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New Board Gaming |OT2| On Tables, Off Topic


There's also that unwritten rule where nobody can trade with the leader. I actually kind of get it most of the time -- you can't just hand someone the win (unless you're actively kingmaking or just don't care -- both bad) but it makes everyone miserable.

That seems like the right play. I played a ton on the 360 version, which kind of codified those rules even if they weren't hard coded. Like you always put thief on the leader too.
Does anyone else play the Game of Thrones LCG? It's probably my main game and I just finished buying 3/4 of the base house expansions and now am looking for chapter packs but I can't seem to find what packs are most versatile so I can buy a few to help a majority of the houses instead of buying like 8 for only a few cards for each house. My main houses are Lannister and Martell and I would like to make those better than they already are.


I have wanted to play one of DVG's 'Leader' games for a while and scored a sweet deal on Phantom Leader Deluxe. It will hopefully be here in two weeks. I've bought so many games that I have not played (pluginbaby is asking above me if any of us have played the GoT LCG? I bought two copies of the core set online a couple months back for like $12 ea or something, haven't even opened them) but that is mainly due to not having people interested in playing what I bought. Some solitaire flight games with campaign modes might be just what I need.
Probably better to wait on buying others until have tried Phantom Leader to know if I like the system but I might be buying Thunderbolt-Apache Leader and Hornet Leader before the day's end as well. Pretty sure I am gonna like them; I have a good feeling about them.

On another note, anyone have any opinions about Burgle Bros? I saw it on KS right now and think I will back it. That three-tiered High Rise board as an add-on immediately piqued my interest. I saw some people on BGG saying they wouldn't opt in for one since it looked too tall or would be too unwieldy but I think it looks really cool. I foresee a lot of people seeing someone playing on it in public or at cons/FLGSs and becoming interested in it. I don't foresee myself having a problem playing on it though; I already have to reach across tables or crane my neck to see other people's played cards and whatnot. Should be pretty easy to reach into the first and second levels on it or crane my head up to see what is on the third floor.
Looks like a pretty fun game too, I'm not forgetting about that.

Mista Koo

I couldn't get Airlines Europe to the table due to the theme. I never thought I'd have such a problem, especially since it's not that bad of a theme.

On another note, anyone have any opinions about Burgle Bros? I saw it on KS right now and think I will back it. That three-tiered High Rise board as an add-on immediately piqued my interest. I saw some people on BGG saying they wouldn't opt in for one since it looked too tall or would be too unwieldy but I think it looks really cool. I foresee a lot of people seeing someone playing on it in public or at cons/FLGSs and becoming interested in it. I don't foresee myself having a problem playing on it though; I already have to reach across tables or crane my neck to see other people's played cards and whatnot. Should be pretty easy to reach into the first and second levels on it or crane my head up to see what is on the third floor.
Looks like a pretty fun game too, I'm not forgetting about that.
It looked like a fun game, but I don't need such a game right now. While the high rise board seems thematic I don't think it would work well.
I feel like I would've backed the game if I hadn't already ordered Paperback since it's offered as an add on.
Having finally played the game of Russian Railroads that I've been sitting on for a bit, I can say that it's definitely a keeper if you like mid-heavy weight worker placement games and don't mind it being basically a spreadsheet simulator.

There's a lot of choice, and outside a couple minor setup things, 0 randomness during gameplay. I'd put it up their with Castles of Burgandy in terms of a mechanism-only type game with a lot of options, and can be a real brain-burner, and great for 2-3 players.

That being said, I think it's a game that'll come out once in a long while due to how heavy it is, but overall I really enjoyed it.
There was a group of people that wouldn't buy their game due to it. I was one of them. Makes sense for them to try and open it up to more people by dropping an entirely unnecessary part of the theme and replacing it with something else that works just as well.

Count me in too. I hated that stupid little unnecessary detail about the game.
Hey guys, I'm visiting NYC for the next two weeks. Coming here from Hawaii where there really isn't a board game scene at all. If I wanted to maybe go somewhere to meet people and play some things, does anyone know where I could go to do that? Or the best resource to find that information?
Really appreciate it, thank you!


