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New Board Gaming |OT2| On Tables, Off Topic

Apparently I got Lords of Waterdeep just in time. It's back up to $38 USD on Amazon now.

Quoting since I ended up at the bottom of the page. Does anyone have any strong feelings on this?

Put it on it's end and see how awesome that tray\box lid combo really is. I give them an A for effort, but it doesn't work right in practice.


Put it on it's end and see how awesome that tray\box lid combo really is. I give them an A for effort, but it doesn't work right in practice.
Oh I know, I'm definitely keeping it horizontal. It seems like it may work okay in that orientation.

*edit* I quoted the wrong post! I meant to ask about this for the new page instead:

Blizzard said:
What's the best way to make it a fun game for 2 players? Is it only removing mandatory quests? I might try one 2-player game with the original rules first, but I did see this post:
I usually takes the mandatory quests out and a few of the less useful when in 2-player intrigue cards. Makes the game a little less mean and swingy for those lucky enough to draw a mandatory quest. Also makes the intrigue deck still worth drawing from.
Mandatory quests I remove, but also the ones that say something like "each player removes X, for every player that cannot do so, you gain Y". Kinda lame when there's only two people. It just makes the intrigue deck a little tighter in terms of useful cards.


play one game with everything intact just to see how it flows, then start taking stuff out. Although my wife and I don't work well with mean games (her more then me) the mandatory quests really arent that bad in waterdeep, and my wife and I do rarely play them, but they can help slow the other person down if it feels they are getting too far ahead in points. If I'm playing a mandatory quest against my wife, its because she's clearly in the lead, and it can try and make it a closer game, normally shes the same.


I have a shrink wrapped copy of Shadows of Brimstone:City of Ancients that has been sitting around for a while. I just don't have the space to set it up. Apparently it is now OOP because the Amazon and BGG prices are going above retail. I want to sell it but its stupid giant box is keeping me from trying. What I would have to charge to make my money back would be kind of nuts I think. Frustration. It takes up space in my limited game closet and I will never take it out of the shrink. I am sure other people on here have impulse bought stupid stuff but man this feels bad! If only the box was reasonable I could get rid of it easy!

my best thoughts are try to trade for something similar in value.

though really I just need to make some friends in madison wi that want to trade/buy some of my board games.


my best thoughts are try to trade for something similar in value.

though really I just need to make some friends in madison wi that want to trade/buy some of my board games.

I really need to figure out how Math Trades works on BGG so I can participate in the Gen Con in-person one and dump a few games without worrying about shipping.


I celebrated not one big stupid game by buying another. Super Dungeon Explore The Forgotten King. I have played a good bit of the old version and really liked it so I am pretty excited. Unlike SoB it will fit on my table!
I really need to figure out how Math Trades works on BGG so I can participate in the Gen Con in-person one and dump a few games without worrying about shipping.

I can help with that. it does look daunting at first, databases and spreadsheets? oh boy... but it's pretty simple once you start doing it. I've never done an in-person one though, only US-shipping only ones. The OP of most math trades will have some links to beginners guides and a youtube video for the "duplicate protection."
I really need to figure out how Math Trades works on BGG so I can participate in the Gen Con in-person one and dump a few games without worrying about shipping.
Here's a handy video that talks about how math trades work.

Just to give you a 10,000 foot overview, you have game A. I have game B. Bob has game C. I want game A, you want game C, and Bob wants game B. I trade Bob game B for C and then trade you game A for game C. Now do that with a couple people and a couple thousand games. That's a math trade.

It definitely looks intimidating but the idea is just as simple as the example above. The best way to get into math trades is just do one. Once you do one it will all makes sense. You can also make it easy on yourself and just add one game. Math trades only get tricky when you have multiple games going and then you start getting into duplicate protection. With one game the math trade becomes more manageable for yourself.

The big thing you have to keep in mind is there is no risk. If you don't want a game, don't add it to your want list. You will never get a game you did not add to your want list.
How simple that game looks actually made me look it up. Sems quite interesting. Might be something i could get into but 3 hours playing time....

