Played two rounds of Cthulu Wars yesterday. First one with 6 Players (somehow we never seem to get seven people together) and the second one with for players on the primeval earth map. Managed to get second place with Crawling Chaos on the first round but lost spectacular with Opener of the Way in round two after I started out really good. But me and the guy who was also in the lead got brought down by an alliance of the other two players.
Primeval map is really fun though as it actually shifts the way the game is played, without overcomplicating things. A few weeks back we played the yuggoth map and we agreed that with the pyramid, the laboratory and the swamps there is just a little too much to keep track of, especially when you are playing with new people that are still trying to figure out all the possibilities the different fractions present.
I have yet to try the Dreamlands map and we also stayed away from the neutral Great Old One's again mostly due to the fact that every time we played we had some first time players and while the basic rules of the game are rather straight forward the asymetric nature makes it a lot more complex.
Still it is really fun and it looks just incredible