Yeah, I totally understand attempting to min/max, but I play board games for the enjoyment too. Winning is just a bonus. So part of why I do things that definitely aren't the norm is to reintroduce randomness to something that should have been random in the first place.

Wanting to introduce some chaos is totally fine, but for me it really depends on what we're playing. People trying to shake things up can really mess up certain games. Playing a goofy combo deck in 5 player FFA MTG that tries to draw everyone as many cards as possible? Love it. Trying to play Wizard with someone who is betting all over the place and taking hands that put them 2 tricks over their bet (and losing them points) "just for fun"? Not so much.

I'll act like a Cylon in BSG, even though I'm perfectly human.

I haven't played a lot of BSG, but aren't you just literally helping the other team at that point? They know who they are, do they not? So you're not really fooling anyone except your own team. The Cylons don't need the help!

I'll gang up on a fellow outlaw in Bang! because I need to shift attention from myself.

While this seems like a good idea to throw others off, I've found that Bang doesn't have room for a ton of trickiness. In games I've played where people try that, the Sheriff ends up not taking enough heat and building up an overwhelming card advantage. IMO outlaws need to get in a position where they can shoot the sheriff, and then do only that until he dies. You get outmatched otherwise! Really, the only person who gets to be tricky without throwing the game is the renegade, but even then he just needs to act like a deputy until the outlaws are dead.

I'll ask to borrow resources one turn, only to remind you that should never trust me in games the very next turn. =)

This, I can usually get behind. People shouldn't be lending stuff out in any resource driven game, whatever it is, lol.

If I wanted to play a board game one-player (scripted, min-maxing, whatever), why go through the hassle of organzing, driving out to, and playing games with others?

Again, some games are more suited to that style than others. Trying to be a loose cannon in a game where others strategically depend on your play can end up being an overall frustrating experience. However in other games, that's what it's all about and I can get behind it. Ultimately you can play however you choose, but that's my opinion on the matter. One of the reasons I love board gaming are all the varied experiences that come out of playing different kinds of games that each encourage different styles of play.


Hey guys, I'm visiting NYC for the next two weeks. Coming here from Hawaii where there really isn't a board game scene at all. If I wanted to maybe go somewhere to meet people and play some things, does anyone know where I could go to do that? Or the best resource to find that information?
Really appreciate it, thank you!

There are various meetups around the city. I frequent the weekend meetups, which go all day; the next one is on a Saturday. What area are you going to be in?

Other than that, I wonder if there are enough board gaming GAF people in NYC to have a little get-together of our own.
We've really been digging Warfighter card game. Great coop game, kinda reminds me of Pathfinder. The production values are garbage though, typically for DVG but solid game.
There are various meetups around the city. I frequent the weekend meetups, which go all day; the next one is on a Saturday. What area are you going to be in?

Other than that, I wonder if there are enough board gaming GAF people in NYC to have a little get-together of our own.

I'm in Tribeca, but have a fair enough grasp on the subway system to get around well.
Are these meetups held in-store?


I'm in Tribeca, but have a fair enough grasp on the subway system to get around well.
Are these meetups held in-store?

Actually the ones I go to are held at Whole Foods :p. And the upcoming one is right in the Tribeca area

That Whole Foods has a second floor cafe with a ton of table space, and they let the group play there


We've really been digging Warfighter card game. Great coop game, kinda reminds me of Pathfinder. The production values are garbage though, typically for DVG but solid game.
What's wrong with the production value of DVG's games? I have no prior experience with DVG or any other real war game companies but I haven't seen people knock the production value of their games too much (unlike, say, Boots on the Ground and some of the other Worthington Games stuff). I mentioned buying Phantom Leader Deluxe earlier but in addition to that I ordered Thunderbolt Apache Leader which is now also on its way. Warfighter is one I have been wanting but only when I can find a sweet deal on the game plus expansions.


Dominion previews started yesterday. Surprised they haven't been mentioned here yet: http://forum.dominionstrategy.com/index.php?board=64.0


I like to lead with a simple card, to prove that the set has some. Lost City is a vanilla card on top, that makes the other players draw a card when you get one. You really don't want them to have that good turn, but then you may really want some Lost Cities.

