For whatever reason, I've never watched the X-Files. I just watched the pilot. Acting is a little cheezy and awkward in spots, but I can see why the addiction would be there.
And I never really realized how hot Scully is.
For whatever reason, I've never watched the X-Files. I just watched the pilot. Acting is a little cheezy and awkward in spots, but I can see why the addiction would be there.
And I never really realized how hot Scully is.
Then watch Hannibal! But its not on Netflix.
lol i watched the best of me for michelle holy shit was it a pos movie...Added today:
Best of Me (Drama, Romantic)
El Chapulin Colorado Season 1 (TV, Comedy, Foreign, Eso eso eso)
Hector and the Search for Happiness (Drama)
La Rosa de Guadalupe Season 1 (TV, Drama)
Li'L QuinQuin (TV, Comedy)
Shaolin Temple (Action, Foreign)
The Muppets ('11, Family)
Penny Dreadful Season 1 (TV, Thriller)
lol i watched the best of me for michelle holy shit was it a pos movie...soo perdictiable and the dialog damn....i dont think that sparks guy can write non generic storys.... the notebook is still the best of his novels to film.....adbs.
What is special about the lost boys special edition?Added today:
Asmodexia (Horror, Supernatural)
Bad Asses on the Bayou (Action, Thriller)
El Nino (Action, Thriller, Foreign)
God's Slave (Thriller, Foreign)
Mortal Kombat: The Movie (Action, Fantasy)
My Mistress (Drama)
Sense8 Season 1 (TV, SciFi, Netflix Original)
The Lost Boys: Special Edition (Horror, Vampire)
The Nun (Drama, Foreign)
The X-Files Seasons 1-9 in HD (TV, SciFi)
Hector and the Search for Happiness is great. Similar to Walter Mitty but way better. Highly recommended especially if you like Simon Pegg.
Well Sense8 is basically an abomination unto mankind, so I hope orange is the new black season 3 is decent. Season 2 was kiiinda weak especially compared to season 1. With the whole Vee situation resolved, I'm hopeful.
I'm struggling through the first episode of Sense8. Stopped at 38 mins and wondering if I should continue.
I'm struggling through the first episode of Sense8. Stopped at 38 mins and wondering if I should continue.
Dialogue is rough though.
this is the understatement of the year, like saying getting captured by ISIS is 'rough.'
I've seen way worse dialogue on TV in shows I like. It's totally fine.
You're being overly critical Amir0x. The dialogue and plotting aren't nearly as bad as what you're insinuating and posting a script for anything is always going to come across flatter than it does in action. Like when several people saw the pilot script for Fox's upcoming show Lucifer, it was blasted for the writing. Yet reviews on the pilot that have come back have said the Actor actually makes it work somehow. And THAT writing was PARTICULARLY terrible.
In a TV show that's shot in such a way that many people are saying they were lost on the plot for the first few episodes, sometimes it's better to be on the nose with the dialogue rather than subtle. Especially when addressing some of the things this show addresses. Straight forward and even cliche'd dialogue will very clearly state what characters are going through and what they're feeling so that people who may think they can't identify with those characters initially can see that they actually can. It's bedrock foundation for less perceptive or even personally biased viewers. It's blunt, sure, but it's a tv show not an arthouse indie movie.
How horrendous its writing is continues to be an almost unanimous criticism. There's nothing overly critical about what I'm saying. The writing is legit abominable.
The writing is not just "on the nose", it's unnatural garbage meant for the lowest common denominator. They presume the audience is straight fucking morons and write about significant social problems with all the subtlety of a nuclear bomb going off in your face. It's an idiots guide to social awareness and I don't appreciate a show treating its audience like a moron, nor the implication that the writers themselves have about as capable a grasp of these subjects as a first grader. If this is your preference, that's cool. But people pretty much everywhere aren't shitting on the writing of Sense8 for shits and giggles. It's atrocious.
I haven't scoured the internet for opinions on the writing but here on GAF I take consensus with a grain of salt. Genre is polarizing, The Wachowskis are polarizing, and people tend to lean towards exaggeration when expressing opinions in general as well.
I've watched 8 episodes thus far and nothing in it has been as bad as what people are describing. Nothing has reached 2 Broke Girls/Odd Couple/2 and Half Men level writing.
If people don't want to watch it due to the writing, that's fine. However I'm not finding it to be universally bad writing at all.
I did however start Black Mirror afterwards which won me over a bit. seems like it has a little bit more grip on what to do and the actors and actresses seem to be playing a role good so far
Still not up for me past season 1Added today
The X-Files Seasons 1-9 in HD (TV, SciFi)
There are worst shows for writing I'm sure, but I make it a habit not to watch those. This has been torturous for all the episodes I managed to make it through.
And it's also insultingly plotted at times. As I already mentioned,This is so infantile I can't believe I even have to explain why this is so fucking stupid and poorly written. Characters literally explain in their most doofus-faced way the social conundrums behind such comically awful events, as if you weren't already having your face clawed apart by the limp dicked lion of social awareness the show is painfully trying to get across every two goddamn seconds.a hospital that is going to refuse treating a shot boy? A hospital that is going to keep Nomi against her will and lobotomize her? Fuck outta here.This is someone who has seen the riots in Ferguson and decided to go into the kiddie pool to plumb its meaning. This writer has literally next to no grasp of the complexities of these situations (or has no talent for actually exploring them), and instead sees fit to explain them to the audience in little bits of aspirational catchphrases or stern finger wagging for first grader's."What if the boy lives and then goes on to kill someone? You'll have to live with that guilt!" GROAN.
