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Never Lose The Passion To GET HYPE

You know what I really love? exciting rumors, leaks and speculation. I love that as gamers, we dare to dream. We get hyped at any morsel or tidbit of information about particular games we love.

I love the feeling of dreaming about what could be, no matter how ridiculous or lofty those dreams or expectations are or become. GTA6 info? Oh man imagine how big the map will be. All the new things you can do.
switch 2 ? Hell yeah. 4K 60fps, why tf not.
Zelda Tears Of The Kingdom multiplayer? Actual dungeon? Lets fkin go
Metroid Prime 4, Metroid HD Remake, Metal Gear Solid Remake , FF7 Rebirth blowing it out the water with all the locations, time travel rumors? Give Me ALL of it.

My point is, don't ever lose that passion to dream of what could be, even when it comes to overhyping rumors and speculation. If it hurts no one, lets all enjoy the highs and lows of everything that comes with gaming.

To those who say hype responsibly, and to those that actually do hype responsibly, I say, LIVE. Dont miss out on the rush of a dream, or even the sorrow of dissapointment. The journey is a ride you dont want to miss. Whether its videogames or movies, any form of entertainment. Besides, It makes the destination that much sweeter.



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Why that shot was not the cover of Cyberpunk 2077, I'll never know

Instead, we ended up with this masterpiece


Was some nonsense about CDPR wanting yellow to be super associated with the game. Peh

Also makes even less sense when you realise the first thing you do in the game is customize your character's appearance

Still, it sold 20mil+ copies, so what do I know about marketing
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Speaking about. Hype is something, but some devs shows and spoil way too much in their marketing.

There were a lot of amazing and WOW moments in FF15, but specially remember i was completely blown away when i got flying regalia, and then i was choke that it was shown already during SE marketing, glad i skipped most FF15 trailers. Pretty sure is main (or one of) reason of backlash, it's like spoiled kids you showed them what's all in their presents without letting them discover the surprise themselves.


Moderated wildly
You know what I really love? exciting rumors, leaks and speculation. I love that as gamers, we dare to dream. We get hyped at any morsel or tidbit of information about particular games we love.

I love the feeling of dreaming about what could be, no matter how ridiculous or lofty those dreams or expectations are or become. GTA6 info? Oh man imagine how big the map will be. All the new things you can do.
switch 2 ? Hell yeah. 4K 60fps, why tf not.
Zelda Tears Of The Kingdom multiplayer? Actual dungeon? Lets fkin go
Metroid Prime 4, Metroid HD Remake, Metal Gear Solid Remake , FF7 Rebirth blowing it out the water with all the locations, time travel rumors? Give Me ALL of it.

My point is, don't ever lose that passion to dream of what could be, even when it comes to overhyping rumors and speculation. If it hurts no one, lets all enjoy the highs and lows of everything that comes with gaming.

To those who say hype responsibly, and to those that actually do hype responsibly, I say, LIVE. Dont miss out on the rush of a dream, or even the sorrow of dissapointment. The journey is a ride you dont want to miss. Whether its videogames or movies, any form of entertainment. Besides, It makes the destination that much sweeter.




Hype culture is not great imo. Sure if you can contain it to yourself, go for it. But, if you're some pleb that has to go on the internet and circle jerk a game constantly, attack people who think differently, and then lose your shit when it gets an 8 out of ten. You can do one my sausage.

Games in 2022, outside of elden ring and some great indie gems have been good at best but named masterpieces by people who hadn't played them yet...but they let the hype posion infedt their logical brain.

Reviewers are even worse at hype cycles. Big man babies that make tik toks about how amazing a clearly average game is and ignore the real gems of the year becuas e they didn't get a big wooden box with some art cards and a kratos dildo axe in it from Their favourite publisher.

Hype ruins games that could just be like. Yeah that's a good game, let's move on.
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Hype is fun, just don't get caught up in it.

Maybe it comes with age, the state of the industry or both... but I just don't care any more myself. I'll get excited for a particular game every now and then but otherwise the endless amount of delays, disappointing releases, false advertising, blatant lies and outright broken titles have really done a number on my ability to get hyped lol.


Gold Member
I’m mored jaded than I used to be, but I’m still hyped for certain games.

Final Fantasy XVI is a hype game. Hogwart’s Legacy is a hype game. Day one for both, no concerns.


No thanks. Hype culture is cancer.

Not really. I think it's part of gaming culture and has been from the beginning for good or bad. It's tradition. Hype when a game is bad is even kind of huge in a way cause the talk around how bad the game is and why is always a thing after too.


Getting hyped for stuff, games included, is a wonderful part of life. Whether or not it leads to fulfillment or disappointment. I don't think the highs of life would feel significant without the lows.

That being said, I think the hype machine of the industry must be balanced by the cynicism and scepticism of its customers. And I hope people as a whole can grow out of harassing each other, when hype and fandom drives them stupidity.


Gold Member
My hype this year is for PSVR2. Can’t wait to try the high-fidelity on that thing with RE Village.

