So we ended up finding five uno decks and was wondering if it could support more than 10 players. If it does some hilarity will be had.
That sounds like it would take forever.
So we ended up finding five uno decks and was wondering if it could support more than 10 players. If it does some hilarity will be had.
"Draw 4, ultimate showdown edition"That sounds like it would take forever.
So just do it! If you mess up, you just need to get more foamcore
sewing pins is a good idea too. Once you glue two sides together, stick the pins through while it dries (or leave in) in case you hit it.
Hey this is something I'm interested in doing! I have so many board games with crappy storage methods. D:
Would it be too much trouble for me to ask how you're doing it and/or what resources you're using for learning how to do it?
It's on my list. Heard it's difficult.Anyone here played Shadowrun: Crossfire? If so, is it fun, and do you recommend it?
Anyone here played Shadowrun: Crossfire? If so, is it fun, and do you recommend it?
Welp, tried another solo game of Eldritch Horror. Chose Cthulhu and ended up quitting midway through. Played as two investigators and one became cursed and thus worthless. The cursed condition is borderline broken if not entirely with two investigators. Sure you can have them suicide against a monster but fuck that. I tried to go on with that character being dead weight but then I got a horrible mythos card and threw my hands in the air.
Going to go at Cthulhu again with four investigators. Wish me luck. Might be the last time I play it if it just frustrates me again.
I did remove the harder cards that time. T_TMaybe try adjusting the difficulty level. There are three levels of difficulty on the Mythos cards, and the rule book makes a suggestion of taking out all the hard level Mythos cards when creating your deck at the beginning for an easier experience. Even then the game can be pretty hard.
I did remove the harder cards that time. T_T
Welp, tried another solo game of Eldritch Horror. Chose Cthulhu and ended up quitting midway through. Played as two investigators and one became cursed and thus worthless. The cursed condition is borderline broken if not entirely with two investigators. Sure you can have them suicide against a monster but fuck that. I tried to go on with that character being dead weight but then I got a horrible mythos card and threw my hands in the air.
Going to go at Cthulhu again with four investigators. Wish me luck. Might be the last time I play it if it just frustrates me again.
Anyone here played Shadowrun: Crossfire? If so, is it fun, and do you recommend it?
Speaking of Power Grid, I'm really interested in trying the new stock companies expansion coming out for it
I had a chance to try out the Stock Companies expansion for Power Grid this weekend. It's actually pretty simple in terms of implementation:
1. Ten shares are available in each color/company to be bought (and sold) prior to each regular round of Power Grid. Upon purchase (by player from bank), part of the share price goes to the company (fixed by color) with the rest going to the bank. Upon sale (by player to bank), the share price goes to the player and the price of the company's stock is reduced by 10.
2. Each color/company's largest share holder plays pretty standard Power Grid using the money in the company's coffers, albeit without the regular ordering of colors/companies from biggest to smallest (instead from least expensive to most expensive).
3. At the end of each round, the largest share holder decides whether to offer a dividend at 10% of that round's income per share; the remainder goes to the company's coffers. Offering a dividend raises the price of shares in that company by 10.
4. At the end of five rounds, whoever has the most money in-hand + shares x share price wins.
(There are also some changes to setup and the power plant market. There are also two other, less interesting variants listed in the rules.)
Unlike Imperial or Chicago Express, however, capitalization of a single company is the key to the game; diversification is a recipe for disaster from which there is no recovery. In my single play, the first round purchases effectively determined the game. Additionally, the purple and green companies have significant advantages over the other companies (they have the greatest rate of capitalization/share price and also innately buy resources/cities first). There is some craftiness in purposefully tanking a company late in the game and then selling all its shares to capitalize another in order to backstab the second largest investor, but such a plan is dependent on a number of factors.
All in all, meta-Power Grid just didn't seem worth the added hassle. I'd give it another go, but it's no longer on my wishlist.
We've had a terrible first four games but we managed to pull out two wins. Our loss in February was brutal.Got some Pandemic Legacy time in. i'll post specifics later, but so far I'm a fan.
