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New Board Gaming |OT2| On Tables, Off Topic


Played another mission of Galaxy Defenders...I think I only have 2 or 3 missions left. I'm liking it but wondering if I house ruled it too much with the dice rolling and missing some of the cheers and upsets.


Pre-Kickstarter review of Scythe:

Kickstarter starts tomorrow but there aren't any early birds so there is no immediate rush.

Some people have some concerns noted in this thread on BGG:

I will still be on board though even though I don't like the fact that I have to keep track of information on other people's player mats. Hopefully with enough play it will become natural.


I pre-ordered Pandemic Legacy from Amazon months ago, because it usually takes a while for games to show up in Australia and I didn't want to take any chances. So of course the local shops had it on release day and my Amazon order is still halfway across the ocean.

The wait is brutal!
Going off Board Game Geek, it doesn't sound like Specter Ops is what I hoped it would be. Seems Letters from Whitechapel is the better game, even though it isn't an option for me. :\


Try Scotland Yard?
I was thinking of that. I've actually played it and it's a bit of a classic, but I don't know how well it would work with 2 players. It's also presumably rather simple by modern standards. However, you don't have to commit any crimes! One person is just running away and the other players are chasing them.

There's Nuns on the Run (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/65515/nuns-run) but it may be better for 4+ players, and the nun theme might offend some people.

Mr. Jack is another game in this genre but once again involves Jack the Ripper, and it's tailored for 2 players...though no outright killing?

Garibaldi: The Escape might be an option. (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/28739/garibaldi-escape)


With regards to Flashpoint/Pandemic/Forbidden island/desert and such. The latest due out is Thunderbirds by Matt Leacock. Based on an old TV show with marionette puppets. Looks quite good.
The friend that introduced me to Pandemic and has all the expansions loves Thunderbirds. Message passed on.
Going off Board Game Geek, it doesn't sound like Specter Ops is what I hoped it would be. Seems Letters from Whitechapel is the better game, even though it isn't an option for me. :
My daughter and I love Specter Ops. I think the fact that it play quick and simple rule sold it to her. One of the few games I don't have to cajole her into playing with me. What were you hoping for?
My daughter and I love Specter Ops. I think the fact that it play quick and simple rule sold it to her. One of the few games I don't have to cajole her into playing with me. What were you hoping for?
The impressions on BGG point to the game not being balanced very well. Though I think most were playing it with three players or more and it might be better suited for two.
The impressions on BGG point to the game not being balanced very well. Though I think most were playing it with three players or more and it might be better suited for two.

Rahdo wasn't a big fan of the two player game either if I remember correctly. I never considered it as the artstyle and theme don't appeal to me.

What would be maybe worth looking into is Garibaldi: The Escape, from the same guy that made Whitechapel...

The year is 1849. Giuseppe Garibaldi is fighting to defend the Roman Republic, which has fallen to the French Army. On the morning of August 3rd, after a night of bombings, Garibaldi is forced to disembark in Magnavacca. With him are only Major Leggero and Anita, his wife, severely ill with fever. The Austrian patrols are already moving The hunt is on The escape has begun Garibaldi is a gripping bluffing game suitable for the entire family.

...or also by him, the follow up to Scotland Yard which is Mister X and which is said to be better suited for two players than its parent game.


As for Krang I don't know if what you got is a reprinted. There were rumors that it will get reprint. I got it off Amazon last month when a dealer in UK got some but many people said, they just found an old deadstock. I finally got it last week but the box was completely smashed in .... though the contents were mostly undamaged except for the manual.
I guess the same thing happened to me. I just strolled into my LGS, which is in Sweden of all places, and they had about half a dozen copies of Krang.

Sorry to say, but yeah you just missed out. They kept the pledge manager open for a good month.
How does one keep track of stuff like that anyway, besides hanging out on the dedicated BGG forum for the game? I have no idea how I was supposed to have found out... Same thing with the mega-late pledge for Blood Rage, which I also wanted a piece of but missed.


Picked up Super Fight! and glad I did. Anyone on the fence should definitely pick it up. Great fun.

Not sure how soon til we need an expansion but for a general party game it's very straight forward and silly fun.


Guys you can check BGG as well, but I am selling a couple of copies for Coup Rebellion, Melee and One Night Revolution for really cheap. They are all new, sealed and the Kickstarter versions.
How does one keep track of stuff like that anyway, besides hanging out on the dedicated BGG forum for the game? I have no idea how I was supposed to have found out... Same thing with the mega-late pledge for Blood Rage, which I also wanted a piece of but missed.
I subscribe to the board game subreddit and both late pledge managers were posted. Its ultimately being at the right place at the right time.
I guess the same thing happened to me. I just strolled into my LGS, which is in Sweden of all places, and they had about half a dozen copies of Krang.