Recent studies show that magpies do not especially collect shiny objects. These are folklore magpies though, which still do. Magpie might find you a treasure, or perhaps just reveal another Magpie. Over time a single Magpie can turn into a whole flock of them. There are just ten Magpies in the pile; they're not Rats with wings.

Finally we have Hero. This one is somewhat enigmatic. The top is straightforward, you get +$2 and gain a Treasure, any Treasure in the game. Usually Gold but you never know, could be Platinum or something more exotic. And then when you discard it from play, you can exchange it for a Champion. And wait, this isn't in the Supply. How do you get one? Well I'll tell you. You just need to discard a Warrior from play; then you can exchange the Warrior for a Hero. Warrior isn't in the Supply either though - you get one by exchanging a Treasure Hunter for it. I suppose it's obvious that you get a Treasure Hunter by exchanging a Page for it. But that's it, that's all the turtles there are; you buy a Page, and it turns into a Treasure Hunter, then a Warrior, then a Hero, then a Champion. Page costs $2, so the actual cost of Hero is, $2, plus playing those other cards once each. I somehow fit two of these cycles into Adventures - there's also a Peasant who becomes a Soldier, but then a Fugitive, but then a Disciple, and finally a Teacher. It's two little life stories, played out in cards that gradually get better for you. What exactly the other cards do will remain a mystery until the set is out; there is just too much to preview.


Adventures introduces Reserve cards. They go on a Tavern mat. They hang out there, turn after turn, waiting until you are ready for them. "Calling" one means moving it from your mat to your in-play area; then it gets discarded normally that turn, to eventually be drawn again and go back on the mat. Wait let's go over this again. You play it, just doing the part above the line, putting it on your mat. Later, you move it off the mat into play, just doing the part it says there, whatever it says for whenever it says. Okay.


Guide can give you a new hand at the start of your turn. You just skip right past a bad hand, or a Militia'd hand, or a hand that doesn't have that Hero you need to upgrade. With multiple Guides on your mat, you can keep going until you run out or find that good hand.

Duplicate duplicates something. That name just tells the whole story. You buy a Lab; you Duplicate it, two Labs. You gain a Gold from Hero; you Duplicate it, two Golds. Whatever you are getting, you probably want more of them. Late in the game, Duplicate Duchies.

Coin of the Realm is a weird one. When you play it it makes $1 and goes on your mat. On some future turn, you call it to get to play more Actions. So it's a village that you can't (normally) use the turn you play it. And it's a village that just waits until you need it. You draw your two Heroes together, play one, call the Coin, and play the other one. You can also use Hero to gain a Coin. Will the other Reserve cards all be combos with Hero? *checks...* No. Not all of them.
What's wrong with the production value of DVG's games? I have no prior experience with DVG or any other real war game companies but I haven't seen people knock the production value of their games too much (unlike, say, Boots on the Ground and some of the other Worthington Games stuff). I mentioned buying Phantom Leader Deluxe earlier but in addition to that I ordered Thunderbolt Apache Leader which is now also on its way. Warfighter is one I have been wanting but only when I can find a sweet deal on the game plus expansions.

Card quality is piss poor, easily gets marked and corners will peel easy. Many of the cards in Warfighter I got had the problem of the finish sticking to the back of the cards in the pack and peeling some of the gloss off. The art direction and layout of their cards is just ugly and sloppy, somewhat confusing to read. Compared to other companies they just lack in the art department. On various soldier cards also some bad photoshopping, one of the soldiers has chunk of his face cropped off, removing his nose and part of his mouth.

The game "board" is a crappy fold out poster, not a mat or actual board. My second DVG product and the quality is pretty meh, though I know many of their games are considered actually good, like I mentioned, Warfighter is a cool game, just a really cheap looking and feeling product.


