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New Board Gaming |OT2| On Tables, Off Topic


Elder Sign is great. I'm not really into KoT but I know others that love it. Escape is a really fun and short dice game.
Just bear in mind that Elder Sign is a co-op versus monsters game, and the others are player versus player.

I'm personally not a big fan of co-op games, ranging all the way from D&D to Elder Sign, though I own the latter.


That moment when you get really interested in a game and then realize it's been out of print for a while and commanding high prices. Pillars of the Earth.

Ah well, plenty more games to go round!


Anyone going to be at Origins this week/weekend? I'm driving up tomorrow after work.

Not totally sure what I want to try. Mostly just want to hit a bunch of already released games I'm interested but have never bought like Five Tribes, Space Cadets and Last Will and whatever else I see in the play areas. That and play big group games that are tough to play other places.

Play mysterium and post your impressions. I want this game so badly. I'm going to Gencon this year, but not origins.


On elder sign i own the base game and own but not played the 1st expansion. Ive heard nothing but grest things on gates but just wondering if it helps fix my biggest pet peeve with the game of not being able to control the die well enough in some instances. Most other dice games work around this pretty wel with the roll and reroll 3 times mechanic. Failing 2-3 missions in a row after using all your abilities to help mitigate that is a lot more crushing in this game.


Wife gave me Pandemic Contagion for my birthday, should I exchange it for Pandemic The Cure?

She also gave me these:


And some credit to play with, so I picked up:

Wait, the more games you get, the more time you get to play them, right? Because, if not, I'm going to have a problem.

Mr E.

That moment when you get really interested in a game and then realize it's been out of print for a while and commanding high prices. Pillars of the Earth.

Ah well, plenty more games to go round!
The expansion is even more expensive.


There were both Euro versions at Geekway. It was the most played play-and-win game by far with over 250 tracked plays. I played it between 5-10 times and was not one of the lucky few to win a copy.


Yeah the only version that's out there so far is the original Polish release, although the game is pretty much language independent.

Edit: Oh, the English version is done?


I won't judge until I can see an actual comparison of the card sets. I've heard a lot of people talking about just using dixit cards with the game anyway.


Go to the BGG page, follow the top thread asking the same question. There's a tric trac article with some pictures albeit not great ones. I can tell that I personally prefer it over the old art though. To each his own.

Would provide link directly but at work and on mobile and can't be arsed to do the heavy lifting.

Ah, lovely stuff. My hope was that I could get both card types to mix up the art once in a while.

I could see why some have the concern about the art changing, that is, the worry that the Disney-fication of it could limit some of the abstract dreaminess of something like the Dixit art, for example.

I've heard mention of this version adding a timer and adding a point system for each investigator though. I hope this isn't going to add a timing element the original didn't have, or a point system to a previously cooperative game.

Though not much has come through english-wise, so there may be a lot of details I've missed!
Does anyone have any experience with the Legendary Deck Builders? I was thinking of getting into them but wanted to get some opinions. I'm most interested in the Alien one but Marvel would be good too. I'm seeing that they're good both solo and with people which interests me.


I'm torn on Mysterium. The art is overall higher quality in terms of draftsmanship and character... But I feel like it loses a certain creepiness. Maybe I'll feel differently when I play it.


Well that's dumb.

Backed a game on Kickstarter yesterday (Wasteriders) and it gets cancelled today because "Well at the rate stuff is going we won't get funded so screw it."

At least...try. Idk.


Well that's dumb.

Backed a game on Kickstarter yesterday (Wasteriders) and it gets cancelled today because "Well at the rate stuff is going we won't get funded so screw it."

At least...try. Idk.
That sucks. I looked at it for the first time today. The characters and minis looked cool and the concept sounded cool as well. It did look like it wasn't going to get funded though.


Well that's dumb.

Backed a game on Kickstarter yesterday (Wasteriders) and it gets cancelled today because "Well at the rate stuff is going we won't get funded so screw it."

At least...try. Idk.

Awful...I was looking at it but kind of turned away but them not seeming to want explain how to play if I am remembering correctly.


Played Elysium and Specter Ops.

Elysium was good but a critical error put me from a potential close second to last. Arg! Want to try this one with 2 or 3 -- I think it'd be an even tighter game.

While they're not really alike, I was really interested in this and Deus back when they were both announced. I think Deus wins this round, but I'll probably end up keeping Elysium.

Specter Ops took one of my favorite mechanics -- hidden movement, and maaaaaaybe overcomplicated the whole thing just a tad bit? I didn't hate it, but the game we played definitely went on too long. I think The Great Museum Caper will retain its title. It's just super fast and has never gotten as thinky as SO did.
Some buddies brought over some new games last night. Dixit and 7 Wonders. Two completely different games, but I loved both. I've already ordered a copy of Dixit, and I'm going to see if the local gaming shop has 7 Wonders before I order it. Anyone else here a fan of either?
Some buddies brought over some new games last night. Dixit and 7 Wonders. Two completely different games, but I loved both. I've already ordered a copy of Dixit, and I'm going to see if the local gaming shop has 7 Wonders before I order it. Anyone else here a fan of either?

