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New Board Gaming |OT2| On Tables, Off Topic

I've played it two player a bunch with my daughter, without any variants though. S'okay, 'take that' games like it don't necessarily work well with just two players. More than two? Well worth it as a light, dicey experience that players shouldn't take too seriously.

I'll just the collection linking parade... Playcounts are all sort of wrong & a bunch of these are primarily for playing with my kids.

Do you enjoy pitchcar? Been thinking about the mini version for a while.


I love pixel tactics as a two player card game. It's cheap, expandable, and has the rare quality where every card your opponent plays feels super powerful, but your opponent feels the exact same way about your cards. Each card has 5 ways that it can be played: as a leader at the beginning, as a front line fighter, a support class or a back row supporter or sniper, or you can discard for a special one time use power. Lots of fun.

I haven't played PT yet, but that sounds similar to how Netrunner feels sometimes. As the runner "good grief how am I supposed to get past anything, his defenses are everywhere!", and as the corp "good grief how am I supposed to protect anything reliably, he seems to get past all my stuff!"

I can't wait for the kickstarter to ship....

Yeah, I'm waiting on this as well. It looks like a very interesting game.

Although, I haven't played Battlecon NEARLY as much as I would have liked to, and this is yet another head to head game to try and convince someone else to get into. Unfortunately our group has the issue of chronic "we have 7 players what should we play" and then default to 7 wonders or Spyfall or Avalon. I should really stop investing in these types of games. :(


Do you enjoy pitchcar? Been thinking about the mini version for a while.

Love it. I got a good deal on the base game + expansions off someone on BGG & I traded for a second set of the base game a while back ;) It's been a big hit with the kids & their friends, always a talking point when it gets set up.

Can't speak for the mini version, but I'm utterly happy with my investment in the 'proper' set. It's chunky & solid & always fun.
Hmm. You gave King of Tokyo a high score. Been considering getting that as my Halloween game, since it will be simple enough for my SO's sister. Play it as a two player game? I saw there are different fan variants.

To be honest it's better with more players, and the high score could be partly because it was one of my first "new" boardgames. Not to say it's not a fun game especially in a party setting.


I'm not sure if you have to apply the filter to only show games I actually own - a fair amount are things I want in trade or am thinking of getting.

90~ games isn't that much, is it? D:
I'm not sure if you have to apply the filter to only show games I actually own - a fair amount are things I want in trade or am thinking of getting.

90~ games isn't that much, is it? D:

Oh you're right I thought it was filtered and it showed 180 items.

90 is still healthy I guess. I hit 45 in about a year haha.


Oh I dunno. It was more of a personal project and I haven't really talked to him about his plans. What do you think would be good additions?

I'm no coder by any means but maybe an option of genre of game? Whether that be theme/setting or by play mechanics, that might be nice.

Also, a random element. GameShelf is nice but even when I mess with the settings, it will always tell me the same game, ie: any genre, 1 player, any time, by magic always gets me D-Day Dice. I think it brings up the games in alphabetical order that fit the criteria.

Got a cart at MM full of delicious goodies, don't know if I should wait for chance of the sale coming back or just pull the trigger
You got a lot I really want, nice list!

Thanks, you have a lot I also want like harbour, friday, kanban and kahuna.

I got too many random game son my collection that I bought only because some components looked cool (like ice flow). I also wish I had gotten rid of catacombs 1ed, love the game but the new edition looks so much better.


I'm no coder by any means but maybe an option of genre of game? Whether that be theme/setting or by play mechanics, that might be nice.

Also, a random element. GameShelf is nice but even when I mess with the settings, it will always tell me the same game, ie: any genre, 1 player, any time, by magic always gets me D-Day Dice. I think it brings up the games in alphabetical order that fit the criteria.