It's a really elegant war game, and I feel the play time goes by pretty fast. Then again, the way I play long 2 player games like that is to either take breaks or play nightly so can't really comment on sitting down for a singular session like that.


Yeah, Sekigahara doesn't necessarily take 3 hours, as it can end before that.
It's not one of those games that has a set number of rounds. It could end on the first round, if someone makes a really bad move.
So the length of the game really depends on how good the players are.


How simple that game looks actually made me look it up. Sems quite interesting. Might be something i could get into but 3 hours playing time....

The guy I played with at the con and I both had many games under our belts, so we actually finished in about 90 minutes. The game moves quick once both players get a handle on it.


I found the Lords of Waterdeep box organization diagram on the second-to-last page of the manual. They seem to have put so much thought into the box (spaces for the 100 VP tokens, just enough space for building ownership tokens, finger depressions for easily removing pieces, clever double slants below card decks so you can get them out without scraping the edge of cards), that it's odd my tray didn't have enough room for VPs tokens and square gold pieces.

Both those slots were maybe 3/8" too short, so I was left with 2-4 VP tokens and 2-4 gold pieces, rather annoying if you're OCD. :p Fortunately there was enough space to dump the leftovers next to the building tiles under the middle deck.


I found the Lords of Waterdeep box organization diagram on the second-to-last page of the manual. They seem to have put so much thought into the box (spaces for the 100 VP tokens, just enough space for building ownership tokens, finger depressions for easily removing pieces, clever double slants below card decks so you can get them out without scraping the edge of cards), that it's odd my tray didn't have enough room for VPs tokens and square gold pieces.

Both those slots were maybe 3/8" too short, so I was left with 2-4 VP tokens and 2-4 gold pieces, rather annoying if you're OCD. :p Fortunately there was enough space to dump the leftovers next to the building tiles under the middle deck.

They should absolutely utterly all fit. Weird. You're putting them into one big long 'stack', all orientated the same way, right?


They should absolutely utterly all fit. Weird. You're putting them into one big long 'stack', all orientated the same way, right?
Yep. Both the gold and victory points fit perfectly, it's just there are 2-4 left over and no way to cram them in. *edit* I'm guessing it was a manufacturing glitch.
I found the Lords of Waterdeep box organization diagram on the second-to-last page of the manual. They seem to have put so much thought into the box (spaces for the 100 VP tokens, just enough space for building ownership tokens, finger depressions for easily removing pieces, clever double slants below card decks so you can get them out without scraping the edge of cards), that it's odd my tray didn't have enough room for VPs tokens and square gold pieces.

Both those slots were maybe 3/8" too short, so I was left with 2-4 VP tokens and 2-4 gold pieces, rather annoying if you're OCD. :p Fortunately there was enough space to dump the leftovers next to the building tiles under the middle deck.

same here. I got my copy on Monday from the Amazon/Walmart price wars. I have the exact same problem but thought they might be spares or the slots would stretch over time. I just put them on the flat parts between the designated areas, doesn't bother me. What bothers me is the 100 point pieces, not really necessary.


same here. I got my copy on Monday from the Amazon/Walmart price wars. I have the exact same problem but thought they might be spares or the slots would stretch over time. I just put them on the flat parts between the designated areas, doesn't bother me. What bothers me is the 100 point pieces, not really necessary.
I think one of the few times I've played the game before, someone had over 100 points, so I can at least appreciate them being included.
same here. I got my copy on Monday from the Amazon/Walmart price wars. I have the exact same problem but thought they might be spares or the slots would stretch over time. I just put them on the flat parts between the designated areas, doesn't bother me. What bothers me is the 100 point pieces, not really necessary.

It's especially needed for the expansion.


I think I've gone through most of the Lords of Waterdeep rules and ran across a couple of corner cases that I didn't see answers to. I haven't checked boardgamegeek forums yet.

