It would be nice if they tapped into some Asian diversity.
Yeah, there is definitely some algorithm fuckery afoot. Bing is doing the same thing. And stuff like this
while a search just for european people gives us
so it seems like it is something to do with the art or history keyword than "european/white people"
That's clearly the point I'm trying to make. Good for you.
Of all european art, do you think the displayed pieces represent the most popular, most commonly searched for, the most historic, the most notable, the most technically difficult, the ones depicting famous historical figures/events, it anything other than post-modern SJW ethnic fuckery?It's actual european art... But you're upset because what's depicted isn't white people?
I'd guess 85% of this thread don't even read or care about comics but they all have to "virtue signal" about how much they disapprove of this.
The writer couldn't write a story about Bruce Wayne or *gasp* create a black character that isn't just changing the skin color of a white character?
Dude, if you read my posts in this and the other comics thread and your takeaway is that I don't care about comics and that I'm racist then I don't know what to tell you.
Your descriptions of the Future State lineup was just what race and sex they are. Tokenized versions of characters isn't something we should be embracing, it's fucking lazy and the comics industry should do better. Or just continue thinking I'm fucking racist if it helps you.
Well I'm not calling you racist but you have an issue whenever a skin colour is changed.
Meanwhile it sounds like you were happy to read about Terry McGinnis and not avoid the book just because another white man took over the mantle.
Happy to read a book about a new white Batman.
Not happy to read a book about a new black Batman, which is 2-4 issues only no less.
Black Batman is lazy writing, new white Batman is not lazy writing.
Were you upset when it was implied that Joseph Gordan-Levits was going to be the new Batman at the end of The Dark Knight Rises? Did that final scene make the whole movie crap and lazy because they were hinting at a white man swap for Batman?
Uh huh. Sounds like something that would bother a racist, right?
I literally said I've never cared for Terry. You really want to put me in that box, don't you?
Every character for Future State is race or gender swapped. That's not organic at all and clearly pandering. I'm asking for better representation, not no representation. Must be the racist side of me.
Yes, because that was fucking stupid.
I looked at some of your older posts in the comic threads from years ago and I'll just say that it is sad that you went from being positive about comics to letting your political beliefs dictate what should be a good book/story.
Haha, holy shit dude. You're looking through my old posts to justify you suggesting I'm a racist? You are a real piece of work and you'd probably be more at home on Reset behaving like that.
It was more to see if you have actually read comics in the past and I saw that you were active in the comic threads and positive about the hobby.
Not surprised you took my post that way, oh well.
The hell would I be this active in the two recent comics threads if I wasn't a reader? It's cool though, man, you clearly see nothing wrong with accusing me of racism or scouring years old posts. As you say, you do you.
I'll admit, maybe I was wrong but it's how you come across in this thread. If I am wrong than I apologise for what I was saying.
Still, would be nice to have a comic community here that talked about comics and not just the drama surrounding politics.
I knew this was the agenda when Pattinson was cast in the new film. He'll be killed to pave the way for a new black Batman.
Iron "Man"
Captain America:
Going on a well-established history of the largely worthless practice of race/gender swaps and consistently sub-standard products this practise results in it's perfectly fair to look at past examples, their results, their reception and use that as the baseline for expectation here.You’re a pessimistic fuck if you automatically decide it will be bad, it just just as much chance being good as it does bad.
We are canceled here too^^White people are canceled. Learn another language then go back to Europe.
I knew this was the agenda when Pattinson was cast in the new film. He'll be killed to pave the way for a new black Batman.
Iron "Man"
Captain America:
History based is understandable, which is why I think it was a bad move for a press release focussing on black Batman as opposed to just telling the story. Even if it’s good, they’re setting it up to be shallow. Maybe it is, and the whole thing is a niche piece for a niche crowd.Going on a well-established history of the largely worthless practice of race/gender swaps and consistently sub-standard products this practise results in it's perfectly fair to look at past examples, their results, their reception and use that as the baseline for expectation here.
Such forecasting has far more merit than endless hand-waving and trying to guilt and shame others for not calling something that repeatedly looks, walks and sounds like a duck, a duck.