Got a cart at MM full of delicious goodies, don't know if I should wait for chance of the sale coming back or just pull the trigger

Passed it on. He likes the randomizer idea and says he'll look into how detailed/consistent Bgg is in regards to genre/mechanics


Hmm. You gave King of Tokyo a high score. Been considering getting that as my Halloween game, since it will be simple enough for my SO's sister. Play it as a two player game? I saw there are different fan variants.
To be honest I hate the dynamic of King of Tokyo when it's down to two-players. The person who gets into Tokyo first has a huge advantage because it's really hard to get them back out before they win.


So I tried reading the rulebook to Scythe, and I don't really get it. Other than the artwork (which looks great), what's the big deal with this game?


I need to do my list proper at BGG. Thanks for reminding me.

I got a copy of Dead Men Tell No Tales. Only messed with it once, but my initial impressions are very positive. It is a bit fiddly, and there seem to be maybe one too many systems (deckhands/fire/stamina/combat/explosion/loot/equipment/etc) but the theme is fantastic (just which there were minis instead of meeples....I might paint some up).

I did get the sense that it'd going to be a challenging game, getting close to Ghost Stories in that regard.

Also got Robinson Crusoe...if you like 2-player co-op (plays up to 4) then this is highly recommended.
Lost Cities has some cheap cards. They are already showing wear, aside from the damage done previously by the SO's sister. Definitely recommend getting sleeves. My order for sleeves from Mayday Games finally shipped today. 😧 Order was placed on Sunday.

Any publishers to generally avoid due to QA issues? Heard stuff about Wizkids.
Lost Cities has some cheap cards. They are already showing wear, aside from the damage done previously by the SO's sister. Definitely recommend getting sleeves. My order for sleeves from Mayday Games finally shipped today. 😧 Order was placed on Sunday.

Any publishers to generally avoid due to QA issues? Heard stuff about Wizkids.
All publishers have QA issues. It's how they're dealt with that's important. WizKids isn't horrible in that regard. People have preferences for certain kinds of cards, thickness of tokens, etc. But I thought wk's mainline boardgames are pretty well produced.


I wouldn't think so but we'll see.

You seem to play a lot of two-player games. What games have you played with two, many times, that you still love?

The two I've played the most with 2 players everyone has heard of: Dominion and Ticket to Ride. I've played both dozens of times in real life and hundreds more online, and don't see myself getting tired of them anytime soon.

Dominion is almost perfect for two in my opinion. People write it off as multiplayer solitaire, but when playing a competitive 1v1 game, there's always a standoff moment when both players have to decide whether it's time to go for the province cards, or keep building their decks. That moment of tension keeps me coming back for more.

And now that I think about it, Ticket to Ride 1v1 has a similar dynamic sometimes, as each player may try to build up cards before letting the other know where they're targeting. I specifically play the 1910 Mega US version or the Switzerland map with 2.

Others that I enjoy with 2:

- Carcassonne
- Jaipur
- San Juan
- Agricola All Creatures Great and Small
- Axis & Allies once in a while
- Eclipse

And I've only played it a few times but Heroes of Normandie is winning me over at the moment.


Eventually I'll get Dominion, just not sure which expansions.
I can't speak for whether you will enjoy it at all -- it's a very mechanical thing with hardly any story and limited flavor -- but I think this recommendation is reasonable:

* Dominion base set
* Seaside if you only play with 2-4 players, OR intrigue for 5-6 players
* Get the other one of seaside/intrigue
* Prosperity

I only have the base and seaside thus far -- I'm not sure if I will go for intrigue or prosperity first. It's also the sort of game you can start with 2 sets of and play for quite a while. We also only typically play once every 3-4 days so it doesn't get too stale.


I can't speak for whether you will enjoy it at all -- it's a very mechanical thing with hardly any story and limited flavor -- but I think this recommendation is reasonable:

* Dominion base set
* Seaside if you only play with 2-4 players, OR intrigue for 5-6 players
* Get the other one of seaside/intrigue
* Prosperity

I only have the base and seaside thus far -- I'm not sure if I will go for intrigue or prosperity first. It's also the sort of game you can start with 2 sets of and play for quite a while. We also only typically play once every 3-4 days so it doesn't get too stale.
I thought of one other thing I should point out -- I highly recommend only getting the base game and maybe one expansion for like, a month at least, before investing any more. There's a learning curve for Dominion even with two people, and base + expansion will give a ton of combinations if you use random cards, random with draft-take-away, and/or random with draft-pick.

