I have a question. when you change your country when viewing netflix, what happens to your list? can you make different lists for different countries?
I have a question. when you change your country when viewing netflix, what happens to your list? can you make different lists for different countries?
On a separate note, just watched Odd Thomas and I thought it was pretty good. Dialogue is very.. Joss Whedon/Kevin Williamson-esque. So if relatively young characters talking a bit too intelligently and self aware than most people that age would talk in real life bothers you.. you'll probably find that annoying. But if that doesn't bother you or you're actually a fan of that style of dialogue, then you'll probably enjoy it.
Cloudy 2 is kinda disappointing. I loved the first one.
Thought the same.
While it certainly looks nice it's just not as funny as the first.
I really liked Into Darkness. It got a lot of shit, but I thought it was great. Also great social commentary on political issues lately.
I really liked Into Darkness. It got a lot of shit, but I thought it was great. Also great social commentary on political issues lately.
Added today:
Home Alone: The Holiday Heist (Family, Comedy)
What, they made another one?
ice cream! ice creaaaaaaaaam!
It's like a way better version of Taken (in Korean)
Why is Netflix anime selection so shity.
Wait, are you asking if there is or are you asking about it?9/11 trutherism?
Machete Kills (Action)
Kill La Kill (anime) was added - "From the director of Gurren Lagann, Matoi Ryuuko is in search of who killed her father. Filled with over the top characters and ridiculous plot, it's an incredibly fun watch."
Japanese Audion with English or Spanish subtitles only.
Are you in the US? I'm not seeing it?
Wait, are you asking if there is or are you asking about it?
Weird - if I put the full name it can't find it and only shows me stuff related to Kill la Kill but if I put 'Kill l" it finds it.
On a separate note, just watched Odd Thomas and I thought it was pretty good. Dialogue is very.. Joss Whedon/Kevin Williamson-esque. So if relatively young characters talking a bit too intelligently and self aware than most people that age would talk in real life bothers you.. you'll probably find that annoying. But if that doesn't bother you or you're actually a fan of that style of dialogue, then you'll probably enjoy it.
I thoroughly enjoyed Odd Thomas today, and would also recommend it highly to anyone looking to kill 2 hours.I went into it blind, and it was a surprisingly good film. It is a charming and quirky movie. The chemistry between Odd and Stormy was great. I enjoyed their scenes together. The love story was well done in my view. Definitely recommend it.
Also, this isn't a comedy. Not sure why Netflix labeled it as one. Although I'm glad they did, otherwise I wouldn't have stumbled across it.
Whoa, did not expect that. Forgot that it's distributed by Aniplex USA.
Kill La Kill (anime) was added - "From the director of Gurren Lagann, Matoi Ryuuko is in search of who killed her father. Filled with over the top characters and ridiculous plot, it's an incredibly fun watch."
Japanese audio with English or Spanish subtitles only.
Kill La Kill (anime) was added - "From the director of Gurren Lagann, Matoi Ryuuko is in search of who killed her father. Filled with over the top characters and ridiculous plot, it's an incredibly fun watch."
Japanese audio with English or Spanish subtitles only.
The Station Agent is a fantastic film and it basically cemented Peter Dinklage as my favorite actor. Really highly recommended.
It's a good thing.Netflix is starting to ever so slowly become top heavy with their anime. They're latest acquisitions are all super popular and most of them are super recent.
That's really their best bet, cater to casual anime fans and those that might potentially have some interest. Competing with Crunchyroll and other anime streaming services would require dedicated effort.Netflix is starting to ever so slowly become top heavy with their anime. They're latest acquisitions are all super popular and most of them are super recent.
That's really their best bet, cater to casual anime fans and those that might potentially have some interest. Competing with Crunchyroll and other anime streaming services would require dedicated effort.
Though with the Knights of Sidonia deal, they might be heading in that direction ever so slightly.