  1. If there is only 1 orange cube in a supply, and an action would earn 2 orange cubes, are you forbidden from taking the action? Or, can you take it, but you only earn 1?
  2. If there are not enough cubes in the supply to satisfy both the owner and action-taker for a building, does the owner get the reward first (and the action-taker potentially loses out on a certain cube type)?
  3. If all building squares are filled, are you still allowed to build off the board? Or, are no more buildings allowed? (If no more buildings are allowed, can you still take the building space and just do nothing, if you are crazy?) As far as I understand, more than 8 buildings are only possible if someone has the Zoarstar thing that lets you double up on an action space.
Yeah, we regularly get scores over 100 irl and on the app version. For irl we just loop around the score track again and remember, it's usually towards the end. Same thing for Ticket to Ride.


I think I've gone through most of the Lords of Waterdeep rules and ran across a couple of corner cases that I didn't see answers to. I haven't checked boardgamegeek forums yet.

  1. If there is only 1 orange cube in a supply, and an action would earn 2 orange cubes, are you forbidden from taking the action? Or, can you take it, but you only earn 1?
  2. If there are not enough cubes in the supply to satisfy both the owner and action-taker for a building, does the owner get the reward first (and the action-taker potentially loses out on a certain cube type)?
  3. If all building squares are filled, are you still allowed to build off the board? Or, are no more buildings allowed? (If no more buildings are allowed, can you still take the building space and just do nothing, if you are crazy?) As far as I understand, more than 8 buildings are only possible if someone has the Zoarstar thing that lets you double up on an action space.

1 - you take the action & get 1 cube.
2 - the action taker takes the action first, the owner gets a benefit /because/ of the action being done, so the action-taker would get the 1 cube. Owner may lose out in your example.
3 - building spots are not limited, just put them beside the board, at the top etc. It's perfect feasible to have more buildings than spots on the board, it's relatively common (and a question that gets asked a lot).


1 - you take the action & get 1 cube.
2 - the action taker takes the action first, the owner gets a benefit /because/ of the action being done, so the action-taker would get the 1 cube. Owner may lose out in your example.
3 - building spots are not limited, just put them beside the board, at the top etc. It's perfect feasible to have more buildings than spots on the board, it's relatively common (and a question that gets asked a lot).
Thanks. I wasn't sure on 2 because of the "immediately" language on page 13 about the owner section, saying to do it immediately when an agent is assigned to the space.


I really need to figure out how Math Trades works on BGG so I can participate in the Gen Con in-person one and dump a few games without worrying about shipping.

Does someone put up a Gencon thread at some point? I'm going as well, and wouldn't mind meeting some of you and playing some games.


More Lords of Waterdeep questions.

  1. Page 9 says, "you still can't assign more than 1 Agent per turn", but page 10 says, "Regardless of how many Agents you assign or reassign on your turn, you can complete only one Quest that turn." Why does it say this if you can only ever assign 1 per turn? Is it talking about the Ambassador if you're also the first player (meaning the Ambassador counts as part of your first turn)?
  2. If you use the Ambassador on your turn, does it stay on the selected action space forever until someone uses the building to grab the Ambassador again? Does this mean the Ambassador can be used to block certain action spaces temporarily?
  3. Similar to the above, could you be a troll and put the Ambassador on the Palace of Waterdeep, effectively preventing the Ambassador from ever being used again?


More Lords of Waterdeep questions.

  1. Page 9 says, "you still can't assign more than 1 Agent per turn", but page 10 says, "Regardless of how many Agents you assign or reassign on your turn, you can complete only one Quest that turn." Why does it say this if you can only ever assign 1 per turn? Is it talking about the Ambassador if you're also the first player (meaning the Ambassador counts as part of your first turn)?
  2. If you use the Ambassador on your turn, does it stay on the selected action space forever until someone uses the building to grab the Ambassador again? Does this mean the Ambassador can be used to block certain action spaces temporarily?
  3. Similar to the above, could you be a troll and put the Ambassador on the Palace of Waterdeep, effectively preventing the Ambassador from ever being used again?

For the '1 agent per turn' - they mean the basic flow is assign an agent, then complete 1 & only 1 quest. There are mechanisms to break that through intrigue & quests. New players often thing a player assigns all their agents, completes as many quests, then the second player assigns all agents. The rules are trying to tell you otherwise.

