger is playing back with the defensemen. This is known as a Left Wing Lock. There will not be a test.

Hockey 101

Part 2: Defensemen


The main goal of defense is pretty obvious: get the puck from the other team. Sound positional play, however, can make it very difficult for the other team to score even if they have the puck for most of the game. Therefore, a good defenseman doesn't take himself out of position to make the huge check. That's how breakaways happen. Here's the zone defense again. As you can see, the d-man's territory is generally the lower half of the ice, from the front of the goal to the corner. It is the defense's job to go into the corners after the puck. As on d-man does this, it is the other's job to cover the front of the net. Lots of goals are scored by an uncovered player in the slot while the defense gets caught behind the net.

In addition to getting the puck and playing positionally, there are a couple more jobs you'll have. The first is clearing out the front of the net. Many offensive players make a living in front of the net, hoping to deflect a puck, get a rebound, or at least screen the goalie's vision. You need to stop them legally. You can push them around with the right stick, but if you do it too much you may get a crosschecking or interference penalty. Another option is lifting the stick, preventing them from making the shot.

Blocking shots is also important. The problem is since d-men play close to the goal, sometimes they can block a shot and actually end up deflecting it into the goal! They also could be screening the goalie's vision. This should not stop you from trying, but the further you are from the goal the less likely this will happen, and the more time the goalie will have to react if it does. BUT DON'T MOVE TOO FAR OUT OF POSITION.

Once you have recovered the puck, the next step is going on the offensive. Most of the time this involves passing to a forward. Look where you are passing. If your breakout pass gets intercepted you are right back where you started, and probably not in a very good defensive position. Take the time to make a smart pass. Your defensive partner should back you up and provide you with another passing option, such as behind the goal. Once you made the pass, you probably don't want to rush up with the forwards. Hang back a little and see the play develop. Often rushes will stall in the neutral zone and you will want to be in position to go the other way quickly. Once the puck is safe in the other half, proceed to the offensive zone.

The normal position for a d-man on offense is at the point (see other Hockey 101 post). This will allow you to keep the puck in the offensive zone on many clearing attempts. If the play is mostly occuring on the other side of the ice, you may want to cheat a little toward the middle to provide a better passing option. However, you don't want to stray so far that you won't make it back to the point to keep a puck in. If you get the puck, you can pass, shoot, or dump it into a corner for your forwards. Be careful, when passing from D to D; these passes can be intercepted and taken the other way very quickly. Point shots can be a valuable tool, especially if you have a clear shooting lane and your forwards can set up by the net. An important part of offensive d-play is knowing when to go after the puck and knowing when to play it safe and retreat. These instincts will come with practice, but if you're not sure it's probably better to play it safe at first rather than give up a breakaway from the red line.

Defensive Rushes
So your forwards gave up the puck, and your defensive partner was way out of position. Now you're on the receiving end of a 2 on 1. What do you do? Don't panic, just stay with the play and watch it develop. Skate backwards ahead of the other team. Generally the idea is to take away the passing options and let the goalie deal with the shot. You can do this by blocking the pass with your stick, laying down (this will make you completely out of position if you miss), of playing the receiver's stick. Here's an example of a 2 on 1. The D in this example actually played the puckcarrier a little more than the passer. In time you'll figure out what works.


slept with Malkin
I think we just need to worry about getting a solid breakout going and stop turning over the puck in the neutral zone. It's killing us right now. Dmen should also not be taking the puck in ahead of offensive players. Keep it simple, and make the safe play. Also, in the d-zone don't pass the puck up the middle of the ice or in front of the net, work it along the sides or up the boards. Positioning is also killing us, if you noticed the teams that beat us bad had really good position-they were spread out and moved the puck back and forth. I think we sometimes are getting too jumbled up.

I do think we made some improvements while in the offensive zone, because we had some nice plays tonight, even if they didn't result in a goal.


Yusaku said:
Since people are still having a really hard time following some basic advice I thought this post from Something Awful would be helpful:

Everybody please read this. PLEASE. I am so frustrated right now. We're getting outscored 3-0, 4-1 in every game.

I tried switching to forward to see if maybe I could help out the forwards, but it still wasn't working, so I'm going to switch back to D and focus on my positioning and breakout passes so we have some flow going up the ice. I'll be the first to admit that I get out of position when we're down a couple goals and try and make things happen from the D position that maybe I shouldn't, so from now on I'm going to focus on disciplining my play and making sure there is support in front of the net. That said, if you see me open in the offensive zone, throw a pass my way; I'm an offensive defenseman and I'll try and pot some goals, or at the very least cause some rebounds to put back.


no idea whats going on with my connection. i got disconnected or something. it's weird right now (dr tim whatley). im gonna go sleep. good luck with trying to get a win!


slept with Malkin
I have to say we had a beautiful hard fought win because of solid fundamental play. GG Gaf
Dream team represent! :lol
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