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New Board Gaming |OT2| On Tables, Off Topic


Played my first solo Arcade Mode of Super Dungeon Explore:The Forgotten King. I had read a bunch of complaints about it being really hard to run but I had absolutely no problem. Maybe it is because I have played hex and counter type games solo a lot but there was not too much to keep track of and the AI rules are pretty simple and require no rolling which saves a lot of time. Really cant wait for them to re-release some of the old expansions to buff up my monster/loot options. The game is certainly one of my favorite dungeon crawls I have played and the miniature quality is pretty crazy for assembled stuff.


Anyone out there try out Warfighter yet? Bit tempted to pick this one up, but curious if anyone has any experiences to share.
I almost got to try it out this past weekend. I looked at the event listing for StormCon in Charleston this past weekend and someone had volunteered to run a tutorial session, which was something I wanted to take part in. My daughter's birthday party was that day though and Charleston is a two hour drive away so I had to miss it.
It seems like it plays like a DVG game. Components look good to me and I love that they used real service-members on the cards, but I believe I read someone ITT saying that the components were of bad quality, which surprised me. Someone has spoken about it in here before though, so maybe they'll chime in.
Now that the reprint has come out with the updated rule book (no errata but it includes rules for the upcoming expansions), I'll probably jump on a bundled auction from NWS since they always have a nice little discount on DVG product.
Anyone out there try out Warfighter yet? Bit tempted to pick this one up, but curious if anyone has any experiences to share.

Great game, components are pretty crummy quality but the game is solid fun coop. Already looking at updating it with better components like others have been trying on BGG. A later release coming later with the foot locker is going to include a new board for the game instead of the cheap poster play mat
Woo! System needs more love. Andean Abyss is great.

I played some Fire in the Lake at CSW this week, as well as saw some playtest demos for upcoming games in the series. Brian Train (the guy who co-designed A Distant Plan, the COIN game about Afghanistan) is working on a two-player COIN game about the French-Algerian war of the 1950s and 60s (it looks great, and super fast-playing), and another four player entry about the Japanese invasion of China in the 1930s.
Brian Train's COIN just hit P500. Also did the expansion for Cuba Libre (!) which is totally unexpected.


Brian Train's COIN just hit P500. Also did the expansion for Cuba Libre (!) which is totally unexpected.

Just saw that. The Cuba Libre expansion should add some nice replayability to that game.

I got a chance to meet Brian Train at CSW last week, and he gave me a walkthrough of Colonial Twilight. Super interesting design; the action choice matrix has been reworked for two players such that one player will always have the "initiative" (they go first) as long as they take only Faction Op actions or pass, but that allows their opponent to take events or Op+Special Activity. Really interesting jockeying for actions, it seems like. The cards don't have turn order icons on them (for obvious reasons). And in a turn, the insurgent faction only has one kind of piece, while the government (French) are actually working with four different types of troops. Should make for a real interesting game in the series. Brian said that it plays super fast.
Has anyone played Vye? I just saw it at my local game store today and decided to pick it up. It was a Kickstarter and retail copies got released about a month or so ago. I haven't played it yet, but i read through the rules and watched a tutorial on YouTube. Seems easy enough to learn, which will be perfect for my wife. And the art is fantastic!

Could anyone list the names of the titles in the Wall of Games picture? They all look interesting and I have no clue where to start with playing board games outside of Risk so I want a bunch of stuff to look up.

Want to grab a whole bunch of things for when I have people over. Imagine some of the more interesting games would be hard for that due to all of the rules though.


Could anyone list the names of the titles in the Wall of Games picture? They all look interesting and I have no clue where to start with playing board games outside of Risk so I want a bunch of stuff to look up.

Want to grab a whole bunch of things for when I have people over. Imagine some of the more interesting games would be hard for that due to all of the rules though.

