Finally launched in India. Anyone suggest some good funny TV shows please?
Finally launched in India. Anyone suggest some good funny TV shows please?
For funny I'd go with Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and Brooklyn 99.
The Great British Baking Show
I'm not going to say it's the best reality show every, but it's very fun and watchable.
The Great British Baking Show
I'm not going to say it's the best reality show every, but it's very fun and watchable.
Sharp-eyed viewers and EWs own Lost expert Jeff Jensen have noticed the two-part closer of the hit series is roughly 18 minutes shorter on Netflix than the 104-minute version that aired in 2010, with numerous small cuts made. Theres even a lengthy Reddit thread devoted to chronicling the changes. So if youre watching the Lost finale on Netflix, youre not seeing the whole story.
The edits have drawn the attention of series showrunner Damon Lindelof, who says hes just as perplexed as fans and wants the mysteriously missing footage returned.
It's not the first time; Top Gear uses the shortened American episodes, for example. As said above, it's probably to do with syndication.
Tomorrowland is up on Netflix Canada now.
Just noticed, updating the other regions is going to be hell.
I really really really hate how aggressive Netflix is with that autoplay.
I'm just clicking on that title to see information, I don't want to start playing it! SHUT UP!
Breaking Bad and Saul added to Portuguese Netflix
Tomorrowland is up on Netflix Canada now.
I really really really hate how aggressive Netflix is with that autoplay.
I'm just clicking on that title to see information, I don't want to start playing it! SHUT UP!
It's gets pretty funny, there's some great moments. Keep us updated. I think the 2nd season might have been even better
Netflix has just launched in my country and i'm wondering if there is any other option to subscribe that having a credit card, almost nobody has them here?
Have many people here been using the recently released (well, still in beta) Smartflix app? It basically shows all of the available content, from every region with a simple 'click and play' approach.
I've been using it and while it is clearly still a work in progress, I haven't had any issues with it. The dev has been answering questions on reddit as well, which is a good sign the app has good intentions (unlike that joke Hola turned out to be!)
I have to put my account data in there hmm is the guy trust worthy ?
There are Netflix subscription cards, but as far as I know, it is US only. The banks in this country don't offer prepaid credit cards?
Netflix has just launched in my country and i'm wondering if there is any other option to subscribe that having a credit card, almost nobody has them here?
When using a VPN, do you have constantly dick around in your router setting before/after every time you want to use it?
Maybe I'm misunderstanding what I'm reading, but this seems like a real hassle, especially if you're using a device like PS4 that you play a lot of MP games.
I was going to try unblock-us, thanks. Just appeared like it'd be a hassle on ps4, so that's good news.Not sure about full-on VPNs, but if you use a smart-vpn, like Unblock-Us, only the relevant traffic goes through their service so the rest isn't slowed down, in which case it shouldn't be a problem for MP games. Furthermore, you can set it up per device, so no need to mess with the router at all
I'm hoping Getflix updates soon for the new regions that were released last week.
They added India a few days ago.
Cool, I imagine its just a gradual process.