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New Board Gaming |OT2| On Tables, Off Topic


I got to play a bunch of stuff at/around Origins! Hooray! Not a ton of new cutting edge stuff, but a bunch of stuff I’d never played before. Here’s what I thought of them.

Terra Mystica - Despite looking real scary I was kind of impressed with how all the rules in this come together and turn into a nice little system. The player boards were super helpful for this since, once you understand the symbols, they basically tell you everything you can do on a turn in a relatively understandable manner. I really like the cost mechanic where it encourages you to get right up in your opponent’s business, since otherwise it’d be super solitary and only involve a little bumping up on your opponents. It was a little tough to figure out the best way to generate points in that first game, but had a pretty good time nonetheless.

Nations - Cool tableau builder. I like that you only get a few buildings at any one time so that you constantly have to be dumping old stuff to bring in the new goodies. It’s nice that it really isn’t stingy with resources for once. Unless you’re trainwrecking you should get a good pile of stuff to play with each turn. Just need to figure out what best to do with it. I do think it lasts a bit too long for it’s own good, though. We totally screwed up how the scoring worked (scored buildings during each book scoring phase instead of only at the end), so I have no idea what an actual good strategy is, because when you’re getting 3x the points you should get in a game the incremental “+1” point things seem pointless, but are probably pretty worthwhile in an actual game. All that said, I’d probably just play Seven Wonders a lot more before thinking about buying this. Also, the art is comically dour.

Star Wars: Imperial Assault - I think this would be really fun to run a full campaign of. It’s a little dry when you just play the tutorial mission. I played the Imperial side and having DMed for a long time it was really fun to get to actually try your hardest to murder the player party.

Five Tribes - Nice little bundle of mechanics, but I’m not sure if I liked it that much or not. Especially at the start, it seems like there are just so many moves on the board that you’re forced to just pick a “pretty good” move instead of looking at every possibility. Inevitably this means that you’ve fixated on one of the 5 ways to score points and make a decent move and then the next guy immediately swoops up some way better move and you feel like an idiot. That’s kind of a crappy feeling. We had already signed up to play it again at Gen Con so we’ll see what a second play looks like.

Hogger Logger - This was just a 5 minute demo, but it seemed like a cute “take that!” game. Somewhere there is a picture of my friends and I in lumberjack clothes holding a stuffed pig due to this booth.

Sushi Go! - I love this game! I love card drafting, so this game where that is the entire game naturally appealed to me greatly. Trying to wheel stuff (gotta get that last sashimi!) and reading signals from your opponents is really fun. And it takes 10 minutes per game so you can just do it again and again. Bought my own copy as soon as I’d played it. And the sushi are, of course, adorable. Even the maki.

Cyclades - I originally thought that the auction mechanic being so tightly tied to what actions you can do in a turn would feel stifling, but it actually made the auction phase super interesting and made every bid a tough choice. No one in our game was super aggressive, but it does seem like someone could get super screwed by some bad dice rolls in an early combat. Thankfully you can kind of see any attack coming and do something about it since it takes two turns, generally, to set up a sea invasion. Getting to wreck a billion boats with the Kraken is super entertaining.

Space Cadets - Game of the show for me. I love everything about this game. It has moments of great triumph where the helmsman perfectly slides the ship in behind in an enemy, the sensors lock on, and the weapons officer blows it out of the sky while you simultaneously grab a crystal with the tractor beam and some perfectly aligned shields block another attack. Everyone high fives and you feel like the best spaceship crew ever! Then, on the next turn, things go bad. The helmsman fliess you into three asteroid fields, sensors didn’t scan the next sector, weapons comically misses two close range shots, and the captain didn’t get anyone the energy they need. This is hilarious and everyone continues to have a great time. I really like that everyone is playing their own little game that ties into the overall game of the ship moving around the board and getting blown up. And then it forces you to switch seats and things go even worse, hilariously. I had more fun getting blown up in Space Cadets then I had in anything else we played over the weekend.

Wiz-War - Wiz-War is dumb and unbalanced and stupid. It is also kind of rad? Like, don’t buy it, but maybe play it sometime?

Legendary Encounters: Alien - I never would’ve thought I could feel such excitement and emotions from a deckbuilder. I like deckbuilders a lot. I like them for the satisfaction of my well oiled deck turning itself over. I did not think I would like one for the sense of dread as yet another egg that could pop at a moment’s notice is discovered. Or for the terror of drawing cards when the next card might be the chestburster that kills you or the thrill of somehow managing to quarantine that specific card off the top of your deck and cheating death. Totally awesome. It did suck that one of my friends got eliminated super early, but it was so thematic that it was kind of okay? It looks like there are some variants we can try that get rid of the elimination, so that should take care of that. Bought a copy of this.

