Pretty decent game, if you've played Queen's Gambit, very similar. Very different from RISK really, the RISK name kinda feels tacked onto this really.
Haven't played it but it seems as though it's a beer and pretzels type game played in around 30/45 minutes.Reviews I read made it seem like there wasn't a whole lot of depth to the game with limited replayability. Opinions? I'm always in for more star wars board games.
Thoroughly enjoying playing Viticulture/Tuscany with Automa cards campaign style.
Took 4 attempts to beat level one. Onto next module now.
Really should be drinking wine when playing I think, to get into the vibe 8^)
Reviews I read made it seem like there wasn't a whole lot of depth to the game with limited replayability. Opinions? I'm always in for more star wars board games.
Pandemic Legacy works fine with just two. It's a little on the easier side, but my wife and I didn't feel playing with only two detracted from the experience.My fiancee and I are thinking of getting Pandemic Legacy since we both love the original Pandemic. Is it good to play with just 2 players? And how's experience if we wanted to add players in later plays?
Glad to see your impressions and hear that you liked it. I really wanted to back it for a copy of the game plus the tower but fucked up my dates and missed out. Then I planned on backing before it shipped since the price will go up soon but I still haven't. I still love the look of the game and the concept, and I do love co-ops, but part of my hesitance to buy it right now is because I read the rules once they were posted online and it made zero sense to me. Maybe I'll watch a video or two once people start uploading some and then buy it when I feel like I understand how it plays.Burgle Bros. was the only new game I tried out. I ran through a two player solo game of this and found it really charming. The biggest problem with the game is the box. While everything does fit, it takes some figuring out and feels like it's a hair too small. The rule book has some rules ambiguities as well, but Tim has been on top of rules questions on BGG. Other than those issues, the game is great. I love the art and how the game balances itself out as you gain powerful tools you also gain loot, which is needed to win, but all come with some sort of downside. It's a lot of fun to play and something I'm looking forward to playing with other people.
My fiancee and I are thinking of getting Pandemic Legacy since we both love the original Pandemic. Is it good to play with just 2 players? And how's experience if we wanted to add players in later plays?
Won't that spoil some of the surprises? Awkward one to preview really.I think I might get Pandemic Legacy for Christmas. Need to show it to the SO and make sure it isn't too complex for them.
I think I might get Pandemic Legacy for Christmas. Need to show it to the SO and make sure it isn't too complex for them.
I think I might get Pandemic Legacy for Christmas. Need to show it to the SO and make sure it isn't too complex for them.
Tried my hand at quick painting a Night Terror from Shadows of Brimstone...Pretty happy for 15 minutes of painting (plus time for primer to cure and the wash to dry). These will do just fine for tabletop fun! Now to finish the other 2 and base them!
Kickstarter for The Banner Saga Warbands going strong, funded w/ 21 days left.
Looks pretty cool - some of you might have played The Banner Saga on PC or PS.
It's easy to understand but too hard.Just show them the basic Pandemic game, because that's more or less how it is for at least the first few plays. Even with expansions, Pandemic is pretty casual and easy to follow. Certainly nowhere near Eldritch Horror.
If nothing else, it's really nice how many of the minis look pretty much exactly like the digital characters. The sculptor really captured the style (on some of them at least).Kickstarter for The Banner Saga Warbands going strong, funded w/ 21 days left.
Looks pretty cool - some of you might have played The Banner Saga on PC or PS.
Heh, they're even using the Recon KS to advertise the Banner KS...BattleMonkey said:Won't support Megacon games after how they screwed up their last two kickstarted games. Myth was a mess of design, and Mercs Recon STILL is not in backers hands after more than a year and constant delays. They can't get Recon to us paying customers yet are already pushing their next kickstarter? Fuck that
It's easy to understand but too hard.
No one ever call me if a pandemic breaks out.
Won't support Megacon games after how they screwed up their last two kickstarted games. Myth was a mess of design, and Mercs Recon STILL is not in backers hands after more than a year and constant delays. They can't get Recon to us paying customers yet are already pushing their next kickstarter? Fuck that
Did Recon did that poorly?
The kickstarter for burgle bros looked like a lot of fun, will pick up a copy at retail eventually.
There was a PnP as well if you want to try before you buy.
My SO thought Imperial Assault was too omplex for her too. I thoroughly read the rulebook, made notes, compared it to game we were already playing, and figured she would like it and it wasn't too complex.
She was very hesitant once it came in, I sat her down, we played the tutorial mission and half-way through, it clicked; she was managing her heroes, profiting from synergies, strategically using strain, moving high HP units forward as tanks, etc etc.
I fully plan to retain this tactic for an future games I want to buy.
We're playing Twilight Imperium for the 3rd time tomorrow. *begins mentally preparing self*
Rulebook for the New version of Through the Ages
Why am I so excited for a game I'll never get to play?
This wasn't true for me in 1v1 at least. I haven't gotten to play Cyclades a second time yet.I am attempting to get some diverse games to the table by bringing a spread of easy stuff (yesterday, Jamaica, Colt Express and Space Alert were on hand and prominently displayed), but my group always just wants to play Mysterium. That's not really something to complain about, but I either have to play games I really like with people who aren't my first choice or the other way around. Less nerdy friends from work and college: Cyclades is fun. I promise! You will like it.
Ordered Burgle Bros, apparently the designer was influenced by the video game Monaco, 4 specialist roles attempt a Bank job.
Sounds great.
Hmm I've read the rules book and I remember there are 3 "Jobs" in the's really fun, it plays like a little more complex/detailed forbidden desert/island. at three levels, i think the game kinda goes on a little too long , it reminds me of adventure games where you know the answer, but need to a billion steps to actually succeed.