I watched Frankenstein's Army last night, an interesting B grade horror with some with some interesting and original monster creations some of which felt they were inspired by Lovecraft.
Wait, season 3 of Scandal is already up? When did that happen?
Come on Blue Jasmine, get in that US Netflix soon...
Wait, season 3 of Scandal is already up? When did that happen?
Is Scandal good, the cover with the cute black chick makes me wanna check it out on that basis alone
I started Califorication (Canada). I'm only a few episodes in, but I'm liking it so far.
Good to have you back, Jak. <3
Watch anything good during my vacation?
Getflix also offers subtitle blocking now, so that's good.
I watched Ender's Game last night. I haven't read the book but I really enjoyed the movie.
Question for people who read the book:Do they explain why the entire world can only afford one of those chain reaction ships? They said it cost $70 billion. Seems like the entire planet could afford more than one of those ships.
Some stuff expiring on 6/1:
Over the Top
There Will Be Blood
Wild Things
Time to finally get to these.
Some stuff expiring on 6/1:
Lost in Translation
Apparently there are only three movies with a rating between 4.5 and 5 stars: the Avengers and two Pokemon movies from 2011.Netflix Roulette.
Randomly selects a movie for you. You are able to filter things in and out. Probably like a Max lite.
Apparently there are only three movies with a rating between 4.5 and 5 stars: the Avengers and two Pokemon movies from 2011.
Not in America.
I really wish they would put in a what's new tab, it's really annoying to find new stuff.
First page of the OP.Has about two months worth of newly added content.
I cannot recommend Mr. Nobody high enough. If you like sci-fi, or simply thought provoking films, watch it!
Netflix said today that it will air new seasons of DreamWorks Dragons, the series spawned by the 2010 hit How To Train Your Dragon that has been airing on Cartoon Network.
The new episodes are said to bridge the gap between the first film and next months sequel How To Train Your Dragon 2 from the origin of Hiccups new flight suit and the secrets of his dragon blade to the young Vikings budding romance with Astrid.
Completely agree. Didn't have auto play on my roku and hated it. even though it's such a simple feature it's a big deal for me.When u suddenly have to do w/ out it u realize what a great feature auto play is.
Canada got Hannibal S1-2 today.
I rather have no auto play then the annoying as fuck autoplay which skips the credits/next episode preview/opening of the next episode. I like having that time to do whatever. It's pretty much the only thing Hulu does better than Netflix.
Just got the e-mail: Derek Season 2 is up.
Just got the e-mail: Derek Season 2 is up.