Spectre Ops - I’ll probably just play more Letters from Whitechapel. Meh. I was the Agent and I probably could’ve won by being more patient, but running around in circles in one of the sectors hoping that the hunters eventually bite and go in after me was super boring.


I'd like some suggestions for a new game to pick up. Looking for something that plays well with 2, 3, and 4 players. Nothing too complex but that'll play around 1-2 hours.

Competitive or co-op is fine. We've been playing a lot of the following games recently

Castles of Burgundy
Smash Up

lords of waterdeep
or if you are feeling more adventurous about complexity then alchemists
shadowrun the deckbuilder
forbidden desert
roll for the galaxy

just got Nations and im pretty excited about that. The rahdo playthrough had me sold on it and the wife was really excited for it.

Also got sylvion. Made by the same people that made Onirim which I love. Its a solo/2 player tower defense card game, similar to plants vs zombies, though the advanced game adds a deck builder style element, where at the beginning of the game, you choose which "stacks" of cards you will take to make up your hand. each time you take a stack (of 5 cards I think) you randomly remove another from the game. Then after you have your deck ready. Everytime you reshuffle the deck you choose 2 cards to remove from the game, or 1 randomly from the top of the deck furthering refining your deck. I've only messed with the basic game so far. You pull fire elemental cards that slowly move across the board trying to burn the rest of your forest down, while you play fountains that act like turrets to stop the elementals. Or different animals that will help you save the forest by nullifying bad effects, or instantly destroying a card. The kicker is you not only have to survive the onslaught of fire elementals to win, but play enough trees to help rejuvenate the forest. If you survive the elementals, but do not replant the forest you still lose.

Here is a runthrough on it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjqinjKs1Ss Guy just started doing run throughs and he was the only one I saw for sylvion. He has one for onirim too. I really liked his playthrough and he's just starting his channel. I think its the first time I've enjoyed a youtube video with so few subscribers.
Guys, 7 Wonders is seriously all I want to do. My friends don't have careers that kept them from staying out until all hours and played themselves sick of it while I was busy with my first year of teaching =( How can I go about finding some like-minded people to play with? Stupid iPad version is never going to release, it seems.


Hail to the KING baby
Guys, 7 Wonders is seriously all I want to do. My friends don't have careers that kept them from staying out until all hours and played themselves sick of it while I was busy with my first year of teaching =( How can I go about finding some like-minded people to play with? Stupid iPad version is never going to release, it seems.
Make a game night/lunch at work/church/neighborhood and teach people?


Two Rooms and a Boom is actually, for real, on a boat to the U.S.

The end times must be nigh.

I'm sure it will be delivered to the wrong location or they will open a box and find a hair in there and request a complete reprinting.

It is about time is all I can say.


Played my first game of Orleans today and this game is pretty good. I think buying that over Marco Polo was a good decision. The bag building stuff is really fun.


Hail to the KING baby
We just moved into a house, and the game closet is 2x bigger than our old one. :D Super excited because it will easily be able to hold all 300+ games and won't have to do all that annoying stacking and squeezing in games wherever possible.

Now to actually find time to play them...but I did set up a bi-weekly thing at work and am starting to have friends of ours over for random game nights so getting there. :)
Martin Wallace lost the rights to produce Discworld games.
Have now returned from our trip to the UK, which is partly an explanation of why we have not posted something earlier on this matter.

It is with great regret that we have to announce that we no longer have the licence to produce Discworld Ankh-Morpork or The Witches. There is no chance of either licence being renewed, nor is there any possibility for the third game in the series to see the light of day. Since Sir Terry’s passing away earlier this year there has been a change in IP management style. I’m sorry to disappoint those fans looking forward to the next game, just one of those things.
Can't speak much about The Witches, but Ankh-Morpork is a solid game. If you are interested in the game and see a copy at a decent price, I'd pick it up now since it's likely never to come back in print.


That's a shame. We were looking forward to seeing what the third game would be. My girlfriend is a big Pratchett fan, and the Deluxe Ankh Morpork was one of the first board games I ever bought, and it's a good game. It's some of the best third-party Discworld stuff I've ever seen produced.

We didn't get The Witches because it seemed to be getting negative reviews on its difficulty (but it's based on a series for kids), and the price was a little high...now it's likely to skyrocket in price.