Ambassador comes off the board at the end of the round, I believe, along with all agents. At least, that's how it's always been played. So no trolling. Though it's a perfectly great way to block an action for a round.


So, bought Devastation of Indines.

2 hours later and I'm still sorting out all the cards and tokens and stuff.

Now I have to fit them all back into the box.

I guess I have to get rid of the insert? How is it even remotely useful? :S

Saw some cool "Character Select" screen-type of custom inserts made on BGG, but jesus, I don't have the materials for that..


So, bought Devastation of Indines.

2 hours later and I'm still sorting out all the cards and tokens and stuff.

Now I have to fit them all back into the box.

I guess I have to get rid of the insert? How is it even remotely useful? :S

Saw some cool "Character Select" screen-type of custom inserts made on BGG, but jesus, I don't have the materials for that..

Still not sure if I want to add this to my Millennium Blades order. I got the initial print run of War, but I don't know how much of an impact all the errata had, and it would be like USD$90 just to add Devastation (nevermind re-ordering War and gifting/selling my other copy).



So, bought Devastation of Indines.

2 hours later and I'm still sorting out all the cards and tokens and stuff.

Now I have to fit them all back into the box.

I guess I have to get rid of the insert? How is it even remotely useful? :S

Saw some cool "Character Select" screen-type of custom inserts made on BGG, but jesus, I don't have the materials for that..

I can't fit the insert because of all the stuff (KS backer). :p
And yeah, the Character Select screen is awesome but if you can't print the stuff yourself you probably have to find a local printshop. I have found one here but the prices are high so I have to ask a friend to help me put togheter the materials into as few pages as possible if I am gonna do it.

Still not sure if I want to add this to my Millennium Blades order. I got the initial print run of War, but I don't know how much of an impact all the errata had, and it would be like USD$90 just to add Devastation (nevermind re-ordering War and gifting/selling my other copy).


I think Devastation is a great package. 90 USD is a lot so you probably wanna be really sure about it. What I can tell you though is that its a huge step up from the original Battlecon in quality (bigger and better tokens, quality art on all cards, bosses, solo/co-op mode dungeons etc. etc.) if that helps in the decision making.


We played Lords of Waterdeep with 2 players last night, but unfortunately compared to games like Tzolk'in I ended up with a bunch of questions. The answer to most or all of these SEEMS obvious, but I was still not 100% certain. Some things the rules did not seem to make explicitly clear.

  1. If you are given multiple mandatory quests, do you have complete the newest one first, or can you do the mandatory quests in any order? I didn't see instructions about putting the newest one at the top of a quest list or something.
  2. Is there any limit to the number of quest cards you can have uncompleted? I had a bunch reserved to the left of my tavern.
  3. Is there any hand size limit for intrigue cards? I had a bunch of these too.
  4. Bribery/zoarstar: Both of these mechanics seem to suggest just PICKING an action, and not actually placing an Agent. Do you actually place an Agent, or just pick a spot and execute it as part of your current action?
  5. The rules include a special mention about using zoarstar to pick harbor. If you are NOT placing an Agent, how would this make sense? Do you just have to remember which spot you picked for later, virtual, reassignment?
  6. Can you use adventurers you gained from taking an action to immediately complete a quest that same turn? As in, I play an Agent to draw two black cubes, and immediately follow that action with a quest completion that uses the two black cubes?
  7. Mandatory quests are intrigue cards, so I don't know if this means they get special treatment. Can you complete a mandatory and normal quest in the same turn?
  8. Can I use Recover the Magister's Orb to double-place an agent when reassigning, or only double-place during initial assignment?
  9. Can you use Accelerate Plans to remove the very same agent used to play the Accelerate Plans card?


We played Lords of Waterdeep with 2 players last night, but unfortunately compared to games like Tzolk'in I ended up with a bunch of questions. The answer to most or all of these SEEMS obvious, but I was still not 100% certain. Some things the rules did not seem to make explicitly clear.

