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New Board Gaming |OT2| On Tables, Off Topic


The one that is entirely dice rolling is Space Cadets: Dice Duel, which I also like a lot.

Normal Space Cadets is the one that is fully cooperative and has you playing a spaceship bridge crew and every station is a different timed mini game. So weapons is playing shuffleboard to fire torpedoes and sensors is pulling shapes out of a bag to fit into slots and etc etc. It is really clever and funny.

I think my favorite mechanic in the whole game is the thing that makes you eventually lose the game, the warp core repair game. Once you get damaged a bunch you have to pass out cards to each station. And then everyone has to pass around a deck to find matching cards to prevent the ship from exploding, but this has to be done in the same 30 seconds that everyone is playing their station game. So it is this amazing panic inducing thing as you're both trying to not steer the ship into an asteroid while also desperately wanting the player next to you to hand you the "don't explode" deck so you can do your part.

I must have played Dice Duels then. I think the stress of it is why most of my friends won't play it. Are there any other similar games to Space Cadets?
I must have played Dice Duels then. I think the stress of it is why most of my friends won't play it. Are there any other similar games to Space Cadets?
Space Alert has the same theme and is a co-op. The difference between the two is Space Alert has programmed movements. So everyone has a hand of cards and they play them face down. Each card will have people doing things (move here, press this button, etc) it's highly chaotic and really difficult to win. Space Cadets as described above is mostly just a mini-game collection.

I'm not a fan of either game, but if I had to choose I would say Space Alert is the better game. Space Cadets takes a lot longer than you think it should play and the mini-games get boring after about an hour of play. It's also a butch to teach and benefits from a group who's really familiar with that game.


I was planning to bring a few games, but have been told Gencon has a fairly extensive library of games you can check out. Is that accurate?


I was planning to bring a few games, but have been told Gencon has a fairly extensive library of games you can check out. Is that accurate?

They do. You need to pay in tickets to access it though and I think you have to play whatever you check out in that room. It is $4 to use it on a day from 8 AM to 6 PM and $8 to use it from 6 PM to 4 AM. Bringing your own games can be nice if you want to just play something in your hotel lobby or whatnot.
I was planning to bring a few games, but have been told Gencon has a fairly extensive library of games you can check out. Is that accurate?

I haven't done their library thing ever since they started charging money for it (old-timer here apparently!). Their library is extensive. Imagine 3-high shelving that spans the floor of your living room, filled with games. As Ultron mentioned, you need to pay money for a block of time where you're eligible to check out games like we old-timers used to.

It's tough because, unlike the old days, you actually need to plan for open-gaming time with all of your friends and hope there are tickets remaining.

If you're going to bring any games, I'd say, bring one for the first day/last day gap. There'll be plenty to do during the Con and you're probably going to buy new things to play with.


Saint Nic
I tend to agree about the renting thing and it not being worth it. Also keep in mind that, if you're a social butterfly, you'll be able to find and play just about any game you want at the con. The only reason you might check a game out would be because they have a copy of Warhammer Quest or something like that - something rare/crazy expensive.


Cyclades is pretty great. Easy setup, easy to explain and play, fast pace, everyone is interested in what each other player is doing pretty much at all time and the auction mechanic is awesome. I like the theme as well and the minis are nice quality. We played a 5 player match in about an hour with me explaining the rules and everything.
I just spent a while reading about it, but I'm seeing people talk about 1.5 to 2 hour games at least, complaining about the Pegasus card, complaining the game is too slow, etc. I know there are good opinions too but it was a little daunting.


GenCan't 2015, who's with me?

I assume you've been in previous years.


I've seriously considered subletting a spot in one of our adjoining hotel rooms since someone else backed out a few weeks ago. Rest of my group is more weary of strangers than I am.


I just spent a while reading about it, but I'm seeing people talk about 1.5 to 2 hour games at least, complaining about the Pegasus card, complaining the game is too slow, etc. I know there are good opinions too but it was a little daunting.

I like base Cyclades plenty, but Titans is the answer you seek.


I tend to agree about the renting thing and it not being worth it. Also keep in mind that, if you're a social butterfly, you'll be able to find and play just about any game you want at the con. The only reason you might check a game out would be because they have a copy of Warhammer Quest or something like that - something rare/crazy expensive.

Geekway opened my eyes on how to run a Con focused on free library gaming. Highly recommend everyone check it out in 2016.


I assume you've been in previous years.


I've seriously considered subletting a spot in one of our adjoining hotel rooms since someone else backed out a few weeks ago. Rest of my group is more weary of strangers than I am.