I would have loved to have seen a heavier euro (something more typical of Wallace) to round out the set (a light, med., and heavy game).

I wonder if this means that Clacks game by another publisher/designer is getting pulled, too.


That's a shame. We were looking forward to seeing what the third game would be. My girlfriend is a big Pratchett fan, and the Deluxe Ankh Morpork was one of the first board games I ever bought, and it's a good game. It's some of the best third-party Discworld stuff I've ever seen produced.

We didn't get The Witches because it seemed to be getting negative reviews on its difficulty (but it's based on a series for kids), and the price was a little high...now it's likely to skyrocket in price.

I would have loved to have seen a heavier euro (something more typical of Wallace) to round out the set (a light, med., and heavy game).

I wonder if this means that Clacks game by another publisher/designer is getting pulled, too.

the witches is $40 on amazon so I might pick it up depending on how it looks, morpork is $100 and sounds less to my liking so I likely won't get that one in less it randomly shows up at my work.


I had only played once before, with 3 or 4 players, but I finally played Race for the Galaxy (not roll!) again tonight. It was a 2-player game and we used the basic starter cards without advanced rules since I had to relearn it and they had to learn it from scratch.

I actually quite like the game. I lost 40 to 46 but it was still cool. There isn't annoying card stealing / card blocking which can be frustrating in some games, there is a decent mix of strategy and card randomness, and there does not seem to be the same strategy every game because you have to adapt to the cards you get.

I also like the card names and art.

One of the biggest challenges is getting past the symbol overload. We had two cheat sheets each, I had the rules open, and it still took a while for the symbols to sink in. Eventually they make sense but it's scary at first.


I had only played once before, with 3 or 4 players, but I finally played Race for the Galaxy (not roll!) again tonight. It was a 2-player game and we used the basic starter cards without advanced rules since I had to relearn it and they had to learn it from scratch.

I actually quite like the game. I lost 40 to 46 but it was still cool. There isn't annoying card stealing / card blocking which can be frustrating in some games, there is a decent mix of strategy and card randomness, and there does not seem to be the same strategy every game because you have to adapt to the cards you get.

I also like the card names and art.

One of the biggest challenges is getting past the symbol overload. We had two cheat sheets each, I had the rules open, and it still took a while for the symbols to sink in. Eventually they make sense but it's scary at first.

The symbol overload is real for any new players of Race. Personally I think they make a lot of sense and are really handy, but yeah, new players see that and it's like a wall of untranslatable text to them. Roll on the other hand, really easy to get new players in because 1) no overload and 2) everybody loves dice rolling.


One of the biggest challenges is getting past the symbol overload. We had two cheat sheets each, I had the rules open, and it still took a while for the symbols to sink in. Eventually they make sense but it's scary at first.

I think the way the rulebook is written just...kind of sucks.

There are a few pages that are just nothing but symbology overload, and I can see how someone might look at that and be completely overwhelmed.

I think the best way to learn the game is to only look at a limited core set of symbols - everything else falls into place after that (or there's text on the card that explains it anyhow).

I do like Race a lot, but I've just recently played Puerto Rico for the first time, and I can appreciate going back to the roots and moving pieces around.

The lineage of Puerto Rico is interesting to look at.


I was trying to work through the various card actions so we understood them before we started playing, but we ended up just starting after reviewing 1 or 2 of them. We looked up anything we didn't understand after that.


I just realized that there are a bunch of board games on tablets. So I am looking for some recommendations (the OP has a bunch of games, but most of them are for iOS and i have an android tablet)

I have played and LOVED:

X com
7 wonders
Power Grid

Anything similar to that but for android? I need something to play while i wait for my friends to find the time to get together for the next play session

I have a ton of actual board games, just looking to kill time with a digital version. Also if the above games are available on Android let me know! I tried to take a look at the play store but they werent there


I just realized that there are a bunch of board games on tablets. So I am looking for some recommendations (the OP has a bunch of games, but most of them are for iOS and i have an android tablet)

I have played and LOVED:

X com
7 wonders
Power Grid

Anything similar to that but for android? I need something to play while i wait for my friends to find the time to get together for the next play session

I have a ton of actual board games, just looking to kill time with a digital version. Also if the above games are available on Android let me know! I tried to take a look at the play store but they werent there

Androider here

It used to be that iOS was the only place you could find board game apps (and it still has a much, much larger selection), but Android is slowly getting more stuff.