  1. If you are given multiple mandatory quests, do you have complete the newest one first, or can you do the mandatory quests in any order? I didn't see instructions about putting the newest one at the top of a quest list or something.
  2. Is there any limit to the number of quest cards you can have uncompleted? I had a bunch reserved to the left of my tavern.
  3. Is there any hand size limit for intrigue cards? I had a bunch of these too.
  4. Bribery/zoarstar: Both of these mechanics seem to suggest just PICKING an action, and not actually placing an Agent. Do you actually place an Agent, or just pick a spot and execute it as part of your current action?
  5. The rules include a special mention about using zoarstar to pick harbor. If you are NOT placing an Agent, how would this make sense? Do you just have to remember which spot you picked for later, virtual, reassignment?
  6. Can you use adventurers you gained from taking an action to immediately complete a quest that same turn? As in, I play an Agent to draw two black cubes, and immediately follow that action with a quest completion that uses the two black cubes?
  7. Mandatory quests are intrigue cards, so I don't know if this means they get special treatment. Can you complete a mandatory and normal quest in the same turn?
  8. Can I use Recover the Magister's Orb to double-place an agent when reassigning, or only double-place during initial assignment?
  9. Can you use Accelerate Plans to remove the very same agent used to play the Accelerate Plans card?

No, do them in any order, but have to do all of them before any normal quests
Can't remember but there are definitely times that a spot or card will let you take a different action without placing an agent for that separate action.
Can't remember. My guess is it lets you play an intrigue card but ignores the rest of the harbor rules.
No, 1 quest per turn, barring other special cards.
We played 4 players game and it was a big hit with my family. I was surprise actually that they really enjoy it. I like it a lot too. I passed up on this game after watching it on BGG Game Night but 24.99 and such a high score on BGG, I figure I would give it a try and it worth it even if I paid full price.



No, do them in any order, but have to do all of them before any normal quests
Can't remember but there are definitely times that a spot or card will let you take a different action without placing an agent for that separate action.
Can't remember. My guess is it lets you play an intrigue card but ignores the rest of the harbor rules.
No, 1 quest per turn, barring other special cards.
Thanks for the answers. I'm still a little confused about the harbor one with choosing an action space, because of the rules clarification section, but that's pretty much the only one left.


I'd go for 7 wonders and zombicide, just because I love both of those games. (zombies!!! is pretty stupid) And while I like betrayal it can overstay its welcome. I've overplayed it a bit with friends. Takenoko I haven't played, but seems like a great game though. If you want something to scratch that zombie itch thats also co-op you can't get much better then zombicide.


Great game day with friends. Between different tables, a variety of games played including D&D Drizzit, Guildhall & a couple I didn't recognise.

For me, the big game was one we'd been planning for a few weeks - Andean Abyss. GMT published card-driven war game in the COIN series, it's really a ridiculously heavy area control game with the trappings of a war game. Twilight Struggle with 4 assymetric sides, and only 1 card in play at a time, no cards in hand. *Ridiculously* good fun if any of this sounds interesting :) It had a steep learning curve for us, but we all had fun, and were still talking about it long after it finished.

After that, I taught "A Study In Emerald" to 3 new players with for a total of 5. A bit of a struggle at times, for various reasons, but I thoroughly love this game & wish I could afford to own it. This instance focused on assassinations early for some reason, before we moved over to controlling cities & grabbing points. In the end, the Reconstructionists won after a ridiculously smart play by one (of only two on that side) to make sure his allegedly hidden teammate had enough points to sneak by our Loyalists' worst player, ensuring the three of us were eliminated. Love this game.

After a few folk left, we wrapped up the night with an oldie "Viva Pamplona!" - it's the running of the bull, mixing Cartagena's "you've got 3 dudes but can only move 2 at a time" with random dice rolls, take-that mechanics to screw over other people etc. A lot of fun, a great way to end it.


I played Lords of Waterdeep with 5 and Libertalia with 6 at a game day today. Both games went over pretty well, though I ended up thoroughly in the middle both times.

I was first place after 2 Libertalia weeks but could not get a huge final week I guess, sadly.