The only game convention I've ever been to is PAX East, which was, well...videogames on the main floor with board games in the basement


The only game convention I've ever been to is PAX East, which was, well...videogames on the main floor with board games in the basement

This is my first board game specific one.

I've done Adepticon in Chicago a few times, which is a big convention focused mostly on tabletop war games with actual figures, i.e. Warhammer, Warmachine, Malifaux, Flames of War.

Other than that, just Warmachine Weekend in St. Louis, which isn't huge with only 300 or so people, but it's focused almost exclusively on the minature game I play.

I like St. Louis though, so I'm very tempted by Geekway next year. Haven't heard anything bad about it from anyone I know. I'd also like to try Origins and/or BGG con.

Edit: Other than Mysterium, which I'm super hyped for, what games should I try to demo? Assume I'll play anything. What exclusives might I pick up to make local nerds jealous?


Unlimited Capacity
I just spent a while reading about it, but I'm seeing people talk about 1.5 to 2 hour games at least, complaining about the Pegasus card, complaining the game is too slow, etc. I know there are good opinions too but it was a little daunting.

I have no idea how someone can say that the game is too slow. Entire rounds go by so fast. There are 2 gods which even allow you to move and/or start combat. This is actually a game that I can see having it's time extended the more we play though as people start to block off certain paths to victory better. Complaining about the Pegasus card sounds like salt to me lol


To be fair to PAX East, the board game presence there was pretty good (this was last year that I went). There was a big open gaming area, an obnoxiously huge chunk of the floorspace devoted to Magic, and many publishers big and small had booths where you could buy stuff and chat with them. I thought it was cool to talk to some of the people who make the very small, very indie RPG stuff.

It's just that, on the floor above, there's a shit load of flashy videogame stuff (and the fuckin' crowds to go with it)
I have no idea how someone can say that the game is too slow. Entire rounds go by so fast. There are 2 gods which even allow you to move and/or start combat. This is actually a game that I can see having it's time extended the more we play though as people start to block off certain paths to victory better. Complaining about the Pegasus card sounds like salt to me lol

I think the Pegasus card is unfriendly to first-timers. Not for them specifically, for the experienced players who know the new players will be wiped out by the card.

With experience in the game, nothing seems unbalanced. With new players introduced, there's always the chance that the game will suddenly end because the Pegasus card is drawn. I personally feel that it's a game mechanic there to prevent turtling and is very necessary. I've also been in games where it ended with the Pegasus card drawn and the players in the game comparing the size of their stacks to determine if the game is ending.


Played "A Fake Artist Goes to New York" tonight - actually, it was a homemade approximation of the materials needed to play. A Fake "Fake Artist"!

Someone wanted to immediately dismiss the game as a Spyfall ripoff, but this game actually came out before. Not that it really matters anyway. I found the communal drawing, one line at a time, to be very distinct from asking each other questions. There is a nice tactile feel to the drawing, and the setup isn't so complex or static. I think I like this more than Spyfall.
My local group of guys has determined tomorrow will be Mage [K]Night and I am responsible for learning the game and teaching it. *gulp*

How is Descent 2nd Edition?

It serves a different purpose than any other game in my library. The guys I play with (a bunch of hack competitive MtG players) tried 5th Ed D&D for a few months, but it was too much work for our DM to organize. Descent has filled that hole rather nicely.

There isn't as much room for story-telling and the quests that come with the campaign always seem ridiculously imbalanced to one side or the other. Still, the DM in your group can pull some strings as overlord to make the narrative as involved or as invisible as he or she likes. There is also a real threat of the heroes losing, which makes for some excellent leaping high-five moments.

You will want some craft boxes or something to organize all the pieces because the box is total bullshit.


Saint Nic
My local group of guys has determined tomorrow will be Mage [K]Night and I am responsible for learning the game and teaching it. *gulp*

It serves a different purpose than any other game in my library. The guys I play with (a bunch of hack competitive MtG players) tried 5th Ed D&D for a few months, but it was too much work for our DM to organize. Descent has filled that hole rather nicely.

There isn't as much room for story-telling and the quests that come with the campaign always seem ridiculously imbalanced to one side or the other. Still, the DM in your group can pull some strings as overlord to make the narrative as involved or as invisible as he or she likes. There is also a real threat of the heroes losing, which makes for some excellent leaping high-five moments.

You will want some craft boxes or something to organize all the pieces because the box is total bullshit.