For devs, I only get hype for Housemarque at this point and From Software, sure. It’s what it is…

I lost my faith in Nintendo reanimating the Prime Trilogy.
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Not really. I think it's part of gaming culture and has been from the beginning for good or bad. It's tradition. Hype when a game is bad is even kind of huge in a way cause the talk around how bad the game is and why is always a thing after too.
It's pretty dumb. Irrationally inflating certain games to the point of fanaticism based on nothing but blind fanboyism. Especially average to mediocre AAA titles. See Cyberpunk.
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Why that shot was not the cover of Cyberpunk 2077, I'll never know

Instead, we ended up with this masterpiece


Was some nonsense about CDPR wanting yellow to be super associated with the game. Peh

Also makes even less sense when you realise the first thing you do in the game is customize your character's appearance

Still, it sold 20mil+ copies, so what do I know about marketing
Never understood that, too. The game is 70% Johnny Silverhand, 100% night City and 90% augmentations and you see none of it in the cover. Just some Justin Timberlake lookalike with a gun. Uh. One of the most boring covers I've ever seen.
You know what I really love? exciting rumors, leaks and speculation. I love that as gamers, we dare to dream. We get hyped at any morsel or tidbit of information about particular games we love.

I love the feeling of dreaming about what could be, no matter how ridiculous or lofty those dreams or expectations are or become. GTA6 info? Oh man imagine how big the map will be. All the new things you can do.
switch 2 ? Hell yeah. 4K 60fps, why tf not.
Zelda Tears Of The Kingdom multiplayer? Actual dungeon? Lets fkin go
Metroid Prime 4, Metroid HD Remake, Metal Gear Solid Remake , FF7 Rebirth blowing it out the water with all the locations, time travel rumors? Give Me ALL of it.

My point is, don't ever lose that passion to dream of what could be, even when it comes to overhyping rumors and speculation. If it hurts no one, lets all enjoy the highs and lows of everything that comes with gaming.

To those who say hype responsibly, and to those that actually do hype responsibly, I say, LIVE. Dont miss out on the rush of a dream, or even the sorrow of dissapointment. The journey is a ride you dont want to miss. Whether its videogames or movies, any form of entertainment. Besides, It makes the destination that much sweeter.
I read your post about 4 times now and I still can't logically come to a conclusion on why I should get hyped about rumors for a retail videogame.


Never understood that, too. The game is 70% Johnny Silverhand, 100% night City and 90% augmentations and you see none of it in the cover. Just some Justin Timberlake lookalike with a gun. Uh. One of the most boring covers I've ever seen.

I feel like there is an overwhelming amount of games with boring ass ugly covers, especially for western releases. Another great example is the Death Stranding cover - it's just an ugly render of Norman Reedus with mud on his face. I feel like it even undersells the game graphically. The logo on a black box would be more exciting.


Not that I know anything about it, but in my heart of hearts I blame boardrooms of marketing people and the incessant need to follow trends Death Stranding is anything but a trend chasing generic ass game, with so much weird shit in it. How about using some of that cool art and weirdness for an intriguing stylish cover. Being a genius kojumbo game, could also just be that he wants to show off his hollywood buddy.
I read your post about 4 times now and I still can't logically come to a conclusion on why I should get hyped about rumors for a retail videogame.
If you like getting excited about anything in life that isn’t a proven fact (yet) whether its the possibility of winning the lottery, your wife potentially having a baby, the next Star Wars movie, your favorite restaurant coming out with a new dish that could POSSIBLY be amazing, the next switch being 4K, its all the same idea. Its part of the fun of living. To suppress that feeling is a disservice to yourself.

You saying “retail videogame“ as a negative phrase incinuating it is a meaningless object is suprising assuming videogames has in some way connected with you, giving you an experience, hence why you have a neogaf account.

If you are a gamer, arent those experiences you love or potentially think you would love worth getting hyped to add to its excitement or utter failure?And if you aren't a gamer and view software as just retail videogames, I feel sorry for you missing out.
Hype is fun, just don't get caught up in it.

Maybe it comes with age, the state of the industry or both... but I just don't care any more myself. I'll get excited for a particular game every now and then but otherwise the endless amount of delays, disappointing releases, false advertising, blatant lies and outright broken titles have really done a number on my ability to get hyped lol.
Great points but you are referring to hype & intentional misleading by corporations to take advantage of the consumer. Im specifically talking about the hype we ourselves create as gamers and let ourselves go to see where the hype train takes us.


Gold Member
If hype is a synonym of "i believe all the lies from the marketing team because they say what i want to hear" it is bad.
If it's waiting eagerly for something to come because you think you are going to have a good time, it is good, even if a bit childish.

Watching fanboys get overly pumped for a product just to see them inhaling copious amount of copium as their hopes crash and burn at release is always funny though.
If you like getting excited about anything in life that isn’t a proven fact (yet) whether its the possibility of winning the lottery, your wife potentially having a baby, the next Star Wars movie, your favorite restaurant coming out with a new dish that could POSSIBLY be amazing, the next switch being 4K, its all the same idea. Its part of the fun of living. To suppress that feeling is a disservice to yourself.

