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Netanyahu Claims It Was the Palestinians Who Convinced Hitler to Exterminate Jews

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Israel < ---------------------------------------------------- > Germany


"Hilter was seduced by the mufti of Palestine to the dark side"
Lol brilliant.

Fucking bibi. Doing what ever the fuck he wants because the US is Isreals fucking bitch with the biggest fucking teeth in the world. I like and respect America. But fuck me they must take the blame as well for what is going on.


The Daily Beast is going full Netanyahu apology mode:


It was factually wrong and morally outrageous for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to say that a Palestinian mufti gave Hitler the idea for the Holocaust. Almost the entire mainstream of historians, scholars, and politicians has now said so.

The question, though, is why he did it—and the answer is that it was an unintentional, Romney-47%-moment at which a commonplace partisan lie is suddenly revealed to the world. In Romney’s case, it was the Republican talking point that half of America depends on government welfare. In Netanyahu’s, it’s that the Israel/Palestine conflict is actually a result of Arab anti-Semitism.

Guys he didn't mean it! The Arabs are anti-Semites!
The Daily Beast is going full Netanyahu apology mode:


Guys he didn't mean it! The Arabs are anti-Semites!
That's not at all what The Daily Beast is saying. In the part you actually quoted they compare the remark to another partisan lie. They are saying the comment reveals a lie. I don't quite get how you could interpret the article the way you apparently have...

Anyway I love that BttF parody above!


Really? Netanyahu didn't back track his comments. He doubled down on them. Let's not kid ourselves. The Daily Beast article tries to whitewash what Netanyahu said. The Daily Beast author is apologizing for Netanyahu by trying to explain away the Hitler whitewashing.
Why do I find this statement actually more offensive than negationism?

Because it come not from an unwillingness to accept a shamefull past, but from an intent to justify doing more harm in the present?

I wonder what would be necessary for the US to stop blindly supporting Israel in whatever they do. I mean, Bibi went as far as colluding with the opposition against the president, and nothing came out of it. Would even a terrorist attack ordered by Israel be enough?


It's Abbas' fault!

"I think the real question should be directed not at me, but at President Abbas," Netanyahu continued. "Why is he and the Palestinian Authority glorifying the mufti of Jerusalem as a Palestinian icon? They call him the father of the Palestinian nation. This is a war criminal that was sought for war crimes... This is a man who collaborated with the Nazis, and yet he is is glorified in schoolbooks [and] texts."


I studied Palestinian history when I was in Ramallah during high school. The mufti is not that prominent of a figure and is not glorified at all. Younger Palestinians probably don't know who the mufti was or care. Arafat is far more important and this new generation did not grow up with him. Palestinians are not like Republicans. They don't have Reagan like man worship.

Edit: I'm referring to police not religious figures.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
It's really disgusting that this guy got re-elected. Far right Israel is something fucking else.

I think the rest of the world has to seriously consider placing sanctions on Israel, or atleast on Israeli government officials.

The west would never stand for the shit the Israeli government does to avoid peace if the perpetrator was any country other than Israel.



It's absolutely the result of the way our elections and political contributions are structured. If there's one thing I think would improve the behavior and by extension international reputation of the US, it would be election reform.

The problem in this case is that the current system is friendly to international meddling so even countries that are opposed to the current US policy are likely to like the fact that fairly easily they can, if they chose to, directly meddle with our elections for their own benefit. The way money can be inserted into the process anonymously is pretty scary especially in light of our comical over militarization.

The fact that we don't have superpacs directly funded entirely by foreign governments is a surprise. Or perhaps it's already happening. .1% of a major nations GDP could buy them control of the executive and legislative branch in a heartbeat. That's a hell of a return on investment.

So far Israel seem to get that the most. But then again they were balls deep in our domestic politics before the dark money was even allowed.
It sounds like Netanyahu is pitching a screenplay. What a storyteller though. You can sense the dramatic flow of the scene, and imagine the camera-work, which all feels very tense and dramatic. I wonder if he has a cast in mind.
It sounds like Netanyahu is pitching a screenplay. What a storyteller though. You can sense the dramatic flow of the scene, and imagine the camera-work, which all feels very tense and dramatic. I wonder if he has a cast in mind.

Maybe Michael Bay will option it after secret soldiers of Benghazi


Netanyahu trying to make up a historical justification for the suffering they're causing to the Palestinians. Putting the blame of the Holocaust on them as an excuse for the ongoing oppression and persecutions.

Switch Back 9

a lot of my threads involve me fucking up somehow. Perhaps I'm a moron?
Holy shit some of the pictures and .gifs in this thread are brilliant. Getting some good chuckles over here.


Sure, Bibi.

Quote from a speech by Hitler:

Wir wollen keine Gefühlsantisemiten sein, die Pogromstimmung erzeugen wollen, sondern es beseelt uns die unerbittliche Entschlossenheit, das Übel an der Wurzel zu packen und mit Stumpf und Stiel auszurotten. Um unser Ziel zu erreichen, muss uns jedes Mittel recht sein, selbst wenn wir uns mit dem Teufel verbinden müßten.

We don't want to be anti-semites only by name, creating a pogrom atmosphere. No, we're inspired by relentless determination to get down to the root of trouble and destroy it root and branch. To achieve our goal we have to take any means necessary, even if we would need to deal with the devil.

Oh yeah, that speech happened in 1920. Netanyahu's rhetoric is exactly in the line of "no one knew what Hitler was up to" apologists. Maybe no one knew, but everyone could have known, because Hitler never concealed his intentions.
I am Obama's complete lack of surprise....

Wonder when the Republican will next invite this shithead to speak to the US congress.


