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New Board Gaming |OT2| On Tables, Off Topic

Would love to hear how bad it is this year, if it's just getting worse than last year was or the whole hotel fiasco has kept attendance in place.


Mysterium sold out already. We have someone with a vendor badge in early. Big line at their booth immediately
I just read a bit on Mysterium since it was new to me. It sounds cool, but I haven't been paying attention and didn't realize it was coming out in English. I wonder if it will become available to order online from Amazon or similar? Or is it likely to be a super niche title?

I see that the original version had different rules. Has anyone here played it who liked the new English ("Mysterium") rules better than the original?
I just read a bit on Mysterium since it was new to me. It sounds cool, but I haven't been paying attention and didn't realize it was coming out in English. I wonder if it will become available to order online from Amazon or similar? Or is it likely to be a super niche title?

I see that the original version had different rules. Has anyone here played it who liked the new English ("Mysterium") rules better than the original?

Cool Stuff has it available for preorder. It should show up on Amazon too eventually, Asmodee games have pretty decent distribution. The street date is October 1.
Mysterium sold out already. We have someone with a vendor badge in early. Big line at their booth immediately

Since I'm not getting out to Indy until tonight, I guess that means I never had a chance. Also, I guess that means New York 1901 and Champions of Midgard will also escape my grasp. At least I was able to preorder Codenames.
What happened last year?

Attendance is growing bigger than the area can handle. Last year was pretty bad with how packed it was. If it keeps growing, it's going to be miserable experience, we were pretty disappointed last year with our experience compared to previous years, so we decided to go elsewhere this year for our summer trip.


Hail to the KING baby
Would love to hear how bad it is this year, if it's just getting worse than last year was or the whole hotel fiasco has kept attendance in place.

I have a very narrow perspective on things, granted, but this seems to be a problem for almost all national Cons nowadays, even way smaller ones. Comicon, Gencon etc. are basically in meme territory. I can say from personal experience that California Extreme and BGG.Con have suffered tremendously because of overcrowding (to the point where I'm breaking my five-year streak of going to BGG.Con this year). Everyone tryin' to get that marginal revenue without any consideration for quality of the experience. I guess to some people the crowds and lines are part of the experience but that feels like a total cop-out and something I'd never accept.

Hope FFG Worlds (my one board-game event this year) are decent in this respect, though being a tournament rather than a Con I'm sure makes a huge difference.
I have a very narrow perspective on things, granted, but this seems to be a problem for almost all national Cons nowadays, even way smaller ones. Comicon, Gencon etc. are basically in meme territory. I can say from personal experience that California Extreme and BGG.Con have suffered tremendously because of overcrowding (to the point where I'm breaking my five-year streak of going to BGG.Con this year). Everyone tryin' to get that marginal revenue without any consideration for quality of the experience. I guess to some people the crowds and lines are part of the experience but that feels like a total cop-out and something I'd never accept.

Hope FFG Worlds (my one board-game event this year) are decent in this respect, though being a tournament rather than a Con I'm sure makes a huge difference.

Some cons can cope, others like Gencon are stuck in a location that has no room to grow at all. Megacon for example here in Florida had a massive surge in popularity past two years, the year before it was a disaster with over 80k people showing up just on one day. But they planned ahead and also expanded cause they could and things went smooth this year, plus they can keep going. Other local cons have grown from small potatoes and become big time events here and they eventually were forced to relocate for the better.

Gencon if things don't stabilize might have to start limited attendance like other big cons, SDCC, Pax, etc.


Everyone tryin' to get that marginal revenue without any consideration for quality of the experience. I guess to some people the crowds and lines are part of the experience but that feels like a total cop-out and something I'd never accept.

Yep. The exact reason I stopped going to SDCC. I'm cool with a couple small lines for autographs and sketches from favorite creators, but when you have to line up to get a ticket for a raffle to get the chance to buy the con exclusives... That's nuts. The equivalent Hall H panels prior to about 2005 were walk-ins. Yeah rooms were packed but no one was lining up a day early to get a wrist band to get in line to camp a seat the entire day of the hall. You just showed up for the panel. Maybe you came a panel early if you really wanted a good seat.

It boggles my mind that people find the new status quo fun. I've never been to GenCon despite having relatives in Indy and living a mere 2 hours away. I've pretty much written it off at this point though.