I agree...I think it was a bad move for a press release focussing on black Batman as opposed to just telling the story. Even if it’s good, they’re setting it up to be shallow.
History based is understandable, which is why I think it was a bad move for a press release focussing on black Batman as opposed to just telling the story. Even if it’s good, they’re setting it up to be shallow. Maybe it is, and the whole thing is a niche piece for a niche crowd.
I haven’t read the whole thread, but has anyone commented on the writer’s history with regards to how this individual comic run might play out? Has he done any comics before, and if he has were they any good? Statistics mean nothing to the individual, after all.
How is this a fresh idea? It is fucking lazy. What will mnow change that he is black? Will he now fight the police? Does nthe police now hate him? Sorry but instead of creating new and diverse characters this is the laziest route they could have gone.Cool idea,
Nothing wrong with a bit of something fresh.
How many White versions of these characters have there been, about time there was more diversity not just for inclusion and the representation, but its also just boring having the same takes on the same characters over and over again.
Would like to see a bit more though, always wonder why there arent like mixed european/asian and middle eastern characters. Imagine a filthy rich middle eastern person who decides to be like the even richer version of Batman out there.
All for this and hope to see more interesting spins.
"Don't agree with my false equivalences? Then you're a racist!"Of course, people were just as disgusted when Dick Grayson, Jean Paul Valley, Tim Drake and Jim Gordon all became Batman, otherwise they’d would sound like a bunch of racist fuckheads![]()
No these are stupid too but at least they do not get celebrated as something was accomplished.Of course, people were just as disgusted when Dick Grayson, Jean Paul Valley, Tim Drake and Jim Gordon all became Batman, otherwise they’d would sound like a bunch of racist fuckheads![]()
You’re a pessimistic fuck if you automatically decide it will be bad, it just just as much chance being good as it does bad.
"Don't agree with my false equivalences? Then you're a racist!"
A convincing argument if I ever saw one. Great work.
I 100% agree with you. I’m just a little more hopeful that DC will have learned from the mistakes of others.AsSchrödinger's cat pointed out, there is precedence for this. Marvel tried this same exact shit a few years ago and it did not work. (Captain America was changed to a black character, Thor became a woman, a black teenage girl became Iron Man, etc.) Comic readers largely rejected most of these characters and Marvel has been limping along ever since.
You can't tell me with a straight face that a sweeping change of race/gender across an entire roster of characters is in any way organic. It's lazy pandering and it needs to stop.
I 100% agree with you. I’m just a little more hopeful that DC will have learned from the mistakes of others.
My tactic is to not grow up reading anything but Sonic the Comic (superior UK one), buy collected works on Comixology years later, forget you own most of the ones you want to read, and occasionally dip into the collection.Cling onto that optimism, man. The comics industry has been nothing but disappointing for me the last few years.
I will never understand Comics. the gender, and race switching is just fucking stupid. Why not create new Superheroes with their own identity? This always looks like the laziest approach ever. "OH NO BATAMN does not sell anymore what do we do? I know make him black"
Superheroes with tons of different personalities is just fucking stupid. To me Spiderman will always be Peter Parker, Iron Man will always be Tony Stark etc. I am so glad I am an actual Manga reader. Ther characters are actually mean something and when they die they die and not coming back. Deaths in Comics have no ral consequences anymore IMO.
What happened to bruce this time?
I am coming from Manga/Anime. I think these switches all the time are fucking stupid. I rather want characters mean something. If you lose BATMAN you lose Batman. This is a consequence Character and the world needs to deal with. All these multiple universes, characters is fuckig confusing.Did you have a problem when Dick Grayson became Batman? Because you know Dick didn't want that responsibility. He wanted to be his own hero. Not take up the mantle of the Bat.
If you referenced and demonstrated race-swaps or gender-swaps then you would have a genuine equivalence.They’re not false equivalences though, are they?
I am coming from Manga/Anime. I think these switches all the time are fucking stupid. I rather want characters mean something. If you lose BATMAN you lose Batman. This is a consequence Character and the world needs to deal with. All these multiple universes, characters is fuckig confusing.
In american comics, we have legacy characters. The Flash was originally Barry Allenm..