We've done Jan(Lost, due to possibly the worst draw I've ever seen getting us 3 Outbreaks on the first player's draw)
We've had a terrible first four games but we managed to pull out two wins. Our loss in February was brutal.Black is our immune disease and we ended up drawing Algiers and Dehli for 3 and Karachi for 2 in the opening. Then on one of the first epidemics we got Istanbul for 3 and immediately drew it again from the top of the deck
Black is our CODA disease too. I swear, my ability to draw those as the 3 cube cities at game setup is really quite impressive. Delhi got up to Level 5 panic after some misfortune in our most recent game.
Our highest are Montreal at 4 and New York and Washington at I think 3. January-2 was a nightmare of blue cubes, in fact black cubes have only been a problem for us in February-1. That said we have Istanbul up to 1 and that's where one of our research stations is so it's really worrying.
Picked up Super Dungeon Explore for $30 from my game store. I've heard good things about it and a DnD-lite seems like it would hold my interests for a while.
Picked up Super Dungeon Explore for $30 from my game store. I've heard good things about it and a DnD-lite seems like it would hold my interests for a while.
Picked up Super Dungeon Explore for $30 from my game store. I've heard good things about it and a DnD-lite seems like it would hold my interests for a while.
It's on clearance due to the kickstarter that's going to be replacing that base edition of the game that's ending right now.
It's going to clear a million easily now.
I don't actually need a new game right now because I still have some I need to play. That said there's one last copy of Euphoria in Australia for $83 and all the rest are $115ish. Do I do it?
Damn. I just woke up, so I would have missed it when it was still available from MM earlier but I wish that would have been up yesterday when I was placing my order. Flick Em Up, Patchwork, and Codenames would have been a hat trick of hot games that have been OOS for a good minute.CoolStuffInc finally has Codenames in stock for $13.49 + shipping. This game has been my white whale for a while; it goes for inflated prices on Amazon and goes out of stock very quickly when it's at a reasonable price on Amazon or sites like CoolStuffInc, Miniature Market, Cardhaus, etc. Miniature Market had it in stock for a brief period today for $13, but now it's out of stock.
Codenames is fun but I'm a bit perplexed why it's so sought after and hard to get.
Codenames is fun but I'm a bit perplexed why it's so sought after and hard to get.
Giving up on Eldritch Horror. A rumor killed three of my investigators. :| I was going to lose eventually anyway, mismanaged my time. Maybe I'll touch it again someday or just sell it.
At least I enjoy Elder Sign and have Gates of Arkham to look forward to. Also on a brighter note, got some craft supplies: a utility knife, a bone folder, a cutting mat, and a tape runner. Going to make some tuck boxes for Elder Sign and Star Realms, and then eventually get the rest that I need to make foam core inserts.
For those waiting on the Black Edition of Risk: Star Wars. It's up on Amazon.
Woo Twilight Struggle Deluxe Edition has changed to "Made the Cut"! Reprint here we come!
Some hype, it sold out, so that builds more hype from ppl who have to get it. OMG IT SOLD OUT, MUST BE AWESOME
It's a very good party game.
Very easy setup, doesn't take an unreasonable amount of space, easy to drop in drop out, non-offensive, simple rules, and very fun.
Try giving them a call. I had a good experience combining orders.I check MM right now and see that they have a ton of copies of Codenames at the moment. I want to order but I am still waiting to hear back on an email from yesterday requesting a combination of orders so I don't know if I want to email them again so soon asking them to tack more on.
It's good that I don't really have any friends back home though. I've bought enough party games that haven't and won't ever get played so maybe I can use that to prevent me from buying it right now.
I think publishers just tend to be very conservative when they gauge demand, and there are also probably certain quantities it makes sense to produce at a time, based on different factors.
Like maybe the printer they use produces in tiered quantities rather than an exact number (like you can make 5,000 copies, or 10,000 copies, but nothing in between). So it might be that 5k copies will definitely sell, but moving 10k would be a challenge.
Or they only have a certain amount of warehouse space and budget for shipping stuff around.
This sounds like a decent board game to play![]()
Drive Thru Review did a comparison for those interested.
Wow. That Millenium Falcon has to be the worst pre-painted mini I've ever seen.
I like the upgraded board and components. Still pretty low on my list overall but we'll see.
Pretty decent game, if you've played Queen's Gambit, very similar. Very different from RISK really, the RISK name kinda feels tacked onto this really.
It's on clearance due to the kickstarter that's going to be replacing that base edition of the game that's ending right now.
It's going to clear a million easily now.