A good place to start is - how many people do you think you'll play games with (this can be more than one answer, since it can be more than one situation)

Understanding game rules is not a big deal most of the time, at least with the most popular games


3. Sekigahara
4. Agricola All Creatures Big and Small
5. Coup
6. Skull
7. Railways of the World
8. Love Letter
9. Descent Second Edition
10. Expedition: Northwest Passage
11. 7 Wonders
12. String Railway
13. Tales of the Arabian Nights
14. King of Tokyo
15. The Resistance

Thanks for listing them!

And 4-5 players is probably what I'd generally want to play with. Certainly no more than that except on the rarest occasions. A few two player games would be nice to get as well.

Games with roleplaying/adventure elements like Eldrich Horror and Tales of the Arabian Nights are the ones that really pop out at me. For the former would you want to pick up the expansions alongside the base game right away? Also really like the playing pieces in Agricola so that pops out. So many games out there!

Edit: Sekigahara seems pretty interesting as a two player game.
Thanks for listing them!

And 4-5 players is probably what I'd generally want to play with. Certainly no more than that except on the rarest occasions. A few two player games would be nice to get as well.

Games with roleplaying/adventure elements like Eldrich Horror and Tales of the Arabian Nights are the ones that really pop out at me. For the former would you want to pick up the expansions alongside the base game right away? Also really like the playing pieces in Agricola so that pops out. So many games out there!

Edit: Sekigahara seems pretty interesting as a two player game.
Eldritch is ok with just core to start with, but after few games you might want to get expansion as the cards will start to repeat. I usually like to play few vanilla games before adding in expansion. The first Eldritch expansion, Forsaken Lore also make the game a lot harder.

Splendor, Ticket to Ride and Lords of Waterdeep are some good gateway games. For co-op games, Pandemic, Eldritch Horror and Dead of Winter are the one I enjoy. Rules are pretty easy as there are plenty of video of play through on YouTubes. And BGG and Esoteric Order site have plenty of rule summary, guide that help with learning and playing. For two players game most of the above will play just as well with just 2-3 players.


A good place to start is - how many people do you think you'll play games with (this can be more than one answer, since it can be more than one situation)

Understanding game rules is not a big deal most of the time, at least with the most popular games

I think another important question to ask your group is how important is theme. It is a pretty important factor when picking a game.

Boardgamegeek is also a great resource. I use it all the time when researching new games and watching how to play videos.


I think another important question to ask your group is how important is theme. It is a pretty important factor when picking a game.

When I started out, I don't think I had any idea of how to answer that question, or what it really meant.

I say, just think about the group size, gauge what type of engagement they'd be into (something more social? Something more mathy? Something more cutthroat? Something where you play co-op?) and start out with a solid, popular, highly rated game in that category.
So is Caverna worth owning if I own Agricola? While they seem similar at the core Carverna seems to add more flavor while still being the same core experience. My group likes Agricola and would probably really enjoy Caverna as well with the raids and easier time feeding. I just don't want to plop the cash down if they offer pretty much the same experience barring a few differences. Cause if I don't purchase Caverna than Terra Mystica may be next on my list.


Can anyone with a copy of Kakerlakenpoker (Royal) tell me how many of each animal there is in the deck? I'm trying to track down a copy but in the meantime I want to use cards from another game to get me a makeshift copy going whilst I wait.

So is Caverna worth owning if I own Agricola? While they seem similar at the core Carverna seems to add more flavor while still being the same core experience. My group likes Agricola and would probably really enjoy Caverna as well with the raids and easier time feeding. I just don't want to plop the cash down if they offer pretty much the same experience barring a few differences. Cause if I don't purchase Caverna than Terra Mystica may be next on my list.

They're pretty similar for sure. The biggest things for me are 1) less feeding stress (good) and 2) less variety through lack of occupation/improvements (not so good).

I like Caverna for sure, but I'd spice up my collection with Terra Mystica over it any day if I already had Agricola.


Can anyone with a copy of Kakerlakenpoker (Royal) tell me how many of each animal there is in the deck? I'm trying to track down a copy but in the meantime I want to use cards from another game to get me a makeshift copy going whilst I wait.