After buying FITS recently, I bought Travel Blokus/Blokus Duo last week. I managed to try it out against my daughter after her birthday party; I lost to her by ten points.she kept wanting to match up edges instead of connecting pieces by corners and I'm pretty sure she was just randomly placing pieces with no thought to strategy, but she won. I definitely see how it could be ruthless though, trying to wall off your opponent. I am looking forward to playing it again only with my wife.
I played a 5 player game of Spyfall with my coworkers. It was a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to playing it again with them and with other people. Even though I own the real copy now I'm still considering making a print and play version so I could add my own locations. I've found that I really enjoy deduction games and all of the games I'm excited for this year involve deduction. Witness, Spyfall, Two Rooms and a Boom, Mysterium, Codenames. I worry it's too many but they feel varied enough to me and I think deduction is just such a satisfying mechanic that I will probably get them all :3.


Hey all. I've been busy with work but focusing on two games mostly as of late....

Castles of Burgundy: Wow. Totally worth all of the praise! For a game with such a loose theme, I couldn't believe how much me and my fiancee took to playing this. We play at least a couple of times a week at this point and still feel like we have a lot of strategy to discover. I love the quiet strategy involved with it combined with the subtle ways you can throw your opponents strategy. Tomorrow I am going to the post office tomorrow to trade my copy of Galaxy Defenders for Trajan, since I want to experience some more Steven Feld-designed games.

VIva Java: The Coffee Game: The Dice Game: This game kind of scratched the itch for a King Of Tokyo-esque push your luck dice game. Love the components and love how portable the game is (the travel bag is a burlap sack!). I took this on a trip to San Fran for a weekend with my friends and we played about 6 rounds or so, each of us taking home equal wins.

At this point, my collection is as follows. Keeping in mind I started collecting near the top of the year, I am pretty happy with this collection and will probably not be collecting anymore (unless I do a trade or something):

Forbidden Desert
7 Wonders
Survive! (with 5/6 player expansion)
Castles of Burgundy
VivaJava: The Coffee Game: The Dice Game
Cards Against Humanity
Snake Oil: Party Potion
Trajan (hopefully soon!)
Found Pandemic in the Lab on clearance at B&N but I didn't realize you also need On the Brink to play. Well at least I also got Battlestar Galactica for $22.00. Should be fun for next game day.


anyone in here know anything about gameholecon?

i just heard about it and since it's close to me in madison I am likely going to go check it out but I was curious if anyone had gone to it in the last two years (i think this might only be it's third year) and how things were there.


For me, the big game was one we'd been planning for a few weeks - Andean Abyss. GMT published card-driven war game in the COIN series, it's really a ridiculously heavy area control game with the trappings of a war game. Twilight Struggle with 4 assymetric sides, and only 1 card in play at a time, no cards in hand. *Ridiculously* good fun if any of this sounds interesting :) It had a steep learning curve for us, but we all had fun, and were still talking about it long after it finished.

Woo! System needs more love. Andean Abyss is great.

I played some Fire in the Lake at CSW this week, as well as saw some playtest demos for upcoming games in the series. Brian Train (the guy who co-designed A Distant Plan, the COIN game about Afghanistan) is working on a two-player COIN game about the French-Algerian war of the 1950s and 60s (it looks great, and super fast-playing), and another four player entry about the Japanese invasion of China in the 1930s.

Cat Party

Got in Boss Monster 2, pretty bummed to find that the cards are almost matte finish, while the original game was glossy coated. They are supposed to be compatible, but the different card stocks are way too different.

How is Boss Monster 2? I liked the original but it lacked variety.
So I made my Gen Con pickup list, and it's surprisingly small. Partially because I did a lot less "I have to buy this at the con and cannot wait a few weeks" and partially because there was less I was excited about this year. So many hidden information/deduction games. That Love Letter popularity is strong.

It's probably also tempered by the number of Kickstarters I have incoming soon, too.
How is Boss Monster 2? I liked the original but it lacked variety.

Its kind of more of the same, a few new card types that kinda mix things up now. Dark Heroes is biggest change to the game, where some heroes are "darker" and essentially while going through a dungeon, other players at the table can discard rooms from their hand of a certain treasure type, to basically make that hero have more hit points. So now not all heroes can simply waltz through to their death, players have more ways to mess with your dungeon.
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