After playing a ton of games with only two sets, then it should become clear whether one wants even more variety. If someone said, "It's my first week and I'm kind of bored and want to buy another expansion" then I would recommend against it.
Started to set up the experienced version of Flash Point and the SO got overwhelmed. :\ Going to have to slowly introduce the new mechanics over multiple games.

Edit: Ended up doing a solo game with all the rules, but did the lowest difficulty level. Did pretty well, only lost one victim. Mostly relied on the CAFS firefighter and the rescue specialist.
I can't speak for whether you will enjoy it at all -- it's a very mechanical thing with hardly any story and limited flavor -- but I think this recommendation is reasonable:

* Dominion base set
* Seaside if you only play with 2-4 players, OR intrigue for 5-6 players
* Get the other one of seaside/intrigue
* Prosperity

I only have the base and seaside thus far -- I'm not sure if I will go for intrigue or prosperity first. It's also the sort of game you can start with 2 sets of and play for quite a while. We also only typically play once every 3-4 days so it doesn't get too stale.
I thought of one other thing I should point out -- I highly recommend only getting the base game and maybe one expansion for like, a month at least, before investing any more. There's a learning curve for Dominion even with two people, and base + expansion will give a ton of combinations if you use random cards, random with draft-take-away, and/or random with draft-pick.

After playing a ton of games with only two sets, then it should become clear whether one wants even more variety. If someone said, "It's my first week and I'm kind of bored and want to buy another expansion" then I would recommend against it.
Thanks, will get Seaside with it then. Already had Prosperity on my list after seeing it mentioned elsewhere.


Spoilers for Month 2 of Pandemic Legacy:

I was playing the researcher and switched to the containment specialist. Our red disease is the mutated one as well. For Februray we had black positively mutated at level 1 so we kind of ignored it then all hell broke loose. We were down to 1 black cube and the dispatcher had four black cards and was standing in Moscow. I top decked Istanbul and the dispatcher was able to move to Istanbul, move me to her and I was able to give her the Istanbul card and have her cure for the win. We had one black cube left. So far we have two diseases that we eradicated so we have two positive mutations. We also added a permanent research station and the unfunded event that lets us discard cards to remove cubes.

Rival is OP as a relationship lol. Played with my wife and are currently 2 of 2 for wins. Game 1 we played the medic/dispatcher combo for easy eradication. It was a bit rough but with only 5 epidemics it's a lot lower difficulty than how I play normal Pandemic.

Blue disease is the COdA in my game. We eradicated red and doubled down on the positive mutations to get level 2, though we got 3 outbreaks in different cities.

Game 2 I created a scientist to make use of the Rival relationship. Any way to get cards easier for scientist is super strong, I have to admit. We also got lucky and abused Rival with Remote Treatment at the beginning of the game because Essen and St. Petersburg drew 3 cubes to start the game. We beat game 2 handily. Zero outbreaks and eradicated all 3 diseases, just because we could. Went all in for the positive mutations and now Asia is suppressed and shouldn't pose any more problems. It's possible we should've stopped at the 3rd mutation and picked something up since we are already using a medic, but I think this work as it opens up playing Researcher with the co-workers relationship to the scientist.

Agreed with Joey said. I would even go so far to say that there is a new small advantage for running less than 4 characters beyond the overall advantage of starting with more cards that has been there from the original. It is extremely small though, so if you like playing multi hand with 2 players you won't feel penalized.

