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New Board Gaming |OT2| On Tables, Off Topic

I'm slightly interested in edge of the empire, because I like that side of the SW universe the most - but it needs a GM and more than 2 players, right?
Really as long as you work with your players at character creation I think you're fine with GM + 2. I'm running 4 players, but 2 were out one night. So rather than start something else I took the bounty hunter and the hired gun off on a little side jaunt following one dudes background. It worked pretty well, because EotE is so flexible. There are "classes" in the loosest sense of the word, but Stimpacks can restore wounds with no roll and strain is easily recovered.

FFG's system for EotE might be my new favorite system because it is extremely flexible, narrative and easy to pick up. It has its issues of course, but I think the roll system does a better job of getting players involved in their character's actions than the pass/fail of D&D for instance.

Typically for rpg like that you want around 4 players and a GM at least
4 is about the sweet spot, but less is easily doable with a bit of planning I'd say.


Really as long as you work with your players at character creation I think you're fine with GM + 2. I'm running 4 players, but 2 were out one night. So rather than start something else I took the bounty hunter and the hired gun off on a little side jaunt following one dudes background. It worked pretty well, because EotE is so flexible. There are "classes" in the loosest sense of the word, but Stimpacks can restore wounds with no roll and strain is easily recovered.

I meant 2 players total D:

You think it would be feasible to do like, each of us play two characters?


Played some Dead Men Tell No Tales. I am a pretty big fan of resource management/co-op plate spinner type games and I think this is most likely the best one I have played. I don't know why I would play any other game of this type besides maybe Pandemic:The Cure because sometimes I like rolling lots of dice. Please note that is is hard as all hell though. I solo most of these so being hard is a great thing though. It has a very decent price point and pretty nice components. If you can find it and like stuff like Flashpoint, Defenders, and Pandemic maybe check it out!
I meant 2 players total D:

You think it would be feasible to do like, each of us play two characters?

Definitely! You could even do it with each of you just playing one character if you wanted. "Adventures of Han and Chewie" style. The FFG Star Wars system is really, really flexible. It's not nearly as crunchy as most things, though like any game it's open to abuse; autofire being a popular candidate. Edge of the Empire, especially, would be open to a lower player count I think. The theme of shady underworld dealings with probably less in the way of straight up battles ala Age of Rebellion would work especially well.


My Forbidden Stars box arrived home now.

First reaction:
"Damn nice of them to pack the cards already in small zip lock bags."



Doesn't not liking dice combat remove most games from your palette of liking? Or is there a type of dice combat that is okay?

Usually yes, but I don't mind it in coop games, and for some reason I enjoy Imperial Assault as well. But yes usually dice combat sours me on a game. I mostly play Euro games though so I don't feel like I am missing out.


What's a good board / card / dice game to play with the wife? She would probably be more into cerebral games than ones of chance. What do you married people play?


Unlimited Capacity
Marvel Legendary. Let us talk about it.

Also does anyone want to sell me their copy of Xia
for MSRP
What's a good board / card / dice game to play with the wife? She would probably be more into cerebral games than ones of chance. What do you married people play?

My wife and I enjoy pixel tactics and the price of entry for one set is very inexpensive. In the basic game each side gets identical decks (obviously randomly shuffled for each so they end up being different in practice). Each card can be played three ways. Either as your leader at the beginning of the game, as a unit type, or as a special action (which then makes you discard the card). The game is played on a grid and the goal is to defeat your opponent's leader card. It has a lot of replayability for a game that costs under 20 bucks.

Now, your wife may not be into confrontational games, but in my opinion those are the best 2 player games and I think theme comes into play as well. If space theme is to her (and your liking) try out Star Realms.

Otherwise there are a ton of co-operative games that I'm sure other posters can tell you about as I've yet to find one that I really enjoy with only two players.


What's a good board / card / dice game to play with the wife? She would probably be more into cerebral games than ones of chance. What do you married people play?

I almost exclusively play with my wife. Among her favourites are: Splendor, Terra Mystica, Nations, Five Tribes, Trajan and her absolute favourite is probably Neuroshima Hex.



*looks it up*

Holy shit

Is it a flat out better game? I have some friends who I know for SURE will like the Marvel theme more.

I love the Legendary Encounters (Aliens) game a lot more than the Marvel one. The game is way more teamwork focused and more difficult as well.

