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Neverwinter |OT| Not the MMO you've been waiting for


Neo Member
I have been playing this since they let guardians in and I am almost 42. I have a rogue trickster female half orc named Whistleklik. So far I have to say it's a very forgettable game. The combat is pretty neat at first but with the lack of variety in skills it can get pretty dull. I have found that most skill for the class I have chosen are garbage. They let you choose your skills and improve them slightly with more damage or longer duration. The talent trees are terrible from what I have seen on my character. Put in a point to increase damage or whatever by .2/.4/.6/.8/1% type shit. It seems like a very guided system, possibly illusion of customization. The game allows you to also choose a specialization but the only one available for my class was infiltrator and there is a thing on the side saying more specializations coming soon.

The game seems very unfinished missing a class and a race with coming soon signs in place along with missing class components as said above. The companions in the game are basically pets. They have terrible pathfinding/ai and don't have any real interaction outside of putting in stones to improve them slightly. You can do the same to your gear with enchanting. The stones I have seen are basically +stats and sometimes +experience. Gear in general doesn't have a lot of variety so far. Mostly the same models with variances in color or things like missing sleeves or other parts of the armor removed to make it seem different.

Questing is standard mmo stuff. Go here collect teef and babies or kill monsters and touch that object to see what is does quest. The story stuff is not very interesting and seems to be bottom of the barrel. They have skirmishes which are basically mini dungeons or killing waves of stuff. I have only done three dungeons. The last one was with a dragon at the end that spawned infinite waves of fucking adds. The dungeons weren't really any fun and lacked character. They just seemed poorly put together. I have not tried pvp yet. I couldn't get anyone to answer my question if they were bracketed or use that bolstering bullshit that other games seem to do. As for the foundry I have not tried any of that stuff.

Most of the questing zones look ok. I don't really care for any of them. None of them are really well designed like some of the zones in other mmorpgs I have played. I would even say they seem very amateurish. The post processing I had to turn off because when you are in neverwinter it has this nasty looking smog effect. The voice acting is all over the place. Sometimes it sounds like the actors don't care or are being recorded through a logitech desktop mic. None of the music was very good. Sometimes it even seemed like the same song was playing all the time.

The pay store stuff seems ok outside of some really questionable prices on companions and mounts. One of the mounts was $40 bucks and one of the companions is $30. The companion price seems like a lot considering they have no story and you can't really interact with them outside of putting gear on them. Just something not to buy I guess. I don't think I would buy much of anything on there store to be honest. Seems like they have a shoddy strategy for me to be able to invest outside of the $60 I have for founders.


A few questions:

1. Is the game open world? How big is it? I'm somewhat confused with the 10 minutes of searching I've done on the game so far.

2. How close is the game to official release? Will the open beta be similar in content to the full version?

3. What's the max level?


Neo Member
A few questions:

1. Is the game open world? How big is it? I'm somewhat confused with the 10 minutes of searching I've done on the game so far.

2. How close is the game to official release? Will the open beta be similar in content to the full version?

3. What's the max level?

No it is not, the game is heavily instanced. Most of the zones I have seen are very linear in design. Some are large but can be traveled across very quickly with a mount. Not really sure why they are calling it open beta since they said no more character wipes.


Well it's Dungeons & Dragons afterall right? lol. It's very instanced based like Guild Wars but it still feels pretty big. If you don't miss that kind of freedom of huge areas and running around wherever like WoW, it shouldn't be a problem. I have all my settings maxed to the end everywhere and it's buttery smooth and detailed.

The missing race is the $200 pack exclusive Drow which they are probably going to release for everyone else at a later date for everybody else.

The talents don't seem as deep as I originally thought but they kinda have these limited slots so they make you change up the builds a bit based on the encounters. You're still stuck with like 2 At-Will, 3 Encounter and 2 Daily attacks along with the Tab attacks.

I haven't stuck with other free MMOs for too long but I think this is good enough for my WoW itch.


the neverwinter downloader has downloaded "Neverwinter NW.1.20130416a.6" (3.6GB), i did an install and than i launched the exe and after that the launcher downloaded a 120mb patch and that was all. The "Cryptic Studios" Folder, where the game is, is only 3,7GB big, this cant be right??

edit: atm Neverwinter has Version "NW.1.20130416a.11", which is the latest Version (3days old) and i can start the game (but cant login because i am not a Founder). But 3.7GB for a new MMO? oO

If you go into options on the launcher and disable content streaming, the full download is about 7 gigs.


There seems to be very little that makes this a D&D game overall. Though I guess there is literally D&D online for that.

DnD Online is Eberron though and the combat is pretty meh. Plus no player made adventures.

I just wish they would ad GM option to Neverwinter.


apparently the foundry system (player made quests) are pretty well done though?
i think i saw some posts saying those were good
anyway i think it starts in 8-9 more hours right?
i guess i can play for 1-2 hours tonight before i sleep


I've done like one foundry ever and it was pretty well put and I got like 30% of an exp bar from the end of 29 going into level 30.
I've played this to level 47 (Control Wizard). It's OK. Not too much that's surprising. Solo experience is standard: quest givers evenly spaced throughout zones, do several quests in each area before turning in the last ones at the next area, about 3 solo "dungeons" per area. Very formulaic. Quests are always kill x monsters, kill the boss, interact/gather x things. You know the drill.