And even in situations that aren't plainly meant to be a Saturday School movie of the week lesson in the emergent social issues of the day, the writing is just gut punching in its offensiveness.
In this show, emotions cannot be interpreted using basic fucking intellectual means, but must be agonizingly mapped out in doe-faced dialogue from the one dimensional stereotype characters.
This is fanfiction level writing that would not feel out of place in Fifty Shades of Grey. And wow, that book sold a million trillion copies, but is still acknowledged as a written piece of festering shit.
Sense8 has good visual direction and a compelling premise, but it is near constantly let down by the failures of its writers. Just check the Sense8 thread's first few pages, or the 63 metacritic consensus. Often even those who liked the show acknowledge how bad the writing is.
Hemlock Grove brings that average way up from Between though. Probably the worst show I've ever seen, unless we count something like the last season of Earth: Final Conflict.
Between is a Co-Production though. So City (tv station) is responsible for the majority of that I'd think.
You may not like it but I don't see either of those as out of the realm of possibility at all.I don't find it hard to believe at all that a hospital would turn away patients if the abundance of them was hurting their profits, let alone their ability to treat other patients. A privately owned hospital would be able to do just that. Likewise, patients being held against their will is perfectly feasible to me if the Physician can reasonably assert a 5150, which is exactly what the plot suggests by the Doctors own description of what he claims Nomi has. He simply has to suggest that her condition is advanced far enough that she'd be a danger to herself or others. Her mother being her only legal Next of Kin agreeing with the Doctor seals the deal on that.
"Because there are very few hospitals that do not accept Medicare, the law applies to nearly all hospitals." The combined payments of Medicare and Medicaid, $602 billion in 2004, or roughly 44% of all medical expenditures in the U.S., make not participating in EMTALA impractical for nearly all hospitals. EMTALA's provisions apply to all patients, not just to Medicare patients.
As for the dialogue you listed in spoilers... I plainly didn't find it that egregious an offense. More to the point, I can see many people not bothering to even think about that factor because most people passively watch tv and movies. So if intent isn't blatantly shown or explained at some point, they miss it entirely. So I look at those kinds of lines as a necessary evil when trying to appeal to a wider audience.
Additionally in no alternative universe will a doctor/physician ever be able to, but unless that happens it's utter nonsense written once again by someone trying to painfully punch the audience across the face with how FUCKED UP™ people can be toward transgender individuals. It's not bad enough what they already go through, they gotta invent some modern inconceivable event filled by other stereotype characters who fit all the typical genre molds and are just as likely to spout the ridiculous aphorisms about what is going on as the next one dimensional cretin.assert a 5150 for what Nomi is going through. I haven't watched every episode so maybe later down the line we find out that this stuff was tampered with and the Doctor was paid off by those hunting the Sensate people
Between is a Canadian show that just happens to be aired simultaneously on Netflix, not sure that quite counts as a Netflix production. That one hit my filter, no way I'm bothering with that crap.
ExceptWikipedia states it best:there's a law called the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act, which requires any hospital that takes Medicare funds to take any trauma victim, regardless of ability to pay, poverty level or emergency care need. As essentially all hospitals, private or otherwise, must take Medicare funds to be able to function,
On top of this, the very few hospitals which don't take MediCare funds all have exemptions for treating patients under 15. Any wounded patient under 15 would be taken care of.
It's abject bullshit made to exemplify a painfully obvious point because the writers are complete failures in every conceivable way. Your agonizing attempt to find a way to excuse it just illustrates why it's difficult for you to accept how severe the criticism of this shows dialogue is in so many corners. You actually think this stuff can be plausible, and you legitimately think thediarrhea dialogue coming out of the hospital staff and the officer is something of a necessary evil.
It's not. The best shows do not pander to ridiculous idiot audience members, and are not written by functional morons incapable of grasping even the simplest nuance in these complex social issues.
Additionally in no alternative universe will a doctor/physician ever be able to, but unless that happens it's utter nonsense written once again by someone trying to painfully punch the audience across the face with how FUCKED UP people can be toward transgender individuals. It's not bad enough what they already go through, they gotta invent some modern inconceivable event filled by other stereotype characters who fit all the typical genre molds and are just as likely to spout the ridiculous aphorisms about what is going on as the next one dimensional cretin.assert a 5150 for what Nomi is going through. I haven't watched every episode so maybe later down the line we find out that this stuff was tampered with and the Doctor was paid off by those hunting the Sensate people
Except as has been illustrated, and which you flatly refuse to acknowledge, tons of the audience are thinking about it. The Sense8 official topics across the internet are packed with people complaining about the dialogue, not just on GAF. The reviews for the show are rife with criticisms about this problem.
There is nothing wrong with liking the show. But nobody is exaggerating the problem. Yes, there is always something worse out there. I intentionally AVOID the worst shit out there, because I don't want to have to suffer the shit I did to try to get through an episode of Sense8. But this show clearly did not get through the filter, because I think the Wachowski's are hit or miss and when they hit they're fascinating film makers. But clearly I was wrong to bother.
Just watched the color version of A Trip to the Moon from 1902. With the Air soundtrack it is a perfect acid trip movie.
Anyone know when The Blacklist season 2 will be available?
I don't watch it, but has season 3 started to air on TV yet?
bowed out after watching a few minutes of the first episode and reading that this show is cloud atlas for tv.
seems like all they can get right these days are the visuals and that's not really enough for me to waste 12 hrs. i will probably go back and finish the pilot though. just to see how much worse the writing can get