You saying “retail videogame“ as a negative phrase incinuating it is a meaningless object is suprising assuming videogames has in some way connected with you, giving you an experience, hence why you have a neogaf account.

If you are a gamer, arent those experiences you love or potentially think you would love worth getting hyped to add to its excitement or utter failure?And if you aren't a gamer and view software as just retail videogames, I feel sorry for you missing out.
My "wife potentially having a baby" and a rumor about a videogame are two entirely different things my man; I couldn't care any less about some random fucking person on the internet putting rumors out.

Listen go take a visit to your local strip club, don't be shy now just be polite when you get inside and ask one of the ladies for a VIP; You'll thank me later because I feel you're definitely missing out.


If you like getting excited about anything in life that isn’t a proven fact (yet) whether its the possibility of winning the lottery, your wife potentially having a baby, the next Star Wars movie, your favorite restaurant coming out with a new dish that could POSSIBLY be amazing, the next switch being 4K, its all the same idea. Its part of the fun of living. To suppress that feeling is a disservice to yourself.

You saying “retail videogame“ as a negative phrase incinuating it is a meaningless object is suprising assuming videogames has in some way connected with you, giving you an experience, hence why you have a neogaf account.

If you are a gamer, arent those experiences you love or potentially think you would love worth getting hyped to add to its excitement or utter failure?And if you aren't a gamer and view software as just retail videogames, I feel sorry for you missing out.

Great points but you are referring to hype & intentional misleading by corporations to take advantage of the consumer. Im specifically talking about the hype we ourselves create as gamers and let ourselves go to see where the hype train takes us.
You sound ridiculous.


Hype is just the bait that companies use to trick consumers into buying crappy games.
It's much better for our wallets to keep a cool head, wait for user reviews, and make sure you buy a good game, that is worth your money.
Games are too expensive to be wasting money on poor games that were over hyped.


I don't see any hype-worthy videogame release in 2023. :messenger_crying:

Hope that'll change for you - the year is just beginning so maybe there's hope. I'm still on the hype-train for games that came out years ago because I'll never be able to catch-up to all the games coming out I'm into. The hardest part is always picking which one to get into next, haha...


The gaming industry has stolen my hype. I'll never get it back, most likely. But I'm glad you're still able to dream and dream big. I hope you never lose that as I did. Shoutout to you, OP.


One of the green rats
I only ever get truly excited about Nintendo games these days.

Other than that I usually play a game then gush or not over it.


Reverse groomer.
Hype is what keeps the industry going afterall, if everyone was some jaded skeptical cynic, gaming would probably be dead in the water.

That being said just dont let it consume you, don't be some mindless moron who buys the game day 1 unless you've actually played it beforehand like with Street Fighter 6


I feel like there is an overwhelming amount of games with boring ass ugly covers, especially for western releases. Another great example is the Death Stranding cover - it's just an ugly render of Norman Reedus with mud on his face. I feel like it even undersells the game graphically. The logo on a black box would be more exciting.


Not that I know anything about it, but in my heart of hearts I blame boardrooms of marketing people and the incessant need to follow trends Death Stranding is anything but a trend chasing generic ass game, with so much weird shit in it. How about using some of that cool art and weirdness for an intriguing stylish cover. Being a genius kojumbo game, could also just be that he wants to show off his hollywood buddy.
I'm surprised it even has a cover art. I wouldn't be surprised if the next game has just a black picture with Kojimas name on it. So mysterious. Much meaningful. Such Kojima.


I feel like there is an overwhelming amount of games with boring ass ugly covers, especially for western releases. Another great example is the Death Stranding cover - it's just an ugly render of Norman Reedus with mud on his face. I feel like it even undersells the game graphically. The logo on a black box would be more exciting.


Not that I know anything about it, but in my heart of hearts I blame boardrooms of marketing people and the incessant need to follow trends Death Stranding is anything but a trend chasing generic ass game, with so much weird shit in it. How about using some of that cool art and weirdness for an intriguing stylish cover. Being a genius kojumbo game, could also just be that he wants to show off his hollywood buddy.

Faces sell. Famous faces sell more.


Gold Member
Why that shot was not the cover of Cyberpunk 2077, I'll never know

Instead, we ended up with this masterpiece


Was some nonsense about CDPR wanting yellow to be super associated with the game. Peh

Also makes even less sense when you realise the first thing you do in the game is customize your character's appearance

Still, it sold 20mil+ copies, so what do I know about marketing
You want the cover of your game to be easily recognizable even from a distance. That shot on the OP has far too much details on it, and althought its a beautiful pic, its not immediately striking. On a game store it would just mesh with the background.
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You want the cover of your game to be easily recognizable even from a distance. That shot on the OP has far too much details on it, and althought its a beautiful pic, its not immediately striking. On a game store it would just mesh with the background.

True it is a bit busy, but the actual cover is ridiculous


I always get excited about upcoming releases, but I try to keep expectations in check.

I know some people hype games up to unimaginable heights that the game could probably never reach.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Im just shocked you decided to put Cyberpunk in the OP. I remember being hyped for that. Really didn't turn out how I expected lol.
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