I'm guessing you're talking about making relationships with only new characters? Because relationships are kinda big in my opinion.
Elder Sign would probably be a good choice for my Halloween game because of how simplified it is compared to Arkham/Eldritch Horror. But after watching a video it looks dull as dirt. :|

Edit: Seems the expansions make it a better game, Gates of Arkham more so. Hmm.
Elder Sign would probably be a good choice for my Halloween game because of how simplified it is compared to Arkham/Eldritch Horror. But after watching a video it looks dull as dirt. :|

Edit: Seems the expansions make it a better game, Gates of Arkham more so. Hmm.

Based game is pretty much dice rolling, collecting symbols push your luck sort of like phase 10 dice it can be boring as it's pretty easy. Gates of Arkham is really good and make the game meatier and sort of like Arkham Horror lite but also make it a bit more complicated.
Elder Sign would probably be a good choice for my Halloween game because of how simplified it is compared to Arkham/Eldritch Horror. But after watching a video it looks dull as dirt. :|

Edit: Seems the expansions make it a better game, Gates of Arkham more so. Hmm.

I played it recently, really disliked it and would actively avoid playing it again. However, I was playing it with someone who tends not to show a game off at its best, to be polite. I had this experience with him and Zombicide but then tried it with different people and really enjoyed it. However, all the Lovecraftian gubbins does nothing for me so I'm sure it's not just him.
Based game is pretty much dice rolling, collecting symbols push your luck sort of like phase 10 dice it can be boring as it's pretty easy. Gates of Arkham is really good and make the game meatier and sort of like Arkham Horror lite but also make it a bit more complicated.
I'll probably get it with Gates of Arkham. The first expansion, Unseen Forces, is hard to get with a reprint MIA.
Any game can be Halloweenified by playing for candy instead of VPs
I promised something "spooky."
I played it recently, really disliked it and would actively avoid playing it again. However, I was playing it with someone who tends not to show a game off at its best, to be polite. I had this experience with him and Zombicide but then tried it with different people and really enjoyed it. However, all the Lovecraftian gubbins does nothing for me so I'm sure it's not just him.
Was it just the base game?
Eh I found Elder signs to be rather boring to be honest. It was just the base game but I've played a ridiculous amount of Eldritch horror and thought I would like Signs at least a little. Seemed like there wasn't much going on. I dunno, maybe the expansion makes it notably better but the base game is pretty boring.


Hail to the KING baby
Eh I found Elder signs to be rather boring to be honest. It was just the base game but I've played a ridiculous amount of Eldritch horror and thought I would like Signs at least a little. Seemed like there wasn't much going on. I dunno, maybe the expansion makes it notably better but the base game is pretty boring.
I wouldn't even think of Elder Sign in the same light as those other games. It's basically Gamer's Yahtzee with a Lovecraft overlay. I actually like it (just runs 20m too long) but it's definitely a light game.
Anyone understand Fantasy Flights Games' status information? They did a reprint of their sleeves and they are all "on the boat" as of 10/14/15. I sure hope that's not when they were put on the boat. I want sleeves if I'm getting Elder Sign. :| Otherwise it's going to be ~$20 to get enough Swan sleeves. Oof.

Edit: I can lower that somewhat by getting some Ultra-Pro sleeves to cover the small cards. Maybe I can get by with not sleeving the big cards. :x


Finally got to play my copy of Power Grid, came last but really enjoyed it and the final round was really tense. Also got to play my copy of Age of Steam with the correct interpretation of the rules for a second time, barely won that, still fun.
As far as I've ever seen, FFG's board game cards rarely require sleeving.
Probably but after the SO's sister damaged Lost Cities I'm going to err on the side of caution.

Gates of Arkham might be too much to start with, I find myself worrying. But I don't want to play the base game if I can avoid it. There's the Unseen Forces expansion but the only big online shop that has it in stock is BGW, which has costly shipping. :\

Edit: Welp, ordering Unseen Forces through the BGG marketplace. $22 with free shipping. (Hopefully.) Wish me luck.

Edit 2: Damn it, too good to be true. The sale was cancelled. "Out of stock."
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