Some of the notable stuff I own (in no particular order):

Star Realms
San Juan
Kingdom Builder
Galaxy Trucker
Achoir (unlicensed version of Acquire)
Ticket to Ride
Elder Sign: Omens

Other ones that might be worth checking out (I don't own them...yet):

Manhattan Project
Neuroshima Hex
Small World 2
Sentinels of the Multiverse (I don't like this game)
and maybe find a good version of Backgammon


Finally played with the skullport expansion last night for waterdeep. Great expansion, corruption adds a completely new element to the game. Both modules add a bunch of new interesting quest and intrigue cards too boot. We only played a short game between us (5 players, 2 agents) but I think the game suffers with this short mode when played with both modules. There's so many things to go for so there's less fighting for spots.

I picked up something like 8 corruption tokens figuring I'll end up with quests that will allow me to return corruption but then everyone started cockblocking me :(


So I was watching Dice Tower preview of Conflict of Heroes and realised that I've been very interested for a long time now in a proper wargame over Memoir '44. Conflict of Heroes seem to have recently gotten a solo expansion so you can play it alone which sounds perfect.

I've also seen games like Tide of Iron and Heroes of Normandie and a bunch of others, now I'm wondering which one people recommend the most? I remember Conflict of Heroes being talked about a lot before.

I got Z1 & Z2. It never got to the table much, takes up a ton of space, and still haven't finished all scenarios in the first game to justify Z3. I've barely played 2 missions in Z2. That isn't to say it's bad. It didn't hit table from quality, just takes awhile to set up and my group plays a lot of random stuff. If you want to fight a hoard of zombies, you can't play a better game. Especially with older KS this game, I'm overstocked with zombie minis that the board looks so intimidating and cool.

That's nothing to do with gameplay, that's all that matters. It is simple do 3-4 actions, then next guy does that until everyone has and then zombies happen (move/attack then spawn). It can be really unforgiving unless you game the system, play with Zombivors (half survivor, half zombie), and house rule it. But it is a pretty cool, mindless killing game that can play 1-6 players in base set and rules to add more but id imagine the game would run way too long. You can level up a little your character a bit but it recents on every mission (if you want). Not that complicated at all either.

I'm glad I own it but they'd have to do something really sweet to bring me back and I'm not sure if medieval is it.

Thanks, it does sound nice as a game to throw out for some easier play with others. Think I'm gonna hold off for now as the cost to get it to my country is extremely high. Will look at it later when it releases for retail here in Europe.

Mr E.

So I was watching Dice Tower preview of Conflict of Heroes and realised that I've been very interested for a long time now in a proper wargame over Memoir '44. Conflict of Heroes seem to have recently gotten a solo expansion so you can play it alone which sounds perfect.

I've also seen games like Tide of Iron and Heroes of Normandie and a bunch of others, now I'm wondering which one people recommend the most? I remember Conflict of Heroes being talked about a lot before.
Conflict is a great system. I do find it a bit gamey. The hidden movement mechanic is a little clunky. Writing down hex numbers and such. I find play rewards the player who can keep his command action points the highest. Once a player is burned out of CAPs you can storm him unopposed for close combat bonuses. However players of equal skill and familiarity with the system will negate this. That's where I find it a bit gamey.
The solitaire system has piqued my interest though.

Have you considered block war games. Hammer of the scots is a classic.


Julius Caesar is great too.



Conflict is a great system. I do find it a bit gamey. The hidden movement mechanic is a little clunky. Writing down hex numbers and such. I find play rewards the player who can keep his command action points the highest. Once a player is burned out of CAPs you can storm him unopposed for close combat bonuses. However players of equal skill and familiarity with the system will negate this. That's where I find it a bit gamey.
The solitaire system has piqued my interest though.

Have you considered block war games. Hammer of the scots is a classic.


Julius Caesar is great too.


I believe you can find some miniature printouts of the maps in CoH (like index card size) on BGG for hidden unit tracking, so you can mark them in secret. Saw a guy laminate his and use a dry erase marker.

Also, as far as block games go, Sekigahara is one of the best, especially if you like Japanese history. It's supremely elegant and playable.




All advice and suggestion is appreciated, thank you. :)

I don't mind some hurdles as long as it doesn't ruin the entire game. I'm just trying to find a good wargame to start with that is a step above Memoir '44 in terms of complexity but just not too difficult to get into. Have thought about either games like Conflict of Heroes or some game that I can't remember the name of but was about the war in Afghanistan played from the perspective of both the insurgents and the coalition forces, which itself isn't so much about the battles and moving troops around a hex field but sounded still very intriguing.