And it has a better social aspect since it makes you discuss tactics and plans with the other players unlike Marvel which is mostly:
"We might wanna kill this guy."
meanwhile in Encounters:
so good.
I agree that Aliens is a better implementation of the game system, but sometimes I just want to drink beer and have a more relaxed game...and Marvel Legendary does that wonderfully. I also sometimes like co-ops where I am relatively sure I can beat a scenario. Marvel is just a fun deck-builder. Aliens feels more like an experience, but it can be super stressful at times.

*looks it up*

Holy shit

Is it a flat out better game? I have some friends who I know for SURE will like the Marvel theme more.

Its more focused on being a coop game, alot more challenging. Marvel Legendary is simply a deck builder with semi coop elements. Aliens tweaked it to be more of a focused game. It's also full compatible with Marvel legendary if that kind of mixing is your thing.

Predator Legendary is coming as well, which sounds interesting as you will have the ability to play it two ways, humans being hunted by Predator, or as the predator hunting the humans apparently.

Marvel is good though, I've bought every release, its a fun deck builder with lot of variety from all the scenario options.


Unlimited Capacity
Its more focused on being a coop game, alot more challenging. Marvel Legendary is simply a deck builder with semi coop elements. Aliens tweaked it to be more of a focused game. It's also full compatible with Marvel legendary if that kind of mixing is your thing.

Predator Legendary is coming as well, which sounds interesting as you will have the ability to play it two ways, humans being hunted by Predator, or as the predator hunting the humans apparently.

Marvel is good though, I've bought every release, its a fun deck builder with lot of variety from all the scenario options.

Oh lord my heart.

Aliens sounds great. So great that I impulse bought it. I also impulse bought Impulse because I have a problem impulse buying stuff.
Its more focused on being a coop game, alot more challenging. Marvel Legendary is simply a deck builder with semi coop elements. Aliens tweaked it to be more of a focused game. It's also full compatible with Marvel legendary if that kind of mixing is your thing.

Predator Legendary is coming as well, which sounds interesting as you will have the ability to play it two ways, humans being hunted by Predator, or as the predator hunting the humans apparently.

Marvel is good though, I've bought every release, its a fun deck builder with lot of variety from all the scenario options.

I meant to ask you or maybe I already have and have forgotten: How's the Guardians of the Galaxy expansion? I'm kinda waiting it out for Secret Wars because of the lack of a storage solution for the immediate future.
I meant to ask you or maybe I already have and have forgotten: How's the Guardians of the Galaxy expansion? I'm kinda waiting it out for Secret Wars because of the lack of a storage solution for the immediate future.

I only have used some of the characters in games of Legendary, but haven't actually tried out any of the unique scenarios from that. We typically randomize it all together and those scenarios/masterminds haven't come up in the few games we played since. The infinity gem looking like scenario stuff sounded neat, wonder about difficulty. FF set really seemed to ramp up general difficulty of the game.

Wasn't crazy about doing it, but pretty much dumped the Legendary main box and combined it all into the Villains Legendary box, which is larger. I stored away the cardboard board as I like to play with the playmat version of the board which easily rolls up and stores in the same box, and a villain version comes with that set too.


All this talk about Legendary has me wanting to play it. I received it from a Secret Santa last year (along with the playmat, Dark City expansion, and Paint the Town Red expansion, and a bunch of the promos, then I bought he F4 expansion) but the box was too big to fit in my luggage so it stayed here in my apartment when I left the country. Now that I am back and there is a lot of talk about it, I think I will dig out the rules tomorrow/today and see what it is all about. I am about to order Apex and then pledge for the new content on KS and it was heavily inspired by Legendary and is supposed to feel very similar, so it would be nice to have a foundation of how the game plays to prep for Apex's arrival. I might pick up the Guardians expansion too, just to give myself some more options.


Funny, the page before no one wanted to talk about Legendary Encounter and were questioning me buying it with sleeves and this page everyone is raving it about it!

I agree that Aliens is a better implementation of the game system, but sometimes I just want to drink beer and have a more relaxed game...and Marvel Legendary does that wonderfully. I also sometimes like co-ops where I am relatively sure I can beat a scenario. Marvel is just a fun deck-builder. Aliens feels more like an experience, but it can be super stressful at times.

Ever play Resident Evil deckbuilder? That was my first db. Never played Marvel so I don't know how they compared. I'm sure Marvel is a little more well put together and cooperative but RE is my light "co-op" db for me.
Funny, the page before no one wanted to talk about Legendary Encounter and were questioning me buying it with sleeves and this page everyone is raving it about it!