How does one keep track of stuff like that anyway, besides hanging out on the dedicated BGG forum for the game? I have no idea how I was supposed to have found out... Same thing with the mega-late pledge for Blood Rage, which I also wanted a piece of but missed.

I usually just check in on BGG forum and Kickstarter. For Conan they kept late pledge up forever it seems. There was a notice on their Kickstarter for a long time. Sometime with KS, I just drop a $1.00 there just so I can get update on thing I *might* be interested in.

The reason I brought it up because they finally send me "final" email and tell me to make my decision on what I want to pledge. (The email was just 4 days ago) I kept putting it off as Conan is usually not my thing but my in-law love it. I am probably going to get it for him. I was also indecisive between this and the Others, but I really don't want to give CMON money plus the Others looks sort of boring.

The impressions on BGG point to the game not being balanced very well. Though I think most were playing it with three players or more and it might be better suited for two.

Hmm...in 2 players game you usually play with 2 hunters which is the same as 3 players game so I don't see how that would upset the balance, only benefit is that the Hunter team have extra brain to help with deduction on where the Agent but for some that might be a minus if your team mate don't see thing the way you do. Most of the games we play so far, the Agent usually win but I can see with more repeat play that the Hunter would get better at it.


There's Nuns on the Run (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/65515/nuns-run) but it may be better for 4+ players, and the nun theme might offend some people.

I'm not sure the theme is all that offensive in Nuns on the Run, with the exception of a couple of randomized goals (which can easily be removed from the game). Unfortunately, Nuns is far too fiddly (constant dice rolls, adjudicating line of sight) for what it is and, even worse, the "DM" role just isn't fun to play. There are some house rules/variants that can be used to make the game smoother and more enjoyable, but they're not in the rulebook.

I really wanted this, but now I put it on hold as it doesn't seem that great with just 2 players (which is how I play most of my games). I'll just manage with Letters from Whitechapel (which is awesome with 2 imo)

Fury is great with just two, at least in the 2nd edition. It's easily superior to Whitechapel (and Scotland Yard, Mister X, and Nuns on the Run). That said, I think Fury shines brightest as a three player game with each hunter player controlling two characters.

Tragedy Looper is a little further afield (although not moreso than Nuns) but is also a great DM-vs-team deduction game. The anime artwork might turn some off, though.
If you want the collector's edition? Doesn't seem too bad for the price of $100 in the US.

SUPER early on, maybe some elxcusive stretch goals are coming?

Until major exclusives are added, right now it's not worth it and the stretches seem to be focused on upgrading the games components, which will be available at retail for cheaper.
Just found out about Mistfall. Wish I had been able to back the Kickstarter, since there doesn't seem to be a way to cheaply get the exclusive items. :\ Maybe they'll put out something next year or whenever they fix all the cards they fucked up.


In for Scythe. Out for 7th Continent. It just got too pricey for me to get all the exclusive stuff. I will take a look at it again at retail.


In for Scythe. Out for 7th Continent. It just got too pricey for me to get all the exclusive stuff. I will take a look at it again at retail.
I'm a little miffed at the add-ons for 7th Continent. This is only my second Kickstarter, and the last one I did didn't even have stretch goals. I'm not sure what to do with the add-ons, as I haven't even seen anything about them going to retail (for sure) yet. If they are going to get a publisher and be sold at regular stores, then I'll wait on things so I can pick 'em up 30% off at Coolstuff. Otherwise, I think I'm still all-in, as I got in on the Early Bird, and the game looks super cool and engaging.

I'll have to look at some more videos of Scythe, as it didn't really hook me right away.


SUPER early on, maybe some elxcusive stretch goals are coming?

Stegmaier doesn't do Kickstarter exclusives at all. It's a firm stance and one of the reasons I'm a big fan. There will be little promos though that will cost extra if buying afterwards from BGG store/conventions etc.


Anyone pick up AGOT LCG 2nd Ed? I'm itching to pick it up since I want to start from the ground floor and the game looks interesting and fun. Only downer is my primary gaming partner is my wife and she's not keen on CCG type card games at all. (I've tried to rope her into LOTR LCG numerous times and failed every time). I can probably get a buddy to try it out who used to play Magic but then it's just 1v1 and I'm not sure how into the meta he'll be.

I'm interested in any impressions from GAF'ers who may have jumped in.

Talked about it a few pages back but it's good. Improvement over 1st edition. I don't necessarily think judging her opinion on LOTR:LCG will tell you if she'd like it. LOTR's coop aspect makes it pretty different (and my least favorite LCG)

Note that a single core set of GoT is...insufficient. You really need two cores to play legal decks and anything past a learning game.


