You like me, you really really like me!
Does anyone have profiles on the windows 8 app yet?
Nope.Does anyone have profiles on the windows 8 app yet?
Whats going on with netflix and things like the office 30 rock and always sunny? i thought we wouldve had new seasons on there by now but nothing.
Whats going on with netflix and things like the office 30 rock and always sunny? i thought we wouldve had new seasons on there by now but nothing.
And Parks and Rec, Fuck!And The League season 4 dammit.
My unblock us is working again on my PS3!
I suspect we'll see a lot of TV season ads in the next two months. I think stuff usually goes up as the next season starts.
Netflix needs to add Are You Afraid of the Dark (nick). That show scared me so much as a kid. Really creepy stories.
Is Fringe really that good? I'm feeling reluctant to start it for some reason.
Has anyone else gotten the error code nw47 when setting up unblock-us on the PS3? If so how did you fix it?
Starting from season two it is.Is Fringe really that good? I'm feeling reluctant to start it for some reason.
Starting from season two it is.
I've tried basically every fix they have on their site with no luck. I was really looking forward to being able to watch the new Breaking Bad on the UK site.Try deleting the app and reinstalling. Sometimes it can be finicky when adding a new DNS to an already set up netflix on consoles.
I went in for the most part blind and was obsessed ever since. I was reluctant too. It takes awhile to grow on you. The pilot might not convince you (except for Walter) but give it a chance and you'll end up loving all the characters by the end of season 1. But like others have said, it's season 2 and onwards where it gets a lot better.Is Fringe really that good? I'm feeling reluctant to start it for some reason.
Is Fringe really that good? I'm feeling reluctant to start it for some reason.
Fringe pilot sucked. I watched it a while ago and lost interest.
Decided to keep going and it's amazing. Gotten kinda slow now (season 2) but it was worth getting into.
Has anyone else gotten the error code nw47 when setting up unblock-us on the PS3? If so how did you fix it?
So, it looks like new Breaking Bad episodes won't go up on Netflix immediately? Both Netflix UK or Netflix Ireland show Blood Money in the episode list, but it just says it's unavailable.
Plus, I'm afraid to venture into the main thread, for obvious haven't-seen-the-episode-yet reasons.
For some reason I thought it was a week after it aired. Maybe they will add it when they usually add new content.
So Netflix doesn't have The Good Wife? I was surprised to find a bunch of shows on Amazon Prime (The Good Wife, Justified) that don't exist on Netflix. I always thought everything on Amazon was on Netflix too.
So Netflix doesn't have The Good Wife? I was surprised to find a bunch of shows on Amazon Prime (The Good Wife, Justified) that don't exist on Netflix. I always thought everything on Amazon was on Netflix too.
The missus loves her horror flicks so just over a month ago I bought her Posession on dvd from a sale only to find out 2 days later that its been added on netflix UK... fast forward to last week. I went out shopping and grabbed Sinister on blu-ray for her only to find out today that its been added to netflix. Looks like its time to stop buying physical copies of films. >.>
Amazon moneyhat. Usually just timed exclusivity though. For example Fringe was on Amazon first then came to Netflix.
Speaking of Fringe. Is it a serialized show? For the handful of episodes I've seen it seemed like the X-files in that a lot of them were standalone.
Wait? Justified is on Amazon Prime? Sweet!
Yeah I was surprised to see it on yesterday, I always thought it was paid. I need to do some more exploration on Amazon Prime, it looks like they've improved their library significantly.
I specifically remember searching for it right before the latest season started and it definitely wasn't on there for free before. Glad to see it is though.
Yup. Did some digging and here are some other shows that are on Amazon Prime that aren't on Netflix from what I can tell:
Falling Skies
Covert Affairs
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
The Shield (!!! Holy shit, I may need to rewatch one of my favorite shows ever)
Between Netflix and Amazon Prime I am never going to run out of shit to watch. It's almost overwhelming.
Yup. Did some digging and here are some other shows that are on Amazon Prime that aren't on Netflix from what I can tell:
Falling Skies
Covert Affairs
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
The Shield (!!! Holy shit, I may need to rewatch one of my favorite shows ever)
Between Netflix and Amazon Prime I am never going to run out of shit to watch. It's almost overwhelming.