Saint Nic
I went to Gen Con 3 and 4 years ago. This will be my first since then. My friend has gone the past 4. According to him, people do blow the crowding and craziness out of proportion. I wouldn't write it off if you're going off other people's opinions. It's a HUGE gaming convention that has had time to become at least somewhat more efficient year to year.
Man, Flick em Up was in stock on CSI for like 5 minutes

I went to Gen Con 3 and 4 years ago. This will be my first since then. My friend has gone the past 4. According to him, people do blow the crowding and craziness out of proportion. I wouldn't write it off if you're going off other people's opinions. It's a HUGE gaming convention that has had time to become at least somewhat more efficient year to year.

It hasn't been getting more efficient, it just gets more and more crowded. And gaming has grown alot along with rest of geek culture, so the con is seeing huge jumps in popularity


Didn't realize the latest Eldritch Horror expansion came out today. I want it but my box is already completely full (can't fit the monster bag in it). If I got this, I'd have to find a new storage solution :(

Anyone got a good solution for EH?


Some cons can cope, others like Gencon are stuck in a location that has no room to grow at all. Megacon for example here in Florida had a massive surge in popularity past two years, the year before it was a disaster with over 80k people showing up just on one day. But they planned ahead and also expanded cause they could and things went smooth this year, plus they can keep going. Other local cons have grown from small potatoes and become big time events here and they eventually were forced to relocate for the better.

Gencon if things don't stabilize might have to start limited attendance like other big cons, SDCC, Pax, etc.
I went to Megacon one year. I'm not sure if it was the disaster year or not, but it was very crowded on the vendor floor. Orlando is still probably one of the best places for a convention simply because of how MUCH space / housing / parking is available so the expansion isn't as much of an issue. I hate driving in Orlando but I assume they're pretty used to having tons of tourists once you're actually at your destination.

Of course, it's not a central location in the U.S. so some people would have a very long trip for a national convention.


Hail to the KING baby
Man, Flick em Up was in stock on CSI for like 5 minutes

It hasn't been getting more efficient, it just gets more and more crowded. And gaming has grown alot along with rest of geek culture, so the con is seeing huge jumps in popularity

Yeah...when you get touted to the high heavens on both Dice Tower & SUSD...you're gonna have a hard time keeping stock. I actually could have grabbed one a while back but was waiting for people to submit their Netrunner orders at work. :p
Z-Man Games having problems where demand greatly outweighs supply? Why I never!
They really need to get their shit together. This happens with almost all of their releases and it's getting tiring.


Just went and looked up Flick Em Up and am now sad that I have to wait to get it. I guess a local store might have it but not at OLGS prices. Hopefully CSI and MM get more soon (or a bunch show up on Amazon), because that looks fun as hell.
I went to Megacon one year. I'm not sure if it was the disaster year or not, but it was very crowded on the vendor floor. Orlando is still probably one of the best places for a convention simply because of how MUCH space / housing / parking is available so the expansion isn't as much of an issue. I hate driving in Orlando but I assume they're pretty used to having tons of tourists once you're actually at your destination.

Of course, it's not a central location in the U.S. so some people would have a very long trip for a national convention.

Yea they expanded again this year, and also planned a better layout for the con, along with worked with local areas and police to improve traffic flows. It was 2014 con where they got caught off guard with attendance and couldn't handle the massive flow and growth, so it was a disaster. People stuck in traffic around the con center for 2+ hours just trying to find a place to park or even leave.


Saint Nic
Mage Knight is here! I want to play it, but I'm waking up at the ass crack of dawn to get to Gen Con on the morning. Probably will wait until later on next week to give it a go.
I'm LTTP, but is there a GAF GenCon meet up? I'm here for business (I work with game devs as their lawyer and I do stuff with The Dice Tower), but I'd love to meet with gaffers that are here.
Yep. The exact reason I stopped going to SDCC. I'm cool with a couple small lines for autographs and sketches from favorite creators, but when you have to line up to get a ticket for a raffle to get the chance to buy the con exclusives... That's nuts. The equivalent Hall H panels prior to about 2005 were walk-ins. Yeah rooms were packed but no one was lining up a day early to get a wrist band to get in line to camp a seat the entire day of the hall. You just showed up for the panel. Maybe you came a panel early if you really wanted a good seat.