Why is everyone suddenly talking about this game?


Anyone here play the FFG Star Wars RPG (Edge of the Empire, Force and Destiny)? I'm a HUGE Imperial Assault, but never have played anything like D&D.


I picked up the Fairy Tale card game on a whim in a Barnes & Noble today. Unfortunately at least with the basic rules, it seems VERY basic for 2 players. I'll try to at least play it with the advanced cards and rules once.

Players take turns picking cards and passing hands, 7 Wonders style, and then playing 3 out of the 5 cards they chose. What seems like it will happen at least with 2 players is, you just pick stuff that combos well with yourself and largely ignore the other player. Then whoever happened to get the best combo draws wins. We both had all 12 cards face up at the end.


I picked up the Fairy Tale card game on a whim in a Barnes & Noble today. Unfortunately at least with the basic rules, it seems VERY basic for 2 players. I'll try to at least play it with the advanced cards and rules once.

Players take turns picking cards and passing hands, 7 Wonders style, and then playing 3 out of the 5 cards they chose. What seems like it will happen at least with 2 players is, you just pick stuff that combos well with yourself and largely ignore the other player. Then whoever happened to get the best combo draws wins. We both had all 12 cards face up at the end.

One of my friends, a big fan of this game for years now, says that this game is much better with the Among The Stars style of drafting, for two players.

Personally, SU&SD reminded me it was on my to check out list. Probably that.

Ahh, I went and read their review. It seems a lot of people have been weighing in on it a bit negatively (particularly the Royal version), but I think it's the best version (and you can play the basic game with it anyhow).

Anyway, to answer your question, the game has 8 cards of each animal (7 animals total), 7 Royal cards of each animal, and two extra cards (essentially a wild, and a joker)


I don't think I've played Among The Stars. How exactly does its drafting work?

I'm just gonna shamelessly copy this from BGG

- deal each player five cards, each chooses and passes on four
- each draws one card from the deck, keeps one and discards one and passes on three
- each draws one card from the deck, keeps one and discards one and passes on two etc.


Anyway, to answer your question, the game has 8 cards of each animal (7 animals total), 7 Royal cards of each animal, and two extra cards (essentially a wild, and a joker)

Just to clarify, the 7 royal animals are counted in the totals of the 8 per animal type?

I.E. there's 7 bats and 1 royal bat, right?


Just to clarify, the 7 royal animals are counted in the totals of the 8 per animal type?

I.E. there's 7 bats and 1 royal bat, right?

8 normal bats, and a royal bat that can be (truthfully) claimed as either a bat or a royal. So that technically makes it 9 bats.


In a couple of minutes the deliberations for announcing the Spiel des Jahres winners are starting.

Kennerspiel des Jahres: Broom Service

Spiel des Jahres: Colt Express

Well at least I was right about my SdJ guess.


Just bought Legendary Encounters, Broken Token's divider, and 600 sleeves...here's hoping I love the game!

Please tell me I made the right choice!
I grabbed Zombicide Rue Morgue and Angry Neighbors for $100 total at a mall while on vacation. A pretty nice savings right there!

I see there is another Zombicide game and it's first expansion incoming, this one is based on fantasy.


It looks pretty good and they are raising over 3 millions now but I don't see how they are going to be able to meet the shipping date with all that minis. I like their games but the amount of Kickstarter exclusives in the game is insane and really make me not want to support them having half of the games lock behind Kickstarter paywall. It's one of the reason I skip that Xenoshyft (or however it spell game) and regret backing B-siege.

On another the note my first Kickstarter back game is already delay a month. (Thunderbirds).


It looks pretty good and they are raising over 3 millions now but I don't see how they are going to be able to meet the shipping date with all that minis. I like their games but the amount of Kickstarter exclusives in the game is insane and really make me not want to support them having half of the games lock behind Kickstarter paywall. It's one of the reason I skip that Xenoshyft (or however it spell game) and regret backing B-siege.