Ever play Resident Evil deckbuilder? That was my first db. Never played Marvel so I don't know how they compared. I'm sure Marvel is a little more well put together and cooperative but RE is my light "co-op" db for me.

RE is fun, just a little messy. Some things like how the end boss is just shuffled in the deck meaning the first cart you encounter can be the big bad boss that will insta kill your character, are examples of some of the sloppy aspects of the game. It also has the issue of multiple currencies that some folks hate in Deck builders, where you have to not only have money to buy stuff, but then you need ammo to fuel the guns you want to play.

I like REDBG, it's not the tightest made game but its fun, and each expansion added multiple ways to play the game. The partner mode variant of the game where you play with two characters, one of which can hold a weapon the entire time for you, to me makes a more fun and balanced game actually. The last set they put out for RDDBG also underwent a rebalance of the core elements, it's a base set but they tweaked all the numbers of monster health, costs, base damage values etc. So the core starting cards you play with in that set were more streamlined and it felt tighter.


RE is fun, just a little messy. Some things like how the end boss is just shuffled in the deck meaning the first cart you encounter can be the big bad boss that will insta kill your character, are examples of some of the sloppy aspects of the game. It also has the issue of multiple currencies that some folks hate in Deck builders, where you have to not only have money to buy stuff, but then you need ammo to fuel the guns you want to play.

I like REDBG, it's not the tightest made game but its fun, and each expansion added multiple ways to play the game. The partner mode variant of the game where you play with two characters, one of which can hold a weapon the entire time for you, to me makes a more fun and balanced game actually. The last set they put out for RDDBG also underwent a rebalance of the core elements, it's a base set but they tweaked all the numbers of monster health, costs, base damage values etc. So the core starting cards you play with in that set were more streamlined and it felt tighter.

You know I've waivered back and forth but I also read it as Star Realms where the Ammo/gold cards count as both. As in it gives you 20 gold AND 20 ammo, not either/or.


Lists for GenCon?

I'm trying for:

Marvel Secret Wars
WWE Superstar Showdown

I'm picking up:

Vault Wars
You know I've waivered back and forth but I also read it as Star Realms where the Ammo/gold cards count as both. As in it gives you 20 gold AND 20 ammo, not either/or.

Been a while but it should be both, but lot of cards only produce one resource. So your spending gold to buy ammo to then be able to make your guns work. Lot of the early rounds are pretty boring ammo and gun collecting rounds before anyone goes into the mansion.

The previously mentioned final set tried to fix that, the designer also wanted to reduce the early game downtime of how everyone avoids the mansion for too long.
My Gencon list, most of these are to try since I don't think a whole lot will be available to buy.

Odyssey: Wrath of Poseidon - Ares
Flick Em' Up - ZMan
Apocalypse Chaos - ZMan
The Grizzled - CMoN
Big Book of Madness - Iello
Consequential - Asmadi
Terra - Bezier
Spirit Island - Greater Than Games
Phara-oh-oh - Zoch
Flip City - Tasy Minstrel
Animal Upon Animal Crest Climbers - Haba
Mysterium - Asmodee
Star Trek: Five Year Mission - Mayfair
The Undercity - Privateer
Fuse - Renegade Game Studios
Doctor Panic - Repos


Both those slots were maybe 3/8" too short, so I was left with 2-4 VP tokens and 2-4 gold pieces, rather annoying if you're OCD. :p Fortunately there was enough space to dump the leftovers next to the building tiles under the middle deck.

Late to the party, but my box (got it for Christmas 2014) was the same way. It struck me as weird.
Late to the party, but my box (got it for Christmas 2014) was the same way. It struck me as weird.

The insert is made from vacuum form plastic, they are not exactly the most exact. I personally love the insert, and as much as I enjoy making foam core all games really should come with at least some type of insert that you can keep pieces separated. It's one of the hurdle of getting non-boardgaming people to play the game. They open the box and face with bags and bags of pieces and cards all over the inside.

The one I got from Amazon sale, all the piece fit in, except for couple of gold coins. They just get thrown in under the deck as extra.

What's a good board / card / dice game to play with the wife? She would probably be more into cerebral games than ones of chance. What do you married people play?

Splendor is my wife new favorite board game and for co-op we play Hanabi.

Usually yes, but I don't mind it in coop games, and for some reason I enjoy Imperial Assault as well. But yes usually dice combat sours me on a game. I mostly play Euro games though so I don't feel like I am missing out.

Because you know deep down, you really enjoy the dirty dice rolling mechanic.
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