Started Twin Peaks last night, on episode 8 of the first season.
Not sure how im feeling about it, its pretty boring at times and there are so many terrible characters cramped in.
However I am really liking Agent Cooper.
Don't forget it's a parody on soap-opera's.
And a psychological horror comedy. And a Dramatic Thriller. With some other truly weird stuff.
But terrible characters? Oof. I thought they where all really great, with some interesting character-arcs. Impressive acting from time to time. (Bob is incredibly scary)
Just finished watching the series two day's ago, actually, and I loved it. An enormously atmospheric trip through a wonderful little town and it's horrific, bizarre darker side. I immediately felt the urge to watch it all over again, which only Chuck has been able to do for me thus far. (something completely different, I know)
Planning on watching Fire, Walk With Me today. Heard some really mixed things about that one. Intrigued.
I've had no experience with David Lynch's work before this, but I'm really interested in his work as a director thanks to Season 1. It really impressed me. His lack of influence in Season 2 was very noticeable. Still a great season, though. I actually liked the "pointless" episodes, thanks to the earlier mentioned atmosphere and wonderful characters. Great casting as well. Andy's such a wonderful schmuck.