On another the note my first Kickstarter back game is already delay a month. (Thunderbirds).

What a lot of people do now is ship the base game with maybe one or two things in a first shipment and then all the stretch goals in a second shipment. So technically they make the initial ship date.


What a lot of people do now is ship the base game with maybe one or two things in a first shipment and then all the stretch goals in a second shipment. So technically they make the initial ship date.

Yeah. CMN have a lot of experience with Zombicide already. They hit issues on season 3 with the shipping port issues in LA, but outside of that, was largely okay.

I'm in for knight level on Black Plague. I like the direction of it, I like the variety of survivors & the new abominations etc. No interest in the various artist packs - there's a /ridiculous/ number of survivors in the kickstarter campaign already, I don't need more. Dead eye archers are tempting though...


An Attack on Titan game from Bauza and Maublanc though.

A new mechanic is introduced in the game, in which the Titan piece (played by one player) is a vertical element and the hero game pieces (played by the other players) climb it to try to take it down.

What if it is like Ghost Stories and Rampage combined? OH MAN.

Mr E.

I am a big fan of aliens and there was like a 25% off sale on the game. So yes, the dividers and sleeves cost more than the game.
I've read that sorting out the cards is a big job in the beginning. The dividers will certainly aid future plays. Enjoy your purchase.


I've read that sorting out the cards is a big job in the beginning. The dividers will certainly aid future plays. Enjoy your purchase.

Yep, that's what I heard about sorting and junk so I wanted to be prepared. I'll just sit down with it all and watch Aliens as I put it together...and maybe another movie! ha


An Attack on Titan game from Bauza and Maublanc though.

What if it is like Ghost Stories and Rampage combined? OH MAN.

It's pretty much confirmed at this point that Bauza is board gaming's resident japanophile, right?

Actually, I like a lot of Bauza's games, and I never realized Maublanc was the same guy who worked on Cash & Guns. Rampage is good fun. If Maublanc is responsible for that style of very hands-on physical gameplay, I like him.

The weak link here is Cryptozoic, a company that could easily find a way to make this arrangement boring.
It's pretty much confirmed at this point that Bauza is board gaming's resident japanophile, right?

Actually, I like a lot of Bauza's games, and I never realized Maublanc was the same guy who worked on Cash & Guns. Rampage is good fun. If Maublanc is responsible for that style of very hands-on physical gameplay, I like him.

The weak link here is Cryptozoic, a company that could easily find a way to make this arrangement boring.

Not all of Bauza's games have a japanese theme but he sure comes across as a bit of a japanophile. Agreed Cryptozoic, f that boring company.


First tragedy, then farce.
Not all of Bauza's games have a japanese theme but he sure comes across as a bit of a japanophile. Agreed Cryptozoic, f that boring company.

I met Antoine at the Tokyo Game Market. We're publishing one of his games, and both he and the codesigner (as well as Mr Malbec) were there. An odd place to finally meet him face to face since we had emailed so much.

He's a super nice guy, and he definitely grew up like a lot of us exposed to Japanese culture (video games, TV. Etc). That said, I think he's also smartly dabbling in an under served theme, which is nice.
I met Antoine at the Tokyo Game Market. We're publishing one of his games, and both he and the codesigner (as well as Mr Malbec) were there. An odd place to finally meet him face to face since we had emailed so much.

He's a super nice guy, and he definitely grew up like a lot of us exposed to Japanese culture (video games, TV. Etc). That said, I think he's also smartly dabbling in an under served theme, which is nice.

Nice, I guess that explains a lot. Does the game have an asian theme?
Anyone here play the FFG Star Wars RPG (Edge of the Empire, Force and Destiny)? I'm a HUGE Imperial Assault, but never have played anything like D&D.
I'm running an Edge of the Empire game now. I've preordered Force and Destiny and read through Age of Rebellion. My game is purely EotE though, except for races.


I'm slightly interested in edge of the empire, because I like that side of the SW universe the most - but it needs a GM and more than 2 players, right?
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