I've been marathoning Chuck season 1. Reminds me a bit of Alias. I can see why it was under threat to be canceled constantly. I'm interested enough though that I will probably finish the series.
I've been marathoning Chuck season 1. Reminds me a bit of Alias. I can see why it was under threat to be canceled constantly. I'm interested enough though that I will probably finish the series.
Same, I just started season 2. Really like the girl in it.
She's Miranda in Mass Effect :]
How safe is hola unblocker?
U.S. & Canada
Transformers Prime Beast Hunters: Predacons Rising
Lady Gaga & The Muppets Holiday Spectacular
Shinobi Girl
Chanbara Beauty: The Movie - Vortex
Mazinkaiser SKL
Zombie Ass: Toilet of the Dead
Female Convict Scorpion
Karate Girl
Yakuza Hunters: Duel in Hell
Yakuza Hunters: Final Death Ride Battle
Me Again
Kite Liberator
*Google search*......the fuck
I am sold by the title alone.I want to watch it now with that title.
Great movie, or greatest movie?
U.S. & Canada
Transformers Prime Beast Hunters: Predacons Rising
Lady Gaga & The Muppets Holiday Spectacular
Shinobi Girl
Chanbara Beauty: The Movie - Vortex
Mazinkaiser SKL
Zombie Ass: Toilet of the Dead
Female Convict Scorpion
Karate Girl
Yakuza Hunters: Duel in Hell
Yakuza Hunters: Final Death Ride Battle
Me Again
Kite Liberator
Ip Man: I think I liked it more than most. The nationalistic overtones made me uncomfortable, not that I doubt Japan's crimes of the era. Great fights. Long and epic if you're into that.
One thing stuck out to me though:
I thought this art form was long passed, glad to say I was very wrong.
I'm watching this and I am liking it. I also see that Hara Kiri is by the same director so I might watch that too. How do they compare?
So I'm watching Farscape, and they recently introduced a new character... female alien (I'm terrible with names) she's like blueish with white hair or something like that. Skinny. Should be really annoying but somehow isn't.
Anyway... her mannerisms, speech, and dialog have been bugging me, because it seems super familiar. In a déjà vu sort of way, but I've never seen the show before, so how? Right?
Well today it finally clicked... she's pretty much a carbon copy of the Kenzie character from Lost Girl I was watching awhile back. Well, I guess it's the other way round since Farscape is older.
Still... I almost want to check to see if maybe the characters are written by the same person. Obviously different actor, but the dialog and speech especially is eerily similar.
Okay, well that concludes random Netflix observation of the day.
Ksenia Solo from Lost Girl
god damn those eyes
Personally dont see the similarities in their mannerisms on the shows or speech patterns. But that is just me.
American Horror Story: Season 2
Yeah, she is pretty.
It's cool man. Maybe it was just those couple episodes... and I shouldn't have described the similarities as "carbon copy", that was wildly inaccurate.
Finally! Way past due. I hope AMC & Netflix don't take as long for Breaking Bad final episodes.
Ooooh Yeeees!
So AHS is worth watching then? I heard season 1 was pretty rough.
So AHS is worth watching then? I heard season 1 was pretty rough.
Thank you Maklershed for updating while I was gone. <3
I finally, finally got around to finishing Arrested Development. That felt more like a chore than anything else. Such a disappointing season. I kept watching since GAF said it gets better towards the end....er, not really. A few of the middle episodes were great, but overall, not worth it unless you are a diehard fan. The story gets too confusing at times and half the time, you are wishing the characters had more screen time with each other.
Thanks Jest!
I love season 4. I watched it a bit strangely though. I kept doubling back as I was watching it with family and friends. Before I actually finished the season I probably watched the first episode 4 times, and then all the others at least twice.
So just like all AD, I don't think it's fair to truly form an opinion without having re-watched it at least once.
The anthology format was the best way to bring it back as far as I'm concerned. Just put your head in that mode, and stop wishing all the characters were together (which of course was not really that common in the original show anyway). They had to do it this way to bring the show back up to date. And it was an incredibly creative way to do it and now they can tell stores again in the more traditional way.
So AHS is worth watching then? I heard season 1 was pretty rough.
Is Scrooged the only Christmas Movie on Netflix at the moment?