These block wargames seem really neat as well, I think I have heard about Sekigahara at some point and that it was recommended. Should check them out as well.


Hail to the KING baby
So instead of going to BGG.Con this year I'll be going to the FFG World Championships and playing in the Netrunner Worlds. Really amazed at how fast all the events sold out and glad I got in really early. Who knew there was so much demand for going to Minnesota in November. :p


Have thought about either games like Conflict of Heroes or some game that I can't remember the name of but was about the war in Afghanistan played from the perspective of both the insurgents and the coalition forces, which itself isn't so much about the battles and moving troops around a hex field but sounded still very intriguing.

You're thinking of A Distant Plain. It's definitely pretty complex; it turned my brain inside out when I tried to learn it the first time, but that also unlocked some deep understanding of complex rule systems as well. Fascinating, great game but it's definitely several notches of complexity above M44. If you're interested in getting into that system (COIN), I would start with Cuba Libre, which is the easiest of the bunch.

Commands & Colors Napoleonics is the same ruleset as M44, but takes it up a few notches in some places, so it is slightly more complex than M44. That may also be a good option for you (and it has blocks for pieces, though it is not technically a block game in the traditional sense). I really enjoy C&C Napoleonics. It feels like the pinnacle of the system in a lot of ways as it's highly refined.


This past weekend, my sister gave me two gifts. She knows I'm into games, has a friend who's really into games, and so took his recommendations. Turns out he's into a specific type of game...she got a list of 10 titles from him, every one an economic euro.

She got me Arkwright and Spyrium. I can't say I'm a huge economic game fan (I've got Power Grid still sitting unplayed) so I'm pretty sure I'm going to do an exchange. However, I'm not sure if I should exchange both, or if one is truly worth it to hold on to and learn to play.

Any thoughts?


This past weekend, my sister gave me two gifts. She knows I'm into games, has a friend who's really into games, and so took his recommendations. Turns out he's into a specific type of game...she got a list of 10 titles from him, every one an economic euro.

She got me Arkwright and Spyrium. I can't say I'm a huge economic game fan (I've got Power Grid still sitting unplayed) so I'm pretty sure I'm going to do an exchange. However, I'm not sure if I should exchange both, or if one is truly worth it to hold on to and learn to play.

Any thoughts?

Spyrium was a big disappointment to me. There are much better games to play out there.

I can't comment on Arkwright.


I am currently searching for a farming game for me and the wife.

I have just sold of Agricola. The reason beeing that, while I enjoy the cards and the flow of the game, it feels almost too limited. I dont mind the needing to feed your family but I wish I could build up more. Right now it feels the game doesnt really get going until the end and once your about to have a engine going and having fun, the game ends.

A few caveats: The game will only be played two player. It should have a high replayability.

Currently I am wondering wether to get Fields of Arle or Ora et Labora. Caverna was also in the picture, but it seems most people have grown tired of it after a few plays. (at least those playing mainly two player)

What are your thoughts?
I am currently searching for a farming game for me and the wife.

I have just sold of Agricola. The reason beeing that, while I enjoy the cards and the flow of the game, it feels almost too limited. I dont mind the needing to feed your family but I wish I could build up more. Right now it feels the game doesnt really get going until the end and once your about to have a engine going and having fun, the game ends.

A few caveats: The game will only be played two player. It should have a high replayability.

Currently I am wondering wether to get Fields of Arle or Ora et Labora. Caverna was also in the picture, but it seems most people have grown tired of it after a few plays. (at least those playing mainly two player)

What are your thoughts?
Ora is good, but I feel that Glass Road is a better more refined version of it. Glass Road plays great with two as well. The only caveat is both games are not really farming games.

Caverna is great but it's basically Agricola. If you felt limited by Agricola, Caverna is not going to change your mind.

As for farming games I have not played but look good, Fields of Arle and La Granja. Both games look fantastic. La Granja has a Glory to Rome style card mechanic that looks like a blast to play. I have this preordered from Stronghold games and it should be here next month. Fields of Arle looks like more Rosenberg, but the wife and I are big fans of his games so more Rosenberg and a great thing for us.


Spyrium was a big disappointment to me. There are much better games to play out there.

I can't comment on Arkwright.

Bummer to hear about Spyrium...it seemed the more accessible between the two, and I hate to return both. Looking into Arkwright, it just seems so massive and dry. Massive, I'm fine with, but adding dry in there, and it just becomes 'doing taxes'...which is not a game.