Thanks for the quick writeup. A guy is willing to sell it to me for $40 used at Gen Con, which I am heavily considering. I may even see if he would do $35 or something. I liked 1.0, but it was a bit clunky at times.


Wish I could be at Gencon, Level99 games is gonna be there and demo Millennium Blades, would have loved to try it. That and I have never been at a convention.
How is Descent 2nd Edition?

Also, anyone going to the Sun King beer tapping next Wednesday?
Unless you have an aversion to Star Wars or really want fantasy theme, I would suggest getting Imperial Assault. I like Descent but Imperial Assault is a much improve version and you get the skirmish mode for two.

I am playing the SW campaign and it is great fun.


Unlimited Capacity
My local group of guys has determined tomorrow will be Mage [K]Night and I am responsible for learning the game and teaching it. *gulp*


I am being super honest here, but everyone that is playing should at least look over the rules. That game...... is complicated. Maybe print one of these out for each player?



I am being super honest here, but everyone that is playing should at least look over the rules. That game...... is complicated. Maybe print [url=https://boardgamegeek.com/filepage/118859/mage-knight-game-flow-reference-cards-pdf]one of these out[/url] for each player?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that is a game you probably want people to give a shot over the rules themselves. It's quite heavy to try and teach by quick lecture.

It works better if people do a quick homework of the rules (and I assume they can handle it since they are on the idea of playing a heavy game like Mage Knight). We did this for the time we played Twilight Imperium. I put every player on homework a week ahead to read all relevant rules before we all sat down for a marathon session.


Saint Nic
Unless you have an aversion to Star Wars or really want fantasy theme, I would suggest getting Imperial Assault. I like Descent but Imperial Assault is a much improve version and you get the skirmish mode for two.

I am playing the SW campaign and it is great fun.

I don't really enjoy Star Wars themed stuff. I have no connection to it. It's the same reason X-Wing has NO space on my shelf (despite the praise the game gets).

E: How are the few solo missions for Mage Knight? I've heard great things about the game, but I don't have a regular group to play with...Once every few months maybe?
I don't really enjoy Star Wars themed stuff. I have no connection to it. It's the same reason X-Wing has NO space on my shelf (despite the praise the game gets).

E: How are the few solo missions for Mage Knight? I've heard great things about the game, but I don't have a regular group to play with...Once every few months maybe?

Descent is good if you can find someone willing to play the chump Evil Overlord. (Essentially a DM, there just to facilitate a fun experience for other) There are couple of solo Print on Demand set and they are very enjoyable. You can also treat Star Wars like another generic Scifi beside occasional movie characters it is essentially a tactical SciFi miniature game, Descent is just another derivative of fantasy D&D theme.

Mage Knight is awesome solo and also great for two players, I can't imagine playing with more unless everyone know how to play and not afflicted with analysis paralysis.

@blewhedgehog If I was task with learning Mage Knight to teach to a group, I would suggest getting a few solo game under your belt. It wasn't hard when I teach my son to play, but I already done several solo games and he used to playing strategy games (both analog and digital)


Unlimited Capacity
Descent is good if you can find someone willing to play the chump Evil Overlord. (Essentially a DM, there just to facilitate a fun experience for other) There are couple of solo Print on Demand set and they are very enjoyable. You can also treat Star Wars like another generic Scifi beside occasional movie characters it is essentially a tactical SciFi miniature game, Descent is just another derivative of fantasy D&D theme.

This is not how we play AT ALL lol. It is a competitive game for sure, designed for that as well. Our overlords go for the throat and it is much more enjoyable that way for both sides I think.

Mage Knight is awesome solo and also great for two players, I can't imagine playing with more unless everyone know how to play and not afflicted with analysis paralysis.

If I was task with learning Mage Knightb to teach to a group, I would suggest getting a few solo game under your belt. It wasn't hard when I teach my son to play, but I already done several solo games and he used to playing strategy games (both analog and digital)

It would say it is actually necessary to play a game before you try to teach someone else.


Saint Nic
I may try and find a nice used copy of Mage Knight. Probably more what I want anyways. I do a lot of solo gaming and some group stuff. My goal at Gen Con this year is to find a fun coop game to play with my wife (who is not a gamer by any stretch).


Unlimited Capacity
You can't go wrong with Mage Knight. Top tier game solo, co-op and competitive. I will restate, however, that the game is quite complex. I actually was not so hot on it the first couple times I played it because I hadn't really taken it all in yet.


I may try and find a nice used copy of Mage Knight. Probably more what I want anyways. I do a lot of solo gaming and some group stuff. My goal at Gen Con this year is to find a fun coop game to play with my wife (who is not a gamer by any stretch).