Not sure if this is the best place to post but i thought id ask anyway... Ive been looking for Descent 2.0 on Table Top Simulator but can not find it. Does anyone here by chance have it in their workshop mods so i can download it from you? I have a version of it, but its incomplete. :(. Id really like to try and play this before i spend 80 bucks on the physical edition with no friends to play with lol
I am thinking about backing Mistfall on Kickstarter but no know nothing about the designers, are they reputable? I watch Randoh and the game seems interesting enough like a cross between Pathfinder with Lotr LCG.

Also we were at Emerald City Comicon this weekend and this is the first time I attend Comicon in years and I was surprised at how prevalent boardgames and card game are. Usually you just get your standard CCG or HeroClix but now you get boardgames and cards game of all type.


Card quality is piss poor, easily gets marked and corners will peel easy. Many of the cards in Warfighter I got had the problem of the finish sticking to the back of the cards in the pack and peeling some of the gloss off. The art direction and layout of their cards is just ugly and sloppy, somewhat confusing to read. Compared to other companies they just lack in the art department. On various soldier cards also some bad photoshopping, one of the soldiers has chunk of his face cropped off, removing his nose and part of his mouth.

The game "board" is a crappy fold out poster, not a mat or actual board. My second DVG product and the quality is pretty meh, though I know many of their games are considered actually good, like I mentioned, Warfighter is a cool game, just a really cheap looking and feeling product.
Hmmmm, I'll be sure to sleeve my cards then. Kind of sucks about the photoshopping being bad on some of the cards too, since those are real dudes whose images are getting screwed up. I forgot that the mounted board for Warfighter isn't out yet but I though a lot of war gamers liked paper game boards and mats? I guess I'll post impressions of the components of Phantom Leader and TAL when they arrive.

The iOS version of Boss Monster is out. It crashes every time for me and I (and a few others in the KS comments and reviews) have been unable to play it, but maybe other people will get lucky and get into a game?
Anyone backing Resistor_ on KS? I think that I'll throw some money at that in addition to Burgle Bros. It seems like Resistor_ has gotten some pretty comments and praise from playtesters, PnP'ers, and con-goers. It looks to be a pretty decent small and quick little game.


The iOS version of Boss Monster is out. It crashes every time for me and I (and a few others in the KS comments and reviews) have been unable to play it, but maybe other people will get lucky and get into a game?

I can't even find it/see it on the app store. They gave me a direct link and the app store still wouldn't load it up.


Didn't even know we were getting a new Dominion expansion. Looks interesting.

Yeah, my understanding was that at a certain point they were going to end the game (after Guilds, I thought?), but here we are. Looks like some interesting cards, although I have barely touched my copy of Dark Ages so I'll probably sit on this purchase for a while.
Hmmmm, I'll be sure to sleeve my cards then. Kind of sucks about the photoshopping being bad on some of the cards too, since those are real dudes whose images are getting screwed up. I forgot that the mounted board for Warfighter isn't out yet but I though a lot of war gamers liked paper game boards and mats? I guess I'll post impressions of the components of Phantom Leader and TAL when they arrive..

Believe the Leader games come with actual game boards, lot of components I believe have been upgraded in later editions of the game too as they also have higher price tags.
Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective is back in stock at CoolStuffInc with the following text:

This is not an April Fools joke. Such cruelty is prohibited by the Geneva Conventions."

Yet I'm still on the fence if this'd be right for my game group.


Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective is back in stock at CoolStuffInc with the following text:

This is not an April Fools joke. Such cruelty is prohibited by the Geneva Conventions."

Yet I'm still on the fence if this'd be right for my game group.

Hopefully some (a lot of) stock flows into Europe as well. $42 for cheapest shipping on Sherlock Holmes at CSI.


Yet I'm still on the fence if this'd be right for my game group.

It'll depend on the group, my wife and I really like it. We have only played the first two cases but both times made for a great evening! Weeks later we still talk about case one and what we didn't do. We have been holding off on the others in hopes of getting her sister and husband (who's in my main board game group) to join us some night.
Aaaaand it's gone. Picked up a copy because in my head I romanticized spending two hours badly solving a mystery and arguing over clues with a friend or two.

Also because I didn't want to wait another half-year for it to get back in stock.
Aaaaand it's gone. Picked up a copy because in my head I romanticized spending two hours badly solving a mystery and arguing over clues with a friend or two.