In for Scythe. Out for 7th Continent. It just got too pricey for me to get all the exclusive stuff. I will take a look at it again at retail.

Tempted by that...but with all the bonus stuff for 7th Continent, I am less and less tempted by the expansions. Still, you might have the right idea.
Stegmaier doesn't do Kickstarter exclusives at all. It's a firm stance and one of the reasons I'm a big fan. There will be little promos though that will cost extra if buying afterwards from BGG store/conventions etc.

I rather company do it this way ... a little extra for backing on Kickstarter. Promo cards, may be alternate arts or extra things that doesn't adversely affected game play. CMON on the other hand gated off half of their games.

Just found out about Mistfall. Wish I had been able to back the Kickstarter, since there doesn't seem to be a way to cheaply get the exclusive items. :\ Maybe they'll put out something next year or whenever they fix all the cards they fucked up.

I posted about this game several pages back when I first got it. It's my first Kickstarter game. I have a love hate relationship with this game. My feeling is that the game should have get a little more time in the oven. The rulebook is terrible, and while I feel card errata is a bit overblown by BGG it is quite annoying as it is a very text intensive card game.

That said every time I put it away and get annoy with it, I always have the urge to come back. It plays much better with two characters and after extensive use of player aid the game is fun. It feel a lot like Mage Knight and LoTR LCG mesh together. The problem is the lack of character cards and thus the variety and once you figure out certain combo you pretty much done with that character. (Also problem to me with many Euro game, you always find that optimal move or combo).

As for Kickstarter exclusive, you are not missing much - an alternate Timer deck (which I never used as the regular timer deck is already pretty brutal), extra character (the frost mage I think is the extra, but he play very similar to the other mage in the game) and couple of monster cards. Game is beautiful though and I think with a little polish it would be a great game instead of just a good game.



Seems like they blasted past every stretch goal on the Scythe game. Will keep an eye on it and consider backing it towards the end (currently considering 7th Continent and Exceed).


I was on Miniature Market just browsing since CSI has Room 25 Season 2 (why not you MM?!) and then went to the front page to see a 10% off sale on EVERYTHING. I thought cool but why isn't this page loading? WHY ISN'T DOING ANYTHING?! OH NOOO!!!!

They crash and cancelled the sale.


Maybe if I Kickstart Scythe it'll be the reverse of what happened to me on Fief. Instead of having a group I could get to play it when I Kickstarted and that group being somewhat dissolved by the time I received the game, I'll start off not having the group and just develop it over the next year.

Yeah. Yeah! It can't go wrong.


Anyone gonna get the new Race for the Galaxy Expansion, Xeno Invasion? Seems interesting, and I do have a extra set of Race lying around.

Also, did anyone play Guns and Steel? Nifty little Civ game, but done only with cards. It had a small Kickstarter run for Asia and Oceania a couple of months ago, but I do hope it is released for US.


The online store that has the cheapest Flash Point stock in Australia has free shipping for the next 24 hours. Looks like it's time XD

Now I just have to hope that I can scratch off a few of the three games I still need to get to the table at my game day on Saturday.


I'll probably hop onto Scythe as I enjoyed the previous stuff from Stonemaier (Viticulture/Tuscany/Euphoria).


I'm not saying that the 7th Continent minis are introducing drama and price inflation into what should otherwise be a pretty normal kickstarter for a box of cards, but...
I was on Miniature Market just browsing since CSI has Room 25 Season 2 (why not you MM?!) and then went to the front page to see a 10% off sale on EVERYTHING. I thought cool but why isn't this page loading? WHY ISN'T DOING ANYTHING?! OH NOOO!!!!

They crash and cancelled the sale.
So frustrating. At least we can prep our shopping baskets and wait.


I actually think the game sounds really cool, but I'm not sure why they need to try to sell you all this extra stuff up-front, instead of just releasing expansions later on. I'm sure the game is enjoyable without it.


Haven't ordered games in a while, but I have Pandemic Legacy and Alchemists coming my way soon.

Really tempted to pull the trigger on this Scythe kickstarter, especially because it has a 1-month money back guarantee even if you've opened the game. What other games could you buy and return after opening it and playing it once? That's pretty cool.
I actually think the game sounds really cool, but I'm not sure why they need to try to sell you all this extra stuff up-front, instead of just releasing expansions later on. I'm sure the game is enjoyable without it.

How the kickstarters work, they trick you into buying into heavy up front, when in reality majority of players would have likely never bought alot of the extras or expansions down the line.
Can someone tell me what the appeal of Biblios is? I've heard such great things about it but I have a hard time grasping exactly what it is people like about it. The descriptions of the game don't sound too interesting, but I feel like I'm missing something about it.
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