Its great and the rulebook is good when you learn it the først time. However Its a game that is horrible to come back to after a break due to the rulebook beeing complete trash for anyone who just want to look up some things they forgot. Still the best sologame out there and also fantastic with two. Used to be my favourite GOAT. But the fiddlyness and horribad rulebook turned it from a 10 to a 9.


I guess I will be triple dipping then on Fury of Dracula.

The art on the box does NOT look good. I like the design but Dracula looks like Liberace.


Fury of Dracula thoroughly deserves to be back in print & available. Loved the previous FFG version, hope they haven't changed too much - the combat rules as written were a little random but there were some rock solid variants out there that made it more balanced & strategic.

And honestly, the box cover lies - should be 2 or 5, at least how the previous rules were.


I'd be interested in trying Fury of Dracula. The "hide and seek" type of board game is interesting, but I have yet to play the one that really does it for me


I'd be interested in trying Fury of Dracula. The "hide and seek" type of board game is interesting, but I have yet to play the one that really does it for me

Tried Spectre Ops? It's the newest one I've played and I've been told it's similar to fury of dracula


Don't like Letters from Whitechapel?

I tried it, and some things didn't sit well with me.

First of all, my game had problem with a player who told everyone else what to do (I was playing as Jack). Not fun, but it's a pretty common issue with a lot of co-op games in general. Also, I feel like the game has some balance issues that aren't adequately resolved with the things they added to 'fix' it (the Jack letters). It's not that I *NEED* a perfectly balanced game (or even know what that is), but I remember feeling confusion about how to run the game fairly.

The other thing is that the theme, for me, is a little too... gross and callous about the subject matter? I understand that it doesn't bother other people, but I think it's kind of weird to join up with other people and play a game that often comes off like a weird Jack the Ripper fetish from the designers.

Tried Spectre Ops? It's the newest one I've played and I've been told it's similar to fury of dracula

I played it once. If the quarterback player issue from White Chapel wasn't enough, this one was even worse - now there were other people from my game group (who weren't even playing the game!) standing around and loudly commenting on what moves people should do. Not the game's fault, except for it exciting the usual clique of plastic miniatures ameritrashers into enough of a frenzy to go bother someone else's game session.

I'm being mean, lol.

But seriously, it was just kind of convoluted. There's all this extra stuff to it, but it doesn't necessarily heighten the experience for me. White Chapel is at least very simple, and yet still a rich gameplay experience.

The layout of the Specter Ops map means that the mastermind player hides in that single space between two columns every time, so finding them gets very tedious. Then on top of that, you have to shoot them? Come on.
This is not how we play AT ALL lol. It is a competitive game for sure, designed for that as well. Our overlords go for the throat and it is much more enjoyable that way for both sides I think.

It would say it is actually necessary to play a game before you try to teach someone else.

I agree with both of your points and I envy your gaming group, last time we tried Descent it just left terrible feeling all around. I find Star Wars rule solved much of the problem I have with Descent.


Saint Nic
I think I'll skip Descent and grab Mage Knight and the D&D boardgames. I owned Ravenloft when it first came out and really enjoyed it. I feel like those games are not only more solo friendly, but "easier" for non-gamers to get into since it's cooperative. My wife doesn't like playing competitive games, so trying to get her into a game where it's her versus me is NOT a good idea. :)


Unlimited Capacity
The D&D games are really easy to play (I may overstate this because I play a lot of complicated stuff lol). I would suggest you really, really know Mage Knight before introducing her to it, however. Co-op though the game is amazing, especially with the Lost Legion expansion. Another co-op game we really like, which is also kind of complicated and has the WORST rulebook, is Robinson Crusoe.
I think I'll skip Descent and grab Mage Knight and the D&D boardgames. I owned Ravenloft when it first came out and really enjoyed it. I feel like those games are not only more solo friendly, but "easier" for non-gamers to get into since it's cooperative. My wife doesn't like playing competitive games, so trying to get her into a game where it's her versus me is NOT a good idea. :)

Take a peak at Mice & Mystics as well. I got that game to introduce my wife to RPG style games (the eventual goal is to get her into PnP stuff) and she went into the first session very reluctantly... but by the time we were done, she was hooked. It's a dungeon crawler game similar to Descent and Ravenloft and such but there's literally a story that you read as you play through the scenarios and all the characters are mice, rats, bugs, and things like that due to everyone in the kingdom having a magic spell cast upon them.

It may not end up being what you're looking for but it's another possibility.
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