I usually respect Bibi but this is nonsense from someone who should know much better. Not sure what he's trying to achieve here as I doubt many Israelis would believe that arabs are the ones that convinced Hitler to carry out the final solution.
That Germany has to go and correct the Israeli prime minister about the holocaust is just amazing.After Netanyahu comments, Germany says responsibility for Holocaust is 'very much our own'.
This whole story is hilariously surreal, in an awful way.
Because he's actually making excuses for Hitler.Why do I find this statement actually more offensive than negationism?
Why do I find this statement actually more offensive than negationism?
Oh so now we're rewriting history and it's not the nazis who exterminated the jews but the moslems ?
Time to update the history books.
Shame on Benjamin Netanyahu for lying to suit his political purposes.
I hate this man so freaking much. You went from Yitzhak Rabin to Netanyahu, Israel. I pitied you.
And all of the sudden everyone is talking about history instead of about how Netanyahu ran the country to the ground in terms of security, diplomacy and economics and has no plan on how to improve anything. So what if he has to offend history and the memory of the Holocaust if it serves short-term political goals, right?
So why does the asshole keep getting rejected? Are Israelis happy with the status quo?
Its such a ridiculous assertion from every angle. For example, did the mufti convince Goebbels as well?Hitler was a nice man... Until those dastardly Muslims sapped and impurified all his precious bodily fluids.
It wasn't the Nazi's fault. It was Muslim infiltration, indoctrination, and subversion of the Good ol Nazi party.
Do Israelis like this guy?
Do Israelis like this guy?
I just saw an excerpt on TV of his meeting with Merkel where he basically said "Palestinians aren't attacking us because of their shit conditions, but because deep down, they want to kill all the Jews and destroy Israel". I'm paraphrasing and can't find a transcript yet, but how do you even make peace with a world class asshole like that?This.
Wow...what chance do Palestinians even have with a complete utter fucking moron like Nethanyahu commanding Israel?
It's a bit more complicated as these legislative elections had like ten parties running. A majority of voters ended up putting him in power but that doesn't mean the rest of the population somehow likes or supports him. I wouldn't make a blanket statement like "Israelis like this guy" the way I wouldn't say "Brits like Cameron". If anything, we should support liberal Israelis.He just got re-elected a few months ago. You tell me.
Wouldn't Nazi Germany exterminate muslims if they continued their campaign?
They were out to kill everyone who aren't aryan.
Is any mainstream press organisation picking up on this insanity?
It's not surprising it will come from him because he will stretch anything and thinks everything from Palestine/Arab and/or muslim world is anti-semitism. Nazi Germany and the Arab part of the world had a lot of links at the time, they had shared enemies/hostilities such as the imperialism, colonialism and zionism experienced in the Arab world from other countries in the West. An enemy of my enemy is my friend/ally etc even though the Arab world was very conflicted with Nazi ideology, sharing enemies had positive links. Colonialism in the region in the arab world by nations like the British and French meant that when Nazi Germany viewed these nations as enemies then Nazi Germany was also seen favourably even if perhaps they didn't agree with a lot of Nazi ideologies but a lot of people did not see their pro-British or pro-French regimes favourably either. Yes, Palestine and Nazi Germany had said they share a common cause against the Jewish people but this was not Palestine influencing Hitler - Hitler already had these ideas but the Mufti agreed with them (after the Final Solution was made known). Netanyahu is stretching it and insinuating that these ties had Palestinians or Muslims in general "influence/convince" or "come up with the idea" of the extermination of Jewish people since they shared common enemies. The Arab world at the time was very anti-colonialism and anti-zionism but it was not anti-semitism for the most part but I guess Netanyahu doesn't see a difference, he sees everything as anti-semitism when it comes from the Arab world.
It is crazy people like him have power and really the only way he got re-elected now was due to his fear-mongering bullshit regarding Palestine and screw people who voted him into power, he uses stuff like what the Mufti said regarding the "jewish problem" during WW2 as justification for Israel's treatment of Palestine and now has gone a step more crazy and is making the claims that Hitler did what he did because of Palestine/the Mufti convincing/influencing him - he's trying to get more justification by stretching/revising history basically. There is no denial of the common view of Jewish people regarding Palestine and Nazi Germany (the drive to find a solution of the Jewish problem/danger) but saying that Palestine convinced or heavily influenced Hitler to do what he did is such revisionist bullshit - Hitler had these ideas on his own due to his own perceived Jewish problem in Europe.
I mean hell, al-Husseini/the Mufti made many declarations/statements about wanting Nazi German support of removing the Jewish people from their land but Hitler did not want to make such a public announcement at the time and told al-Husseini that he plans to go to their regions any ways and remove the Jewish people there after his total conquest of Europe. These were ideas that existed regardless - Hitler planned the extermination of Jewish people from all over irrespective if people agreed or disagreed, the Mufti did not convince or influence if Hitler always had the plans to begin with. All of these declarations and the like came already after the fact that the sentiment and atrocities towards Jewish people in Europe had been going for years. Netanyahu makes it out to be that Palestine was at the core of the ideas to begin with which is total bullshit. I did some Googling and found it on wikipedia:
So who talked Hitler into exterminating the non-Jewish minorities?
And Israel from Ishmael.If ya think about it palestine is only a few letters away from palpatine.
"So what should I do with them?" he asked. He said, "Burn them."
Wouldn't Nazi Germany exterminate muslims if they continued their campaign?
They were out to kill everyone who aren't aryan.
everyone was really....
Not necessary. It wasn't "good race" and "bad race", the Rassenlehre had classifications. The of course not wanted to kill everyone, they wanted some ethnic lower classes. I think they thought southeuropaens, slavics and middle easterns were totally fine as servants of the masterrace and even those below were okayish. Not quite sure anymore what the book said about asians, but I assume that the Reich would've been fine with just trading with them for a whole while.Wouldn't Nazi Germany exterminate muslims if they continued their campaign?
They were out to kill everyone who aren't aryan.
"They nazi'd us, so we are totally cool in nazing them back"So what does this justify exactly
A tour of the world in one hour? In Paris? What's the story here?
A tour of the world in one hour? In Paris? What's the story here?
isn't "jour" actually "day"?
A tour of the world in one hour? In Paris? What's the story here?
Some sick racist, colonialist event where they displayed other cultures like animals:A tour of the world in one hour? In Paris? What's the story here?
The Paris Colonial Exhibition (or "Exposition coloniale internationale", International Colonial Exhibition) was a six-month colonial exhibition held in Paris, France in 1931 that attempted to display the diverse cultures and immense resources of France's colonial possessions.
One person who isn't buying the idea that anyone outside Germany -- including a Muslim leader from Jerusalem -- was responsible for the Holocaust is that country's current chancellor.
"We don't see any reason to change our view of history, particularly on this issue," Chancellor Angela Merkel said while standing alongside Netanyahu. "We abide by our responsibility, in Germany, for the Holocaust."
"My grandfather came to this land in 1920"
So immigrating to a new place gives you the right to steal the land?
Well, the crusades called dips on that placce 1000 years ago. Time for the pope to cash in."My grandfather came to this land in 1920"
So immigrating to a new place gives you the right to steal the land?