Does Amanda Seyfried get nude in Lovelace....and when if so?
Does Amanda Seyfried get nude in Lovelace....and when if so?
love the netflix roku3 profiles. wish the 2 would get updated already. very handy to have a kid specific profile.
just finished watching chuck. I'm always at a loss now with what to put on. I've recently rewatched LOST and Battlestar Galactica. Maybe I'll go Fringe. Haven't seen any of that show, but its undoubtedly up my alley. I hate the feeling after I finish a long series that I enjoyed, a bit of the doldrums. any suggestions like the shows above? I also need to catch the last season of Dexter when its posted in a couple weeks. I purposefully did not get showtime once the reviews rolled in.
when they putting the new season of Psych on there??
Best guess is after the Blu Ray/DVD comes out or when the new season starts in a few weeks.
I watched Extract last night, it was great. I laughed pretty hard a couple of times. What got me really fucking good was when, great acting. Watch it if you haven't yet.Ben Affleck thought he heard that she's a tramp
The trailer for the Mitt Romney documentary. It premieres January 24th.
Dammit, NCIS needs to hit Netflix.
I think this is the right place to put this. The wife and I have enjoyed watching Frasier on Netflix and we're up to like Season 8 but I just noticed today a note on the service that it's only available until January 1. Has anyone heard any news on them removing the show like they did a few months back?
In Bruges -- gave this more than a 20 minute chance and it absolutely delivered. One can definitely tell the director hails from the stage, and this would be a hilariously violent play if they'd ever give it a chance. On screen, though, it achieves what few films have ever done for me -- made me genuinely laugh out loud in one moment and gasp in sadness the next. Please give this one a chance. I just loved it. 5/5
p.s. -- imagine early Tarantino or Four Rooms-style humor and banter without the pop references and mix in genuine humanity, all in an Irish accent. Perfect!
One of my favorites. Always puts a smile on my face.
Added today:
Justice League Unlimited (TV, Cartoons, Kids)
Seasons 1 and 2 are great; two of my favorite series seasons of late. I'm in the middle of three, it's pretty good but, the jury is still out on it.
I'm liking season 3 way more than seasons 1 and 2. Not that the first two were bad, but I just think that 3 is knocking it out of the park.
Been sticking with Doctor who, on season 2 and actually enjoying it. A lot of season 1s effects were cheesy, and the first doctor was kinda goofy. Although Season 1 picked up at the end and started grabbing my attention. I'm definitely enjoying the 2nd doctor better, he's a lot more serious and gives the show a less cheesy vibe for me.
wow Blackfish, safe to say I wont ever be spending money on Seaworld
Watched Dredd last night. Just an all around great action film. Highly recommended.
wow Blackfish, safe to say I wont ever be spending money on Seaworld
Yeah it's a shame cause they seem to be very intelligent and emotional creatures![]()
Started watching The Good Wife on Canadian Netflix thanks to Hola Unblocker, but suddenly the Canadian VPN doesn't work anymore.
Does anyone know if the show is available in some other region?
it's beyond tolerable