It boggles my mind that people find the new status quo fun. I've never been to GenCon despite having relatives in Indy and living a mere 2 hours away. I've pretty much written it off at this point though.
Same here, I stop going to SDCC several years back. Getting in line so you can get a raffle ticket for a chance to get in line so you might be able to get con exclusive or attend any popular panel was just too much.

PAX is getting crowded the last few years also.


Same here, I stop going to SDCC several years back. Getting in line so you can get a raffle ticket for a chance to get in line so you might be able to get con exclusive or attend any popular panel was just too much.

PAX is getting crowded the last few years also.

Yeah, appears to just be the new norm for cons now. This is what we get for "winning" lol.

Does pandemic ever drop below 20?

$20 would be 50% off so it would take a major clearance for it to drop below that, most likely. Record low on Amazon is $21.75.
The store by me has copies of Flick Em Up.
I watched Vassel's video of it and I don't think I want it.
But...because I can get a copy and it's hot I want to buy it.
How stupid is that?


The store by me has copies of Flick Em Up.
I watched Vassel's video of it and I don't think I want it.
But...because I can get a copy and it's hot I want to buy it.
How stupid is that?

It's stupid, but it's stupid human nature. Most of us do it at times so don't feel too bad about it :D


Saint Nic
I'm at Gen con now. If anyone wants to hook up and say hi, quote for my number and shoot me a text! At Patachou for food first.

Also, I just talked to an FFG guy at breakfast. Runebound 3 may be announced at 2 today....


Looking at getting either smash up or the king of Tokyo Halloween expansion. Anyone have recommendations?

Why is it the board game thread is helpful when a lot of threads on gaf just ignore or shit on you if you need help? Thanks again nice board game people.


Looking at getting either smash up or the king of Tokyo Halloween expansion. Anyone have recommendations?

Why is it the board game thread is helpful when a lot of threads on gaf just ignore or shit on you if you need help? Thanks again nice board game people.

It's been my experience, especially lately, that the best people and interactions on GAF are overwhelmingly in the OT community threads. Outside of that too many people trolling.
Looking at getting either smash up or the king of Tokyo Halloween expansion. Anyone have recommendations?

Why is it the board game thread is helpful when a lot of threads on gaf just ignore or shit on you if you need help? Thanks again nice board game people.

The Halloween expansion is essential, I think. Costumes are great and remain in the deck.

Power Up..I dunno. Its a good idea, roll 3 hearts for an evolution, but anytime someone in my group gets one the differences seem marginal.

Smash Up is a big favorite in my group. Probably the most played besides Coup and King of New York. Not sure what you would consider must haves from the expansions..I have them all but I never play factions outside of the base set.


I wonder how Flick Em Up compares to Rampage/Terror in Meeple City

It seems to me like Rampage has more of a fun game to it, and maybe more delicious destruction. But Flick Em Up is meant to be flexible and have different scenarios and games to it?


Hail to the KING baby
I really like both KOT expansions, but at the same time I wonder if KONY has rendered them kind of moot. Hmm. I guess if you have KOT and don't plan on getting KONY definitely get them. I bought Smash Up after having fun at BGG.Con with gaffer mercviper but turns out I'm actually not a huge fan of the game. Funny enough it's almost kind of dry and just auto-pilot...which is weird because the art and theme are fun but just really disconnected from the gameplay imo...it's a bit too Euro-y for my tastes.

I wonder how Flick Em Up compares to Rampage/Terror in Meeple City

It seems to me like Rampage has more of a fun game to it, and maybe more delicious destruction. But Flick Em Up is meant to be flexible and have different scenarios and games to it?

It's actually kind of weird -- Rampage has an amazing theme and excellent components -- game looks beautiful set up. But there actually often aren't that many shots to be made. And the different scoring and powers is almost too gamey for a dexterity game (i.e., it can even lend itself to a bit of AP (for a dexterity game)). Going to try FEU but it actually seems a bit simpler.
So they are not calling Warhammer Quest a LCG? That would be great if so, as really rather not have constant packs to deal with
I don't think its LCG, I am thinking more like Pathfinders so probably will see expansion pack for quest but I don't think its a deck construction game like all their LCG.


I played King of New York recently (similar to King of Tokyo). One player got in Manhattan, rolled 6 claws, bought a card that instantly gave him another turn, and rolled maybe 2 more claws in case anyone wasn't dead.

Since that's 8 damage and you can't normally have more than 10 HP, everyone in the game at the time died instantly. :(
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