Sew said:
Chacranajxy said:
Thankfully, you can turn all the stupid smoothing filters off and keep the proper aspect ratio so that it looks absolutely mint. Hell, I think this may actually be sharper than any way you can actually play the original cart, or even better than MAME. It just scales really, really nicely.
The first question I had when I saw the thread was, I wonder how the scaling is (and god forbid, the filtering). And yours was the second post I read.
I love them for getting this right and I love you for making a point of it. SOLD!
And now I return with my thoughts.
I picked up Metal Slug, and I'm not very happy. I really appreciate the functionality they've put into the front end, particularly with regard to display options. But despite this, it all manages to be so ugly. The menus look cheap and garish, and the bezel (border) options during gameplay are either 'funky' designs or bad gradients (no plain black option... honestly).
Then there's the slowness. When I change settings or save states on a GP2X, with its measley 200mhz, it's instant. When I did it running homebrew on my previously jailbroken PS3, it was instant. So why does this crappy commercial code take 30 seconds to start up, and 5 seconds to 'save data' at just about every turn in the menu? There's something very fat and ugly about it.
The scaling and filtering options for the game screen itself are all very welcome, and all too rare in a commercial emulator like this. But there's still something off about the visuals, and I can't figure out what. Playing SNES when I was jailbroken was amazing, seeing that pixel art in all its blocky perfection on the big screen. I expected a similar experience here, but it just doesn't hit a home run for some reason. Metal Slug looks
killer on my GP2X screen, just as SNES does, but for some reason it lacks punch in this guise.
I emulate everything I can on every platform I can, and I accept that much of it is morally grey territory. So when a publisher starts re-selling titles in this fashion on XBLA or PSN, I'm all for coughing up a few bucks to support it. Sadly this failed outing cost me $15 :-(
And I haven't even been near the netcode yet.