By the way, this thread rocks.


I am currently searching for a farming game for me and the wife.

I have just sold of Agricola. The reason beeing that, while I enjoy the cards and the flow of the game, it feels almost too limited. I dont mind the needing to feed your family but I wish I could build up more. Right now it feels the game doesnt really get going until the end and once your about to have a engine going and having fun, the game ends.

A few caveats: The game will only be played two player. It should have a high replayability.

Currently I am wondering wether to get Fields of Arle or Ora et Labora. Caverna was also in the picture, but it seems most people have grown tired of it after a few plays. (at least those playing mainly two player)

What are your thoughts?

Its not farming technically, but it feels similar -- check out Rosenburg's god-tier Le Havre. You have to feed but its no where near the ball and chain it is in Agricola.
I am currently searching for a farming game for me and the wife.

Well the thing with Agricola is that you never get everything going, but early on in the game you should have one or two mini engines going on, like breeding animals for food or making bread while sowing, or taking a few extra materials every time you go to the pond etc. I'm not saying you were playing it wrong, but you can get that feeling of building after a few plays when you get accustomed to it.

Have you looked into "At the gates of Loyang"? Simple, farming and you are building mini engines based on your fields and customers, highly recommended for two. Me and the wife really like it.

If you just want to build engines take a look at Ora et Labora which is getting reprinted, that game is all about the crazy combos. I'm not crazy about how the game ends for two players but I like it a lot. Haven't played enough of the other Uwe's games to make a recommendation.

This past weekend, my sister gave me two gifts.

Both are well regarded games but yeah, there are probably better out there. What kind of games you like?


Hmm, I like a variety of games...guess in my collection, my favorites would be:

Cosmic Encounter
Arkham Horror
Smash Up
Clue Master Detective
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective
Ticket to Ride
One Night Werewolf
Formula De

lately, we've had fun with:
Sushi Go
Bang the Dice Game
Lords of Vegas

Posted it before in this thread, but this is my game shelf:


Thanks for the replies. Ended up going for Le Havre in the end. It seems to be the game that hits exactly what I want the most. Thanks so much for suggesting that. Had not thought of that myself.


Having a baby has drastically reduced my opportunity to play board games. Also, the majority of my at-work gaming group members are seriously considering moving to their respective home states within the next year (we have a great telework program). So I feel my collection is now rotting on the shelves. :(

On the plus side, I bought an iPad again, so at least I can fall back on digital board games.

I have a friend who has been singing it's praises (I don't have Witcher 3 though). A LCG-style pack for the game's cards would be pretty sweet to try out.

Gwent is a brokenly simple pay2win experience that would need tremendous rebalancing to function as a stand-alone card game. That said, Pixel Tactics should scratch the same itch (apart from the card art).


Did anybody pick up the PACG modules for TTS before they got taken down? I saw them in December and passed over them and now I regret it lol.

Edit: Speaking of PACG, googling for nuances in the rules has been really rough for my S&S play sessions. It's like google changed their algorithm or something because I don't get nearly as many paizo.com results.


Edit: Speaking of PACG, googling for nuances in the rules has been really rough for my S&S play sessions. It's like google changed their algorithm or something because I don't get nearly as many paizo.com results.
In case you weren't aware, you can tell Google to give you results from paizo.com by adding "site:paizo.com" to your search query.


In case you weren't aware, you can tell Google to give you results from paizo.com by adding "site:paizo.com" to your search query.
Please forgive my going off-topic momentarily: I feel like Google has gone downhill for me the last few years.

You used to be able to use +whatever to make "whatever" mandatory in a search, but now the only way I can seem to force Google to search what I type is using "allintext: " before the search terms. Otherwise it will automatically change things or give you similar results without even asking.

Currently allintext: and site: prefixes still give you some power, but it's annoying to have to use those, and I think I've especially had problems trying to google for lower-level programming / operating system stuff.

Also, Google STILL has the troll (malware?) valve dot software site as the #1 result for "valve". I reported it, and even told a friend who works at Google a couple of days ago, and they said they'd report it internally. It's still there. It's apparently been there throughout E3. I have no clue why.


Gwent is a brokenly simple pay2win experience that would need tremendous rebalancing to function as a stand-alone card game. That said, Pixel Tactics should scratch the same itch (apart from the card art).

Yes but only because it's a ccg in W3. It should be made as a complete package, much like blue mooon.
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