Also because I didn't want to wait another half-year for it to get back in stock.

Glad to see this game seems to be gaining some popularity. Really interesting unique experience. Hopefully they will release some more cases, as I know there are some from the old game they could use.


donaldx said:
Adventures has 30 Kingdom cards. It also has 20 Events. It's high time we looked at some of those. Man, they're sideways. See you on the other side.


An Event is something you can buy in your Buy phase that isn't a card. You pay your $, you use up a Buy, and something happens. They don't take up Kingdom card slots; you shuffle them into your randomizer deck, but when you deal out cards, keep going until you have 10 Kingdom cards. I recommend stopping at two Events, but it's up to you.

Expedition is an example of a very simple Event. You get two more cards in your next hand. Maybe you'd rather have Silver; it's hard to say, man I don't even know you. Sometimes though I bet you'll want the cards. So, to be clear here: with Expedition in the game, you can, in your Buy phase, pay $3 and use up a Buy, to make that thing happen, the extra 2 cards for your next hand. If you had $6 and 2 Buys, you could go on two Expeditions, and have 4 extra cards in your next hand. Or buy a Silver and one Expedition. And so on. Expedition itself just sits on the table with the kingdom cards, reminding you that you can do this this game.

Trade, still somewhat simple, has you turning one or two cards into Silvers. It costs $5, but well, trashing two cards and getting two Silvers, maybe that's worth it. It only trashes from your hand, so you won't be doing much Trading turn one.

Finally we have Mission, a trickier one. You get an extra turn, but, this seems like some kind of joke, you can't buy cards on that turn. What good is it then? Well. There are things you can do. You can gain cards without buying them, such as with Remodels and Workshops. You can play Duration cards, setting them up for your next turn. You can get Reserve cards onto your mat. You can play Attacks, it can be that kind of Mission. You can trash cards; you can just be getting through your deck to get back to your good cards; you can turn that Hero into a Champion. And hey you can buy other Events, that's not buying a card. That may seem weird - what do we call that rectangular object then - but you didn't buy a card, you bought an Event, a thing that happened once and didn't come with a card, and so that doesn't trigger Swamp Hag and it's not cheaper due to Bridge and so on. Event cards give you something to buy; that thing is not a card. There will be a rulebook and it will say stuff just like this.


Having finally played the game of Russian Railroads that I've been sitting on for a bit, I can say that it's definitely a keeper if you like mid-heavy weight worker placement games and don't mind it being basically a spreadsheet simulator.

There's a lot of choice, and outside a couple minor setup things, 0 randomness during gameplay. I'd put it up their with Castles of Burgandy in terms of a mechanism-only type game with a lot of options, and can be a real brain-burner, and great for 2-3 players.

That being said, I think it's a game that'll come out once in a long while due to how heavy it is, but overall I really enjoyed it.

I think you can play both Russian Railroads and Castle of Burgandy on Yucata.de, it's a good alternative if you can't get it to the table as often as you'd like.


Square cards are the answer

Then the question must be "how can I make hand management as awkward as possible?"

But I also don't see the problem with sideways cards should the design warrant it. Sounds like events are persistent in your play area when its not your turn -- the simple orientation change makes that an easy cue that they don't get cleaned up like usual at the end of a turn.

Also Innovation: Greatest #1 Good Time Fun Play is chocked full of sideways cards, so they're objectively awesome.


Also Innovation: Greatest #1 Good Time Fun Play is chocked full of sideways cards, so they're objectively awesome.

I'm sayin' nuttin about that....

What's the gut opinion on Burgle Bros that's up on Kickstarter? I like that kind of co-op game, I've no interest in buying the three tier stand, but I dunno if there's value in backing it vs just waiting for retail..


I don't know man...Power Grid's square cards are luscious

And Sid Meier's Civ has those square cards that act as multiple unit types, actually cutting down the amount of paper in a FFG game.
I'm sayin' nuttin about that....