Never played Dixit, but I love 7 Wonders. I don't get to play it much anymore, but there was a time where we would play it weekly. Really solid game and I would suggest picking up the Leaders expansion. It helps you form a strategy for the entire game, even before you see the first age cards.
Some buddies brought over some new games last night. Dixit and 7 Wonders. Two completely different games, but I loved both. I've already ordered a copy of Dixit, and I'm going to see if the local gaming shop has 7 Wonders before I order it. Anyone else here a fan of either?

I second the 7 Wonders: Leaders expansion. It significantly adds to the flexibility in gameplay and the replay-ability of the game


Yep, 7 Wonders + Leaders is still a regular play over lunchtime at work. Perfect length, easy to teach, and thoroughly enjoyable. Leaders adds just the right amount of depth without increased complexity.


I like Leaders, don't like Cities or whatever it's called (because of the gold-stealing thing, running out of gold, etc.).

I like building your own stuff without the focus on negatively affecting other players, if that makes sense.
I'm torn on Mysterium. The art is overall higher quality in terms of draftsmanship and character... But I feel like it loses a certain creepiness. Maybe I'll feel differently when I play it.

I think the original artworks are beautifully done and have that minimalist feel to it. The new one is nice, but I see no reason why they feel the need to go and commissioned new artwork aside that they just want it look more colorful to appeal more the US audiences.


Unlimited Capacity
Claustrophobia might be the best 2 player game we play. Non-stop important decision making, great flavor, good replayability with the asymmetric sides, fantastic craftsmanship and each game is pretty quick. Got to get that expansion.
Hey guys, I play board games with my friends and recently we played Arkham Horror and even though we read the rules, we were still a bit lost. I was wondering if you guys may know of a good reference online for explaining the game.



Hey guys, I play board games with my friends and recently we played Arkham Horror and even though we read the rules, we were still a bit lost. I was wondering if you guys may know of a good reference online for explaining the game.


My recommendations.

1. Find someone who knows how to play. The game if played with someone who knows how to play isn't bad to pick up, from scratch it's a nightmare. Alternatively read up stuff on board game geek or watch youtube videos.

2. Get eldritch horror instead. Similar game with streamlined rules and a guide that wasn't masterfully crafted to be as unhelpful as possible.


Played Elysium and Specter Ops.

Elysium was good but a critical error put me from a potential close second to last. Arg! Want to try this one with 2 or 3 -- I think it'd be an even tighter game.

While they're not really alike, I was really interested in this and Deus back when they were both announced. I think Deus wins this round, but I'll probably end up keeping Elysium.

Specter Ops took one of my favorite mechanics -- hidden movement, and maaaaaaybe overcomplicated the whole thing just a tad bit? I didn't hate it, but the game we played definitely went on too long. I think The Great Museum Caper will retain its title. It's just super fast and has never gotten as thinky as SO did.

Then maybe I should not get Elysium? I am kinda over Deus. After having played a bunch of Deus games in a short while I completely stopped caring for it. For having a board there it still felt like there was too little interactivity between the player and the production of it also started to really bother me.

Then again I might be weird, because despite me being not that much into Five Tribes it grew on me in a way that it's now my favorite game to play besides Power Grid.

Edit: Also trying to figure out if I want Orleans or Voyages of Marco Polo. The bag stuff seems super neat, but Marco Polo seems to have more variability and costs almost half as much.
Thanks guys. I'll ask at the game shop here and see if anyone knows how to play.

I was also thinking of picking up Eldritch Horror as well.

Thanks again!


I'm attached already, thankfully, but how did you manage that?

wtf? how how?

Sorry I cut and ran for the weekend leaving you guys hanging.

If you log into the Gencon housing portal you can modify your block assignment. I checked at least once a day since the block opened. Today is the last day you can cancel block assignments with a 50$ fee, starting tomorrow it goes up to the price of a night. Check for modification possibilities today!!


Thanks guys. I'll ask at the game shop here and see if anyone knows how to play.

I was also thinking of picking up Eldritch Horror as well.

Thanks again!

I always check out the videos section for reviews and how to play videos on BoardGameGeek. I can't stand reading a 50 page manual for games these days and it just isn't my learning style.


I have a question about roll for the galaxy, I just got the game and looking quickly at the manual it seems you need the symbol in the dice to match the face, unless you used the discard one die to change it, or you have a world power that allows it, but I seen a couple of videos, and people just seem to put any die under whichever phase they want to use, just not to activate it.
So I guess two questions, if you use a die to activate a phase can that still be used as a worker, and to add more workers to the phase, do they have to have the matching symbol or can it be anything?
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