Some sick racist, colonialist event where they displayed other cultures like animals:

the irony is that the grand child of one of the exhibitions, was New Caledonian (France overseas possession) Christian Karembeu, who lifted the World Cup in France in 1998

He felt atoned for his great-granfather and a citizen of the world when he did that


The great-grandfather of Christian Karembeu, who came from New Caledonia, was one of the hundred islanders taken to Paris and exhibited there as "cannibals" by the French people. Later the "cannibals" were swapped with Germany for some crocodiles.


Israel is like the United States' rich spoiled kid who we keep bankrolling despite their shitty life choices. Hopefully sometime soon we pull our head out of our ass and stop.


Israel is like the United States' rich spoiled kid who we keep bankrolling despite their shitty life choices. Hopefully sometime soon we pull our head out of our ass and stop.
Including tantrums and bratty behaviour. The USA tried to talk to their babygirl when she attacked the neighbour again and she just started to cry that USA doesn't love her anymore and that she just could die and than muslims would take her room.


I think the rest of the world has to seriously consider placing sanctions on Israel, or atleast on Israeli government officials.

The west would never stand for the shit the Israeli government does to avoid peace if the perpetrator was any country other than Israel.

Can someone please explain this shit to me btw? I think I've asked on GAF before but don't remember being answered. I don't want to be biased on the topic just because I'm Arab and know a lot of Palestinians, but I'm seriously perplexed by it. WHY is America Israel's bitch all the time? What do they offer us?


Can someone please explain this shit to me btw? I think I've asked on GAF before but don't remember being answered. I don't want to be biased on the topic just because I'm Arab and know a lot of Palestinians, but I'm seriously perplexed by it. WHY is America Israel's bitch all the time? What do they offer us?
Israel is a strategic partner, the only muslim country in the midst of muslim countries. If there was any trouble there, the USA could trust to launch an offensive from there.
Can someone please explain this shit to me btw? I think I've asked on GAF before but don't remember being answered. I don't want to be biased on the topic just because I'm Arab and know a lot of Palestinians, but I'm seriously perplexed by it. WHY is America Israel's bitch all the time? What do they offer us?

Almost every major American tech company has R&D facilities in Israel. They have brains. If you use a Google or Apple product you are probably using something that was developed in Israel.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Oh Bibi...

You would think the smart thing to would be to actually chill and let the latest Palestinian attacks speak for themselves. Instead he decides to give the world more ammo to use against Israeli policies. Peace will not be achieved until the right wing in Israel is in power.

Can someone please explain this shit to me btw? I think I've asked on GAF before but don't remember being answered. I don't want to be biased on the topic just because I'm Arab and know a lot of Palestinians, but I'm seriously perplexed by it. WHY is America Israel's bitch all the time? What do they offer us?

Same reason we're the Saudis bitch. We think it's in our best interests.
Can someone please explain this shit to me btw? I think I've asked on GAF before but don't remember being answered. I don't want to be biased on the topic just because I'm Arab and know a lot of Palestinians, but I'm seriously perplexed by it. WHY is America Israel's bitch all the time? What do they offer us?

It's not strictly true to say that the USA is Israel's bitch in the same way that they are Saudi's bitch. There is more popular support in the USA for Israel as a state because there being a Jewish state called Israel is crucial for the Christian fundamentalist/apocalyptic view of reality. But in terms of the global strategy of people in power in the USA their main concern is to kick any possible armed conflict down the road because any dispute forces them to take sides and lose influence.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
It's not strictly true to say that the USA is Israel's bitch in the same way that they are Saudi's bitch. There is more popular support in the USA for Israel as a state because there being a Jewish state called Israel is crucial for the Christian fundamentalist/apocalyptic view of reality. But in terms of the global strategy of people in power in the USA their main concern is to kick any possible armed conflict down the road because any dispute forces them to take sides and lose influence.

I wonder how much of the apocalypse theory is true. Seems very out there for me. I tend to think that's it's more about strategic interests, money, and cultural. I just think many view Israel as western country in the Middle East versus "crazy brown terrorists in Palestine".
I wonder how much of the apocalypse theory is true. Seems very out there for me. I tend to think that's it's more about strategic interests, money, and cultural. I just think many view Israel as western country in the Middle East versus "crazy brown terrorists in Palestine".

It is crazy. But we still have to accept that the seed of the support for creating a Jewish state in Palestine was as a sort of geopolitical "gardening" effort to make the world match the story in the bible.
I wonder how much of the apocalypse theory is true. Seems very out there for me. I tend to think that's it's more about strategic interests, money, and cultural. I just think many view Israel as western country in the Middle East versus "crazy brown terrorists in Palestine".

This is true. What Netanyahu said may be historical revisionism but most people won't care and it will just conform to their belief that the Arabs want to exterminate the Jews. Only recently Sheikh Khaled Al-Mughrabi gave a sermon wishing it at Al Aqsa Mosque.

Israel is not unlike most non European Western countries, settled by colonisers, fought wars to wrest control of the land, established a thriving modern democratic society.

Mr Git

Israel is a strategic partner, the only muslim country in the midst of muslim countries. If there was any trouble there, the USA could trust to launch an offensive from there.

This. There's a myriad of factors unfortunately. The annual military aid Israel gets from the US is staggeringly depressing. If Israel were any other state Palestine would have been 'liberated' long ago, although considering Israel's actions it's hard to imagine whether that would be better or worse.
Israel is a strategic partner, the only muslim country in the midst of muslim countries. If there was any trouble there, the USA could trust to launch an offensive from there.

Except this viewpoint is founded on the idea that Muslim nations are:

A) Homogeneous

B) Bad/Not to be trusted

therefore we in the west should make friends with anyone in the region who isn't Muslim because they're the good guys by default.

Which is bullshit to anyone with half a brain.
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