Foundry adds a little spice, and I'm impressed with what they've been able to create, but in practice it's even more limited than the cookie cutter quests the pre-made content offers, because of restrictions on rewards (mob loot, treasure chests, harvest nodes, etc. are either not available or strictly controlled and limited to generic drops). There's also no movement in the z direction - so no ramps, stairs, etc. except the fake ones that are actually teleporters. No using your own textures, sounds, models, no editing of geometry, just pasting together premade stuff. Options for AI, interactions, etc. are quite limited, as they also appear to be for the pre-made stuff.

Community doesn't seem to be developing, as there's no real need to group for anything. You can get better loot by grouping, but it's only marginally better and becomes obsolete quickly.

Character classes are standard "holy trinity." Nothing new here.

Powers and Talent ("Feat") customization are run-of-the-mill, probably more limited in their total effect than in most games of this sort, except I like that you can pick a single power to specialize in, and it gains an additional effect. Not sure if this is in WoW, since I haven't played that since early 2005. I also like that you can dodge attacks manually, and that you have only a handful of powers instead of a zillion hotbars full of stuff.

The B2P element is quite oppressive. It's got all the brain-hacking compulsion stuff taken from Asian MMOs: world announcements for people opening the mystery box and getting the uber rare item, game balanced so that you don't get enough currency (Astral Diamonds, the real currency, not coin, which is only used for buying a subset of items from NPCs) through regular play to keep up...

Leveling is honestly so fast that things like the Seal Merchants (which sell you special gear for Seals that are dropped by group dungeon bosses and can also be gained at a rate of about 1 per 120 kills or so in solo play) are completely useless, as you can't accumulate the seals fast enough, unless you do nothing but group dungeons, to buy more than one or two of these pieces, which then become obsolete soon after.

Crafting is kind of silly. Just hand crafting NPCs a task and they finish it after a specified length of time. There's no challenge or skill element of any sort, just remembering to click the menus when they're finished so that time isn't wasted. Good luck making anything cool unless you spend cash on the profession booster packs, though, as the game is balanced not to provide you with certain components you'll need.

Presentation, VO, graphics, etc., all quite acceptable.

No connection issues so far, but we'll see what happens when the servers open to everyone.

Overall, only worth it if you want to use the Foundry as a sort of jumping in point for level/content design, as it's easy to use, doesn't overwhelm with possibilities, and will allow you to get lots of feedback. Otherwise, it's just a standard B2P WoW-alike MMO, kind of Guild Wars 2-ish but more solitary, more money-grubbing, less feature-rich, and less visually impressive. It's not a bad game, just unoriginal and balanced to make you reach for your wallet.


apparently the foundry system (player made quests) are pretty well done though?
i think i saw some posts saying those were good
anyway i think it starts in 8-9 more hours right?
i guess i can play for 1-2 hours tonight before i sleep
I have only played 6 foundry quest (because of the daily stuff) and i have enjoyed all of them so far.

Day 3 and about 35 hours into the game and i still love it.
Played a community made quest last night, that was pretty fun. Writing wasn't much better than the actual game, but they conveyed a bar room brawl really well. Prior to this the game kept throwing conservative groups of mobs at us (3 to 6), this was large waves, very fun to deal with.


When everyone gets in, make a character on Mindflayer and send @czartim11 a friend invite. I'll set up the guild when we have enough people!


I've been finding this fun to play in short bursts. Loving the rogue so far, but I'm sad there's no ranger class available right now. Sitting at level 22 as of a few minutes ago.

Foundry quests have been pretty neat so far, though I did encounter a bug in one that prevented me from finishing it.

Skirmish battles are fun, haven't tried instances yet.


If you go into options on the launcher and disable content streaming, the full download is about 7 gigs.

Yeah, I noticed that when zoning into new zones (whether it be a dungeon or what have you), it streams the download data for it. I kind of like it that they kept the initial download down so that you could jump into it more quickly.

On another note, as a cleric, the 20s were VERY slow for me. Even speccing as straight DPS, things took forever to die. As soon as I hit 30, I just started mowing shit down.


I was interested until I saw that it was made by Cryptic. After Champions and STO, I'm not touching another one of their turds


The launchers like a buncha web pages/scripts too lol.

‏@NeverwinterGame 2m
The Launcher's experiencing a high load at the moment. We're working on it and should have it smoothed out soon!


You can directly open the game client going through the live folder but it doesn't matter anyways because its timing out connecting to the account server.


This was expected,opening day from a free game and all...,according to their Twitter,theres a fix coming soon hehe...


Damn, this is a pretty shit OT. Maybe next time someone who actually likes the game or at least can be impartial should do it?


Doesn't need fanboy drivel. But the FAQ's could have been left out. Saying the graphics are horrible and stuff like that isn't needed in the OT. The comments can cover that. People can view the screenshots for themselves.


Doesn't need fanboy drivel. But the FAQ's could have been left out. Saying the graphics are horrible and stuff like that isn't needed in the OT. The comments can cover that. People can view the screenshots for themselves.

If Cryptic pays me 100,000,000 Astral Diamonds, I'll write whatever they want.


Neverwinter, more like Neverworking.

EDIT: I'm in. Is Dragon or Mindflayer our server? Seems to be mixed.


And this is why I steer clear of the first day of an MMO. It's rarely a good thing. Give it a few days and try again.


thought this game was the very meaning of mediocrity. don't waste your time. go play some real dnd or baulder's gate if you need that fix. :/
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