What's the gut opinion on Burgle Bros that's up on Kickstarter? I like that kind of co-op game, I've no interest in buying the three tier stand, but I dunno if there's value in backing it vs just waiting for retail..
I'm backing it and I've sworn off kickstarter. I like Tim Fowers' games and this one looks like it could be a lot of fun. The three tier board thing is over kill and looks more like a pain in the ass than it's worth.

Square cards.

It's shite.

They upgraded the room cards to cardboard, which is a good thing.


I'm being a little bit facetious.

Civ and Power Grid aren't terrible -- neither's square cards are really a "hand" that you have to continuously hold.


What's the gut opinion on Burgle Bros that's up on Kickstarter? I like that kind of co-op game, I've no interest in buying the three tier stand, but I dunno if there's value in backing it vs just waiting for retail..

Backing. I'm a KS warrior as of late.


Hail to the KING baby
KS really loves that guy. I can't front -- Paperback is pretty great if slightly unpolished in terms of certain card powers. But a deep 90m co-op doesn't super fit into my lifestyle right now. :/
I finally discovered 7 Wonders years after everyone else. The game is damn good, but the 5 or so rounds I've played of it were exactly enough for my friends to get reacquainted with and grow tired of it. Looks like a few people will have to be introduced to it if I'm gonna get any time with it.

We played 3 games of Ghost Stories this week also and managed to win 2 of them. The last was the highlight of the night. We were pretty deep in shit when the boss monster card was drawn. "The Hope Killer." my friend reads after drawing it. The combination of desperation we were feeling and the game winking at us like this burst the tension and everyone had a laughing fit for 30-40 seconds. Then we ran good on our rolls, dog piled on the big guy, pooled our tokens and managed to roll the red-green combo we needed to take him out.

Ghost Stories is super sweet.


Hail to the KING baby
If you guys are into the mechanics, I'd strongly recommend getting Cities and Leaders. Adds a lot of variety. Some disagree but I think vanilla 7W gets really dry and abstract quickly, but with the expansions it's one of my favorite games.


These new dominion cards are awesome. Can't wait to get this set. Though I'm going to have to make my own dividers to match the ones I had before.

Also, everyone play Kemet. It's a ridiculously fun game.


Finally got to play Deus last night. Lots of fun. It reminds me of Imperial Settlers in a lot of ways (which is a good thing). The scores ended up being much closer than I had anticipated based on how things were going; we all landed within a 5 point range.
If you guys are into the mechanics, I'd strongly recommend getting Cities and Leaders. Adds a lot of variety. Some disagree but I think vanilla 7W gets really dry and abstract quickly, but with the expansions it's one of my favorite games.
As a personal preference, Leaders > Cities. I thought Cities was too swingy and the player interaction it added did nothing for me. Leaders on the other hand is great. Being able to come up with a strategy even before the age one cards are dealt add so much to the game.


Hail to the KING baby
I like both a lot, but also a huge fan of Leaders (weirdly I find most people I know seem to go the other way). Leaders is a lot more of a wholly new mechanics and has a bigger influence on the overall game, but I also love the random splashes of cards you get from Cities. I would put them in that order too, but I also only ever play with both anymore. Haven't tried Babel yet because haven't had time and they haven't updated the official scoring app. :/

Mista Koo

I think I'll impulse back Burgle Bros. It seems like a fantastic game I don't really need anytime soon, but given how difficult it is to get Paperback I might just jump in.

Re 7 Wonders expansions: never played Cities, I really like Leaders but I think it takes away a lot of the elegance of the game.
From my one playthrough of Babel the tower seems hectic but the projects are really cool.

Did you guys hear about Friedmann Friese's 504? This guy is crazy! (in the best way possible).


Did you guys hear about Friedmann Friese's 504? This guy is crazy! (in the best way possible).

It's a really interesting idea. Like a lot of his out there ideas, it might work best as a theory than something to deep dive in, but I'm glad he's out there coming up with this stuff and getting a profit out of it (hopefully).

A gaming buddy usually goes to the Gathering of Friends, so hopefully get some playtest reports from him.


10 turn Kemet doesn't really work for us. It took too long to finish the game and it encouraged grinding, hoarding, and defensive play.
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